Handwritten messages
L: I want to make a baby with Yamada-kun
R: Yamada-kun's Calpis, please put it inside of Miku
Isn't this a mother and her daughter?
That's seriously insane.
- 3: レッドインク(東京都) 2013/07/28(日) 16:40:18.12 ID:3YT3GCwRP
- きっしょ
Disgusting - 7: ジャンピングパワーボム(九州地方) 2013/07/28(日) 16:43:08.11 ID:QmN6QVZ5O
- 右はまだローティーンに見えるんだけど、何を考えてんの?
The one on the right looks like she's still in her very early teens, what is she thinking?
Scary, scary, the yutori generation sure is scary.
If the one on the left is her mother, I hope both of them die. They should first compare the contents of their heads and then both of them should just die softly. - 10: 足4の字固め(茸) 2013/07/28(日) 16:44:18.22 ID:nYYJg7In0
- 親子だよな…
They're mother and child, right? - 13: アルゼンチンバックブリーカー(東京都) 2013/07/28(日) 16:49:09.38 ID:+JdWmTqq0
- これを見た父親はどう思うのか....
I wonder what the father would think... -
- 14: チキンウィングフェースロック(大阪府) 2013/07/28(日) 16:52:31.63 ID:Fy8SsMsT0
- >>13
Has to be a single mother
- 46: ハーフネルソンスープレックス(埼玉県) 2013/07/28(日) 19:42:36.96 ID:nu+QiDDo0
- >>13
He probably cut ties with them because of how gross they are
- 15: 足4の字固め(千葉県) 2013/07/28(日) 16:53:05.72 ID:QsFYXNAM0
- 右はしゃがんだおばちゃんでしょ
Nah, the one on the right is just an old lady who's crouching down - 22: レッドインク(WiMAX) 2013/07/28(日) 17:04:15.62 ID:jwr3rv1JP
- 会社に前いたけどジャニヲタってブサイク率高杉だろ
There were a few in my company, but there are too many ugly girls among Jani-wotas.
EXILE's better since they have more cabaret girls and prostitutes among their fans. - 27: ドラゴンスクリュー(関東・甲信越) 2013/07/28(日) 17:12:39.07 ID:DJKYONMuO
- おーい、やまだくーん
Hey Yamada-kun, go have your Calpis injected--- - 28: メンマ(宮城県) 2013/07/28(日) 17:14:35.13 ID:0rFxakWa0
- 山田だが、入れて良いのか?
My name's Yamada, so should I? -
- 36: 中年'sリフト(静岡県) 2013/07/28(日) 17:50:59.35 ID:NmrOYINW0
- >>28
Alright, go.
She's saying herself that you can go put it in.
It's not rape yo.
But don't hold me responsible for it LOL
- 33: ショルダーアームブリーカー(大阪府) 2013/07/28(日) 17:24:33.71 ID:bXfO0vyB0
- 世も末だな
What is the world coming to? - 35: アイアンクロー(東京都) 2013/07/28(日) 17:41:06.86 ID:W8wpP69e0
- こっちの人間には恥の概念が無いからな
These people have no concept of shame, you know - 37: サッカーボールキック(九州地方) 2013/07/28(日) 17:56:50.75 ID:MTfbMHST0
- やまだくんのカルピスwwwwwwww
Yamada-kun's Calpis wwwwwww - 38: ラダームーンサルト(愛知県) 2013/07/28(日) 17:57:24.48 ID:V/rZt8bA0
- こいつらもキモイ
These ones are disgusting too
http://blog-imgs-44.fc2.com/n/e/w/news020/panji00006169.jpg -
- 40: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(茸) 2013/07/28(日) 18:18:41.65 ID:EbEmhwft0
- >>38
Look at the destructive force of both sides
- 42: ストレッチプラム(東京都) 2013/07/28(日) 19:06:36.81 ID:nz1nFJZA0
- >>38
The one on the left is the type you see a lot among contractual workers.
They're the types whom the other employees pray for to get terminated as soon as possible.
- 39: ドラゴンスリーパー(東京都) 2013/07/28(日) 17:58:09.55 ID:PF9FlvsR0
- おまえらの女版じゃん
They're the female versions of you guys - 41: フェイスクラッシャー(福岡県) 2013/07/28(日) 19:00:09.69 ID:ONEdTotM0
- 山田って誰だよ
Who the heck's Yamada? - 44: 中年'sリフト(関東・甲信越) 2013/07/28(日) 19:39:05.86 ID:1GtUfkbtO
- カルピスの代わりに爆竹入れたい
I want to insert dynamite sticks instead of Calpis - 43: グロリア(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/07/28(日) 19:32:41.37 ID:wB+kjf9F0
- 単なる恋愛対象ではない
They don't think of them as mere love interests.
For women, these Johnny's talents are their ideal and projections of themselves.
They overlap the image of the male version of themselves with these Johnny's talents.
In other words, this is the ultimate form of narcissism.
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