
"It might be weird for me to say this even if I'm the one who leaked the pictures, but Miyata-kun was very cautious with his surroundings; we didn't exit the karaoke nor the hotel together so that no tabloid will write about him."

Miyata's voice
- 2: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 10:19:20.54 0 ID:
- 何やこれ
What the heck is this - 3: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 10:20:34.46 0 ID:
- 誰や君Who the heck are you
- 7: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 10:25:36.43 0 ID:
- そもそもキスマイ宮田って誰?Err, who is Kis-My's Miyata?
- 11: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 10:29:08.91 0 ID:
- 女可愛いなThe girl looks cute
- 17: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 10:32:30.83 0 ID:
- すげーなこれキスマイヲタの反応はどうなのWow. What are the Kis-My wotas' reactions?
- 25: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 10:37:34.54 0 ID:
- 未成年だったらジャニーズでもやばいよってスルーEven if he's from Johnny's, he's still underage so this will spell trouble.
So I'm choosing to ignore this. - 27: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 10:38:42.89 P ID:
- はいHere you go
http://i.imgur.com/avzT1RX.jpg - 28: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 10:39:35.90 0 ID:
- 19歳ならまぁ19 years old? Well...
- 29: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 10:41:22.77 0 ID:
- 恐ろしいな信用できる彼女以外とはできないってことかThat's so terrifying.
That means they can't do it with anyone except for a girl that they trust? - 31: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 10:42:31.41 P ID:
- 可愛いShe looks cute
http://i.imgur.com/8QBxAmC.jpg - 32: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 10:42:31.66 0 ID:
- これは黙殺されるだろうかCan something like this be brushed aside?
- 41: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 10:50:23.07 0 ID:
- AKBと提携して互いに性欲処理すればいいのにWhy don't they just have a tie-up with AKB so both sides can deal with their sexual desires together
- 46: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 10:55:10.71 0 ID:
- 好きなジャニがいるのに何で他のジャニと寝られるのかThere's a Jani she likes right? Why did she sleep with another Jani?
- 52: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:05:25.68 0 ID:
- 良い物食ってるな(´・ω・`)Nice meal there (´・ω・`)
- 54: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:07:39.80 0 ID:
- キスマイて29歳とかいんだよなw城島のポジションなんかなI didn't realize Kis-My had a 29y/o member w
Is that guy like in the Joshima position? -
- 64: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:22:24.35 0 ID:
- >>54そいつがメインボーカルだよデビュー前は断トツ人気だったんだけど最近は歌以外干され気味で若手に抜かれたThat guy's the main vocalist. He was extremely popular prior to their debut. But now it feels like he's sort of being shoved away from the limelight as the younger ones are being put forward a bit more.
- 57: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:12:13.42 O ID:
- キスマイで玉森のオマケ扱いなのによく玉森ヲタとやる気になったなこいつしかも暴露されるとか悲惨すぎだろHe's just treated like Tamamori's "etc.", right?
I can't believe how he got it on with a Tamamori-wota.
And to be exposed on top of that? This is so tragic.
http://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/3671201569/daff9eaef042136f75426ad5f0c8501b.jpeg -
- 58: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:16:00.31 0 ID:
- >>57なんかヲタじゃないふりして近づいたみたいだけどなIt seemed like she approached him, acting like she wasn't a wota
- 61: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:17:56.01 0 ID:
- ヲタってこと隠してたんじゃねプリクラだから本物はどうかわからんが若くて普通以上なら相手にされるんだろうよく貼られてるジャニヲタのババアの画像みたら怪物ばっかりだしShe probably hid the fact that she's a wota. It's just a purikura on her profile picture so we don't know if it really is her, but a guy would normally go for it especially if a young, above-average looking girl would approach him, right? Well, I don't really know since all these Jani-wota pictures that are being posted are of all these monstrous grannies.
http://articleimage.nicoblomaga.jp/image/34/2013/2/3/23dec5a620aeec92b6e557c9a290e1a9a0e696261374957520.jpg -
- 62: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:19:47.30 0 ID:
- >>61いや普通に若い女ばかりだぞおばさんとかは90年代のジャニのファンとかだろNo, they're mostly young girls.
The grannies are fans of the 90s Johnny's talents.
- 66: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:24:28.00 0 ID:
- >>61キスマイファンとかは夜職やってる派手な若い女多いぞヲタがおばさんだらけなのはSMAPとか滝翼とかV6辺りだろThere are a lot of gaudy women who even work "night jobs" that make up Kis-My's fans.
The granny-wotas are the fans of groups like SMAP, TakiTsuba, and V6.
- 65: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:22:52.26 0 ID:
- ジャニヲタ知ってんの?これDo the Jani-wotas know about this?
- 67: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:24:54.33 0 ID:
- >>65知ってるけど人気ないやつだから微妙に祭りになりきれないThey do, but the guy isn't that popular so it's not turning into a festival
- 79: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:35:29.36 0 ID:
- ここのホテルたしかちょっと値段高めだから20前後の若造にしちゃ贅沢だなあジャニーズはいいなあThis hotel is one of the expensive ones, and that's pretty luxurious for a youngster who's in his 20s.
Johnny's sure have it good. - 80: ずいかく〔瑞鶴〕 ◆ISIDAueLJs 2013/08/27(火) 11:35:46.24 0 ID:
- この女の目的なに?こいつの人気落として 本命のやつの人気を相対的に上げたい とか?でももう 他の男と寝ちゃったおさがりの女なんかとつきあうとかなんとかいう対象じゃないだろもうWhat's the objective of this girl?
Did she want to lower this guy's popularity so her main guy's popularity will go up?
But guys wouldn't like dating a girl who's like a hand-me-down of another man. -
- 83: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:36:46.74 0 ID:
- >>80捨てられたんだろShe was probably dumped by him
- 85: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:37:58.69 0 ID:
- jgjgjgjgjgs: ごはん食べつつ宮田のケータイでアニソンかけながら話してたら急に??「俺?実はタレントなんだよね(どやっ」 で、知らない程だからびっくりしたフリしてたら??「ジャニーズわかる?キスマイのメンバーなんだよね(どやっ」 ?「えっ!ジャニーズなんですか ...jgjgjgjgjgs: We played anime songs through Miyata's phone while we were eating, then he suddenly said: "Me? I'm actually a talent you know... (cocky)". When I acted like I didn't know... "Do you know Johnny's? I'm a member of Kis-My, you know (cocky)"... "Eh! You're from Johnny's?..."
- 88: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:39:27.61 0 ID:
- >>85これ恥ずかしいなwwwwwwwwwNow this is embarrassing wwwwwwwww
- 94: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:42:27.18 P ID:
- >>85これはマジなら恥ずかしいwThis is seriously embarrassing w
- 102: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:47:48.04 0 ID:
- >>85一応自分の知名度分かっててかわいじゃんAww that's cute, at least he knows that he isn't that popular.
- 87: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:39:04.76 0 ID:
- 玉森と繋がれるかもと思って宮田とやる→結果遊ばれて捨てられる→ムカつくので晒すこんな感じかなShe probably thought that she could get connected to Tamamori so she does it with Miyata.
→But she was just toyed with and dumped.
→Then she got irritated and exposed him.
This might be how it went. -
- 132: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:01:37.89 0 ID:
- >>87これだなTHIS
- 89: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:40:11.93 0 ID:
- ワロタLOL
- 92: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:41:31.05 O ID:
- ヤリ捨てされた腹いせってやつかこんなことしたらジャニババアに目を付けられそうだけど大丈夫なのかこいつThis is probably her way of taking revenge after getting dumped.
The Jani-grannies will probably be setting her in their sights now, will she be alright? -
- 97: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:44:25.23 0 ID:
- >>92キスマイ全体が連帯責任になったら危ないけど宮田1人謹慎で済むなら何もされないと思うShe'd be in danger if Kis-My were to take collective responsibility for this. But if Miyata's the only one to be punished then I don't think anything will be done to her.
- 110: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:51:41.20 O ID:
- 大麻くんもお咎め無しだったんだしこれくらいなんてことないだろEven Ohno-kun went unpunished.
Something like this is nothing. - 118: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:55:10.71 O ID:
- 宮田って後列のボトム3くらいのポジションかなThis Miyata guy is like in the bottom 3 of the back row, right?
- 119: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:55:32.34 0 ID:
- ジャニはすぐ写真撮られるなThese Johnny's guys always have their pictures taken
- 126: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:58:54.03 0 ID:
- >>119寝てる間に女が勝手に撮ってるからなThe woman just took his picture while he was sleeping though
- 121: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 11:57:21.99 0 ID:
- キスマイは他ヲタからはブサマイという相性で呼ばれるくらいのブサイク揃いで有名なグルーう本当に顔の作りがいいのが玉森1人で後1人が雰囲気イケメンで残りはブサイクと言うんだからKis-My's this group that's popular for having ugly members, so much so that they're called "Busumuai" by other wotas, right?
People say that Tamamori's the only one who has good facial features; another one is an ikemen by atmosphere, while the rest are just plain ugly, right? -
- 125: ずいかく〔瑞鶴〕 ◆ISIDAueLJs 2013/08/27(火) 11:58:40.72 0 ID:
- >>121だって 冠番組が「キスマイBUSAIKU」だもんな(苦笑)でもあの番組 たまーに見るとけっこう企画が斬新でおもしろいWell, their main program is called Kisumai BUSAIKU after all (wry smile).
But you know, I watch that program every now and then, and the stuff they do there are pretty fresh, it's actually interesting.
- 134: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:02:43.91 0 ID:
- ジャニてにゃんにゃんやベット写真多いよな最初からそれ狙いなんだろうけどIt seems these Johnny's guys have a lot of these bed and lovemaking pictures out.
That is what people are after in the first place after all. - 138: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:05:43.04 0 ID:
- これの左端だよね?この中だと比較的イケメンに見えるIt's the leftmost guy, right?
He actually looks considerably like an ikemen among this group.
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/20111122_sexy_22.jpg -
- 146: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:10:18.57 0 ID:
- >>138チンチクリンのズングリムックリすごいなこれ嵐みたいな可愛らしさもないUndersized yet stocky.
Wow, they don't even have that "cuteness" that Arashi has.
- 156: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:14:46.01 0 ID:
- >>138左2のチビブサがイケメンぶってるのが腹痛いwピースしてるwwwwwwwwwMy tummy hurts so much at how that 2nd chibi-busa(squirt-ugly) guy from the left is acting like an ikemen w
He's even doing a peace sign wwwwwwwww
- 145: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:09:47.81 O ID:
- Twitterのジャニヲタどもの反応見てみたが宮田が?と笑われとるI looked at the Jani-wotas reactions on Twitter.
They're just going like, "That Miyata?", and making fun of it. - 149: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:11:33.09 0 ID:
- 右側4人不細工すぎワロタwLOL @ how ugly the 4 guys on the right are
- 153: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:13:45.25 0 ID:
- >>149一番右が髪型変えたらまだましじゃねバランス的にWon't the guy on the right look more decent if he just changes his hairstyle? Balance-wise.
- 178: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:29:48.95 0 ID:
- 録音とか怖ええええええええええええええEven the voice was recorded? Scaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
- 190: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:35:38.74 0 ID:
- セクシーゾーンとどう違うの?How are they different from Sexy Zone?
http://www.littleoslo.com/lyj/home/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/sexy-zone.jpg -
- 200: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:38:17.76 0 ID:
- >>190キスマイはジュニア歴の長いベテラン(ニュースカツンの同期等)の集まりセクシーゾーンは下積みほぼ0のお気に入りの集まりKis-My is a gathering of veterans (same generation as NEWS and KAT-TUN) who have been Juniors for a long time.
Sexy Zone are guys who have almost no experience, and is just a gathering of Johnny-san's favorites.
- 201: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:39:03.13 i ID:
- >>190セクゾ:イケメンブサマイ:ブサメンSexy Zone: Ikemen
Busumai: Busumen
- 205: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:41:21.65 0 ID:
- 一般人を相手にするとこういうのがあるからなぁ売れてる女優と付き合うのが一番安全Things like this will happen if you deal with commoners.
The safest way is to date popular actresses. -
- 212: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:44:59.10 0 ID:
- >>205売れてる女優に相手にされないんだろBut popular actresses won't even give him any consideration
- 213: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:45:19.73 0 ID:
- 一番キモくて人気ないやつThe creepiest and least popular member
http://kis-my-ft2.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/eb1d4ba3f1962dabe6ac1c965732b9c0.jpg - 214: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:47:32.88 0 ID:
- おわったなこいつ元からおわってたけどThis guy is done for.
Well, he was originally done for from the start. - 225: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:51:46.91 0 ID:
- 北山とかメイサとかいっぱいろんな女との画像あるぞBut that Kitayama guy has a lot of pictures with different women like Meisa, right?
- 234: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:53:57.53 0 ID:
- こっちのほうがやばいだろIsn't this the bigger problem?
- 245: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:56:42.61 0 ID:
- テレビで報道されないやりちんジャニーズ画像Man-whore Johnny's pictures that won't even be reported on TV
- 246: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/27(火) 12:57:03.09 0 ID:
- 売れるまで右手で我慢する気概はないのかDoesn't he have the perseverance to at least settle with his right hand first until he becomes famous?
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