Sho Sakurai (30) has this image of a serious and pleasant young man, but it is also well-known that he is quick-tempered and that he thinks fans are "invisible people". The incident where he glared and shouted "Don't come here--", "You're eyesores" at the fans who watched his on-location shoots to greet him "Great work!" is pretty famous. There are numerous other incidents where he called fans "ugly" and "pig", where he threw an umbrella at them, where he spat on them. There was also a recent incident reported by Shukan Josei where he slammed a fan's cellphone and destroyed it.
A fan of his from his Johnny's Jr. days says:
"He's always been like that. Nothing has changed."
"He was a boy who loved to go clubbing and loved goukon parties until his early 20s. His hair was dyed brown, and he had piercings back then, right? He's baby-faced but he looked so flashy. He used to like the gal-types, halfies, and gaudy girls and was seen walking with girls like those, preferring them over the pure and clean ones. He was not serious at all. But don't you think that's just normal for celebrities like him? There's no reason for me to cease being a fan."
Sakurai apparently changed when he was chosen to be a newscaster in 2006 for "NEWS ZERO".
"As soon as he started work on the program, he disappeared for a bit from the club circuit and he didn't do goukon parties anymore. But he still didn't change the way he treated his fans."
Sho Sakurai was allegedly spotted recently at Shinjuku 2-chome's gay bar, leading to speculation that he's bisexual.
"I think he liked the bar which a gay friend showed him and he seems to be frequenting that place, sometimes alone, just to drink. But I don't think he's bisexual. I think he only has sex with women, and I heard that he constantly calls over prostitues to his Roppongi apartment. I don't think he's romantically involved, it's just the relationship between a prostitute and a client. But calling her to his home and not a hotel must mean that he's opened his heart to this woman." (showbiz insider)
"I know he's got a bad personality and that he loves women, but I still cheer him on. I think it's pathetic if a fan thinks to herself that he betrayed us." (same fan as above)
- 3: 読者の声 2012/08/25(土) 23:47:07.81 ID:Ierkd4eM
- 櫻井はギャル好き。
Sakurai loves gals - 110: 読者の声 2013/03/20(水) 23:21:51.11 ID:O4jG+dPQ
These passionate Johnny-wotas sure are incredible.
So they still root for him even if they know that he's a goody-goody on the outside, but a delinquent man-whore on the inside. 4: 読者の声 2012/08/25(土) 23:49:56.74 ID:9GVcO1S2
- ファンはマゾが多いのか
There must be a lot of masochistic fans - 10: 読者の声 2012/08/26(日) 00:09:22.21 ID:jMIwabvs
- 嵐は最低なグループだな、リーダーは大麻3P流失、二宮は不細工、相葉はJS胸揉み事件、櫻井は風俗孃通い、松本は濃いゴリラ
Arashi really is a terrible group. The leader's marijuana 3-play gets exposed, Ninomiya's ugly, Aiba fondles a gradeschooler's breast, Sakurai goes to a prostitute, while Matsumoto is this thick gorilla. - 12: 読者の声 2012/08/26(日) 01:28:42.22 ID:+sap8tlz
- 櫻井のオタは櫻井に不利になるようにエピソードを脚色するのがデフォ
Sakurai wotas just love to fantasize these Sakurai episodes that will put him at a disadvantage.
Who wants fans like these?
I understand why he'd want to throw his umbrella at them. - 13: 読者の声 2012/08/26(日) 02:02:52.48 ID:i3XbUurp
- これ2ちゃんのアンチの捏造ネタを元に記事書いてるだけじゃんw
LOL, they just created an article off some Sakurai-hater's fabricated illusions on 2channel!
And people are falling for it, these people must be nuts. - 22: 読者の声 2012/08/28(火) 08:41:23.57 ID:VdFo2oNw
- ロケ先で見かけた事あるけど普通に気のいいあんちゃんだったよ。
I saw him once on location for a shoot, but he was just your normal, good-natured young man.
I think it's just the core, disgusting fans that are the ones being stared and yelled at by him. - 24: 読者の声 2012/08/28(火) 18:44:16.03 ID:yiXBrCKj
- 男のファンにはとても優しいよ
He's very kind to his male fans. - 26: 読者の声 2012/08/28(火) 22:32:49.64 ID:E6B1qa57
- ファンに暴言を吐くとか暴力を振るうとか
Yelling at his fans and causing violence, to what extent are these true? - 27: 読者の声 2012/08/29(水) 02:28:44.43 ID:TYHS2jp5
- 櫻井翔「なんで俺があんなブスと握手しなきゃなんねーんだよ」
Sho Sakurai: "Why the heck should I shake hands with an ugly girl like that?" - 29: 読者の声 2012/08/30(木) 02:38:19.14 ID:xw1mbqF+
- 風俗嬢のくだりは完全にネタ
The part about the prostitue is totally false.
There are a lot of prostitues who just whip up stories like this LOL
Then the other stories there seem to be exaggerated, but these are all old news, right? -
- 129: 読者の声 2013/05/12(日) 09:33:14.66 ID:KHkoJHzu
- >>29
It's not made up.
There was a time in Ariyoshi Japon where they talked about these high class prostitutes and said that Johnny's even avail of their services. It was censored, but it seems that Johnny's talents use them.
Ariyoshi: "Those guys can always have their fix with women, right?"
Nishikawa-sensei: "Maybe these people feel reassured because their secrets are safe with them."
- 31: 読者の声 2012/08/30(木) 16:45:32.93 ID:5icbq7X8
- キャバクラとか行って話してると、
When you go to a Cabaret club and talk to the girls there, you hear a lot of them saying,
"I'm friends with Arashi's ______ you know, he even said that he'd text me before their concert!"
"I had sex with my friend, Arashi's _____ before!"
that's really amazing, and not necessarily in a nice way.
Even in the remote provincial snack bars, the girls there say the same thing. - 32: 読者の声 2012/08/30(木) 17:54:45.16 ID:QCI7nCIo
- 櫻井って実家暮らしじゃなったっけ?
Wasn't Sakurai living with his parents?
Will he still be able to call in prostitutes like that? - 36: 読者の声 2012/08/31(金) 08:23:18.12 ID:9fVd/4HB
- ホモフォビアだし無駄に筋肉つけてるし、男の子に対するデレっぷりがひどいしで、ずっとガチゲイだと思ってたわwHe's homophobic, has unnecessary muscles, and sometimes shows a sweet side towards other men... I always thought he was gay. - 40: 読者の声 2012/09/02(日) 07:21:06.32 ID:asqSZ/Fl
- 縁故採用のイメージ
I've got this impression of him getting his jobs due to his connections. - 41: 読者の声 2012/09/02(日) 10:06:50.21 ID:4UDPcM0f
- 芸能界も縁故や枕や事務所の力やらでレベル落ちる一方やね
The showbiz world is just going down the drain with all these connections, sex favors and agency hierarchies. - 45: 読者の声 2012/09/09(日) 00:57:19.56 ID:IxJ1N+EN
- 縁故採用と言えばこいつの妹(26)
If you're talking about connections, there's this guy's sister (26) too
(Related post here) - 46: 読者の声 2012/09/09(日) 03:20:45.47 ID:W1Advywv
- 性格が悪いのはJr時代に目の前で見たからガチ
I personally saw his bad attitude when he was still in Jr. so it's true.
I just tagged along with my friend but I got involved in the fracas. - 47: 読者の声 2012/09/11(火) 15:44:44.70 ID:QOisTwC7
- 芸人も風俗好きだし櫻井もいいじゃない
Celebrities like prostitutes, I don't see a problem with this for Sakurai. - 50: 読者の声 2012/09/15(土) 15:13:58.11 ID:a+rLok9w
- 風俗ぐらいいいじゃん
There's nothing wrong with concubines - 51: 読者の声 2012/09/15(土) 15:23:14.86 ID:67/gcwzR
- 可愛い子と男のファンには優しくて
So he's kind to cute girls and male fans, but cold to the ugly ones? - 53: 読者の声 2012/09/16(日) 00:46:00.21 ID:wEHXAoTu
- 櫻井は追っかけは美人だろうが嫌い
Sakurai hates stalker fangirls, regardless if they're pretty or not.
He just wants to say, "Don't interfere with my private life". - 56: 読者の声 2012/09/16(日) 05:59:17.45 ID:4xXTmkix
- 櫻井のワキ毛は少し臭いSakurai's armpit hair stinks a bit - 58: 読者の声 2012/09/16(日) 16:00:25.24 ID:lrR8fOp6
- そんなに性格悪くないとおもうよ
I don't think he has that bad of a personality.
These Johnny's talents are being taught properly by their senpais so they have the fundamentals down.
He's very polite. - 60: 読者の声 2012/09/18(火) 17:46:29.99 ID:Uoq1pRxE
- 櫻井君、優しいと想いますよ。不器用な優しさというか。
I think Sakurai-kun is kind.
A clumsy kindness, if you may say. - 66: 読者の声 2012/10/27(土) 19:00:33.91 ID:/TotvvXs
- こんなの普通に有る事。こういう顔に限って短気だし、こいつの気持ちはわかるけど、
I think this is normal. He's hot-headed even with a face like that, and I understand how he feels. But he's still a personality, so I think he should put up with his fans a bit more. I do understand the feeling of someone clinging onto you like that every single day. Even I feel like hitting the girl who comes towards me like that. I've also hit someone with an umbrella before. - 67: 読者の声 2012/11/01(木) 13:15:42.38 ID:RBZZ0AIJ
- 櫻井の嫌われぶりは異常、まあ好かれる要素はないけど。
Sakurai sure is hated by the people. Well, he doesn't have any likable factors anyway. - 71: 読者の声 2012/11/29(木) 02:10:46.89 ID:HgHfuiZB
- カッコ良くない
Not handsome
Not interesting
Bad personality
Not serious
I wonder where the fans find his appeal in. - 75: 読者の声 2012/12/13(木) 18:19:57.42 ID:LjBkHngm
- テレビ局で働いてる友人曰く、嵐はみなさん礼儀正しいとのこと。
According to my friend who works at a TV station, everyone in Arashi is really polite. Even Ninomiya was a good-mannered young man.
(Related post here) - 79: 読者の声 2012/12/18(火) 03:30:31.19 ID:Vio1sZG4
- 性格悪い人が性格良く見せようとするような喋り方で気持ち悪い
He's disgusting. He seems like an ill-mannered person desperately trying to look and speak like a kind person. - 80: 読者の声 2012/12/24(月) 21:46:16.48 ID:8oYoCeGw
- 性格良い悪いはもはや関係ない。好きだから好き。それだけだ。
I don't care if he has a bad attitude. I like him, because I do. That's just all there is to it.
It seems that he has a lot of weird fans, but I just think to myself, "It serves you right," when people like those are spat at.
There's no need to make the haters like him. Like him if you like him, hate him if you hate him, nothing wrong with that.
It's impossible for everyone to like anyone in the first place anyways. -
- 81: 読者の声 2013/01/05(土) 01:57:12.54 ID:3PgSF9He
- >>80
>There's no need to make the haters like him.
Well that's unexpected. I always thought that the Arashi wotas always picked on the people who could never learn to like Arashi.
- 82: 読者の声 2013/01/05(土) 02:18:38.15 ID:J8Di0TEa
- 櫻井翔のイメージを保つのはもう疲れたんだよ。
I think he just grew tired of maintaining the image of "Sho Sakurai".
He's just sick of acting the ideal image that you guys have been forcing on him. - 84: 読者の声 2013/01/11(金) 17:36:34.50 ID:pm2xeVqW
Sho Sakurai's face is smelly so it can't be helped -
- 86: 読者の声 2013/01/12(土) 06:23:25.14 ID:+YJujI1k
- >>84
I thought that was Takayuki Yamada
- 87: 読者の声 2013/01/12(土) 08:16:21.52 ID:r/VALfgn
- 櫻井翔の劣化が止まらない・・・
Sho Sakurai just doesn't stop deteriorating... - 88: 読者の声 2013/01/12(土) 09:48:53.48 ID:6Nub9omQ
- 昔、ジャニーズで働いてた知り合いいるけど、
I have an acquaintance who used to work for Johnny's who said that Hikaru GENJI's Morohoshi was a helpless little brat. There might be some legacy over there. - 98: 読者の声 2013/03/09(土) 08:34:13.46 ID:wGOMOPqh
- 最近ではちょっと太り気味になった櫻井を『あのアンパンマン野郎!』と
I think people have started slandering Sakurai who's gotten a bit fat these days by calling him "Anpanman Yarou!" - 100: 読者の声 2013/03/13(水) 21:33:27.70 ID:HizyZRJT
- 証拠もないのに風俗だのかいていいのか
Can they talk about prostitues without any evidence? I'll believe it when they show pictures. - 117: 読者の声 2013/04/08(月) 03:06:28.41 ID:C4XesIwn
- ブタとか言ってんのか…
He calls fans "pig"?... - 125: 読者の声 2013/05/03(金) 06:09:00.88 ID:HaYhQAST
- 櫻井がどういうセ●クスをしてるのかは気になる
I am curious though as to how Sakurai has sex... - 130: 読者の声 2013/05/12(日) 09:36:32.91 ID:KHkoJHzu
- 桜井がほんまに風俗嬢呼んでんのか知らんが
I don't know if Sakurai really calls prostitues to his home but there really are these high class brothels for VIPs. They protect their customer's personal information no matter what, and all of the girls are really hot and pretty compared to the cheap ones in Gotanda or somewhere.
Those girls even said that idols call them over to the studio.
Original Thread
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#10 for real? On TV some more? Holy Batman!
ReplyDeletegross and disgusting...
ReplyDeletei give you thumbs up 2chan...speak the truth like it is..
He comes from a privileged family and he's been in show business since he was a child, so it makes sense that he would be a brat, and some of his fans are crazy and entitled, so it makes sense that he would get worn down and lash out at them sometimes. I'm not surprised by any of this.
ReplyDeleteWhat I am surprised by is that gif of Aiba. What the hell is going on there?
He was going to give the girl a piggyback,he was just trying to have a good hold on her.Nino was making sure she didn't fall when Aiba lifted her.
DeleteIt was an episode on VS Arashi. He was going to give her a piggyback like he did in his drama with her, "My Girl".
DeleteLOL @ #10 trying to nitpick Jun #thickgorillaftw
ReplyDeleteLOLing at the choice of picture for #12!!
ReplyDeleteI really feel like he's gonna throw that umbrella at me any moment even though he's smiling like that XDD