Is it just because the brats who used to listen to them became 2channelers, or are they truly being rated highly again? I'm really concerned about it.
You'll know the answer when you see that they're not being given attention by the general public anymore
- 46: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 00:41:25 ID:KHwk3drZ0
- >>3こいつらのヘヴィな曲は下手くそ過ぎる
- ポップな曲の方が向いてる
- Their heavy songs are terrible.
- They're better off singing pop songs.
- 17: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 00:22:05 ID:IMdg0heg0
- >>12
- これだな
- 当時のドラマーはイケメンだったけど、ぶっちゃけ今のサポートの方が上手いと思うわ
- This.
- Their drummer back then was an ikemen, but their supporting members now are better.
- 23: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 00:30:08 ID:IMdg0heg0
- >>21演奏やボーカルも流行ってた頃に比べたら良くなったし、大仏君のMCがそこそこ面白いから初見でも割と楽しめるよな
- Their singing and playing have gotten better than when they were popular, and Daibutsu-kun's MC was pretty fun so I enjoyed it even if it was my first time seeing it.
- 32: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 00:35:11 ID:M+3+p9Qo0
- >>28
- ワンオクは?
- 今の時代にしては売れてるらしいけど
- What about ONE OK?
- It seems that they're selling well these days.
- 41: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 00:39:08 ID:HSY9dplC0
- >>32
知らんからググったらジャニーズクビになった奴のバンドか。 - 叩かれるほど売れてないだろ。
- I never heard of them so I googled for a bit. Oh, so it's the band of this guy who was fired by Johnny's.
- But they're not selling enough for them to receive criticism.
- 36: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 00:37:03 ID:IMdg0heg0
- >>29
- あいつらの場合売れ過ぎたのがまずかったと思う
- パクリやってるアーティストがゴマンといる中、若い内からメジャーデビューして一気に売れて「合言葉は~」なんて言っちゃったらそら叩かれるわwww
- あいつらがブサメンで細々とやってたらお前ら好みの色物バンドになってただろうなぁ
- I think becoming too popular was their downfall.
- Amidst all of these copycat artists in the industry, they made their major debut when they were young. And when you say stuff like, "and the magic word is~~", then you have to expect criticism heading your way www
- If only they lay low and maintained a reputation as this band with ugly members, then they probably would have been this bunch of weirdos who will still be liked by you guys.
They're coming out with a new song for the first time in 3 years this April, right?
- 49: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 00:44:32 ID:IMdg0heg0
- >>43
それをナタリーで見かけたからスレを立てた次第です - I saw that on Natalie and that's why I started this thread
- 54: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 00:49:10 ID:EHkgE5HH0
- >>49
これ聴いてitunesでアルバム買おうと試聴したら他がクソみたいなポップばっかでやめたんだよなあ - When I heard this, I thought of buying their album on iTunes, but most of their other songs sound like shi++y pop so I scrapped that notion.
- 57: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 00:54:13 ID:IMdg0heg0
- >>54
- ならFive Mic、鬼ゴロシ、GOD69、キリキリマイ辺り聴いてみて
- 俺は曲の多様性がオランゲの魅力だと思ってるから、そういう風に切られるのは少し残念だと思うわ
- Then try listening to "Five Mic", "OniGoroshi", "GOD69", and "Kirikirimai". I think that this wide range of variety in sound is Orange Range's main appeal, so I find it disappointing that you gave up on them like that.
Ahh, "Insane".
- 49: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 00:44:32 ID:IMdg0heg0
- >>45
- Insaneかっこいいよね
- ベースの声の渋いこと
- "Insane"'s cool.
- The bass dude's voice is pretty cool.
When I listened to this, this made me really mad.
- 52: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 00:48:17 ID:IMdg0heg0
- >>47
- ギターの奴はテクノ出身だから作曲はアレンジが前提みたいに思ってるのかもね
- そうだとしたらアレンジレンジなんてあだ名はむしろ本望かもしらんなwwwww
- The guitarist has techno roots, so he's probably composing the songs with the premise of arranging existing ones.
- Then the nickname Arrange Range might actually fit them better wwwwww
- 55: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 00:52:03 ID:HSY9dplC0
- >>52
- アレンジじゃなくてヘタクソなカヴァーだろ。
- ケヴィン・シールズって天才がヘロイン漬けになって作った曲を無断でパクっといて
- 自分の曲だと言い張れる神経がわからんわ。
- That's not an arrangement, that's just a horrible cover.
- I don't understand how their nerves work when they just copied this song which the great Kevin Shields, all drugged up in heroin, created and called it their own.
- 64: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 01:01:11 ID:IMdg0heg0
- >>55
- あんたの気持ちも分かるが、恐らくこいつはそこまで考えてないんじゃないかなぁ
- もちろん引用元にはそれなりの敬意を払ってるとは思うけど
- I understand how you feel, but I don't think these guys think that far.
- I do think that they still respect the source of their songs.
Can old men above 30 still attend live concerts?
- 52: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 00:48:17 ID:IMdg0heg0
- >>48
- 女の子が大多数だけど男も一定数いるよ
- でかいとこだと親子連れも偶に見る
- The majority are girls, but there are some men there.
- You can even see parents with their children in the corners of the bigger venues.
Any songs like "Kirikirimai" that are easy to sing?
- 72: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/02/25 01:29:20 ID:IMdg0heg0
- >>71
- 歌い易いなぁ…
- チェスト、UN ROCK STAR辺りはシングルだしある程度歌い易くはなってるんじゃないかな
- Easy to sing...
- "Chest", "UN ROCK STAR" were singles and I think they're relatively easy to sing
I think people have a point in recognizing them again
I've always liked them
Being reevaluated? I think their fans are just causing noise again now that all the bashing has subsided.
Why are things that receive a lot bashing being praised again after time passes?
- 6:風吹けば名無し: 2013/02/25 01:29:20 ID:IMdg0heg0
- >>71
- 人気がなくなるから
- Because otherwise, it will lose popularity
Looking back, Orange Range was the last great band that we had
They might have had a lot of bad releases, but we can acknowledge the fact that they stood on top of JPOP even for an instant back then. These guys, along with Mongol800 were the only guys who sold over 2 million original albums after the year 2000.
Guys who bashed them back then were just jealous
I don't care whether they ripped off songs or not. Thing is, their final products themselves were so lame, and that's why they were bashed.
Original Threads
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