- 2: シンガプーラ(福岡県) 2013/05/03(金) 12:31:29.55 ID:Y26Hx1aH0
- 確かにこのCM見てそう思った
- That's what I thought too after seeing this commercial
- 3: カナダオオヤマネコ(関東・甲信越) 2013/05/03(金) 12:33:57.57 ID:GpYsJTWD0
- いつまでキッズのつもりだおっさん
- Hey gramps, until when are you gonna call yourselves "kids"? (KinKi Kids)
- 4: カナダオオヤマネコ(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/05/03(金) 12:45:43.82 ID:7imiAdyF0
- >>3
本人達のが思ってそうだw - I think they're thinking about that too LOL
- 9: カラカル(庭) 2013/05/03(金) 12:55:44.59 ID:CJXNlrjGP
- 宗教のイメージしかない
- I just can't take his religion's image away
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/amplit/imgs/3/6/3681d77f.jpg - 10: カラカル(福井県) 2013/05/03(金) 12:57:11.98 ID:volUI470P
- 硝子の少年の頃を思い出すんだ。
- Just remember the days of "Garas no Shonen"
http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/54/28/d32df7ba5f326712d41073433ce6e043.jpg - 12: カラカル(SB-iPhone) 2013/05/03(金) 12:59:41.25 ID:gdNbFtPxP
- 見たけど痩せて髪型普通にしてちょっと元に戻ってた
抗鬱剤やめたんかな - I saw him and it does seem like he's turned back to normal now that he's thinner, with normal hair.
- Maybe he stopped taking antidepressants.
- 13: イエネコ(チベット自治区) 2013/05/03(金) 12:59:58.84 ID:S1tk33DY0
- 15: カナダオオヤマネコ(関東・甲信越) 2013/05/03(金) 13:01:09.53 ID:GpYsJTWD0
- >>13
それは河本ニダ! - That's Kawamoto!
- 14: ジャングルキャット(空) 2013/05/03(金) 13:00:02.58 ID:wki+cCPs0
- 最初は光一だったけど、後から剛の方が伸びてきたかんじ。
At first it was Koichi, then Tsuyoshi emerged later on
http://jbchost.com.br/madeinjapan/imgmat/2008/09/06_kinki_kids.jpg- 17: マヌルネコ(西日本) 2013/05/03(金) 13:07:52.58 ID:OfxXCTWdO
- 薬だろ、こいつの目はヤバイ
- Must be drugged. Just look at those eyes.
http://www.suruga-ya.jp/database/pics/game/g8659180.jpg - 18: カラカル(兵庫県) 2013/05/03(金) 13:09:36.09 ID:KyO8PpItP
- エンドリケリエンドリケリさんか
http://www.suruga-ya.jp/database/pics/game/220075104.jpg - 20: アムールヤマネコ(北陸地方) 2013/05/03(金) 13:19:41.47 ID:54UJ4UTOO
- 長瀬と一緒にラブホ入った話はワロタ
- I LOL'd at the story where they checked into a hotel with Nagase
- 1: 鳥φ ★ 2010/08/10(火) 14:03:20 ID:???0
- * They revealed in their program that the 2 KinKi Kids checked into a love motel together with TOKIO's Nagase. Nagase called them one day and asked them to go fishing together. They left at 3AM and reached their destination at 4AM which was too early, so they checked in a motel which they just chanced upon to rest. Their playfulness got the better of them, so the 3 just enjoyed the revolving bed as they lay down side by side, recreating the kanji character for "river" - 川
- 27: サーバル(神奈川県) 2013/05/04(土) 02:06:53.44 ID:BH50xi8qP
- これ単に光の具合じゃないの
- Isn't this just because of the lighting?
- 28: ぬこ(dion軍) 2013/05/04(土) 09:04:18.92 ID:O4RTkiqb0
- 昨日のMステでもだいぶ戻ってた気はしたが
金田一の頃のキラキラはなくなってる - He looked a bit like back to his old self in last night's Music Station but his eyes looked dead. He was glimmering though during his "Kindaichi" days.
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130504/01/yayuyo24841/f8/66/j/o0480036012524454003.jpg - 29: ピクシーボブ(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/05/04(土) 11:01:38.12 ID:yrKnkUG3O
- 昔から自分の中では
光一より剛のほうが人気あったのに、剛が変わってファン減ったよな - For me, it was always Tsuyoshi Domoto = KinKi
- Tsuyoshi was more popular than Koichi, but they lost some fans when Tsuyoshi changed.
http://dokugakueikaiwa.up.seesaa.net/image/KinkiKids.jpg- 30: 斑(東京都) 2013/05/04(土) 11:07:05.66 ID:VqRJh2CQ0
今までで一番かっこよかった頃- This was when he looked coolest
- 31: ボルネオヤマネコ(dion軍) 2013/05/04(土) 11:10:51.69 ID:krfhsE//P
- しかしこいつら若いね
- But these guys still sure are young
- 33: マヌルネコ(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/05/04(土) 12:42:47.75 ID:5z8FMdxQQ
- 歌ってる時の声が男のオレでもカッコいいと思う
おいしい声だと思う - Even a man like me thinks that he has a cool singing voice.
- I had one of their albums, and it really had a huge impact when I found out that he was singing one of the songs.
- I think he has a "delicious" voice.
- 34: 黒トラ(山形県) 2013/05/04(土) 12:45:12.87 ID:ZwkqLP6dI
- 堂本剛と似てるといわれたことが懐かしい
今の俺は・・・ - Ahh, the days when people told me I looked like Tsuyoshi Domoto...
- Now I just look...
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