He was still an amateur, but he was already at this level
- 5: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:29:20.00 ID:PH5hYNoc0
- やっぱり世の中才能だな
- It really is all about talent in this world
- 7: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:30:56.70 ID:vYqzvg++0
- うまいけど音楽で食ってく気ゼロな感じがすごい
結果は違うとしても - He's good, but he absolutely didn't feel like he wanted to make a living out of music.
- Even if the outcome is different now.
- 8: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:31:16.86 ID:Ox5fRSBci
- >>7
メタルって売れないからな - Metal isn't exactly popular
- 10: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:31:30.39 ID:W4icXlTX0
- かっこええな
これでぼっちだったって本当なのか - So cool.
- Is it true that he was an outcast?
- 11: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:32:22.89 ID:Ox5fRSBci
- >>10
バンドやってる時点でぼっちじゃないだろwwwww - He's not an outcast if he's in a band LOLOLOL
- 13: 【東電 88.7 %】 2013/06/18(火) 10:32:50.99 ID:u5JLqwcI0
- 稲葉も凄いけど周りも何気に凄い
特にギター - Inaba's good, but his bandmates are also pretty amazing.
- Especially the guitarist.
- 15: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:34:38.71 ID:Ox5fRSBci
- >>13
幅広いジャンル弾けるのが松本だけど、単純にロックに限っていえば松本より上手そう - Matsumoto can play a variety of genres, but I think this guy is better when it just comes to rock.
- 27: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:54:25.87 ID:kC4dmwpZP
- >>13
もったいない - I heard this guy is a school teacher now.
- What a waste.
- 14: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:34:35.12 ID:lRBu24Xc0
- 今の稲葉って歌うために徹底的に節制して体に気を付けているからな・・・
そんじょそこらのアーティスト(笑)とは覚悟が違う。 - Inaba's seriously taking care of his body in order for him to sing well...
- The level of his determination is a cut above the rest.
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20120821/21/tomo-nakazawa/a7/d0/j/o0480064012148054525.jpg- 18: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:39:06.91 ID:08PpTAoT0
- ギターめちゃくちゃ上手いな
リズム隊もすごい - The guitarist is really good.
- The rhythm group is good too.
- 20: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:42:23.43 ID:XHd65aKc0
- B'zのバンドのサポートメンバーが演奏クソ上手いよな
- The backing band of B'z is so f*cking amazing, right?
- 22: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:46:16.35 ID:lRBu24Xc0
- >>20
いつもシェーンが楽しそうで見てるこっちも楽しい。 - Shane always looks like he's enjoying himself, it can get contagious.
- 23: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:47:40.27 ID:kC4dmwpZP
- 音程は雑だけどビブラートが深いし声量も音域も凄い
やっぱ素人でも伸びる子はいいもんもってるんやな - His pitch was messy, but he had a deep vibrato and he had an amazing upper register in that video.
- The amateurs who have potential really do possess something amazing.
- 24: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:50:59.26 ID:4QrZd3LhP
- この動画が流出してもう何年だ?
なお、先日のMステは高域不調そうだったが - How many years has passed since this video leaked out?
- I saw it again now after a long time, but I've been blown away again.
- His high register didn't sound too good when they performed on the previous Music Station though.
- 26: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:52:39.11 ID:Ox5fRSBci
- >>24
2008年が最大のピークってくらい安定してた - I think it's been like that for the past 2 years. His age is probably getting the best of him already.
- I think he peaked in 2008. He was so consistent then.
- 29: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:55:23.71 ID:LB3Vdx2t0
- 確か肺活量80000ccだっけ?人間じゃねえ
- His lung capacity is about 80000cc, right? He's not human!
- 33: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:58:45.40 ID:Ox5fRSBci
- >>29
イアンソープも7000くらいあるらしいぞ - Ian Thorpe also has about 7000cc
- 34: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:59:21.04 ID:dXclrLsU0
- 最近の高校生バンドとは格が違うな
昔ってこんな人ばっかりだったん? - The level is totally off the charts compared to the high school bands nowadays.
- Was everyone like this back then?
- 40: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 11:04:08.94 ID:Ox5fRSBci
- >>34
昔はアマチュアもレベル高かったらしい。でもこのバンドは地元ではうまいってことで有名だったらしいぞ - Even amateurs were at a high level back in the day. But I heard that this band was already popular locally.
- 35: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:59:40.19 ID:rM82jy3oO
- 稲葉スペック
・筋トレ、体力作りも欠かさない - Inaba's specs
- - Ikemen, macho
- - Ranked 2nd in a nationwide math mock exam
- - Graduate of Yokohama National University
- - Has a teaching license
- - Proficient in English
- - Lung capacity is twice that of the average adult
- - Doesn't turn on the air conditioner during summer and does not neglect taking care of his throat
- - Does not neglect his weight and physical training
- 37: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 11:00:47.46 ID:rM82jy3oO
- <稲葉の愛すべき特徴>
・髭剃りで前髪を切る (シングル「May」のジャケット参照)
A.「ヌンチャク」 - Lovable characteristics of Koshi Inaba
- - Does not listen to the story of others (self-declared)
- - Cold (self-declared)
- - Thinks too much about the future (self-declared)
- - Finds doing things troublesome (self-declared)
- - Hails from a province (Tsuyama City of Okayama prefecture)
- - Short
- - Balding
- - Will turn 47 this year, elderly
- - A hentai who inserts moans in CDs
- - Excessively shy
- - Gets driven away from public baths and saunas due to his tattoos
- - Sinister-looking eyes
- - Pessimistic, introverted
- - Has a tendency to shut himself in
- - Cellphone doesn't ring (no friends)
- - Bad at machines and mechanical stuff
- - Cuts his bangs using a razor (refer to the cover of their single "May")
- - He once said in a concert, "I am green and beautiful"
- - He ran away from home once for 5 minutes
- - He got stuck when writing lyrics and attempted to run away to Mt. Takao
- - His hobby is home gardening (tomato)
- Q. What did you try doing to become popular with the girls?
- A. Using a nunchaku.
- 38: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 11:02:50.79 ID:WI2qgA0Z0
- >>37
これホントか? - So cute LOL
- Is this for real?
- 39: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 11:02:53.23 ID:NuC+Q2Jf0
- >>37
コミュ障っぽい要素をたくさん持ってるのにあの輝きは謎である - Judging by this, it seems that he has communication disorder. It really is a mystery as to why he is shining so bright like that.
- 4: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 10:28:41.42 ID:KRc7BayJ0
- http://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org4281986.jpg
- 48: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 11:11:12.68 ID:Ox5fRSBci
B'zとしての歌唱能力のピークはここだと思う。最後のシャウトがえげつない- I think his singing peaked during this time. The shout at the end was just nasty.
- 61: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 11:37:24.64 ID:dyh1Z/Hsi
- いまのアーティスト()って本当はアイドルなのにそのことを必死で隠してるよな
- Some of our artists now are desperately hiding the fact that they really are idols
- 62: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 11:39:56.85 ID:Ox5fRSBci
- B'zのリフってだいぶzep真似てる
- The riffs of B'z songs are mostly copied from Zep
- 64: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 11:41:49.26 ID:08PpTAoT0
- そりゃあB'zはパクリの宝庫ですし
- Yeah, B'z is a treasure vault of rip-off songs after all
- 65: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 11:45:06.44 ID:Ox5fRSBci
- >>64
初期はパクリまくり - They plagiarized a lot during their early years
- 66: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/06/18(火) 11:46:42.82 ID:Qs+FNHDH0
- まあ邦楽も洋楽もパクリまくりなんだから細かい事いうなよ
別にB'z好きじゃないけど - Well, Japanese music and Western music are just full of rip-offs so don't go into details.
- It's not that I like B'z though.
Original Thread