The vocalist Ryuichi (43) comments: "It's been a while since we last went on live TV, we're hoping to enjoy it".
- 2: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:07:13.70 ID:hCzIWHeu
- 金無くなったんだなThey must be out of money already
- 3: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:08:51.43 ID:uH/x0ZvW
- >>2そら全盛期から13年近く経つからま多少はね?ひとり自己破産してるし(小声)でも東京ドーム無料ライブ、震災支援ライブしたりしてるんやでWell, I guess so since it's been almost 13 years now since their prime.
And there's one of them who declared bankruptcy... (whispers)
But they did hold a free concert at Tokyo Dome, and a charity concert for the disaster.
- 6: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:09:32.88 ID:i7IzY2gC
- ボーカルのRYUICHI(98kg)Vocalist RYUICHI (98kg) -
- 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:10:03.99 ID:qlYFXfgf
- >>6それはSHINYAさんやろYou must be talking about SHINYA-san
- 10: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:10:10.08 ID:V4bhyEun
- 売れてんの?So are they still selling well?
- 11: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:11:32.34 ID:uH/x0ZvW
- >>10東京ドーム3days開催できるくらいにはなお3日目I think since they were still able to hold a 3-day Tokyo Dome concert.
But as for the 3rd day...
- 15: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:13:21.36 ID:d3da/XeW
- 河村隆一の歌唱力の過小評価具合はなんなの? やっぱキモイから?Why is Ryuichi Kawamura's singing underrated? Is it because he sounds creepy?
- 26: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:18:10.11 ID:/sn3SYpN
- >>15演奏も含め十分評価されてるやろ!No no, he's being rated highly, along with all the musicians in the band!
- 19: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:15:33.79 ID:nYrAPhkB
- 大天使のドラムさばきが見れるのか ありがたいSo I'll still be able to watch the drumming techniques of our huge angel. I'm grateful. - 23: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:17:00.65 ID:6ZdtHQB4
- X JAPANとして拘束されてるスギちゃんにLUNA SEAの新曲作る暇あったのかI didn't know Sugi-chan who was tied up with X Japan still had the time to compose new songs for LUNA SEA
- 24: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:17:37.23 ID:uXh+3nId
- >>23死ぬほど暇あるだろXのメンバーなんてErr, X Japan members aren't doing anything at all these days, right?
- 29: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:18:46.88 ID:uH/x0ZvW
- >>23YOSHIKIなんかソロコンサートするらしいではやく3年前に9割9分できてるっていったニューアルバムの残り1分作れや!I heard that YOSHIKI will be having a solo concert.
They said 3 years ago that they have a new album which is "99%" done, so I hope they hurry up with the remaining 1%!
- 25: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:17:44.30 ID:uH/x0ZvW
- お前ら真矢のことバカにしすぎやろドラムの腕はホンマピカイチやからな!You guys are making too much fun of Shinya.
His ability as a drummer is definitely topnotch! -
- 32: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:20:22.43 ID:qlYFXfgf
- >>25草不可避LOL, I can't hold in my laughter
- 27: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:18:36.28 ID:kz0q7Hk1
- 新曲とかやっちゃうんか昔の曲をライブでやるくらいなら微笑ましかったのにI didn't know they're still coming up with new songs.
It would have been nicer if they just played their older songs at concerts. -
- 37: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:22:16.58 ID:/sn3SYpN
- >>27ワイら老害へのサービスならありやけどやっぱりそんなLUNA SEA嫌やThat would be good service on their part to oldies like us, but I don't think I want to see LUNA SEA like that.
- 30: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:19:04.42 ID:uXh+3nId
- LUNA SEAは5人の平均で勝負したら日本最高のバンドだろうなぁIf LUNA SEA were to pit the average ability of all 5 of their members against the rest, they'd probably be hailed as Japan's best band. -
- 35: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:20:29.94 ID:uH/x0ZvW
- >>30普通バンドってボーカルかギターしか目立たないのにこのバンドは5人とも目立ってるライブ行ってもメンバー全員の歓声が満遍なく聞こえるIt's only either the vocalist or the guitarist who'd stand out in most cases, but all 5 of these guys stand out. Even at concerts, you'll hear cheers for each one of the 5 members all throughout.
- 34: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:20:27.63 ID:uXh+3nId
- LUNA SEA - Thoughts全盛期戻ってきたなLooks like they're returning to their prime
- 39: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:22:28.96 ID:qmdI0LoO
- こないだの2曲はイントロはめっちゃかっこええと思ういつもどおり続けて聞いてたら良い曲に思えてきたけどThe 2 songs they did a while back had really cool intros.
And when I listened to them throughout, they did sound like pretty good songs. - 40: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:22:54.85 ID:KIzgDhUs
- つーか再結成してもう何年経ってんのよw今さら新曲とか出しても遅いわBut how many years has it been since they came back together?
I think it's already too late even if they release a new song now. - 46: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:24:31.02 ID:uXh+3nId
- やっと糞みたいな邦楽から本物が戻ってきたのかAnd finally, the real deal comes back to this shi++y present-day Japanese music industry
- 48: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:26:12.65 ID:/sn3SYpN
- 再結成後の黒服ギグはやたら寒かったBut their black-outfit-only gig after their reunion seemed pathetic
- 55: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:30:47.20 ID:uH/x0ZvW
- >>48黒服後のカウントダウンライブは最高だったけどなRYUICHIキレッキレでワロタwwwwww(アコースティックなバラードでマイク床ドンは)いかんでしょThe Countdown Live after that black-outfit gig was the best though.
RYUICHI was so sharp, it made me LOL wwwwwww
But then, he shouldn't have dropped the mic during the acoustic ballad.
- 51: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:27:46.93 ID:i7IzY2gC
- 俺の好きな曲はたいていINORAN作曲だAlmost all the songs that I like were composed by INORAN
- 52: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:28:31.34 ID:uXh+3nId
- イノラン、今も昔もイケメンINORAN was, and still is, an ikemen - 56: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:30:54.80 ID:Fv5eybM+
- 小さい頃に見た河村龍一ソロのキモさのせいでスルーしてたワイがルナシーのライブ映像見た結果wwwwwwかっこよすぎてちびったンゴwwwwwwまさしくプロの集団だったンゴwwwwwwI was so grossed out by Ryuichi Kawamura's solo career when I was still small so I avoided LUNA SEA. But after watching their live footages... wwwwww
I wet myself at how cool they were wwwwwwww They're seriously a group of pros wwwwwwwwwwww -
- 60: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:32:28.52 ID:uH/x0ZvW
- >>56LUNA SEAのボーカルRYUICHIとオーザック河村隆一は別人LUNA SEA's vocalist RYUICHI is a different person from O'zack Ryuichi Kawamura
- 66: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:41:42.86 ID:8wPCUV9+
- 重い音を出すために体重を増やした真矢はドラマーの鑑Shinya is the model for all drummers by gaining weight so he can make heavier sounds. -
- 87: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:56:50.12 ID:qlYFXfgf
- >>66ワイが真矢知った時は既にブクブクやったから真偽は知らんがそれが事実ならドラマーの中のドラマーやワイ将ドラマー、そこまでする根性なしI already knew Shinya when he was plump, so I don't know the true reason behind it. But if that's true, then he's the drummer amongst all drummers.
I'm a drummer, but I don't have the guts to do that.
- 67: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:42:11.31 ID:6+6OWqZJ
- これは録画しとかなアカンなI must record this
- 70: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:43:22.23 ID:9mavTvQD
- イノランってギター下手なん?Is Inoran a bad guitarist?
- 73: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:45:47.73 ID:uH/x0ZvW
- >>70何を持って上手い下手なのかはわからんが速弾きとかは一切しないけど、音色や作曲面では有能だと思うがI don't know what the real basis of good and bad is. He never shreds or anything, but he's really capable of emitting the tone color and composing.
- 74: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:45:50.01 ID:EN3lDhOV
- LUNA SEA聞き始めたいんやけどなにからはいりゃあええんや…I want to start listening to LUNA SEA, but I don't know where to begin...
- 75: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:46:50.28 ID:OU6i+tCu
- >>74気になる曲が入ってるアルバムでいいんちゃうそれも無いなら適当にベストWhy not start with the albums that have songs that concern you.
If there's nothing like that, then just go with their "Best of" album.
- 76: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:47:08.27 ID:uH/x0ZvW
- >>74普通にベストから入れば?オリアルだとMOTHERがええSTYLEはいきなり聞くのはしんどいかも俺が一番好きなアルバムはSTYLEやけどもSHINEは一番最後に聞こう(提案)What about starting with the "Best of"?
Of all the original albums, MOTHER is good.
It might be hard if you start off with STYLE.
But STYLE is my favorite album.
Listen to SHINE last (suggestion).
- 79: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:49:47.08 ID:9mavTvQD
- >>74LUNASEAIMAGEEDENMOTHERをリリース順に聴けばええでJust go with the order of their releases
- 78: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:49:16.29 ID:OU6i+tCu
- あといまだにLUNA SEAのメンバーが自己破産言ってる奴いるけど、それTOSHIだからThere still seems to be people who say that a LUNA SEA member filed for personal bankruptcy, but that's TOSHI (X Japan).
- 82: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:52:32.39 ID:uH/x0ZvW
- >>78SUGIZOは?借金肩代わりさせられたんじゃなかった?Then what about SUGIZO?
Didn't he have to shoulder someone's debt?
- 82: MUNA SEA ◆6UofGQuq/Fqo [シャチゴー!!] 2013/08/26(月) 15:53:38.05 ID:3nM2rNq9
- >>82自己破産まではしてないはずやでHe didn't go as far as to file for bankruptcy
- 84: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:54:00.38 ID:ljxoVsZN
- 隆一はRYUICHIに戻らないかなぁLIVEではたまに戻るけどI wonder if Ryuichi will go back to becoming RYUICHI.
He does return every once in a while during concerts though. - 85: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 15:54:15.58 ID:VzLb4OrQ
- インサイレンスがいちばん好きやなMy favorite song is "In Silence"
- 104: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 16:09:59.68 ID:PfITI1ZN
- 薬物疑惑あるんちゃうのWasn't he doubted to be under the influence of drugs?
(Related post HERE) -
- 107: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 16:13:23.29 ID:uH/x0ZvW
- >>104やってても何の不思議もない(断言)But it actually won't be a surprise if he really is
- 105: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 16:12:46.22 ID:i7IzY2gC
- ASKA「クスリ、ダメ!絶対!」ASKA "Drugs are bad! Most definitely!" (Related post HERE)
- 118: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/26(月) 16:24:03.91 ID:FBsgJiPP
- まさかグレイとかラルクがほとんど活動しなくなってルナシーが精力的に活動することになるとはなぁXもあくしろよWho would've thought that LUNA SEA would once again be more active than L'Arc and GLAY.
X should also hurry up.
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