He doesn't look like he's aging at all, and he still has thick hair.
- 2: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:43:42.39 ID:D8MxCtxD
- フォトショPhotoshop
- 3: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:44:05.37 ID:JSJhM/g+
- 化粧とるとたぶん肌ボロボロHe probably has dilapidated skin once you remove his makeup
- 4: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:44:29.31 ID:mDkhYuTy
- 比較Comparison
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/21/CD-Kazuhiro-Wada.jpg/275px-CD-Kazuhiro-Wada.jpg -
- 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:47:14.29 ID:Aq2bfC46
- >>4隣に並んだら和田さん恵体すぎてキムが見劣りするだろうという願望You're probably wishing that Kimu will look bad when next to Wada's superior body
- 10: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:48:21.37 ID:s9TA/NRm
- >>4こらは和製ジダンですわHe's like a Japanese Zidane
- 37: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:06:20.17 ID:ZDy63ZCp
- >>4脱いだら凄いんですHe's amazing when he takes his clothes off
- 5: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:44:30.32 ID:x9vJR24w
- これ(40)なのかHe's 40?
Impressive. - 6: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:45:14.18 ID:AHTxp8NZ
- グラウンドレベルとかチョナンカンと比べると明らかに毛根が元気だからなHe's obviously got healthier hair when you compare him with Ground Level and Chonankan
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiU_T96Gzvclh8k2sRncg95XffImFN3Dfmvaoe4pcEl-oNon-btuLrGZp4_DlN0j73qaLKcokvcbsQ5Qe8TjW5urt4MXhLPaZ_a3I4mZUjA0c3gjVWBTDZaww7OZ50uLimtiSRff8BhNMMl/s1600/00.jpghttp://news-diary1.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/kusanagi.jpg - 7: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:46:53.72 ID:XT1lHB+s
- まあなんかなUmmm, but you'd want a bit more ruggedness at this age
このとしだと渋さがほしいね - 8: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:47:07.17 ID:G6mYBSA+
- 福山とかいう怪物The beast called Fukuyama
http://blog-imgs-51.fc2.com/d/o/n/donboolacoo/c9a98228.png - 12: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:51:09.91 ID:vBgPFoK+
- まだギリギリにーちゃん風でやれるからねHe can still do oniichan-type roles, barely.
Looking dandy and rugged will probably be the ace up his sleeve, so he still isn't playing that card. - 13: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:52:44.61 ID:rzxK0XbU
- キムタクは結構運動能力も高いKimuTaku's also pretty athletic
- 14: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:52:49.74 ID:vGRmpc3l
- ワイ(24)のほうが老けてるンゴwwwwwwwI (24) actually look older wwwwwwww
- 15: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:52:56.24 ID:9sKBoMBV
- でも一般の40のオッサンはもっと汚くて臭いやでA regular 40-year-old gramps would look dirtier and smellier.
I acknowledge Kimura for doing his best to try and look young. - 16: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:53:11.87 ID:hS59POCv
- でも言う程か?Is he really that good?
I honestly think Wada is better than him in many different ways. -
- 27: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:59:08.28 ID:69LwsAyx
- >>16和田のほうが長打力はあるよなWada's better at hitting the long ball
- 18: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:54:20.61 ID:Yh97IgK7
- キムタクってどんな仕事でも出来そうだわI get the feeling that KimuTaku can do any kind of job
- 19: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:54:24.80 ID:5v5WXODW
- キムタクっていうほどかっこいいか?Is KimuTaku really as handsome as people claim him to be?
Yeah, he is good-looking and all but I think Hogei looks better.
http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/72195992.png - 20: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:54:46.29 ID:FZGaLGI1
- 工藤静香と結婚するのもキムタクらしいのかも。自分がキムタクだったら綺麗な女優と結婚すると思うからI think it's so like him to marry Shizuka Kudo. If I were in his place, I'd marry a beautiful woman.
http://kimuratakuya-downsho.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_fe7/kimuratakuya-downsho/kimutaku20kudousizuka.jpg - 21: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:55:25.28 ID:FAQEIbZc
- 東山がNHKのドラマやってたけどこいつの方がレジェンドちゃうやろか、あれで今いくつなんだHigashiyama's in an NHK drama, but isn't that guy more legendary? How old is he now?
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/20120417_higashi_15.jpg -
- 25: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:58:39.52 ID:OXM7D14q
- >>21内緒やけど東山は髪の毛結構キテるやでThis is a secret, but Higashiyama's hair is also in danger
- 22: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 15:56:56.79 ID:7RDlno4w
- ヤマトがほんとキムタクで逆にすきYou can see the real KimuTaku in Yamato so I actually like that one
http://inakaseikatsu.c.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_96c/inakaseikatsu/E383A4E3839EE38388E5AE9FE58699E78988-b663a.png?c=a0 - 30: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:00:22.05 ID:259qzMQw
- 写真だったらダントツにかっこいいわHe's super cool-looking in pictures.
Just don't talk about his legs and feet.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/uwasainfo/imgs/b/3/b366c531-s.jpg - 31: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:01:24.34 ID:63mHJUjT
- 日本で一番かっこいいと思うI think he's the best-looking man in Japan
http://i.imgur.com/sEmYX1y.jpg -
- 33: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:02:06.80 ID:JSJhM/g+
- >>31女がチョイスしそうな画像That's a picture that a woman would choose
- 36: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:05:34.98 ID:s9TA/NRm
- パイロットのドラマの時の髪型すきI like his hair in that pilot drama
http://ryopi.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/16575cdd4aa6f23ba2fe5277b244bc73.jpg -
- 40: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:07:07.63 ID:gLSMnWy1
- >>36わかるI understand you
- 45: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:08:41.80 ID:63mHJUjT
- >>36くっそわかるI so totally understand that
- 38: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:06:37.72 ID:LilYzDrw
- 何で工藤静香なんかと結婚したんだWhy did he marry Shizuka Kudo?
This is more than the level of "not fit for each other".
http://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/f/fgujijklnn/20090809/20090809165919.jpg - 41: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:07:29.04 ID:Yh97IgK7
- お前ら工藤静香舐めすぎYou guys are totally looking down on Shizuka Kudo.
She used to be one of the sexiest idols ever.
http://www.furuhon-hiroba.com/uploads/l_a170100120.jpghttp://ex-img.com/AC-104/Apr27552.JPGhttp://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20120101/23/toshikogure/63/d6/j/o0360035611709971460.jpghttp://stat.news.ameba.jp/news_images/20110308/06/80/5d/j/o04800640shizuka64_large_nocopy.jpg - 39: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:06:52.19 ID:gLSMnWy1
http://i.imgur.com/G2EDJ7H.jpghydeの方がいいhyde's better
- 43: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:08:05.27 ID:ZCTcYKae
- むしろまだ40なのかHe's only 40?
Of course he looks younger than his age, but I thought he was older than that. - 44: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:08:18.55 ID:dzxMwl39
- せやなRight.
The people who are finding fault in his height means that's the only category they can beat him in. - 47: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:09:06.78 ID:Gxrm46m1
- 50になったら味わい深そうHe'll probably have a deeper taste to him when he reaches 50
http://geinou-downs-synd.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_51d/geinou-downs-synd/2013-02-15_180728.png - 48: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:09:10.72 ID:I3V5P8PZ
- そろそろ年齢に見合った役やらんと今後きつそうIt might be difficult for him if he doesn't start doing roles that are age-appropriate.
- 50: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:09:46.54 ID:gLSMnWy1
- ジャニーズの中でもそこそこ歌上手いし色々こなせる器用さがあるんだよなぁHe's actually one of the more decent singers in Johnny's, and he's skillful enough to do a lot of different things.
- 58: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:12:39.83 ID:69LwsAyx
- >>50でもアホキャラだけは演じられないねBut the only thing he can't do is play "dumb" character roles
- 51: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:09:50.56 ID:rEgNiPio
- キムタクの私生活が何も想像できんわI seriously can't imagine a thing about his private life.
- 53: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:09:58.55 ID:/YZaXNZe
- 年取っても劣化が少ないのは大したもんやけどIt's amazing that he's showing almost no signs of deterioration even when he's gotten older.
But there's this feeling that Fukuyama who's actually getting better with age stole all of his thunder. - 54: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:10:50.09 ID:vBgPFoK+
- プライドの髪型すきI actually imitated his hairstyle in Pride wwwww
真似したンゴwwwww -
- 67: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:14:19.42 ID:63mHJUjT
- >>54http://i.imgur.com/FDouJyZ.jpgわかるでもやっぱ短髪だよなって思って長髪見てもぐうかっこいいのがキムタクI understand.
But the moment I start thinking that KimuTaku looks better with shorter hair, I see him with long hair again and he just looks so awesome.
- 55: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:10:57.92 ID:leRWpsKI
- 写真に補正かかりすぎやろThere are too many filters in these pictures.
He actually looks pitiful in that lotto commercial.
- 56: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:11:13.77 ID:dzxMwl39
- そもそもSMAP自体がレジェンドなんだよなあSMAP in itself is a legendary group.
Arashi's the only group who are barely keeping up with them.
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130119/22/maruko6761/b4/5a/p/o0600042012383805915.png - 57: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:12:09.71 ID:+6PByCLI
- 今からどうモデルチェンジするか楽しみやなIt'll be interesting to see how he'll change his character going forward.
I actually hope he takes the Kōichi Satō and Hiroyuki Sanada route of looking more manly.
http://img.47news.jp/PN/200910/PN2009101401000719.-.-.CI0003.jpg - 60: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:12:45.37 ID:i3hBmzP+
- さすがにここ最近の衰えを見てキムタクもやっぱ人間だなと思ったわI came to realize that KimuTaku is human after all when I saw his recent deterioration.
- 66: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:14:14.17 ID:f228yhmg
- なんだかんだいってキムタクのドラマはおもしろいのが多かったKimuTaku really has a lot of interesting dramas
- 72: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:15:36.28 ID:k+6wb2bq
- かっこ良いに異論はないがNo objections to him looking cool, but when you see him in Long Vacation, you can totally tell the difference in the shine and glow of his skin.
http://hkatsukawafromtokyo.net/blog/pcbc000050153.jpg - 73: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:15:38.30 ID:JSJhM/g+
- ここ最近ずっと長髪にしてるけどHe's had long hair for a while now, but it's seriously getting tougher to look at him like that
http://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/24/3d/kuramakaidou_nikenjyaya/folder/605273/img_605273_23529054_1?1342069429.jpg - 74: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:15:42.31 ID:i3hBmzP+
- こんなスパースターがスマスマでコントしてるんだからそら人気でるよHow won't he become popular when superstar like him is doing comedy skits on SMAP X SMAP?
- 76: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:16:11.70 ID:rEgNiPio
- ジャニーズでタバコをテレビで吸える数少ない内の1人One of the very few Johnny's talents who can smoke the cigar on TV
- 84: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:19:24.52 ID:Kb+BDDB3
- >>76吸えないだろ嘘つくなスマスマの旅行で喫煙してたの中居だけだぞNo he can't, don't lie. Nakai was the only one who smoked in SMASMA's trip.
- 77: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:16:19.03 ID:Gxrm46m1
- 20年後が楽しみI'm looking forward to seeing him 20 years from now.
- 81: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:18:14.98 ID:ISoV6wX+
- 渋キャラに変えるなら大河か何かで坊さんの役やった方が良いと思うIf he's planning on shifting to a more manly and dandy character, then he should appear as a monk in a taiga drama or something.
I think it'll fit him perfectly. - 89: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:20:44.75 ID:f228yhmg
- 前髪ででこ隠してるのが一番好きやなあI like him the most when he's hiding his forehead with his bangs.
http://enpelancer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/539160d930cedde2b544c5b86eda0039-285x300.jpg -
- 92: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:22:44.25 ID:I3V5P8PZ
- >>89この髪型イケメンじゃないとただのキモオタになりそうIf you're not an ikemen and you do this hairstyle, you'll just look like a kimo-ota.
- 91: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:21:22.92 ID:FZGaLGI1
- 老いたイチローを見て辛いように老いて渋キャラになるキムタクなんて見るの辛いなSeeing an old KimuTaku turning into this dandy old man is just as tough as seeing Ichiro get old.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/mmkoromochi/imgs/b/4/b4ace65a.jpg - 32: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:01:44.82 ID:HYwJGHiu
- 1996年
ロングバケーション 平均29.6 最高36.7
ギフト 平均18.2 最高23.0
ラブジェネレーション 平均30.8 最高32.5
眠れる森 平均25.2 最高30.8
ビューティフルライフ 平均32.3 最高41.3
HERO 平均34.3 最高36.8
Long Vacation Ave: 29.6 Highest: 36.7
Gift Ave: 18.2 Highest 23.0
Love Generation Ave: 30.8 Highest 32.5
Nemureru Mori Ave: 25.2 Highest 30.8
Beautiful Life Ave: 32.3 Highest 41.3
HERO Ave: 34.3 Highest: 36.8 - 35: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:05:31.05 ID:HYwJGHiu
- 2002年
空から降る一億の星 平均22.6 最高27.0
GOOD LUCK!! 平均30.6 最高37.6
プライド 平均25.2 最高28.8
エンジン 平均22.6 最高25.3
華麗なる一族 平均24.4 最高30.4(関西地区だと平均30.8、最高39.3)
Sora kara furu ichioku no hoshi Ave: 22.6 Highest 27.0
GOOD LUCK!! Ave: 30.6 Highest: 37.6
Pride Ave: 25.2 Highest: 28.8
Engine Average: 22.6 Highest 25.3
Karei naru ichizoku Ave: 24.4 Highest: 30.4 (Kansai ave: 30.8, highest 39.3) - 46: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:09:00.95 ID:HYwJGHiu
- 2008年
CHANGE 平均22.1 最高27.4
MR.BRAIN 平均20.5 最高24.8
月の恋人?Moon Lovers? 平均16.8 最高22.4
南極大陸 平均18.0 最高22.2
PRICELESS?あるわけねぇだろ、んなもん!? 平均17.7 最高20,1
CHANGE Ave: 22.1 Highest: 27.4
MR. BRAIN Ave: 20.5 Highest 24.8
Tsuki no koibito Ave: 16.8 Highest; 22.4
Nankyoku Tairiku Ave: 18.0 Highest: 22.2
PRICELESS Ave: 17.7 Highest 20.1 - 70: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:15:18.42 ID:HYwJGHiu
- (38) 22.4%(39) 22.2%(40) 20.1%視聴率的には徐々に衰えながらも最高では20以上を叩きだしてますねHis ratings are gradually declining, but he still gets over 20%, huh.
- 99: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/05(月) 16:27:21.73 ID:iOMzmbyy
- カリスマ性があるよなHe's got charisma.
He can get high ratings for his dramas and has that ability to draw you in.
In baseball, he's the type who can always hit in the .300s
In Onepiece, he's got the Haoshoku Haki
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