Please tell me the answer, horny peeps of the world!
- 3: 魑魅魍魎 ◆2LEFd5iAoc 2011/07/16(土) 22:18:44.29 ID:qnjkzeOf
- ガクトと叶姉妹とデビ夫人は何で金持っているか気になって眠れない。
- I can't sleep thinking about why Gackt, the Kanou sisters, and Mrs. Dewi are so rich.
- 7: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:20:50.53 ID:AjDUjKy7
- >>3
I really understand what you mean LOL
- 20: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:22:31.67 ID:7p4LkesW
- >>3
デビはスイスに銀行持ってんじゃなかったっけ - Doesn't Dewi have a bank in Switzerland?
- 21: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:22:41.08 ID:mdQTbAsz
- >>3
The Kanou sisters are only acting like they're rich, but they don't have that much money. I saw Mika Kanou buying onions at a grocery once. Her perfume stank though.
- 23: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 2011/07/16(土) 22:22:57.07 ID:211C1Ls2
- >>3
Dewi was the wife of the late President Sukarno
- 24: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:23:03.14 ID:WqWNFnUM
- >>3
デヴィ夫人はわかるだろ - It's understandable why Dewi is rich
- 9: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:21:37.63 ID:zhxoMZiT
- 三流歌手なのに何で儲けてるんだろう?
- I really wonder why a 3rd rate singer is earning so much
- 10: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:21:39.83 ID:eqipOT/c
- 印税とライブじゃね?
- Must be from royalties and his concerts?
http://www.famitsu.com/image/3930/s1144_TWkb3SU983V7N2r3j9U19XZAW7JnRh7t.jpg - 11: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:21:42.77 ID:aguUiJLC
- 義援金詐欺で設けた
- He earned by faking charity drives
http://v9cxxfsq.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/3fb77bae.jpg - 14: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:22:05.39 ID:DemDT77v
- ホスト
- As a male host
- 17: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:22:20.37 ID:969+pL19
- 数年前に並木通りですれ違った時はすっごい細っくて、高身長でイケメンだったのになぁ(´・ω・`)
- He was so thin, tall and such an ikemen though when I passed by him along a road lined with trees a few years ago
(´・ω・`) - 18: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:22:23.94 ID:WARny/Oh
- ライブとか舞台とかドラマとかバラエティー出てたまにCD出してるからじゃないか
- Must be because of his concerts, stage plays, dramas, variety shows, and the CDs he releases once in a while.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/joetsutj/imgs/2/8/283da35b.jpg - 22: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:22:56.30 ID:gWqib/l5
- 実質そんなにないだろ。叶姉妹キャラでしょ?
- They probably don't have that much. That's just the Kanou sisters' character, right?
http://gigazine.jp/img/2008/08/11/abunai_sisters_koko_mika/kano_sisters_top.jpg - 25: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:23:03.22 ID:dqoOyaZQ
- Gacktの曲ってそんなに売れてるかあ!?
- Do Gackt's songs sell so much?
- 28: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:24:19.32 ID:GCSSXkAV
- 今は知らないけど家は板橋区の大山住んでた
けっこうがめついよ - I don't know about now but his house was in Ooyama in Itabashi-ku. He apparently doesn't give a high salary to his supporting members. He's apparently a cheapskate.
- 34: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:26:59.09 ID:WqWNFnUM
- >>28
Gacktが給料渡してるわけじゃないだろw - Gackt isn't the one giving the salary, right? LOL
- 29: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:25:09.06 ID:16CfosfC
- 自分でいろんな権利を持ってるんだろな、アイドルにしろバンドにしろ搾取されすぎ、ガクトは頭いいんだと思う
- He probably holds a lot of rights. Other idols and bands are just being exploited too much. I think Gackt is pretty smart.
- 30: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:25:16.90 ID:IVTvW/H9
- 確かヒット曲が一曲あったけど
まあ糞芸人でも年収一千万超えてたりするから持ってても不思議じゃないかも - He did have one hit song, but does he really get a lot from royalties? And commercials, TV appearances too. Well, even those shi++y talents earn over JPY 10 million annually, so I won't be surprised if he had that much money.
- 65: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:43:37.73 ID:k64zab9M
- >>30
芸人のほうが金持ってるよ - Junichi Ishida once said that Variety Show Fee >>>>> Drama Fee. The talents are richer.
- 31: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:25:31.60 ID:Erl2jVYv
- ガクトってヒット曲あるのか!?
- Does Gackt even have a hit song!?
- 37: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:27:23.07 ID:7p4LkesW
- >>31
ヒットしても自分で曲書いてなきゃ金たいして入ってこないし - I think he had at least one. I think he writes his own songs. If he doesn't, then he won't earn so much even if it becomes a hit, right?
- 43: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:30:30.02 ID:zGWWanib
- >>31
ディケイドopとかけっこうデカイと思う - I think that opening song for Kamen Rider Decade was pretty huge
- 33: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:25:44.27 ID:9WnDua/z
- 歌手は一発屋でも印税だけで暮らせたりするんだよ
俳優業もしている奴は金持ちで当然 - Some singers can live off just one hit song. Gackt has been popular for a lot of years now. He's had tie-ups, and he's even acting so it's just natural that he's rich.
- 38: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:28:05.96 ID:ViFNKRD8
- 印税は基本的に
印税年収なんて500万もないだろ - Royalties are basically like this:
- Song 1%, Lyrics 5%, Music 5%
- If he produces albums, I think it'll depend on the album sales and the contract, so it can go anywhere from a few million to 10s of millions. Even if Gackt's songs became hits, I don't think he can live lavishly like this. I don't think he even earns 5 million a year from royalties.
http://imgcc.naver.jp/kaze/mission/USER/20120907/18/1073338/307/479x318xb94fe1e784fbcd8c3086aefc.jpg - 44: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:30:42.70 ID:Y08f27I3
- 12月がどうとかいうクリスマスソング?みたいなのを何故か歌何組で毎年歌ってたような記憶
- I recall his Christmas song being sung yearly at these singing programs
- 45: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:30:54.00 ID:TECj83W9
- でも、数年前焼き肉屋を開店したけど経営不振で借金だらけて
週刊誌に載ってたよね?叶姉妹の男版としか思えない胡散臭さがある - There was a tabloid that scooped his Yakiniku shop falling into debt due to bad business? He just seems like a male version of the Kanou sisters, they're all pretty fishy.
- 47: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:32:26.37 ID:6CdcQt/x
- >>45
バカとしか言いようがない - He sold good meat very cheaply and he didn't earn from that. He's just plain stupid.
- 48: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:33:21.14 ID:9WnDua/z
- 1000円のCDが10万売れれば1億だ
たった一曲でね - If a CD worth 1000 yen sells 100,000 copies, that's 100 million yen. Gackt sings, composes, and arranges his own songs so he gets most of the money from that. Then comes the tie-ups and the TV shows that use his songs. He'll also earn when the songs are rented out or sung in karaoke.
- All this with just one song.
http://pbs.twimg.com/media/A5AsEzbCEAAh1l1.jpg -
- 54: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:37:13.81 ID:ViFNKRD8
- >>48
その上に税金引いたら手もとには半額くらいしかのこらない - But he just gets around 1% from all of that, right? Then when you subtract the taxes, he only gets about half.
- 50: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:36:04.66 ID:IVTvW/H9
- 演歌の人は一曲当てれば一生安泰って言うな
- The enka singers in the meantime, they say, will be able to live comfortably for the rest of their lives once they have just one hit song.
- 51: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:36:08.87 ID:2txziuRY
- だんだんキモくなってるなGackt
- But Gackt is gradually becoming more disgusting
http://blog-imgs-34-origin.fc2.com/k/o/r/koretoare/12450367920001.jpg - 52: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:36:32.25 ID:zGWWanib
- あっ,そうそう
マリスミゼルのアルバム[merveilles]全作詞Gacktだから他のメンバーより印税多い - Oh yeah, Gackt composed all the songs in Malice Mizer's album meveilles so he's earned more than the other members
- 53: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:36:39.09 ID:O19xJlXH
- 舞台もやってるしな
- He's also doing stage plays
http://news.dipps.co.jp/carrotlib/images/cache/51ead32a559a74947bb61e90e63918869c994cb5/w0640.png - 60: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:41:28.33 ID:HkSeN8pt
- 仮に年収一千万でも独身なら船や豪邸でも建てなければ良い生活できる
まあ年収2000万ぐらいはあるから余裕だろ - Even if you're earning JPY 10 million a year when you're single, you can still live a nice life if you don't purchase a huge house or a boat. Even if you eat out daily and spend 10,000 yen a day, that's just 300,000 a month. If he earns 20 million a year then that would really be comfortable.
- 63: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:42:30.76 ID:aguUiJLC
- 作詞作曲で合計1割
1億売れたら1500万が印税。 - I think writing the lyrics and composing the music totals to 1%. Singing is 3%. Then with the arrangements, I think it totals to 15%. So if he sells JPY 100 million, he gets 15 million.
- 73: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 22:52:12.60 ID:UEBpjRh5
- チリみたいな印税も積もれば山になる
- Even when you compile bits and pieces of royalty, it'll still turn into a mountain
- 83: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 23:05:09.12 ID:HkSeN8pt
- コンサート
最低で手取り2000万はあるだろ - Concert
- Royalties
- Allowances from patrons
- Commercial fees
- TV appearance fees
- Magazine fees
- And these celebrities receive presents from clothes and accessory designers, so I think he earns at least 20 million post taxes.
- 84: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 23:06:05.88 ID:l2vOKkLt
- 空港で見かけたがボディガード2人つけて立ち読みしててワロタ
- I saw him at the airport and LOL'd that he was reading something while standing with 2 bodyguards beside him.
http://blog-imgs-53-origin.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/20130415205211.jpg -
- 85: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 23:07:05.07 ID:0xcdEcoJ
- >>84
買えやw - Don't read it there, buy it LOL
- 86: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2011/07/16(土) 23:08:49.18 ID:HkSeN8pt
- >>84
橋本や石原なら襲われそうだけど - There's no one who'd want to assault someone like Gackt LOL
How much of a chicken is he? If it was Hashimoto or Ishihara they'd probably be assaulted though.
Original Thread
very interesting thanks