This is somehow related to the scoop that a "super popular male idol will be getting married", which was revealed by a women's magazine reporter on TV a few days ago. As all eyes shifted their attention to Johnny's big names, TouSpo got hold of a scoop on one of NYC's popular members as he has apparently submitted a marriage certificate last August 10. The partner, Sayaka Amemiya, is a highschooler who is a freelance stage actress. The girl was quick to announce on her blog in the morning of the 17th that "I have never met him, nor even talked to him", denying all allegations contained in the article.
Even still, angry fans bombarded her Twitter account with threats and complaints, which led to her answering each and every tweet with "sorry", "sorry for causing you trouble".
There are also a lot of people who have shown their support to her for doing such a troublesome task.
Source: TechinsightJapan
- 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:13:07.14 ID:vHdTAsFB0
- ホントにジャニオタは社会の敵Jani-otas really are enemies of society
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:13:12.42 ID:SBSr6/rz0
- 大変やな…Sounds so troublesome...
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:15:00.28 ID:DSD+jtBhO
- キモブスの嫉妬こえええええThe jealousy of these kimo-busu (gross-ugly) is so scaryyyyyyyyyyyy
- 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:15:36.42 ID:VxMyGZK+0
- ジャニオタ怖すぎJani-otas sure are scary!
- 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:16:19.48 ID:dQl47wgVO
- ジャニオタもキモいがジャニーズ自体キモいJani-otas are disgusting, but so is Johnny's
- 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:17:17.55 ID:LmZC6+yzO
- ジャニヲタは本当に糞だなThese Jani-wotas are really shi+
- 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:18:15.53 ID:4VmX6K5RO
- 岡本健一の息子と撮られた女の子も謝罪してたなEven that girl who was shot with Kenichi Okamoto's son had to apologize(Related post HERE)
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:19:06.08 ID:BX++Jyz7i
- てか、もし本当だったとしても非難される謂れはないよねBut if this is true, there's no reason why she should be blamed.
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:22:46.26 ID:aB+W+xlHO
- かわいいからジャニヲタから嫉妬されるだろうなかわいそうにShe must be cute so that's why these Jani-wotas are jealous of her. I pity the girl.
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:25:13.01 ID:2YBVmF/D0
- なんで男タレントのファンて相手の女に怒りの矛先を向けるんだろうな。
I wonder why the fans of these male talents aim their anger towards the other party. I don't get it. -
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:29:21.52 ID:jf3SS17F0
- >>37女タレントのファンも相手の男に矛先向ける人はいるよ。AKBの峯岸の時もなんとかアランに矛先向いた気がする。There are also fans of some female talents who direct their anger towards the male partner. I remember people targeting that Alan-someone when Minegishi's scandal broke out.
- 96: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 20:48:05.39 ID:SyoIc1TV0
- >>37女タレントヲタの男も相手に凸る人いるじゃんジャニヲタは徒党組んで凸るから目立つだけでSome male fans of these female talents also go after the guy.
It's just that these Jani-wotas gang up on their targets which makes them stand out.
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:28:25.93 ID:SOAphzWt0
- そもそもいくら「電撃入籍」でも、女子高生相手はないだろ。ジャニーズだったら、たとえデキ婚でも相手が高校生じゃ、まず事務所解雇&抹消して一般人にしてから、ほとぼり覚めた頃に入籍しろ、ぐらいの圧力はかけるEven if this is a sudden marriage, there's no way they'd forgive one with a highschooler. I think that even in Johnny's, in the case of a shotgun marriage with a highschooler, they'd probably terminate him from the agency first then let him marry the girl properly once all the brouhaha has died down.
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:29:57.67 ID:1sZFI+rFO
- 仮に入籍していたとしても何で抗議や誹謗中傷されるのか意味判らんのだがI really don't get why they have to slander and put all the blame on this girl if this was true
- 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:32:06.94 ID:T4YtI7Bz0
- ただのファンと見るからおかしいのであって信仰宗教の信者と思えば納得できるIf you see these wotas as regular fans, they look insane, but if you view them as followers of some sort of religious following then you'd understand them. - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:36:32.79 ID:3xH3wr4U0
- ジャニオタもクズだけど、地方で好き放題言ってる芸能レポーターはもっとタチが悪いThe Jani-otas are all scums, but these countryside showbiz reporters who get to write all they want are more of a pain in the a$$
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:37:21.11 ID:Y1JRp/0v0
- >>53外れる度に全裸で土下座すべきだよなEach time they make false reports, they should all kneel down, bow, and apologize naked
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 19:41:07.70 ID:TMo49A+GO
- 手が震えるくらいのスキャンダルってやつか。大風呂敷広げて、関西ローカル番組で適当な事を言って、スポーツ新聞が実名出すのか…。マスゴミの本領発揮だね。噂がネットを通じて広まるだけで、発行部数があがるわけでもないのにご苦労様だね。So is this that scandal that's so huge it'll make your hands tremble? (Related posts HERE and HERE) So they start bragging about it in a local Kansai TV show then a sports paper comes out with the name...
Now this is the "Massgomi"* at their best. They're going through all this trouble but as the rumors are spread throughout the Internet, their sales don't necessarily increase.
*"Masukomi" or "mass communications" is the Japanese term for mass media. "Masugomi" is a play on this, as "gomi" means "trash" and refers to how their media can really be rubbish at times.
- 115: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 21:31:14.75 ID:JgmNb7Uh0
- >>63うわぁ心霊写真並にこええ顔ばっかだったぞ(´・ω・`)Uwaaaa, all the pictures there are as scary as ghost pictures (´・ω・`)
- 144: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/18(日) 00:50:02.42 ID:ns2P3laaO
- >>63新垣理沙をさらにブスにしてオーラ消した感じだななぜに勘違いされたのかいきさつを知りたいわShe's like a deterveriorated sion of Risa Niigaki who also doesn't have any aura around her. I seriously want to know why they were led to believe that this is the girl that was married.
These Jani-babas are scary www
I thought Nakayama wasn't popular, but he still has his own share of fans, huh
But these AKB wotas almost never bash the male half of these romantic relationships with their members. On the other hand, these Jani-wotas will go all out on the girl.- 103: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 21:02:12.05 ID:UyCp6xIFO
- >>95それはジャニとかAKBとかじゃなくて男女の違いThat's more on the difference between a man and a woman, not necessarily on the difference between Johnny's and AKB.
These fat and ugly Jani-wotas should be the ones to apologize. Use your energy on something more productive.Stop bullying this pretty girl
- 108: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 21:14:47.40 ID:YUhJMXaG0
- >>105アホやめろYou fool, cut it out
- 120: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/17(土) 21:46:12.67 ID:mhrylJP50
- >>105突然ギャーとか言い出すビックリ画像かと思って一瞬スゲー緊張したI got nervous there for an instant, I thought it was one of those scary gifs where it would just suddenly scream
So if this report about this Nakayama guy is false, then it would still either be Kusanagi-Oshima or Matsumoto-Inoue, huh
Never mind about making my hand tremble, if it's just between NYC and a stage actress, it won't even make my nose hair tremble.Original Thread
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