That's actually pretty amazing
- 4: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:46:56.42 ID:1A9mu4oF
- 篠原涼子とか言う視聴率女王
Ryoko Shinohara, the queen of ratings
http://s.cinematoday.jp/res/A0/00/30/A0003037-00.jpg - 5: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:47:04.34 ID:n+m3SQ5a
- 初回視聴率<平均視聴率<最終回視聴率の良ドラマ基準は突破しそうだなLooks like it will clear the basis of a good drama which is
First episode ratings < Average ratings < Finale ratings -
- 8: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:48:37.24 ID:Gp8xRO/o
- >>5そこじゃないんだよなぁ初回から一度も数字を下げてないThat's not it. The ratings haven't dropped from the first episode, not even once.
- 6: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:47:32.81 ID:1oaqS7XE
- そらエッチでなんたらとか言われたら観たくなるわWell if they keep talking about sex like that, the ratings are bound to rise.
- 7: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:47:40.13 ID:pBN5yyAl
- ただのエ□ドラマかと思ってたら普通におもろいI thought that they'd just sell the drama through erotic scenes, but it's actually pretty good.
- 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:49:09.91 ID:MvjtMbKm
- 内容はくっそつまらんけどなんか見てしまうIt's pretty boring but there's something that draws me to it
- 10: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:49:54.02 ID:IfrnLHNY
- 篠原涼子は安定してるなShinohara sure is consistent
- 11: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:50:23.38 ID:CUxbWJMR
- なお最高視聴率の15.7%でもガリレオの最低視聴率に届かない模様
Even with its best of 15.7%, it still can't reach Galileo's lowest rating
http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/1e/66/54ca45b9effbdab92b8926a3a57afa3f.jpg - 12: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:51:04.05 ID:sg86xsce
- 由衣にゃんが汚れ役でかなCI'm sad that Yui-chan is a bi+ch here
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/akb48newstimes/imgs/4/1/410e01b2-s.jpg - 13: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:51:17.45 ID:EUqKUU3b
- アラサー、アラフォー女が好きそうなドラマやねBBAの恋愛モノとか流石に見る気にならんFeels like the around 30s and around 40s women love these kind of things. I'm not at all interested in watching love stories that involve old hags.
- 14: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:51:21.13 ID:OyDo329F
- キャスティングはいいけど内容が韓流っぽいThe casting is good but the story feels like a Korean drama
http://soramame-news.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_3e2/soramame-news/E79BB8E996A2E59BB3E38197E38293E381A7E3828CE38289.jpg - 15: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:52:57.97 ID:nClD1ZLi
- 面白いけど主人公がぐううざいIt's interesting but the lead character is really annoying
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/usameronpan/22918924.jpeg - 16: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:53:02.52 ID:557mu8NI
- 今期は家族ゲームだけでいいや次期はDoctors二期、その次はリーガルハイが楽しみKazoku Game is the only one for me this season. Next up is the 2nd season of Doctors. After that, I'm looking forward to Legal High.
- 17: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:53:35.65 ID:L8PlAbM8
- 最後は藤木とくっつくんやろ?と思いつつ見てしまうI watch this while thinking that she'll eventually end up with Fujiki
- 19: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:55:21.58 ID:Qb6NH9Kb
- 結構おもろいIt's pretty good
- 20: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:56:46.89 ID:gfQ/wb4S
- 変に難しくせん方がやっぱり主婦層にはドラマ受けええんやろなThe middle aged viewers seem to like these simple dramas better
- 21: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:58:04.33 ID:557mu8NI
- >>20内職しながら見れるようなドラマは比較的人気になるんじゃないか、ガッキーのとかI think the dramas that can be watched even while doing part time jobs are popular, like the one with Gakky now.
- 22: 風吹けば名無し 2013/05/27(月) 20:59:24.50 ID:Gp8xRO/o
- take5も好きなんやけど
I also like take5, but this one is deadhttp://mantan-web.jp/assets/images/2013/04/19/20130419dog00m200029000c_250.jpg
Original Thread
Hey, I like this drama a lot haha they've badmouthing it :(