2. Galileo (FujiTV) 19.9%
3. Last Cinderella (FujiTV) 15.2%
4. Yae no Sakura (NHK) 14.0% (April~June 23)
5. 35-sai no Koukousei (NTV) 13.3%
6. Kazoku Game (FujiTV) 13.0%
7. Soratobu Kouhoushitsu (TBS) 12.7%
8. Keiji 100Kg (TV Asahi) 12.1%
9. Doubles Futari no Keiji (TV Asahi) 11.9%
10. Kasuka na Kanojo (FujiTV) 11.5%
Shingo Katori and Atsuko Maeda didn't live up to expectations and settled at 10th place.
Looking back at Katori's dramas, MONSTERS got 11.9%, Shiawase ni narouyo got 11.7% while Kochikame got 9.3%
- 2: アメリカンカール(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/27(木) 20:55:58.24 ID:E76V3vnL0
- ほげええええ!!!!
(Related post here) - 3: ジャガランディ(東京都) 2013/06/27(木) 20:56:03.72 ID:5CdCHKu60
- 一時期もてはやされてたじゃん
He was widely sought after at one point - 4: バリニーズ(東日本) 2013/06/27(木) 20:56:54.77 ID:Vczj19U50
- 低視聴率でもいーじゃんいーじゃん
Who cares about low ratings? - 6: ヨーロッパヤマネコ(新潟県) 2013/06/27(木) 20:57:15.34 ID:A5Mf0TWy0
- 俺にはわかる
I can tell that he's got the eyes of a madman - 8: ピューマ(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/27(木) 20:57:53.16 ID:O7ai9FOY0
- 色物は香取にさせればいいって風潮やめてやれ
I hope that they stop letting Katori play these strange roles.
It's like he's picking up the pieces of trash left by the drama world.
http://livedoor.4.blogimg.jp/dqnplus/imgs/4/d/4d8be352.jpg - 9: ターキッシュアンゴラ(千葉県) 2013/06/27(木) 20:58:07.39 ID:6ef8f0HNP
- 女装とか裸じゃないだけマシ
At least he's not cross-dressed or naked
http://www.janijanifan.net/data/janijanifan/product/smpt/smpt206.jpg -
- 53: スナドリネコ(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/06/27(木) 21:29:23.05 ID:4jaafRCyO
- >>9
He already went nude before. I think it was in Toumei Ningen. He insured his bottom back then.
- 15: ソマリ(東日本) 2013/06/27(木) 21:00:55.22 ID:wSG4sz1R0
- SMAPってもう全員40歳くらいだろ?
Everyone in SMAP's already in their 40s right? Even still, it feels like they still appear in these dragging love stories or trendy dramas. These is seriously a pain for the viewers. I hope they realize that no one wants to watch something like that. - 16: オリエンタル(埼玉県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:04:29.14 ID:0AXhoA8VP
- 孫悟空
Son Gokuu
Invisible Man
Mentally handicapped
A terrible version of Furuhata
Has there ever been a man who has played such varying roles? -
- 59: ペルシャ(東日本) 2013/06/27(木) 21:31:56.40 ID:iuuUV0Ck0
- >>16
He also did Yomigaeru Kinro.
I wonder what happened to the talk about serializing Tora-san with Katori playing the part.
- 17: アムールヤマネコ(関東・甲信越) 2013/06/27(木) 21:04:35.57 ID:9MjBW97LO
- ダブルスは単なる劣化版あぶない刑事だった。
So Doubles was just a bad version of Abunai Deka.
The characters lacked sharpness and glamour.
http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/reading/doubles/wp-content/uploads/sites/86/2013/04/3632e446f49a8fb478f90b52818c3d0d-640x425.jpg - 18: ピクシーボブ(庭) 2013/06/27(木) 21:06:45.64 ID:6pE9rELu0
- トップ10にも入っていないtake5…
What about TAKE FIVE that isn't even in the top 10...
http://dogatch.jp/drama/drama_sp/tbs_takefive/tbs_take5_main.jpg -
- 56: デボンレックス(東京都) 2013/06/27(木) 21:31:03.40 ID:K6EEVkbA0
- >>18
It was boring
- 19: アメリカンボブテイル(秋田県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:06:54.73 ID:WF6tqag20
- 香取のあの鼻にかかった声、受け付けない
I can't take Katori's nasal-sounding voice - 20: ツシマヤマネコ(千葉県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:07:27.10 ID:gdHzulKS0
- 21: スノーシュー(千葉県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:07:46.43 ID:O5XgJrBm0
- 正直、いい年してあのキャラは見てられない
I honestly can't stand watching an old man playing roles like that - 22: オリエンタル(神奈川県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:08:03.28 ID:T20Ud01H0
- だって主役張るような器じゃないのは誰が見てもわかってるじゃん
Everyone can see that he doesn't have what it takes to play the lead.
He doesn't have any sort of glamorous aura to him in the first place.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/akb4839/imgs/a/c/ace2c636-s.jpg - 23: ぬこ(埼玉県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:08:43.55 ID:Txu1tRUy0
- 若い時に演技の勉強させなかったジャニーズが悪い
It's Johnny's fault for not making him study acting when he was young.
You can say that he's a victim. - 27: マーゲイ(東京都) 2013/06/27(木) 21:10:18.90 ID:GVVCLPGB0
- あんなのが俳優ゴッコを続けられるんだから
Johnny's authority really is amazing for letting someone like that still become an actor. - 28: 縞三毛(熊本県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:10:42.76 ID:9ac/xXfY0
- 事務所「香取くん、Mrバナナの新CM来たよ」 香取「はい…」
Agency: "Katori-kun, here's a new commercial for Mr. Banana"
Katori: "Yes..."
http://i4.ytimg.com/vi/Sp8ttwikTEs/hqdefault.jpg - 29: チーター(神奈川県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:10:43.57 ID:QtNgSi6H0
- 香取も前田も数字持ってないだろw
Both Katori and Maeda can't lift the ratings up
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/akb4839/imgs/9/e/9e55c6e1.jpg - 32: ヒマラヤン(庭) 2013/06/27(木) 21:11:35.07 ID:CAQJxmFn0
- 蘇る金狼の頃は好きだった
I liked him in Yomigaeru Kinro
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20101118/22/sfqrk275/fc/16/j/o0540067810867180401.jpg - 35: セルカークレックス(北海道) 2013/06/27(木) 21:14:18.71 ID:c/oIPaZP0
- 前田さんの効果なんて無いだろw
There's no such thing as the Maeda effect - 38: ぬこ(チベット自治区) 2013/06/27(木) 21:17:23.89 ID:rtnJWlCf0
- トカゲが入ってない。面白かったのに
Tokage isn't in the top 10? It was good.
http://dogatch.jp/kanren_news/tbs/201204/tbs_tokage_kaiken1.jpg - 40: オリエンタル(庭) 2013/06/27(木) 21:19:32.87 ID:aIwnJDjLP
- 香取は事務所から変な仕事ばかり押し付けられてるよな
Katori always gets forced to do these weird projects from his agency - 42: ラ・パーマ(神奈川県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:19:56.40 ID:3ZixBA/Z0
- あいつ良く精神壊さないよな。
I'm impressed that he hasn't had a mental breakdown yet.
Or has he... - 43: デボンレックス(石川県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:20:52.44 ID:Fq/Zl6Dk0
- 香取主演の最高傑作は蘇える金狼
The best drama Katori starred in was Yomigaeru Kinro.
No objections allowed. - 44: 白(埼玉県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:22:02.84 ID:bFKj5OyE0
- この人って本気なることが無さそう
I don't think this guy will ever get serious.
He doesn't seem to have any passion. - 45: マンチカン(東日本) 2013/06/27(木) 21:24:14.30 ID:cUO3EQzHO
- なんの役をやってもオットリ感が抜けないんだよな
Whatever role he does, he always seems gentleman-ly -
- 47: シャルトリュー(宮城県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:25:14.45 ID:5MPOAtKT0
- >>45
I think you mean sluggish
- 46: イリオモテヤマネコ(静岡県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:25:08.54 ID:3Mf4OiD80
- そりゃ、盲目の役を、本当に目を閉じて演じたほどの名役者だからな
Yeah, he's this amazing actor who closed his eyes in order to play the role of a blind person
http://n-da.jp/usr/kimama/%E5%BA%A7%E9%A0%AD%E5%B8%82DSCF8008%E2%91%A1.JPG - 50: イリオモテヤマネコ(静岡県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:28:00.90 ID:3Mf4OiD80
- あの汚い声を絞り出すしゃべり方が生理的にダメ
I seriously can't stand his nasty voice. I find it abnormal to let someone with a voice like that sing and act. - 52: クロアシネコ(家) 2013/06/27(木) 21:29:16.14 ID:/Pfg6FDX0
- 欽ちゃんとの仮装大賞でも一緒に出るの辞めてほしい
I also hope he stops appearing on Kasoh Grandprix with Kin-chan.
This person is really obnoxious.
http://g4.ykimg.com/1100401F46517F525FFA34061403293E1E35BD-C1CE-1962-AC7C-1F5763DDFF99 - 54: ペルシャ(東日本) 2013/06/27(木) 21:29:40.57 ID:iuuUV0Ck0
- だから香取には有名作の実写化だけをやらせろとあれほど…
That's why I keep telling you to let Katori play only the live action versions of popular manga or novels!
There's a ton of things they could do!
I hope they do something as large as Kochikame! -
- 61: コラット(庭) 2013/06/27(木) 21:34:09.68 ID:Wa5W3fsW0
- >>54
I think he'll suit Bleach or Onepiece.
I'm actually serious about this.
I might watch if it's Katori.
- 55: イリオモテヤマネコ(静岡県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:30:20.08 ID:3Mf4OiD80
- バカボンのパパなら合うかも?
He might suit the role of Bakabon's father - 57: セルカークレックス(福岡県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:31:17.60 ID:PYzjph6U0
- 何やっても香取慎吾だからな
But he's always Shingo Katori in whatever role he plays.
His character is just too strong LOL - 58: ボルネオヤマネコ(三重県) 2013/06/27(木) 21:31:51.40 ID:SzudDAoP0
- こいつがコケる要因じゃなくてコケる企画に尽くこいつが呼ばれてるんだよ
I don't think he's the reason why dramas flop, but he's only being asked to the projects that they already know will flop.
He's already like a human sacrifice. If it flops, they'll put the blame on Katori. If it succeeds, they'll praise the one who initiated the project. The TV industry is just like a garbage dump site.
Original Thread
I actually liked most of his projects...
ReplyDeleteOh well, we're all different.
I'm not a SMAP fan, but I have the weirdest crush on Shingo. His weirdness appeals to me.
ReplyDeleteI have watched most of Shingo's projects. Be it dramas, movies, variety shows etc. I love watching him and will support this hardworking and humble man forever.
ReplyDeleteHe brightens my day with his charming smile.