Journalists gathered at Meguro-ku's Himonya mortuary where Keiko Fuji's body rests two days after the singer committed suicide [sic] by jumping off a high-rise apartment in Nishi Shinjuku on the 24th.
Around 50 members of the press were at the venue, but Hikaru Utada still had not shown herself yet. She is thought to be currently in New York, USA.
At 2 pm, a staff member of Himonya explains: "There was no development today. Her family? No one from her family came today". The gates of the funeral hall closed at 5 in the afternoon as the place went silent. Fuji's body is currently being preserved frozen as they wait for Hikaru's return to Japan. The body will be cremated afterwards.
Details surfaced this day concerning her acquaintance, a man in his 30s whom she had been living with in the said apartment for the past 6 years.
A woman in her 70s who resides nearby says: "They were not romantically involved. She was already old enough to be his mother after all. He was looking after Fuji-san in the unit".
Fuji trusted the man, who was also her former manager, as if he was part of her family. There are also reports that her ex-husband Teruzane Utada was the one who asked this man to take care of Fuji. The man himself was shocked, and testified to the police that: "We're not romantically involved. We stayed in separate bedrooms".
Fans flocked to the side of the rail guard underneath Fuji's apartment to offer flowers, beer, and Japanese wine as a makeshift altar was made. According to nearby residents, fans came to visit as early as the 22nd when news of her death broke out. A man in his 30s who came all the way from Niigata prefecture on this day to pay his respects said, "Both my parents were huge fans of hers. I was unable to contain myself so I came here".
At Himonya
- 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 05:30:17.56 ID:xPJQ5tCu0
- 62歳に介護が必要だったのか・・・重度の精神病か?Does a 62-year-old need a caregiver?... Is it a severe case of mental disorder?
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 05:32:14.47 ID:v9ts7hwnO
- 藤圭子は前川清と離婚してから変わってしまったが、離婚理由は未だに謎。前川清が全てを知ってるはずだよ。Keiko Fuji changed after her divorce with Kiyoshi Maekawa, but the reason for their divorce is still a mystery up to this day.
Kiyoshi Maekawa definitely knows everything. -
- 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 06:03:33.92 ID:5wa1sDRu0
- >>9二人は結婚させられただけなんだから離婚の理由も何もない前川が知ってるも何もない。The 2 were just forced to marry each other, there's no reason or anything that we need to know of about their divorce. Whatever Maekawa knows, there's probably nothing there.
- 277: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 13:19:22.70 ID:UbGwqD/QO
- >>9性の不一致でしょMust be sexual incompatibility
- 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 05:38:11.29 ID:yDYE95bcO
- 介護が必要だったのかI didn't know she needed nursing
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 05:38:23.67 ID:FsF2qjgq0
- 同居していた男はいろんなことを知ってるだろう謎だらけなので、週刊誌が飛びつくなThe man she lived with must definitely know a lot.
Everything's shrouded in mystery, expect the tabloids to make their move. - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 05:40:32.33 ID:MZYCAYHT0
- 近所に住む70代女性が何で他人の男女の関係が分かるんだ。胡散臭い記事だな。How would a 70-year-old woman who just lives nearby know that they're not romantically involved? This article is so suspicious.
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 05:51:07.22 ID:r9mhasIg0
- 近所のババアは超能力者か。So does the woman who lives nearby have ESP or something?
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 05:53:27.86 ID:xlrOAisCP
- 宇多田が活動休止する時、マネージャーなしで生活できない人間になりたくないとかコメントしてなかったっけ?Didn't Utada once say when she took her hiatus that she didn't want to become a person who cannot live without the help of her manager?
- 164: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 09:57:35.59 ID:UwWPQaMS0
- >>29自分で何もできない状態の母親のこと知ってたのかもしれないねShe probably knew about the condition of her mother who cannot do anything by herself.
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 05:55:53.56 ID:WH+dI+pr0
- 上原美優ちゃんの時も室内に男いたよね。There was also a man in the room of Miyu Uehara when she died, right? - 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 05:57:26.22 ID:japhTtOC0
- 元マネージャーで、現在の職業はなんだ?あのマンションの家賃払える能力はなさそうだし。金主は誰なのやら?そして、その目的は?"Former" manager? Then what is he currently doing? I don't think he has the ability to pay for that unit. Who could be their financier? And for what purpose?
- 118: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 08:02:12.21 ID:UY7qBFx00
- >>33藤には何億と金あるんだから余裕だろFuji has a few hundred million, right? Must have been easy for them.
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 06:04:14.41 ID:OLkTD5TY0
- え?宇多田まだ帰国してないのかよ・・・Eh? Utada still hasn't come back to Japan...?
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 06:09:06.61 ID:WH+dI+pr0
- ほんとに心配なら入院させるんじゃね。If they were really worried about her, wouldn't they have had her hospitalized?
- 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 06:32:50.19 ID:wUjl+zRD0
- 入院させるとね、藤圭子はもとより宇多田ヒカルという「ブランド」に傷がつくと思っているんだよ。こういうケースは。But in this case, confinement in a hospital would damage the "brand" that is Hikaru Utada, not Keiko Fuji.
- 168: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 10:07:10.37 ID:hUZcMQX50
- >>56葬式出さない方がよっぽどブランドに傷が付くと思うのにね。I think that not having a proper funeral has a bigger damage towards her reputation though.
- 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 06:48:11.89 ID:XdfFIMiHP
- 本当に自殺なのかってことだよなBut was it really suicide?
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 06:56:39.34 ID:23h6X6JZ0
- どうして陰謀論になるんだろ。お前ら頭がおかしいんじゃないかWhy are you guys suddenly coming up with these conspiracy theories? Are you all insane?
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 07:21:18.13 ID:nO5q9N+U0
- 介護ってのは近所のババアが勝手に言ってるだけで実際は付添人みたい程度だろThe grannies living nearby are just the ones who are saying that she's being nursed, right? I think he's more like an escort.
- 94: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 07:29:08.63 ID:nO5q9N+U0
- 部屋の名義は父親なんだから、知らない若い男なんて住ませるわけない。見つけたら追い出すに決まってる。気心の知れたマネージャーというのは自然。The title of the room belongs to the father, so there's no way they'd let a man they don't know live there. There's no doubt that they would drive someone like that away. It's just natural that they'd let a trustworthy manager live there.
- 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 07:39:23.56 ID:m76hZKdF0
- >>94昨日のテレビでは部屋の名義は父親ではなく、その30代の男性って言ってたぞ藤が金を出してやった可能性もあるReports on TV yesterday said that the title of the room belongs to the man in his 30s, not to the father. There's a possibility that Fuji was the financier though.
- 97: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 07:32:01.42 ID:Z+BQ1m98O
- 年齢的に、宇多田の元マネージャーかと思ったわ。宇多田が休業中だから、その間、藤の介護役みたいな。Age-wise, I thought it was Utada's manager. Someone who was assigned to take care of Fuji while Utada is on hiatus.
- 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 07:49:15.44 ID:uBo4nZblP
- 介護人なら女性選ぶだろ、なんで男Don't people normally choose female caregivers? Why a man?
- 115: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 07:55:59.15 ID:nrez1OKo0
- >>109自殺企図のあるような患者さんの介護なら力のある人の方がいいんだよWell, a man who's stronger is a better caregiver for a patient who has suicidal tendencies.
- 123: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 08:05:50.97 ID:eWpf7K/20
- >>109被害妄想に取りつかれて実の親や子まで拒絶する人間の介護は、男か女かよりも本人が受け入れるかどうかの方が大事に決まってるだろThe gender of the caregiver is not the problem for people suffering from paranoia -- people who even reject the presence of their parents and children. The nursing should be handled by a person whom the patient accepts.
- 127: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 08:19:02.85 ID:i50wp5Tm0
- 男女の関係だった方がまだ救われる感じがする。I get this feeling that things would have had a better outcome if they were really in a romantic relationship.
- 165: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 10:01:20.37 ID:82wjEgli0
- 藤圭子じゃなくて、ヒカルちゃんの元マネなのではないか?マンションも生活費も、てるざね氏から金が出されて。雇用契約では無いにしても、仕事として藤圭子の介護していたとか。Isn't this Hikaru-chan's ex-manager and not Fuji's?
Then the money for the unit and her daily expenses come from Mr. Teruzane. Even if he doesn't have an employment contract, he probably took care of Keiko Fuji as part of his job. -
- 240: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 11:42:18.09 ID:QbPuBD+p0
- >>165そういうことだろう。介護するにしても、有名人だから施設に入れる訳にはいかないからなぁI think that's the case.
And she's a popular personality so they couldn't afford to send her to a treatment facility.
- 190: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 10:39:22.45 ID:569j7tEZ0
- でも介護が本当なら飛び降り見逃したのは責任問題にならんかBut if he really is her caregiver, won't this suicide be treated as his responsibility?
- 192: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 10:42:19.29 ID:oxg9/H8u0
- だいたい同居を開始したのが空港で5000万取り上げられた後、テレビでメンヘラ発言した直後だろ全然介護されるような状態じゃなかったじゃん介護目的で同居をはじめたというのは不自然過ぎるなThey started living together immediately after she made those crazy remarks on TV due to the seizure of \50 million at the airport, right?
She didn't look like she was in a state that needed nursing at all.
Their living together because of nursing just sounds so unnatural to me. -
- 193: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 10:44:56.01 ID:AdkNTmQ60
- >>192介護じゃなくて、見張りとか…?よくわからないことが多い案件だけどわからないまま終わるんだろうなCould it be that he was there to keep an eye on her and not to care for her?
There are a lot of matters in the dark, and I think that things will be left in the dark just like that.
- 210: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 11:06:12.04 ID:nTcehnhO0
- >>192空港で5000万取り上げられた後のインタビュー時の目の落ち込みようがひどい・・・俺は薬物依存だったと思うよHer eyes really looked bad in that interview after \50 million was seized from her at the airport... I personally think that she was drug-dependent.
- 243: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 11:43:25.97 ID:Lu5X7DKM0
- とりあえず宇多田の精神状態は尋常じゃないはず誰かメンタルケアの専門家付けないと将来・・・・Anyway, I think Utada's not in a stable mental state at the moment.
She should have a mental care specialist beside her, or else, who knows what'll happen to her in the future... - 280: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 13:22:24.50 ID:brBRd5JX0
- 何ともやり切れない最後だまだ60ちょっとなのにSuch a tragic ending to her life.
And she's just a little over 60...
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