- 6: ミゾコウジュミチノクコザクラ(埼玉県) 2009/06/08(月) 17:47:36.53 ID:gCGrzK3B
- 何を言うたんや!
What did they say to them! - 7: タマザキサクラソウ(東京都) 2009/06/08(月) 17:47:40.49 ID:eap8XN2V
- この人たち創価だよね
These guys are from Soka Gakkai, right? -
- 18: ツボスミレ(四国) 2009/06/08(月) 17:51:10.02 ID:e3qS4eUH
- >>7
So GLAY wasn't given protection by Soka? Or is Burning too strong?
- 10: シュロ(東京都) 2009/06/08(月) 17:48:35.58 ID:D5n6gV3q
- GLAYなんで独立したんや! バーニング
Why the heck did GLAY go indie?
Burning. - 20: タツナミソウ(アラバマ州) 2009/06/08(月) 17:51:29.95 ID:5lXXDTNp
- バーニングだったの?
Was it really because of Burning?
So they tried to escape but they were frozen out?
Why doesn't everyone under Burning reach an agreement and get out from there?
A lot will go indie. Destroy the Yakuza. - 25: カンパニュラ・アーチェリー(長屋) 2009/06/08(月) 17:53:07.39 ID:9QhcYyzA
- 独立しようとして干されたんだよな
They were frozen out after they tried to go independent.
This was right after the concert that 200,000 people attended.
http://www005.upp.so-net.ne.jp/sanbanze/glay.jpg - 26: タマザキサクラソウ(アラビア) 2009/06/08(月) 17:53:16.49 ID:ei1cHwKB
- バーニングと訴訟したんじゃなかったか
Didn't they file a lawsuit against Burning? - 32: センダイハギ(関西・北陸) 2009/06/08(月) 17:54:56.04 ID:twG2p109
- ヤ●ザに逆らえない芸能界について、芸能人を多数使うテレビ局は社会的責任をどう考えてんの?
About the showbiz industry who can't go against the yakuza, I wonder how these TV stations who use a lot of these celebrities view social responsibility? I guess these TV stations are just trying to act like the press so they shouldn't be thinking about difficult stuff and just concentrate on making these crazy programs.
If a normal person commits a crime, everything will be dug up about him, even his graduation essay which that person has probably forgotten about already. But in the case of powerful celebrities, they're being supported all the way.
I think we normal people should be more angry at these TV stations. - 36: ミツマタ(九州) 2009/06/08(月) 17:55:29.96 ID:+n5e8+sl
- バーニングに干されたと書けば2chで人気が出るという宣伝手法
If an article says that Burning was behind someone losing jobs, it will be popular on 2chan. -
- 38: カンパニュラ・アーチェリー(長屋) 2009/06/08(月) 17:56:14.81 ID:9QhcYyzA
- >>36
This one about GLAY is true.
- 39: タマザキサクラソウ(静岡県) 2009/06/08(月) 17:56:16.20 ID:VEhlGJE+
- YOSHIKIに曲の権利バーに売られる
YOSHIKI sells the rights of their songs to Burning.
> As a result, billions of yen went to Burning.
> GLAY: "We quit."
> Since Burning holds the rights to their songs, they weren't able to do concerts.
> GLAY wins the case but they get frozen out.
> Himurock (Kyosuke Himuro) helps them out.
> They start appearing on TV again.
I don't know who the source is.
- 41: タマザキサクラソウ(北海道) 2009/06/08(月) 17:56:56.36 ID:bXJe8KKT
- >>39
Himurock, so cool!
- 43: ユキノシタ(北海道) 2009/06/08(月) 17:58:06.20 ID:f6bG9rQc
- >>39
So that's why they collaborated with Himurock
- 47: アザミ(愛知県) 2009/06/08(月) 17:58:51.28 ID:AchYUBys
- >>39
Thanks, I learned from this
- 52: モッコウバラ(コネチカット州) 2009/06/08(月) 18:00:30.75 ID:MuxOU+OF
- >>39
Which means that YOSHIKI who sold the songs to Burning is the worst
- 103: カロライナジャスミン(埼玉県) 2009/06/08(月) 18:40:03.51 ID:4uJPtkid
- >>39
YOSHIKI produced GLAY's debut song and wanted to make money off them, but I think he didn't like the idea of GLAY selling independently.
- 40: ガーベラ(ネブラスカ州) 2009/06/08(月) 17:56:53.65 ID:+SAJRWF5
- テル~!!頑張れよ~!!
Teru~!! Do your best~!!
Burning!! - 45: カキツバタ(ネブラスカ州) 2009/06/08(月) 17:58:22.06 ID:2F7flFYU
- マジレスすると移籍金問題でバーニングと衝突→干される→氷室京介に相談→氷室の友達の後藤組の奴に口をきいてもらう→復活→コラボ→現在に至る
Here's a serious response.
They clashed with Burning regarding the transfer fee > They get frozen out > GLAY ask advice from Kyosuke Himuro > They get the help of Himuro's friends, the Goto clan > Comeback > Collaboration > Where they are now -
- 48: シラン(catv?) 2009/06/08(月) 17:59:16.39 ID:osbG/NEI
- >>45
Himurock, wow LOL
So he's also good friends with yakuza, huh.
- 50: タツナミソウ(アラバマ州) 2009/06/08(月) 17:59:40.11 ID:5lXXDTNp
- >>45
What's up with this, why are yakuzas always involved? LOL
So does the Goto clan also have a showbiz chapter like Soka Gakkai or something?
- 46: フモトスミレ(catv?) 2009/06/08(月) 17:58:27.60 ID:IZA/rpX7
- こいつらおっさんだけどバ―二ングに逆らったとこだけは認める
These guys may be old but I commend them for going against Burning
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/20111202_teru_11.jpg - 51: ジュウニヒトエ(石川県) 2009/06/08(月) 18:00:26.37 ID:E/OiGDFa
- 一時期低迷してた、いやされてたのはそういうことか
So that was the reason why they were lying low----correction, forced to lie low, at one point? What a scary industry. - 54: シラン(catv?) 2009/06/08(月) 18:02:22.94 ID:osbG/NEI
- 森脇さんもバーニングと戦ってたの?
So did Moriwaki-san also go against Burning? He seems to be coming back lately. Who helped him?
http://www.kbs-kyoto.co.jp/radio/satami/img/p_moriwaki.jpg -
- 131: ハナワギク(中部地方) 2009/06/08(月) 21:05:18.97 ID:ECGSQw4h
- >>54
Moriwaki-san just faded out at the same speed as how his hair has gotten thinner.
His comeback just means that his hair is also making a comeback.
- 56: ウイキョウ(滋賀県) 2009/06/08(月) 18:02:43.76 ID:LSZrYHq3
- 干されたってのは事実だとしてもバンドとして世間的に落ち目で本人達もやる事はもう大体やった、て時期だったからな
Even if it was true that they were left in the cold, it also felt like their popularity was already on a decline anyways as the band seemed to have accomplished everything they wanted already at that point. -
- 59: カンパニュラ・アーチェリー(長屋) 2009/06/08(月) 18:03:11.49 ID:9QhcYyzA
- >>56
Wasn't that their peak when they just had a concert attended by 200,000?
- 57: ラッセルルピナス(神奈川県) 2009/06/08(月) 18:03:00.83 ID:xpmQFkJ1
- GLAYてそんな面倒な事になってたんだ
I didn't know that GLAY were in that kind of trouble - 62: 西洋オキナグサ(静岡県) 2009/06/08(月) 18:05:18.16 ID:XFdbevgl
- GLAYが元所属事務所から訴訟を起こされる
A 2006 article where GLAY was being sued by their former management over song rights, forcing them to withdraw from the concert with Southern All Stars. Burning sure are devils. - 73: シャクナゲ(関東・甲信越) 2009/06/08(月) 18:10:29.91 ID:Y0BBsE6z
- 引退してから裁判やるんなら普通だけどバリバリ活動中に争ったんだろ?やるじゃん
Lawsuits like this are usually done after one retires, but they fought it out while they were still active, right? Not bad.
I hope Burning dies. Their president should suffer pain for 5 years then die. - 85: ナツグミ(関西・北陸) 2009/06/08(月) 18:17:33.67 ID:OW5iDP4C
- 固定客だけで充分売れてるよね
They're still popular with their core fanbase.
Even the fans that they had before still buy their CDs, not just digital downloads. - 93: ユリオプスデージー(福岡県) 2009/06/08(月) 18:26:55.61 ID:glKqna+r
- じぶんで作った曲を歌うなって訴えられるGLAYって・・・・
I feel sorry for GLAY who were even sued and forbidden from performing their own songs... - 109: ナニワズ(埼玉県) 2009/06/08(月) 18:49:27.20 ID:vuq43uWH
- YOSHIKIは小室とも組んでたな
YOSHIKI also partnered with Komuro, right?
http://blog-imgs-35-origin.fc2.com/d/e/n/denjima/v2.jpg - 111: キランソウ(香川県) 2009/06/08(月) 19:20:15.07 ID:jYkqqYDW
- ヨシキ酷いな
Yoshiki's horrible - 113: ワスレナグサ(catv?) 2009/06/08(月) 19:29:21.15 ID:ZEY+wiu3
- ミーハー女が行ってる印象
My impression is that the bandwagoner women are the ones watching them.
I'm more amazed by the idols and voice actors who have serious fans.
- 132: ねこやなぎ(アラバマ州) 2009/06/08(月) 21:05:44.58 ID:4e9MXddm
- >>113
Are you stupid? Voice actor wotas (especially Hirano's) are the bandwagoners.
- 122: タンポポ(東京都) 2009/06/08(月) 20:31:02.19 ID:fOqF3yen
- ジローはかっこよくて人気
Jiro is cool and popular.
Hisashi is unique and seems popular with the odd bunch.
Then there's the singer and the one with the big nose.
http://www.music-lounge.jp/v2/common/im/uf/news/201305/27/glay_hakodate.jpg - 125: ノウルシ(関東) 2009/06/08(月) 20:45:31.74 ID:mDXOuc+Y
- バーニングと創価学会ってどっち敵にまわすとやばい?
Which is more dangerous as an enemy, Soka Gakkai or Burning? - 126: サポナリア(アラバマ州) 2009/06/08(月) 20:53:04.11 ID:5rcFKFV/
- バーニング>メディアでれない、権利問題
Burning > Will be frozen out from the media, problems concerning rights
Soka > Will be hated by the followers -
- 128: ノウルシ(関東) 2009/06/08(月) 21:02:25.83 ID:mDXOuc+Y
- >>126
I see. I thought that you'd be eliminated from this world if you opposed Soka.
- 127: ねこやなぎ(東京都) 2009/06/08(月) 20:57:24.23 ID:JtbZbCYz
- 氷室ックってどんだけ力あるんだよ、すげーな。
Just how much authority does Himurock have? Amazing.
http://image.pia.jp/images/news/img/ORG_20080912000101.jpg - 129: ねこやなぎ(アラバマ州) 2009/06/08(月) 21:02:57.94 ID:4e9MXddm
- 確かにGLAY活動休止してた時、事務所辞めて独立したりっていろいろあったもんな
It's true that GLAY had a lot of problems when they were on hiatus, like quitting their management and going indie. There was also a rumor about them transferring to AVEX. So that was false? - 137: ムラサキハナナ(コネチカット州) 2009/06/08(月) 21:51:42.95 ID:UCi83W+6
- 一時期テルが坊主になってたけど893と関係あんのかな
There was a time when Teru went bald. Did it have anything to do with the yakuza?
http://blog-imgs-29.fc2.com/s/e/c/secretbase2004/secretbase2004.blog11.fc2.com0862.jpg - 147: セイヨウオダマキ(奈良県) 2009/06/08(月) 23:24:50.94 ID:mcxgJv9P
- 芸能界に巣くっているヤ●ザを駆逐しろよ。
Expel the yakuza from the industry -
- 150: クンシラン(宮城県) 2009/06/08(月) 23:38:46.05 ID:eQzAGIPF
- >>147
But the showbiz industry is like the toy of the yakuzas
- 171: カントウタンポポ(東京都) 2009/06/09(火) 07:04:07.57 ID:S1Vzfhbm
- YOSHIKIなんか大して売れなかったのになんでXはあんなに神扱いなんだよ
YOSHIKI wasn't that popular, right? Why is X being regarded as gods? -
- 174: プリムラ・ラウレンチアナ(東京都) 2009/06/09(火) 09:03:19.91 ID:3Y+MDD5X
- >>171
YOSHIKI himself epitomizes Burning.
And that's why GLAY suffered.
- 176: アヤメ(アラバマ州) 2009/06/09(火) 09:37:47.41 ID:wdY3AzYF
- バーニングって小池徹平とかのとこだよね
Burning is where Teppei Koike is, right?
Is their president gay?
http://suma-to.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/koiketeppei_a03.jpg - 177: アルストロメリア(愛知県) 2009/06/09(火) 09:47:13.76 ID:is4AuwyC
- ホモというかヤ●ザ
Not gay, but a yakuza - 183: 水芭蕉(dion軍) 2009/06/09(火) 10:44:33.56 ID:ehOtejw/
- 俺の知り合いにADっぽいペーペーが数人いるが、某音楽番組のADだった奴曰く、ブレイク中のGLAYは番組関係者皆がぴりぴりしてて、鼻でかい曲作る人の飲み物にいたってはストローの向きとかまで指示されてたらしい(本人の指示かマネージャーかは知らん)
I have a few newbie friends who work as AD's, and according to an AD of this particular music show, everyone around GLAY was so tense. The songwriter fellow with a big nose was even particular with the direction his straw was facing from his drink (not sure if it was him or his manager)
On the other hand, my friend who went to shoot Buck-Tick's music video said that Sakurai-san may be old, but was very courteous to the staff and was impressed at how he acted so different from his looks.
Well, the first one was a male friend while the last one was female, so there's also that gap between the impressions that they got. - 185: カキドオシ(ネブラスカ州) 2009/06/09(火) 10:51:40.90 ID:ZfcgjSom
- ヒムロックって日本国内にいたらガチで暗殺されかねないんじゃないか
Don't you think that Himurock is seriously going to be a target for assassination if he were in the country?
So the reason he's in America with all these big-bodied bodyguards is for his own safety? - 188: ハナカイドウ(熊本県) 2009/06/09(火) 11:40:48.46 ID:91iywj9C
- ヒムロックの男気っぱねーっす
Himurock realy is manly - 205: エニシダ(北海道) 2009/06/09(火) 18:04:50.68 ID:6dit3CKB
- 曲はあれだけどバーニングに歯向かうあたりはロックを感じた
Their songs are meh, but they do feel "rock and roll" by going against Burning.
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