Emi Takei is endorsing for 15 companies, and ranks 1st among women, Gouriki endorses for 12 companies and sits at 3rd, while Ueto has 10 companies and is at the 5th spot. Another notable personality in the list is Rola, who ranked 14th last year and is now sharing the 3rd spot with Gouriki.
Last year, Tomomi Itano (8th this year) and Mariko Shinoda (2nd) were both 1st placers, while AKB48 dominated the list up to the 6th spot.
It's understandable that the AKB girls are popular, but what's with these Oscar girls?
A showbiz insider reports:
"Since both Emi Takei and Ayame Gouriki's dramas haven't been doing well, we can analyze that these 2 don't have passionate fans. Oscar is originally a modelling agency who mostly focuses on women. Their talents are not brought up like idols who always have to be conscious of the eyes of men, but as women who appeal to other women through commercials. Both Takei and Gouriki show off their pleasantness with their natural-looking make up. The agency is also pretty strict on their personal lives, as if having this silent understanding with its talents, forbidding them to have any romantic relationships until they reach 25."
Their earnings from commercials aren't that high too.
"Ueto earns 30~40 million per commercial. Takei and Gouriki only earn less than half of that. There's this sense of getting value for money, especially when you think about their presence in society."
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 22:58:28.89 ID:F+8obdDTO
- ごり押し三姉妹The 3 Gori-oshi sisters
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 22:59:22.77 ID:sp5pM/Po0
- 好感度というより、全部ゴリ押しだろ・・・もうウンザリIt's not about whether people like them or not anymore, they're still going to be forced into the spotlight...
It's seriously irritating. - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:01:31.03 ID:ZXbc7m7b0
- 「CMタレント」そういう分野を上戸は開拓したよね最初に見たのはCMで、CM以外ではあんまり見ないし、CM以外の仕事をほぼ評価されない"Commercial Talents"
It seems that Ueto opened up that path.
I first saw her in a commercial, but I actually don't see that much of her outside of commercials.
All her other projects apart from her commercials haven't been receiving recognition. -
- 173: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 00:34:13.04 ID:5Dt/EzoxO
- >>16>「CMタレント」>そういう分野を上戸は開拓したよね既に内田有紀や藤原紀香の頃からあったような>"Commercial Talents"
>It seems that Ueto opened up that path.
That already existed even during Yuki Uchida and Norika Fujiwara's time.
- 387: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 06:45:07.88 ID:Nkuvg23M0
- >>16そのあたりは、石川遼も頑張ってる。Even Ryo Ishikawa seems to be doing his best in that category.
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:03:43.44 ID:TKPh0ptk0
- >>また、“25歳まで恋愛禁止”というのが暗黙の決まりと言われるほど、>>私生活の管理も厳しいとされる事務所です上戸は森田剛とつきあってたし忽那も松田翔太とフライデーに撮られてるし何言ってんだこいつw>"The agency is also pretty strict on their personal lives, as if forbidding them to have any romantic relationships until they reach 25."
But Ueto used to date Gou Morita, and Kutsuna was caught by Friday with Shota Matsuda.
What the heck is this guy saying?
http://notrendnolife.jp/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/c905659cc14b020c85e62848096524da.jpg - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:04:09.12 ID:EoX0MJ6m0
- 菊川怜がCM女王だった時代からオスカーの薄利多売は言われてたじゃんOscar was already known as a company that has a business policy of "small profits and quick returns" even back in the day when Rei Kikukawa was the queen of commercials.
http://blog-imgs-55-origin.fc2.com/k/y/o/kyon2diet/kikukawarei1.jpg -
- 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:05:15.95 ID:idyrOe5V0
- >>26今の菊川見るととオスカーがいかに凄いかが分かるな.
- 94: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:32:46.98 ID:PmlDTM8XO
- >>26オスカーは佐藤藍子からだって。They were saying that Oscar began with Aiko Satou though.
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:04:23.91 ID:GbDdqvrt0
- 経済学部のみなさんこれが市場の失敗ですEveryone majoring in economics, this is what you call a marketing failure
- 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:05:39.13 ID:5bs18AHw0
- こいつらを使わない方が印象に残るだろ。It'll actually leave a better impression on the consumers if the companies don't use these talents as endorsers
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:06:52.14 ID:aIWEzk7V0
- ごり押しじゃなくて、安かったのかぁSo they weren't actually being forced into the spotlight, their talent fees were actually cheap, huh.
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:07:50.32 ID:qmPLGXL80
- オスカーは上戸や剛力のようなヒラメ顔が好きなんかねIt looks like Oscar loves flat, expressionless faces like Ueto's and Gouriki's
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/urageispo/imgs/3/e/3e6325f0.jpg -
- 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:11:02.28 ID:MftBy13x0
- >>44その二人は似て非なる者上戸ならこんなに叩かれなかっただろうThose 2 might be similar to an extent but are still quite different from each other.
If it was Ueto in Gouriki's place, she wouldn't have been bashed as much.
- 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:10:50.68 ID:EoX0MJ6m0
- 菊川怜の全盛期は一人で21社だからねDuring Rei Kikukawa's peak, she had 21 endorsements all to herself.
- 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:12:48.24 ID:AGGf3Izz0
- 露出しまくって実力と人気が揃ってるように錯覚させるサムスン商法だなThey over-expose their talents and let the people get this illusion that their abilities are on par with their popularity.
Same as Samsung. - 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:13:34.07 ID:pz/SkP3C0
- オスカーは元から超ゴリ押し電通と組んでゴクミをゴリ押したけどあんな性格で実際に会うとCM断られてたじゃんwそれでもそこそこCM取れてたしなあのクソガキのためにどんなやり方でどんだけ売り込みかけてたんだかwwwOscar's always pushed too far for their talents.
They pushed for Gokumi with Dentsuu's cooperation but with that attitude of hers, she was actually turned down when they got to meet her in person.
But even then, she was still able obtain numerous endorsement deals.
I wonder how far they went and how much they did just for the sale of that shitty brat.
http://blog-imgs-27-origin.fc2.com/h/o/t/hotappp/891214.jpg - 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:16:51.01 ID:1MYzpDVH0
- 電通が何か得するしくみなんだろ、オスカーだとThere must be some sort of arrangement that makes Dentsuu benefit from all these Oscar talents.
- 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:25:31.86 ID:0eEXiTHhO
- 上戸→特徴があって可愛い武井→普通に綺麗だけど存在感はあまりない剛力→変化球すぎるUeto > Has distinctive features, cute
Takei > She's pretty but has no presence
Gouriki > too much of a curve ball (baseball reference) -
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:30:36.01 ID:lY67MO4e0
- >>80変化球というよりデッドボールShe's not a curve ball, more like a dead ball
- 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:32:03.61 ID:2Adbp5GQ0
- この中でもめごっちの存在感が群を抜いてるなBut even among them, Megocchi's presence still rises head and shoulders above the rest.
- 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:37:30.81 ID:R9/9AEmZ0
- オスカーの力の源泉は何処にあるのかを知りたいゴリ押しを否定しているオスカー擁護のマスコミ記者とかいるけどいくら実力がある女優であってもここまで活躍の場が与えられるって異常なレベルだよ仕事の数が違いすぎるI want to know the origin of Oscar's strengths.
There are media reporters who deny and even support Oscar's methods, but even the most talented of actresses don't get this much exposure. It's insane, the number of projects they're getting is too much. - 117: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:46:44.59 ID:xVCHGxul0
- オスカー所属のテレンス・リーが何でCM1本もねぇーんだよwwwwゴリ押しとか意味不明wwwBut what about Terence Lee who's with Oscar too? He doesn't have a single commercial under his belt wwwww
I don't understand these accusations of gori-oshi www
http://blog.movie.nifty.com/photos/uncategorized/2010/09/24/terence.jpg - 118: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:47:15.54 ID:701sgP45O
- 大量のCMに出たところで視聴者的には「またこいつか」となるし、イメージキャラクター的として定着しない為、企業側のメリットにもならないBut even if they appear in tons of commercials, the consumers will just go, "This girl again?". And it'll be hard to associate them with a single product which does not merit the different companies they endorse for.
- 130: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/18(木) 23:55:47.00 ID:8Q0Yz2TuO
- 読む限り、特段変わったことはやってないようだが。これくらいなら他の事務所でもできなくはないと思うが。Based on my understanding, they're not doing anything particularly special. I think even the other agencies have the ability to do this much.
- 153: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 00:20:17.20 ID:On59Iovh0
- 剛力と武井は好感度調査、タレントパワーで圏外or何十位レベルこの露出量でこの人気のなさは異常なレベルゴリ推しいわれんのは当たり前でしょBut when you look for Gouriki and Takei in the likable surveys or talent power rankings, they're either very low or not even in the rankings at all. This amount of exposure is just too abnormal when you see how unpopular they actually are.
It's natural that they'd be branded as overhyped. - 159: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 00:24:17.92 ID:bgvbO35X0
- めごっちも武井ちゃんも若年層には絶大な人気があるんだよなげきおこしてるのはおばちゃんだけSo Megocchi and Takei-chan looks like they're extremely popular with the young generation, huh.
And it's only the grandmas who are getting infuriated by them. -
- 172: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 00:33:19.63 ID:On59Iovh0
- >>159全世代に人気のない剛力&武井Gouriki and Takei are unpopular across all age groups
- 174: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 00:34:23.60 ID:lxkmpy8O0
- ごり押しのオスカーっていうか、推されない人たち山ほど抱えてるからなあ。もったいない。But Gori-oshi Oscar also have a load of talents whom they aren't even pushing for.
What a waste. - 178: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 00:35:54.68 ID:zwLPIE9I0
- ちゃんとドラマでも結果も話題も提供してる能年玲奈は全くCMで見かけない偏りすぎでしょ・・・And there's Rena Nounen who's genuinely generating the results and buzz because of her drama but does not have a single endorsement.
Things are just too one-sided. -
- 209: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 00:47:21.73 ID:RJdieB4y0
- >>178去年からカルピスウォーターのCM出てる朝ドラ撮影中は新しい仕事は受けられないらしいから秋以降に露出が増えるんじゃねShe appeared in the Calpis Water commercial since last year. I heard that you can't get any new projects while filming the morning drama, so I think her exposure will increase from autumn onwards.
- 184: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 00:39:29.64 ID:9W4eIPv20
- ゴーリキ どのCMも不愉快だ印象に残ると言えばそうかもしれないがAll of Gouriki's commercials are disturbing.
Well, they do leave an impression on the viewer in that sense. - 190: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 00:41:45.88 ID:On59Iovh0
- 剛力武井はもう何年も推してもらっててこのザマだろ?何で事務所はあきらめないんだろ意地にでもなってるのか?元祖低視聴率師匠ゴリ推し上戸を諦めず推し続けたら成功したからそれを狙ってるのかBut Gouriki and Takei have already been hyped for a couple of years now, but this is the result, right?
I wonder why the agency doesn't give up on them. Is it pride?
They were able to succeed after overhyping the original low ratings queen Ueto so much, they might be trying to duplicate that success. - 205: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 00:46:09.66 ID:qrSktqcl0
- コイツラを使ってる会社は情弱企業と言うことだな自分たちでは頭を使わず、広告屋の言いなりになってるんだろうIt just means that the companies using these girls as endorsers are misinformed.
They probably aren't using their heads, and are just following what the advertisers are recommending. - 247: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 01:02:25.70 ID:8v9ORV8F0
- 人気がないから安い。安いから人気はないが異常に使って人気があるふりを捏造して使う・・かほんとTVって終わってるなwThey're not popular, that's why they're cheap.
They're cheap so they're being overused despite not being popular, so they make it seem like they're actually popular.
TV is finished. -
- 253: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 01:04:30.64 ID:VWbutRCK0
- >>247それって韓国ドラマとかと同じジャンやっすいんだろ?That's the same as Korean dramas.
Cheap, right?
- 254: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 01:04:41.20 ID:ttECILnS0
- 昔のオスカーってろくなもんじゃなかったのになシェイプアップガールズとかいた頃はBut Oscar didn't have any good talents before, like during the time of the Shape Up Girls.
http://1990s.harikonotora.net/src/342-66.jpg -
- 264: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 01:08:45.86 ID:VWbutRCK0
- >>254なんだよ、その頃に戻って欲しいわシェイプアップガールズ最高じゃないWhat the heck, I want to go back to those times.
The Shape Up Girls were the best.
- 277: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 01:19:11.74 ID:5ZsZks4VP
- 押すと決めたらここまで押せる芸能界の一枚岩っぷりが怖いI'm scared of the showbiz industry who can push this far once they decide on doing it.
- 297: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 01:33:36.38 ID:XjLY/w1i0
- 所属してる売れないモデルがま○らしてるからだろBecause their other models who aren't popular are doing sexual favors.
- 300: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 01:39:45.20 ID:JyFQEKP60
- 彼女らも被害者といえる。わざわざ嫌われる事させられてるんだから。同じ顔を何度も見せられたらうんざりするって分からんのか事務所は。They're actually victims too because they're being made into objects of people's hate.
Doesn't the agency know that people get irritated when you show them the same face over and over? -
- 318: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 02:11:53.00 ID:alcfvLPj0
- >>300億単位の金もらって被害者はねえわしかもこれが何年も続くわけなら何軒もいえが立つ上戸は親に家たててやったんだっけ?I don't think they're victims when they're earning 100s of millions. And this continues for numerous years so they'd be able to have a number of houses built for them. Ueto was able to build a house for her parents, right?
- 329: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 03:03:41.04 ID:VWbutRCK0
- 上戸の場合はごり押しよりもそうかってのが嫌悪のポイントIn Ueto's case, she's more hated because she's from Soka Gakkai, and not due to her overexposure.
- 375: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 05:38:07.48 ID:ZGcqYkzd0
- >>329創価の人間が勝手に認定したってだけで本人と事務所は否定してるんだろA Soka member just declared that, but she and her agency denied such allegations.
- 330: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 03:04:43.56 ID:FPYL/66o0
- ああ、上戸はそれがあったか・・・Right, Ueto had that issue...
- 379: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/19(金) 06:03:04.71 ID:bFxsGtvNO
- オスカーの営業力はすごいと認めざるを得ない・・・We just have to acknowledge that Oscar sure know their way around the ropes of the business world...
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