- 本名:蒲池幸子(かまち さちこ)
Real name: Sachiko Kamachi
Birthdate: February 6, 1967
She died due to brain contusion after falling from the stairs of the hospital while she was fighting against cancer.
She passed away at the age of 40.
- 4: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 15:47:59.41 0 ID:
- 病気を苦にした自殺でしょお前らも病気になれば分かるよI think it's suicide because of her sufferings with her disease.
You guys will understand it too once you get sick. - 8: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 15:50:47.69 0 ID:
- 鬱とか自殺とかの問題ってやたらマスコミは避けるなThe media really tries to avoid these issues concerning depression and suicides
- 9: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 15:51:48.73 0 ID:
- 今更蒸し返さないで公式発表道理で良いだろNo need to bring this up again now. Just leave the official statement as is.
- 11: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 15:54:07.75 0 ID:
- 一時的な精神状態による事故もしくは飛び降りだろうけどどっちか決めた所でどうなんだってとこだろIt must have been an accident due to a momentary change in her mental condition, or she just jumped off.
So how about it if we come up with a conclusion here? - 14: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 16:30:10.49 0 ID:
- 階段の手すりに座ってて後ろ向きに落ちたんじゃなかったっけDidn't she sit on the handrails of the stairs then fell down, back-first?
http://blog.nikkansports.com/nikkansports/newspaper/archives/img/paper070529.jpg - 16: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 16:39:02.17 0 ID:
- あと1年だか2年我慢出来れば助けられた病気だったんだろもったいなかったなToo bad, she could have been saved if only she withstood it for another year or 2.
- 18: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 16:50:09.84 0 ID:
- 状況からして自殺だろBased on the circumstances, it must have been suicide
- 21: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 16:55:24.23 0 ID:
- あの高さは微妙じゃないか死んじゃうかもなーみたいな未必の事故死かDon't you think that height is pretty questionable?
It's 'you might or might not die' from that sort of height so it must have been an accident.
http://img.pics.livedoor.com/007/4/a/4a6df83ef1912104ef07-LL.jpg - 23: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 16:58:40.03 0 ID:
- 2メートルから落ちて死亡過去の芸能人の低さ最高記録保持者(それまではピグモン勝田の3メートル)逆に高さの最高記録保持者は沖雅也の47階She fell down 2 meters and died. That's the lowest height recorded for a celebrity (up until then, it was Pigmon Katsuta at 3m).
The highest record a celebrity fell down from and died is Masaya Oki's 47 floors.
http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/62/0c/a1fc9375d14cf20fd98c67cb7fef21dc.jpg -
- 29: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 17:02:13.59 0 ID:
- >>23沖はその高さから落ちても顔には傷ひとつ無かったとかI heard that Oki fell from that height and didn't have a single scar on his face
- 24: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 16:58:49.07 0 ID:
- 遺書残して計画的に死ぬのと違って突発的に押し寄せる精神状態で死ぬのは違うだろ後者は自分の意志で止められる物じゃないよPlanning your own death while leaving behind a will is different from dying due to a sudden surge of mental instability. The latter isn't something that you can stop with your own will.
- 26: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 17:00:17.46 0 ID:
- 事故を装った自殺It's suicide that was made to look like an accident
- 27: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 17:01:24.62 0 ID:
- あんな手すりに座る時点で自殺を意識してただろThe moment she sat on those rails, she was already probably thinking about suicide
http://img.news-us.jp/japan/entame/img1209_s02.jpg - 30: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 17:06:31.44 O ID:
- 生きた証として音楽が後の世にも残るってのは素晴らしいなIt's wonderful though that her music will live on until the next generations as proof that she once lived.
- 35: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 17:34:55.13 0 ID:
- 第一次安倍内閣の農水大臣自殺と同じ日だったのは偶然だよねHer death was coincidentally on the same day as the suicide of the minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries from the first cabinet of Shinzo Abe
- 38: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 17:45:09.97 0 ID:
- >>35その人が運ばれたのも慶応病院だったからマスコミたちですごかったらしいなThat person was also brought to the Keio hospital so there really was an immense number of media there at that time.
- 36: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 17:36:36.21 0 ID:
- 自殺の9割以上は他殺90% of suicides are murder
- 37: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 17:39:36.43 0 ID:
- 自殺の9割は自殺だろ行方不明者の何割かは間違いなく他殺だけど90% of suicides are suicide.
A certain percentage of the people gone missing are undoubtedly murder cases though - 39: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/02/16(土) 17:50:35.63 0 ID:
- 憶測で言っちゃ悪いけどなんか見ちゃったのかと思いたくなるなSorry if this is just speculation, but I want to think that maybe she saw something
- 2: マジックインキ(茨城県) 2010/02/09(火) 18:55:28.20 ID:DTJbt0Ea
- ヤリ●ン病がどうのこうのDidn't she have this sex addiction?
- 3: レーザーポインター(富山県) 2010/02/09(火) 18:55:31.38 ID:Bth8OMIF
- 何を言うたんや!What the hell did you just say!?
- 10: ヌッチェ(鹿児島県) 2010/02/09(火) 18:56:58.08 ID:+LPsYVUd
- 自殺じゃないのIsn't it suicide?
- 16: マイクロメータ(アラバマ州) 2010/02/09(火) 19:02:27.52 ID:kkPu6rrI
- 蒲池幸子時代のハイレグにはお世話になりましたI was indebted to her hi-leg days as Sachiko Kamachi
http://blog-imgs-41-origin.fc2.com/k/o/i/koipetengoku/20090628221350569.jpg - 19: 烏口(京都府) 2010/02/09(火) 19:04:24.60 ID:g5Mp5jf5
- うつ発作だろあまりの苦しさに、飛び降りたくなるらしいよMust be a depression attack.
She probablty felt the urge to jump because of the suffering. - 22: ろう石(長屋) 2010/02/09(火) 19:05:12.01 ID:+bhP/Eos
- 闘病生活続けてると生きるのがつらくなるからなこれは仕方ないことだよIt gets hard to continue living on when you're fighting against an ailment.
This one can't be helped. - 24: スプーン(東京都) 2010/02/09(火) 19:05:24.91 ID:F4NsW6qQ
- コンクリに2Mの高さから後頭部モロ打ちしたら普通に死ぬレベルIt will really kill you if you hit the back of your head on concrete after falling down from a height of 2m.
- 25: 砂鉄(静岡県) 2010/02/09(火) 19:05:36.29 ID:n+XmXoXh
- 蒲池幸子には、お世話になったなぁSachiko Kamachi really took care of me before, if you know what I mean
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/517uL7ytdfL.jpg - 26: オーブン(関西地方) 2010/02/09(火) 19:06:46.58 ID:cJUmRY3p
- ただの自殺だろ?It's just suicide, right?
- 28: 鏡(四国地方) 2010/02/09(火) 19:07:25.93 ID:yR5rTEgE
- アーティストとかいうのって若死にすれば評価されるからいいよねArtists have it good since they get higher recognition when they die young
- 29: 厚揚げ(dion軍) 2010/02/09(火) 19:07:59.67 ID:FFfcD1uh
- アイドルに毛が生えたようなもんに感じてたが…死んだら神格化がすごいよね…I felt that she was just slightly better than your average idol... it's amazing how you're suddenly elevated to legendary status when you die
- 35: 夫婦茶碗(アラバマ州) 2010/02/09(火) 19:12:45.35 ID:j0qdL4gS
- 大黒摩季がどうのこうのWas it about Maki Ohguro or something?
- 40: ホールピペット(大阪府) 2010/02/09(火) 19:14:28.34 ID:mR2acWLN
- 肺がんまで患ってんだよなShe even suffered from lung cancer, right?
- 41: インク(神奈川県) 2010/02/09(火) 19:14:47.16 ID:7G6Ued6D
- 2、3メートルの所から落ちたんだっけか。自殺ではないわなBut she only fell from a place 2, 3 meters high. It probably isn't suicide
- 42: しらたき(関西地方) 2010/02/09(火) 19:14:54.48 ID:us6jmSiW
- 散歩スレだかで当日早朝にザードの歌が聞こえてきたって書き込みがあったけどあれは本当だったのかねI saw on a thread about walking or somewhere that someone heard a ZARD song early that morning. I wonder if that was true.
- 47: 筆箱(東京都) 2010/02/09(火) 19:18:11.72 ID:vU6BWEi7
- ドラゴンボールGTのオープニングの曲ってこの人が書いたんだってな最近知ったわThis person wrote the opening song for Dragonball GT, right? I only found out about that recently.
- 49: 印章(関西地方) 2010/02/09(火) 19:21:09.37 ID:Cuq94EuH
- 自殺に決まってるだろOf course it's suicide
- 50: エビ巻き(アラバマ州) 2010/02/09(火) 19:21:19.84 ID:G2xUirgQ
- 666:名無しさん@七周年sage2007/05/28(月) 23:13:24 ID:e5+057660602 :お散歩中だよ名無しさん@路上ワーカー:2007/05 /26(土) 05:00:59 ID:zufgyfRe0ちょっと・・・・なんかきみわる・・・・・ZARDの曲歌ってる人がいる。こんな時間に病院の裏の広場なんだけど・・(From the Sanpo (walking) thread)
May 26, 2007 - 05:00:59
Wait a sec... this is creepy......
Someone's singing a ZARD song at this time.
I'm here at the open area behind the hospital...
603 :お散歩中だよ名無しさん@路上ワーカー:2007/05 /26(土) 05:04:19 ID:EusfREIw0どこの病院?あんたも新大久保かい?May 26, 2007 - 05:04:19
Which hospital? Are you also in Shin Okubo?
604 :お散歩中だよ名無しさん@路上ワーカー:2007/05 /26(土) 05:07:37 ID:zufgyfRe0>>603ううん。慶大病院。なんかきれいな声なんだけどうつろな感じで、今にも消えそうな声で歌ってる。なんか恐いお。 今日はもうかえるおMay 26, 2007 - 05:07:37No. Keio Hospital. It was a beautiful voice, but it felt sorrowful and sounds as if it's about to fade anytime.
It's scary. I'm heading home.
警視庁四谷署によると、坂井さんは入院先の慶応大病院(新宿区)で、26日午前5時40分ごろ、病棟のらせん状のスロープ付近で倒れているのを通りがかった人が発見した。手当てを受けたが、27日午後に死亡が確認された。同署では争った形跡がなく遺書もないことから、事故死と自殺の両面で調べている。According to the Yotsuya Police station's report, Sakai-san was found lying on the ground by a passer-by at around 5:40 on the 26th in the morning by the spiral slope outside the Keio University Hospital (Shinjuku). She received treatment, but was confirmed dead by the afternoon of the 27th. The police station found no traces of injury from fighting, nor a will, and are investigating both possibilities of suicide and death by accident. -
- 79: 封筒(神奈川県) 2010/02/09(火) 20:41:50.49 ID:x8+QkwLW
- >>50これは・・・This is...
- 96: 原稿用紙(長屋) 2010/02/09(火) 23:00:52.81 ID:E+IAeaze
- >>50パソコン使いながらウォーキングしてるのかWere they using a laptop while walking?
- 56: 昆布(中部地方) 2010/02/09(火) 20:04:40.64 ID:SR7JriiB
- 正直コナンの主題歌歌ってる事くらいしか知らなかったHonestly, I only know them from the opening song of Conan
- 58: カッター(栃木県) 2010/02/09(火) 20:06:26.51 ID:lNTgxouE
- 鬼女の反応Reactions of the "Kijos"
(Kijo=literally means she-devil but also refers to 2channels 既婚女性板 (kikon josei ita), or sub forum for married women)
16 名前:可愛い奥様[] 投稿日:2007/05/28(月) 11:22:37 ID:pBGhyyRj0老ける前に伝説化するために死んだことにしたとか?Could she have died because she wanted to become a legend before she grew old?
55 名前:可愛い奥様[sage] 投稿日:2007/05/28(月) 11:34:23 ID:Ad3xzMKn0結局、真の逆境になると逃げるんだな。So when she was faced with adversity, she just ran away from it, huh
57 名前:可愛い奥様[] 投稿日:2007/05/28(月) 11:34:33 ID:eGOQzlxuOザードて結構濃いヲタファン多いよね後追い出そうな悪寒ZARD has some pretty die-hard wota fans, right?
I get this bad feeling that some will follow her example
125 名前:可愛い奥様[sage] 投稿日:2007/05/28(月) 11:53:44 ID:Ad3xzMKn0自殺なのだったら、自身が負けてるんじゃん。If it's suicide, then that means she admits her loss
136 名前:可愛い奥様[sage] 投稿日:2007/05/28(月) 11:58:29 ID:rQ6DtMOF0負けないで(笑)"Makenaide" (LOL) (don't lose)
179 名前:可愛い奥様[sage] 投稿日:2007/05/28(月) 12:13:10 ID:DO88zHuU0ああいう暗そうでまじめそうな感じの人って、裏ではすごいよね。わざと作ってたんだろうか。She seemed so gloomy and serious, but she must have had a lot of things going on for her -
- 66: ろうと台(岐阜県) 2010/02/09(火) 20:09:41.18 ID:pz9eEy6w
- >>58湧いて出てくるからうわさしちゃダメ!No, don't talk about the residents of that board, or else they'll swarm us!
- 82: 原稿用紙(dion軍) 2010/02/09(火) 20:46:19.69 ID:k6/Eiwgt
- >>58まあ 2ch としては普通の反応だと思うけど、なんか凄いWell, I think those are pretty normal responses for 2chan standards, but it's still.. wow.
- 62: 印章(埼玉県) 2010/02/09(火) 20:06:59.64 ID:8ONcmCcf
- 坂井泉水「息もできない」Izumi Sakai: "I can't even breathe"
- 63: 首輪(埼玉県) 2010/02/09(火) 20:07:43.71 ID:+A/xhL7M
- 表に出れないくらい劣化したからでしょうHer looks have probably detriorated so much that she didn't want to go public anymore
- 68: ろうと台(東京都) 2010/02/09(火) 20:16:52.23 ID:Yt9xYcWu
- 倉木麻衣とかもいつの日か飛んだりするんかね?I wonder if Mai Kuraki would jump off too one day
http://image.news.livedoor.com/newsimage/w/g/wg130_2008021305_01.jpg - 70: はさみ(兵庫県) 2010/02/09(火) 20:18:16.15 ID:sHFZqc62
- 自殺だと思います。おそらく。I think it's suicide. Most likely.
- 78: 電卓(山口県) 2010/02/09(火) 20:39:58.25 ID:zPC0/qI6
- zardは結構良い歌が有るから聞いていたよI used to listen to ZARD since they did have some pretty nice songs
- 80: 昆布(東京都) 2010/02/09(火) 20:42:10.43 ID:0VSexnsk
- バーニングだっけShe was with Burning, right?
- 85: エリ(埼玉県) 2010/02/09(火) 20:49:34.52 ID:SD8WCQkZ
- 「心を開いて」はスルメ曲"Kokoro wo hiraite" is a song that grows on you
- 86: カッターナイフ(福岡県) 2010/02/09(火) 20:50:47.64 ID:IReuBapb
- 心を開いては名曲"Kokoro wo hiraite" is a masterpiece
- 87: 手錠(東日本) 2010/02/09(火) 20:51:21.11 ID:1V/1jim1
- いい詩だったなぁ・・・・。That really was a good song...
- 100: ろう石(不明なsoftbank) 2010/02/10(水) 00:42:32.53 ID:quFpFiOa
- 確かに心を開いては名曲だけどマイフレンド忘れんな"Kokoro wo hiraite" was a classic, yes, but don't forget about "My friend"
- 106: ガムテープ(愛知県) 2010/02/10(水) 03:14:15.05 ID:AgdnQ8Qy
- ミュージシャンの死亡率国内外関係なくおかしいだろ売上落ちて「こいつもうダメだな」って判断されたら不審死させて最後の一稼ぎする商法ってありそうだなWhat's with this percentage of musicians dying? And it isn't just in this country, it's crazy!
I kind of get the feeling that when the higher-ups see the numbers and decide, "This one's no good anymore", they kill off that artist to increase sales of the records for one last time. -
- 116: 猿轡(関東・甲信越) 2010/02/10(水) 04:03:21.09 ID:Omql/uX5
- >>106死亡する前年に出したベストは50万枚近く売れたしまずないだろしかし当時東京住んでたら自分も真相調査に病院行ったのになぁ死亡して報道されるまで一日空いてて変だなって思ってたBut their "Best of" album which was released before she died still sold 500,000 copies, so that's not the case here.
But when I was staying in Tokyo at that time, I went to the hospital to try and investigate the facts.
I did find it weird that there was a day since the time she died until it was reported.
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