Mikako Tabe replaced her (2012 movie version -Reborn-) ww
I heard that Shota Matsuda didn't want to play the role alongside her anymore.
- 4: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/15(水) 23:47:50.06 ID:r+YjVYxh0
- 戸田降ろせるほど松田って強いのか?父親の威光?
戸田と松田なら戸田のが売れてると思うんだが - Did Matsuda really have that kind of power to make Toda lose her role? Is it because of his father's influence?
- If you just compare Toda and Matsuda, then I think that Toda is the more popular one there.
- 6: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/15(水) 23:52:04.28 ID:o6YNfUqVO
- 戸田が別の撮影あってそっち選んだんだよ
- I think Toda had a different project at that time and just chose that one over this.
- 7: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/15(水) 23:52:46.13 ID:ODCNXbt/O
- お互い性格が合わないらしい
戸田はデリカシーなくズバズバ物言うから松田は大嫌いらしい。 - It seems that they had a clash of personalities.
- Matsuda is particular about the acting and has shots taken over and over, which Toda disliked.
- Toda says things tactlessly which Matsuda absolutely hated.
- 8: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/15(水) 23:53:03.61 ID:5wwIIlxL0
- 戸田が性格がよくないってどっかの悪いインターネットで見た
- I read on some website that Toda actually has a terrible personality
- 9: アプリフォーレ 2012/02/15(水) 23:55:04.59 ID:71e/ShBE0
- ・・・・マジ?
- ...Really?
- 10: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/15(水) 23:55:17.92 ID:XnbRZLOJ0
- 戸田は確実に性格悪いだろ
喋り方で分かる - I'm pretty certain that Toda has a bad personality.
- You could tell from the way she talks.
- 11: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 00:03:37.99 ID:ToZqVoAA0
- 性格が悪いかどうかなんか俺らにはどうでもいいこと
それよりも主演を降ろせるほど松田に力あるのかだろ - It's actually of no concern to us as to whatever kind of personality she has.
- The question is, if Matsuda really has the kind of authority to remove someone from the lead role.
- 12: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 00:04:47.52 ID:+FkNe8p40
- NANA第2弾も宮崎あおいがベッドシーンNGで降板したしよくあること
- Well, Aoi Miyazaki also disapproved of the bed scene in the 2nd NANA movie so she got out of it. This thing happens a lot.
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200503/04/53/c0040453_2315017.jpg - 13: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 00:06:18.88 ID:3WaGNP9D0
- かわいくて正確が悪い戸田ちゃんが最強に魅力的だった。
どうして劣化してしまったん。。。 - The cute and mean Toda-chan really was attractive. Why did she deteriorate...
http://girlschannel.net/post_img_web/2012/11/38f644547713d33528665f9d1bbc105b_0.jpeg- 16: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 00:17:29.05 ID:ToZqVoAA0
- wikipdia見たら他もキャスト一新してるらしいじゃん
- But based on Wikipedia, it seems that they changed the cast almost entirely.
- 17: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 00:22:35.86 ID:OkmGVOFF0
タバコ吸いすぎちゃうか・・・老けてない?- Isn't she smoking too much? Doesn't she look too old here?
- 18: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 00:42:49.86 ID:UyLwEaIV0
- キムタクの奥さんと同じ感じになりそう
- I get the feeling that she'll end up like KimuTaku's wife
http://a51.up.seesaa.net/image/kudou.jpg - 21: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 04:22:59.24 ID:PoebPINr0
- 戸田はコードブルーでガッキーをいじめまくってたらしいな
- I heard that Toda bullied Gakky a lot when they were both in Code Blue
http://stat001.ameba.jp/user_images/81/32/10090421368.jpg - 22: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 04:31:55.76 ID:YZd0r4vBO
- 宝物がキモヲタの兄なのに性格わるいわけないやろ!
- But she said that her big brother who looks like an otaku is her treasure! There's no way she has a bad personality.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/digi7/imgs/7/c/7c61956c.jpg -
- 25: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 13:19:20.48 ID:uHS3MJyP0
- >>22
間違いない - Yeah, she definitely must be a good girl.
- Yep, no doubt about it.
- 26: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 13:22:22.18 ID:N357qUhoO
- 性格悪そうな奴に限って良かったりするんだよ
- The ones who don't seem nice are actually the ones who are
- 23: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 10:33:38.97 ID:mW9e5qB10
- たべちゃんて最初見た時は奇跡のブスだと思ったけど
売れるにつれてオーラがなくなってただのブスになったな - When I first saw Tabe-chan, I thought that she was this miraculous unpretty girl, but the more popular she got, the less remained of that mystique. Now she's just an ordinary ugly girl.
http://blog-imgs-17-origin.fc2.com/r/1/2/r125rakuyou/liarp04.jpg -
- 27: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 13:24:51.07 ID:UA3D04/d0
- >>23
わかる - I get what you're saying
- 28: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 13:29:58.29 ID:jOlpAKklO
- たべちゃんテレビに映るとばぁちゃんが「ありがたい顔しとるね、この子」って
拝みまくるわ - My grandma looks on at Tabe-chan whenever she sees her on TV and says "This girl really has a 'thankful' face" for some reason.
- 30: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 17:39:03.49 ID:2mJc4y2v0
- 芦田愛菜が要らない
- I actually thought Mana Ashida wasn't necessary in this one
http://b.vimeocdn.com/ts/261/998/261998438_640.jpg - 32: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 19:27:31.96 ID:4+VYAFtyO
- ドラマ一期の戸田えりかは目茶苦茶かわいかった
- Erika Toda was so cute during the first season of the drama
http://www.cinemacafe.net/imgs/articlemain/23581.jpg - 33: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/17(金) 01:14:57.16 ID:k8JlT50M0
- 中高生に人気ってのではずしてて
全然そんな素振りなくて、本人たちも周りも役者だなぁってあらためて実感したわ。 - I initially avoided watching Liar Game because it was so popular with the highschoolers but decided to watch just now, and I thought that she was actually very cute here; except for her gums. Might be because I watched it in low resolution.
- And I read somewhere that she and Matsuda started straining their relationship during the filming of season 2, but it never showed on screen. I once again realized that they were true actors.
- 36: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/17(金) 14:40:45.03 ID:N6SZ/vJoP
- 芦田愛菜ちゃんを主催者側で出すのは無理があるように思うんだが・・・
いやそもそもどちらの側であれお子様がいちゃおかしな場なんじゃ・・・ - I felt that they kind of forced Mana Ashida into that role of hers... Rather, a child shouldn't be cast in this kind of thing.
- 41: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/18(土) 23:17:15.09 ID:kOHmY/aB0
- >>36
あんな子どもがいちゃいかんわ - And that's exactly how I felt when I lost interest in watching this. We shouldn't be having a girl like that.
- 31: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/16(木) 19:23:09.75 ID:uTfn3XP+i
- 秋山みたいにクールになりたい
- I want to become as cool as Akiyama
http://myfuna.net/reg/press/enta/image/1203_liargame.jpg - 39: 学生さんは名前がない 2012/02/18(土) 21:13:07.28 ID:WLzCILhT0
松田って雰囲気イケメンだったな- Matsuda is just an ikemen by atmosphere
(related post here)
Original Thread
no, she busy with Spec movie in that time
ReplyDeleteToda has good relationship with Gakky, they and Masami go out to drink often, and she's good friend with Perfume's Achan. the rumor of Toda and Gakky appear when code blue 2 air, that is a promo for drama. in fact, a report told Yamapi teased her about Shingo , that time she was dating Shingo