LoVendoЯ is a "twin vocalist-twin guitarist" band consisting of members Reina Tanaka and Marina Okada on vocals, and Yuki Uozumi and Marin Miyazawa on guitars.
Tanaka was part of the unit since its formation in June of 2012 and balanced it with Morning Musume. She officially concentrated on the band after graduating from Morning Musume last May 21. (Related post HERE)
When asked about the reason for the formation of the band, Tanaka answered: "Because Tsunku-san said so".
When Tanaka told Tsunku that she wanted to graduate but still keep on singing, Tsunku offered her the position in the band.
While they were showing a live performance VTR of the band singing Takuro Yoshida's "Kyou made soshite ashita kara", Nishikawa asked:
"Uhmmm... who's the one who decides what kind of music you play?"
Continued in >>2
- 2: 禿の月φ ★ 2013/08/21(水) 13:08:44.52 ID:???P
- When Tanaka said: "The higher-ups of the company", Nishikawa replied: "Aw c'mon, let's do things properly. I don't think this is the type of music people want to hear from LoVendoЯ"
Nishikawa also gave comments to Uozumi who declared that she's a fan of Extreme's guitarist Nuno Bettencourt: "I'm sure you want to play more seriously, like powerful riffs, right?" to which Uozumi replied: "Well... Yes". But Tanaka immediately rebutted: "But things are still good the way they are now, right? We can't go against the decisions made by the agency".
Nishikawa then said to Tanaka:
"No, I don't think so! Why? What's the matter with you?"
Nishikawa said that he thought of her as a person who had strong determination, as she was able to quit Morning Musume so she can focus on the band.
Nishikawa could not understand why Tanaka needs to keep following what her agency says.
He followed up with: "People over 50 are the only ones who would think of turning folk music into rock music. I just thought to myself that no one will dig that sort of thing and was really wondering why your agency is trying to make you do that".
Tanaka answered that she's not just following what her agency tells her to do. "I did that for 10 years and failed, and that's why I'm here now after learning from all my mistakes".
Nishikawa still can't accept this and insisted that they stray away from the path the agency wants them to take: "You should officially look for a bassist and a drummer, and form a real band. I think you guys should honestly consider doing what you think is cool..."
Similar conversations continued throughout the program, and after all the arguments, Tanaka declared with a smile: "Alright! Nishikawa-san will be producing LoVendoЯ!", to which Nishikawa suddenly said: "No, don't go making declarations like that! We still can't get past the boundaries set up by your agency! But yes, if your agency will tell you to go explore possible collaborations with outsiders then..." - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:13:15.62 ID:dd/tHD+a0
- 今のモー娘wwwwwwThe current Morning Musume wwwwww -
- 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:17:52.16 ID:p5tVI3eg0
- >>10二枚目の右端ホラーだろThe 2nd picture, the one on the rightmost is like looking at something horrific
- 337: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 15:55:55.94 ID:KG45798c0
- >>10ムリですSorry but it's impossible for me
- 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:16:44.24 ID:yq3ilj8J0
- 西川君、いい人だな普通分かっててもこういうこと言わないよNishikawa-kun's such a nice person.
Even if people know what's wrong, they won't be so blunt as this in normal circumstances. - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:20:00.76 ID:H15jIcI5P
- モーニング娘とか昔から自分で音楽作ることは全部禁じられてるよな頭ないだけかもしれんがBut Morning Musume's always been forbidden to make their own music, right?
Or maybe they're just empty upstairs. -
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:21:51.50 ID:EVgduNGs0
- >>23そうなの?ぬっちは作詞してたじゃん盗作してまで作曲するのがダメなの?Is that so? Didn't Nucchi make her own lyrics, or should I say plagiarized?
Are they forbidden from composing?
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:21:16.81 ID:KI4PTagv0
- つか、つんくがもう飽きてるのが一番の問題ではwMaybe the biggest problem here is that Tsunku's already grown tired of them LOL
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:21:20.08 ID:y+CpzSDr0
- 西川がメンバーの意思組んだ曲提供してやれよNishikawa should provide them with a song that each member would like
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:22:18.59 ID:ICI5fjrE0
- これは正論だな。映画評論家の町山智浩がアメリカのフリーライブできゃりーぱみゅぱみゅが出てきて、何千人もの人が集まってきてめちゃくちゃ盛り上がってた話した時に、そういえばこのバンドも出てたって話してた。吉田拓郎の曲をバンドでやられてもアメリカ人にはサッパリ何のことか分からないから盛り上がらなかったと。まぁそりゃそうなんだけど、そんな負け試合組むような事務所の方針が酷すぎる。This is a sound argument by him.
Movie critic Tomohiro Machiyama said that he did recall this band appearing at a concert overseas while talking about Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's successful performance which was attended by thousands of fans. He said that the Americans didn't know what was going on with this band who was singing a Takuro Yoshida song and wasn't received well. I guess that's a given, but their agency is horrible for making them go to a match that they know they'd lose. -
- 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:41:36.86 ID:4DuDOx3R0
- >>33これかAh, this one
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:23:41.25 ID:gnwQzvvX0
- 辛気くさいだけじゃんなんで今この曲なのか意味分からんIt's boring.
I really don't know why they're playing this kind of song in this day and age. - 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:27:16.72 ID:p3gJoM8Z0
- 西川がここまで田中に肩入れする必要あんの?Is there a need for Nishikawa to support Tanaka this much?
- 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:30:40.02 ID:asmXxsXL0
- >>51いずれ噂になるかもな。田中れいなのタイプは舘ひろしらしい。爬虫類系が好きなのかも。It might become a rumor later on.
But I heard that Tanaka's type is someone like Hiroshi Tachi.
She probably likes reptile-looking guys.
- 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:30:05.68 ID:sBmzoQIT0
- どんな感じか曲聞いてみたら、確かにひでーなwこれならバンド形式でやる必要まったくないわwSo I tried listening to the song as I was curious how it sounded but it really is horrible.
They didn't even have to perform something like this as a band. - 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:33:12.90 ID:kyEFLONj0
- 西川君は熱いんだなNishikawa-kun's so passionate - 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:33:44.57 ID:hox8aAuN0
- つんく♂vs西川♀Tsunku♂
Nishikawa♀ - 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:38:14.52 ID:wGyREc6l0
- アイドル時代に我が儘した反省からロック転向したら従順になるとか、色々が間違ってるよなBeing rebellious while she was an idol then suddenly starts following orders now that she's shifted to rock... everything about that just sounds so wrong.
- 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:40:31.95 ID:oGWcyorY0
- もう正論すぎて返す言葉もないHe speaks nothing but the truth, no room for rebuttals.
- 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:40:57.86 ID:Y9I1Cldh0
- 西川にプロデュースする才能なんて有るのかよBut does Nishikawa even have the talent to produce other artists?
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:42:13.69 ID:oGWcyorY0
- つんく「ぐぬぬぬ・・・・」Tsunku: "Urggghhhh..." - 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:44:36.28 ID:g4OpUoJd0
- 普通に読めないバンド名つけてることでクソ音楽だとわかるThe moment they're given a band name you can't read normally, then you should already know that their music will be shi+e. - 94: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:45:48.08 ID:WMitxdLX0
- どっちにしてもすぐ消えるんだから好きにやらせてやれThey'll be gone before you know it, so just let them do what they want.
- 97: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:48:28.16 ID:j6VOWEeY0
- TMR今はセルフプロデュースらしいが具体的に何やってんの?今でも作詞井上秋緒作曲編曲は浅倉大介だよなI heard that TMR is self-produced nowadays, but what exactly can he do?
The lyrics are still done by Akio Inoue while the music is composed by Daisuke Asakura, right? -
- 99: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:49:49.68 ID:cM6Fyco50
- >>97曲と歌詞にダメ出しが出来るセルフプロデュース前はほぼ意見が言えない状態TMR can now give his opinions on the lyrics and the music.
He almost wasn't able to say anything before doing self-production.
- 108: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:53:17.48 ID:2JuzTc6u0
- つんくに言えよこの子らに言ったら板ばさみになるだけじゃんSay something like this directly to Tsunku.
This'll just be a dilemma for these girls. -
- 116: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 13:56:22.24 ID:wqB8x5dk0
- >>108単にこの子らに「お前らダッセーことさせられてんな」って言ってるだけで足突っ込んで改善させてあげようとか思ってないだろ。He's just saying, "You girls are being asked to do something so lame", but he's not trying to help them improve or anything.
- 128: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 14:00:52.03 ID:/Nplqizk0
- お前もミゲルとかいうのに媚びて長州リキとか歌ってたけどあれもはたからみたらこれじゃないだろBut this guy also leeched onto Miguel and sang Choushuuriki, but people who saw that would also think, "That isn't what your supposed to be doing". - 135: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 14:03:26.25 ID:Fqgt11be0
- 普通にシンプルな4人バンド形式にして曲も格好に合ったガールズパンクっぽいのやりゃよかったのに偉い人の方針だか何だか知らんけど、ようわからんわちぐはぐなもんやって誰も特しないIt would have been better if they just kept it simple and formed a 4-piece girl punk band with proper songs and attire.
This might be what the higher-ups want, but no one will benefit from a crazy combination like this. - 141: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 14:05:02.48 ID:XkFaP2R/0
- モー娘もLoVendoЯってやつも狙いが今一分からないんだよね日本の音楽をどうしたいのか、どんな音楽を残したいのか一部のファンにだけ受ければいいのか、そもそもファンは彼女らの音楽を良いと思ってるのかI really don't get what Morning Musume and LoVendoЯ are trying to achieve.
What do they want to do to Japanese music? What kind of music do they want to leave behind?
Do they just want a portion of their fans to appreciate them? Or do their fans even like the music that they're playing? - 155: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 14:09:36.24 ID:+YV82ewR0
- 西川君言うねぇNishikawa-kun really isn't holding back
- 211: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 14:26:42.53 ID:r2tyCtW30
- なんでフォークなんだろな懐メロにしたってガールズバンドのお手本のショーヤとかプリプリあるだろにI really wonder why they chose to do folk songs.
Even from the oldies, we have Show-Ya and Princess Princess whom they can look up to as examples of girl bands. - 222: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 14:34:02.93 ID:oroSWVneP
- ハロプロ時代にプリプリのダイアモンドをカバーしてるのねThey did cover Princess Princess' Diamond during their Hello! Pro era
- 246: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 14:48:58.33 ID:KOsXJJMD0
- この事務所ってアリスとか森高千里、シャ乱Qとかその上の世代も含めて結構すごいメンバーが所属してるのに、浅倉大介プロデュースで売れたけど、バンドでは成功したとも思えない西川が言えるのかなって思うUP-front promotion has a bunch of amazing artists under its belt like Alice, Chisato Moritaka, Sharan-Q, and many more from the older generation. Takanori Nishikawa did succeed once Daisuke Asakura produced him, but he wasn't even successful when he was still in a band, so I don't think he's one to speak. -
- 248: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 14:51:03.04 ID:FH8nfcTnP
- >>24660年70年代フォークソングをロック風にアレンジして売れると思ってる方が、少数派だろwBut I think the people who think that arranging '60s and '70s folk songs into rock would sell are in the minority LOL
- 255: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 14:52:02.61 ID:3OWrDQGT0
- つんくが仕上げると、昭和臭さがでるんだよな悪い意味で垢抜けない汚さというか西川にレボリューションしてもらえWhen Tsunku produces things, the outcome just always seem so old, like from the Showa-era.
It feels dirty and unpolished, in a bad way.
Go have Nishikawa make a revolution. - 307: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 15:35:21.31 ID:qcb4zMz/0
- 田中は過去に自己主張が強すぎて業界から消されるかどうかってとこまで行ったんだよTanaka once emphasized her own beliefs too much, and it reached the point where she was even about to be terminated from the industry.
- 346: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 16:03:04.72 ID:JOMPpq1x0
- 面白かったわギターの2人は完全に西川に同調してたwもう100%駄目だなこれファンでも見放すレベルThe program was fun.
The 2 guitarists were totally in sync with Nishikawa.
This is 100% a failure already.
It's on a level where even their fans would leave them behind. - 377: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 16:31:47.12 ID:+Tyb07HbO
- 予想してたよりはギターの子が弾けてたと思ったらモー娘。じゃなくて音楽専門学校卒なんだなThat guitarist girl was much better than expected,
so she's not from Morning Musume, but from a musical school, huh? - 389: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/21(水) 16:41:24.51 ID:olWNGIwo0
- れいにゃ焦りがありそうだなReina must be panicking a bit
Original Thread
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