* She also said, 'leaving taping ahead of the others'."
* The article says it could be Atsuko Maeda, who did leave in the middle of their taping of NHK's Music Japan which would match Suzuki's testimony.
- 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 16:45:17.95 ID:VxJXjcAU0
- こういう暴露って10年後20年後にするものだろ
常識無さすぎるね - Revelations like this should be done 10, or 20 years from now. She lacks common sense.
- 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 16:47:43.64 ID:xn0PkQNQO
- 策士愛理こういう言い方すればハロプロ以外全てのアイドルの足を引っ張れる流石や
- Airi the tactician really knows how to get in the way of the other idol groups outside of Hello!Pro
- 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 16:54:07.67 ID:VynMZNob0
- 前田って20歳すぎてるなら何の問題もなくね?
- If it's Maeda then there won't be any problem since she's over 20, right?
- 94: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 16:57:12.39 ID:O9xOhRBr0
- >>84
前田はたばこの方ではなく、さぼり早退の方ね。 - Maeda isn't the smoker, she's the early leaver
- 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 16:57:10.27 ID:xn0PkQNQO
- 名前も言っちまえば良かったのに
- She should have just said the name
- 113: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 17:03:17.45 ID:fjtNiguZO
- 成人ならタバコ片手でもええやん
- An adult is allowed to hold cigars in one hand
- 129: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 17:09:05.75 ID:/2M5M0b+0
- はい動画
- Here you go
- 166: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 17:22:05.74 ID:yoXIxnXO0
- >>129
あと前田敦子に全員で文句言いすぎだろそんなとこに喧嘩うっていいのか - I can't believe these girls for saying all those bad things about others, while implying that "we're different from them".
- And everyone's just complaining too much about Atsuko Maeda. Are they trying to pick a fight with her?
- 184: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 17:29:24.65 ID:3Qv74j040
- >>129
つーかみんなして悪口いいすぎだろ普段から言いまくってるんだろうね - This "gal"-like attitude of ℃-ute is a turn-off. All of them seem to have really bad mouths. They're probably complaining all the time.
- 647: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 22:01:16.20 ID:KTCyxkOV0
- >>129
ここにまいぷるがいたら・・・。もっと大騒ぎで面白くなったのにねぇ - This has nothing to do with the topic, but it seemed that Kamonami-chan was still faltering in the video. If only Maipuru (Mai Endo) was there, things would have probably escalated and gotten a whole lot more interesting.
- 703: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 22:35:13.70 ID:uzW12czX0
- >>129
萩原舞は昔は可愛かったのに女子プロレスラーみたいになってんな。 - Mai Hagiwara was so cute before. She looks like a female pro wrestler now.
- 130: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 17:09:06.07 ID:ExjbhOU90
- 自分とこの事務所が加護ちゃんのタバコで問題起こしてるのによく言えるよな
安倍盗作とか後藤弟とかハロプロは昔から問題おこしまくりやし - She's got the guts to say this. Even Ai Kago from their agency had that tobacco scandal before right?
- Then there's Natsumi Abe's plagiarism and Maki Goto's younger brother... Hello!Pro also has a lot of problems.
- 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 17:13:56.58 ID:5Fh9EP1CP
- このご時世に、若い女が何が楽しくて喫煙なんか覚えるんだろうな。
- I wonder what the young girls these days enjoy in smoking
- 148: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 17:17:32.51 ID:IYVXSzGD0
- >>140
他に美味いモンや楽しい娯楽があるのに不思議だよな - It really is a mystery. There are a lot more delicious things and fun stuff to do.
- 152: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 17:18:12.71 ID:iP0TGAJY0
- >>140
男の影響 - Probably a boy's influence
- 206: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 17:37:39.47 ID:MOs6dkJWO
- たばこは指原かまゆゆだな。指原祭りの時声でてなかったし、まゆゆは吸いすぎで顎が伸びてるし
- I think it's Sashihara or Mayuyu who smokes (AKB48). She wasn't able to talk at the height of her scandal. Mayuyu on the other hand probably smoked too much, which led to her chin growing longer.
- 239: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 17:57:48.63 ID:xn0PkQNQO
- 正義の内部告発
愛理が叩かれるのはおかしい - It's strange that Airi's being bashed here. She did the right thing by giving inside information.
- 277: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 18:13:02.30 ID:bCB97lXw0
- 女の告げ口・陰口ほど醜いものはないな
- There's nothing worse than a woman's backbiting
- 285: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 18:16:03.64 ID:tZ0XDzlw0
- こんな罠同然の質問に馬鹿正直に答えちゃうのは好印象かも。
- Honestly answering a trap question like this has actually given me a good impression of her
- 312: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 18:28:55.35 ID:W8alCtgH0
- アイドルはみんな煙草はやるしお股は広げてるからな
- Well, all idols smoke and spread their legs wide open anyway
- 315: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 18:30:30.05 ID:4VKPTfoEO
- 世界の前ケツでファイナルアンサーなのか!信じらんない
- So the final answer is Atsuko Maeda!? I can't believe it.
- 335: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 18:45:23.14 ID:ELblwp+L0
- いくらタバコの臭いを隠そうとしても、吸ってたら分かるんだよなw
やっぱ臭いでバレる - But they won't be able to hide the smell once they smoke, right?
- People would still find out because of the smell.
- 342: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 18:50:15.54 ID:TIqPX7LCO
- 収録中にバックレ→前田敦子
タバコ→スーパーガールのデブ - Leaving early during taping > Atsuko Maeda
- Smoking > the fatso in supergirl
- 359: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 18:58:40.01 ID:KqH+9bWx0
AKBの態度のデカさの理由も察しってことで- This is Kasai of AKB's attitude during a live broadcast.
- I guess you all know the reason why she can act this way.
- 365: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 19:02:27.50 ID:aeDUD637P
- >>359
スーパードSのおぎの前でよくこんな態度とれるな - The nerve of her to act like this in front of that super sadistic Ogi
- 366: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 19:03:21.10 ID:0yu9TF1k0
- >>359
なるほど芸人ウケが悪いわけだ - I see the reason why other celebrities hate them
- 376: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 19:14:46.51 ID:g0fzTz7j0
- ハロプロでは有り得ないって加護ちゃん・・・・
- Unimaginable at Hello!Pro? Are you forgetting Kago-chan?...
- 387: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 19:24:49.37 ID:ulU97pxq0
- いくらヤンキーっぽくてもAKB系はタバコ無理だろ。非喫煙者が握手したら一発で分かる。
- No matter how they may seem like yankees, I don't think these AKB girls smoke. The non-smokers would find out about them right away during the handshake events.
- 429: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 20:01:35.80 ID:OqqmSqZ90
- こんなのアイドルが生まれた頃からあるんじゃないか
- These sort of things were already happening back in the day when idols were first introduced, right?
- 511: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 20:53:28.54 ID:c58bM7oQ0
- この暴露逆にC-uteのイメージも悪くなったような
特に岡井と萩原の喋り方がガラ悪い - I think this revelation has just hurt C-ute's image more.
- Especially Okai and Hagiwara. The way they talk is so rough.
- 555: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 21:21:40.54 ID:145O67YV0
- こいつら結構長いことやってるのにイマイチな理由がなんとなく分かった
てかハロプロって茶髪にしてキャバ嬢ぽくなる奴いるけど絶対マイナスだろアレ - I think I understand now why these girls haven't really caused waves despite being around for quite some time now.
- Actually, I don't get why Hello!Pro ocassionally lets their idols dye their hair brown and look like cabaret-girls. That doesn't work to their advantage.
- 565: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 21:26:28.38 ID:f7CUeFhEO
- >>555
つんくの趣味だろうなw ほんと昔からセンスないよなゴマキとかw - Must be Tsunku's fetish or something LOL
He really had no sense at all from the beginning. Look at Maki Goto.
- 693: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 22:30:18.43 ID:PhgxUVW40
- しかし自分もアイドルなのに良くこんな事言うな
自分がよほど品行方正な自信あるんだろうがハロプロって結構問題児多いイイメージ - As an idol, I can't believe she'd say these things.
- She must really be confident that she's on the right track, but Hello!Pro has this reputation of bringing forth troubled girls.
- 712: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/01(水) 22:42:45.28 ID:vCQGySp60
- 平成を代表する超人気アイドルたちのすっぴん顔
- Bare faces of the idols who represent the Heisei generation
前田 - Maeda
大島 - Oshima
渡辺 - Watanabe
板野 - Itano
指原 - Sashihara
島崎遥香 - Haruka Shimazaki
- 888: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 01:15:00.36 ID:epgS1bcW0
- タバコ吸ってるアイドルっていうとモー娘。が一番イメージあるわ
加護とかあの辺のメンバー大体吸ってたんじゃないの - If one mentions "idols who smoke", Morning Musume is the first one that comes to mind. I think Kago and that generation, most of them smoked right?
Original Thread
watanabe mayu (mayuyu)
ReplyDeleteWhat about her?
DeleteMayu can't smoke, she's not even a real human being. She's a cyborg.
DeleteMaeshima Ami from Super Girls? She did a photoshoot with Airi a while back. It's probably her.