Her passionate acting has already earned her rave reviews. A movie writer comments:
"You should watch out for the scene when she starts working in a cabaret club in order to earn money. The shop owner grabs her buttocks, a drunk commoner tells her, 'Your brains are over here (breasts)', and fondles her chest roughly over her clothes. The biggest part is when a cabaret boy steals a kiss from her and their love scene together. She won't really be exposing her skin that much, but these scenes are very engrossing".
Kie Kitano was caught in a scandal during the summer of 2010 when she was seen entering a motel with actor Kazuma Sano, then goes out a few hours later with her hair still wet. Kitano has made people shut up about the scandal with her acting skills.
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 15:22:24.40 ID:od04vZyg0
- 濡れ場をやると高評価を貰えるYou get rave reviews once you do love scenes
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 15:25:30.23 ID:QCouBAsH0
- 脱がんでもいいのに脱ぐ枠である寺島しのぶ、田畑智子、菊池凛子の牙城は崩せんぞShe still won't be able to demolish the stronghold of Shinobu Terashima, Tomoko Tabata, and Rinko Kikuchi, the actresses who go nude even when they don't even have to.
http://www.zakzak.co.jp/people/images/20101208/peo1012081608000-p3.jpg - 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 15:25:38.00 ID:RWbZ4z68O
- 黙らせたんじゃなく、単にスキャンダルで落ちぶれたんだろもともと人気も無かったしな濡れ場とか雑魚タレントの常套手段(笑)
She didn't make the people shut-up, she just fell from grace thanks to the scandal.
Well, she wasn't popular anyway to begin with.
Sex scenes huh? That's like the oldest trick in the book for these good-for-nothing talents. - 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 15:27:46.74 ID:yX+56Jur0
- 濡れ場について北乃は「普段いつもやってる事なんで簡単でした。」と答えました。And Kie Kitano said,
"It's what I'm doing on a regular basis so it was easy for me",
about the love scenes. - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 15:31:00.66 ID:fzuIfNoY0
- エ□そうでいいよなこの子童貞が下らないことでずっとたたいてるけどThis girl is nice, she seems really erotic.
All you virgins just keep on bashing her based on that stupid thing.
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0ly5p3ZR51r82pllo1_500.jpg - 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 15:32:31.37 ID:hi7YDqft0
- 「あば●れ枠」になるなら大歓迎なんじゃね?清純派気取ってるのに私生活も演技できないんじゃ嘘つきと同じだから。嘘つきの図々しい奴ほど目に余るものない。I actually welcome the idea of her playing bi+chy roles.
She might be portraying pure and clean roles, but she's no different from a liar if she can't even act like how it is in real life. Impudent liars are the most annoying kind of people after all.
http://img.barks.jp/image/review/1000056024/kie008_s_www_barks_jp.jpg - 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 15:35:02.01 ID:YBex40hKO
- 事務所が中途半端に清純派売りを諦められない内は大胆な役なんて演っても上辺だけで無理。梅酒のCMを見ていたら諦めてないのはまるわかり。As long as her agency keeps marketing her as a pure and clean actress, all sexy roles she plays will just feel like an act she puts on. It's obvious that they haven't when you see the Umeshu (plum liquor) commercial.
http://www.choya.co.jp/campaign/yowanai-umesshu/wallpepar/youwana_hula_1024.jpg - 151: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 15:43:06.87 ID:C4jtEgUQ0
- あの汚いしゃがれ声は役作りだったの?So you mean to say that her dirty, husky voice is just her creating her character?
- 201: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 15:51:25.18 ID:hODy7d8JP
- 今になって思えば矢口と違って独身同士がラブホ行っただけなんだよなLooking back at it now, they were just 2 single people going into a motel. Unlike Yaguchi's case.
http://blog-imgs-52-origin.fc2.com/r/3/0/r30sokuhou/b470175f.jpg - 249: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 16:12:42.26 ID:aqsCnXtt0
- そこそこ可愛くて足軽なんておまいら願ったり叶ったりじゃないかShe's decently cute and is easy to get, she's like the girl of your dreams.
- 255: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 16:15:28.62 ID:GfMnpRFn0
- 声が酒焼けしすぎて女優としてはもう話にならんHer voice already sounds like it's been immersed in alcohol. She's already no use as an actress.
- 265: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 16:19:27.58 ID:xqFr/hAG0
- もうさ、ただ脱いだだけなのに「体当たりの演技」ってバカの一つ覚えみたいにいうけど普段やってることをカメラで撮っただけのことやんけShe just went nude and people now call it "passionate acting" like a broken record. It's just that she's now doing what she normally does in front of the camera.
- 272: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 16:22:55.92 ID:hi7YDqft0
- 処女がどうとかじゃなくて、清純なイメージで売ってる奴がイメージ壊すような私生活をさらしてるってところに「いいかげんな仕事するアマチュア」って感じがするんじゃないの。I think it's not about her virginity, but the fact that she's portraying herself in a clean and pure image while doing the exact opposite in her personal life just makes her seem like an "irresponsible amateur".
- 282: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 16:30:05.91 ID:OhPkg5rJ0
- 不倫とか二股とかアンモラルなことしたわけじゃなく単に好きな人とイチャイチャしていただけの子がここまで叩かれ恋愛禁止のルールを破りファン−のちに元カノの所業をメディアに売るというたちの悪い男−を食いそれでもなお国民的アイドルのトップに君臨するという矛盾She didn't do anything immoral like an affair or 2-timing, she was just all lovey-dovey with the guy she liked, and this is the treatment she gets?
While in the meantime, there's this girl who broke the no-relationships rule, devoured this fan who sold her off to the media, and stands on top of our national idols.
Oh the irony.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/harablack-akb/imgs/9/d/9d022947.jpg - 335: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 16:49:12.07 ID:ZaDAd5qSO
- 不倫やグループ内規定違反なんかとも違うのにやたら叩かれてたな清純を願っていたファンの怒りかThe amount of bashing she received even though she didn't have any illicit romances, nor break any rules within a group is just too much. Must be the anger of the fans who wished for her to stay pure and clean.
- 349: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 16:55:03.10 ID:Lku73BILO
- lifeだっけ?いじめられっ子役がすごい印象に残ってるWas it Life?
I vividly remember her bullied role there.
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200708/13/55/a0015555_21544340.jpg - 371: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 17:06:57.80 ID:3fELQb7G0
- 昔は可愛かったけど今は女優としては結構なブスだよねゴリ押しってヤツかな?She used to be so cute, but she's ugly as an actress these days, right?
Is this what you call being overhyped?
http://trendy.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/special/20071127/1004817/thumb_350_04_px350.jpg - 375: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 17:08:23.08 ID:uhTpTiX1I
- こいつ全く需要がないよな?Absolutely no one needs her anymore, right?
- 397: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 17:23:50.16 ID:RWbZ4z68O
- >>375もともと無いね売り出し中の時期に、いきなり自滅したパターン別に自滅しなくても、殆ど大差無かったろうなShe originally had no demand anyway.
She was on her way to becoming popular but she just self-destructed.
Well, even if she didn't self-destruct, it probably wouldn't have made any difference.
- 395: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 17:23:29.56 ID:tAi+bY6n0
- 最初から清純派じゃなくて普通の女優で売ればよかったね菅野美穂みたいにヘアヌード写真集だしたり吉高由里子みたいに映画でヌードになってればスキャンダル関係なかったIt would have been better if only she was marketed as a regular actress, and not a pure and clean one.
If she came out with a hair nude picture book like Miho Kanno, or Yuriko Yoshitaka who appeared nude in a movie, the scandal wouldn't have meant a thing. - 399: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 17:25:41.06 ID:8pXC5qv40
- マジレスすると芸能界にいる連中の中に清純派女優なんて存在しないSeriously speaking, there's no such thing as a pure and clean actress in the showbiz world
- 405: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 17:31:39.39 ID:WxaeDBMvO
- >>399だからこそ、清純派「役」を演るためにはイメージが重要なんだけどな。北乃とその周辺は、それすら分かってなかったってことだ。And that's why image is important for one to play pure and clean roles.
Kitano and the people around her just didn't know that.
- 412: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 17:37:16.15 ID:pLC174eJ0
- この子声ガラガラで見てらんないI can't bear to watch this girl and her husky voice
- 414: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 17:40:10.62 ID:CfHPivjH0
- >>412酒枯れこの若さで1人でもバーに酒を引っ掛けに行かないと眠れないそうスキャンダルで潰れたからやけ酒がアルコール依存に移行したのかもな…Must be due to excessive alcohol.
I heard that she drinks at a bar, sometimes alone, or else she can't even sleep at night.
She might have become more dependent on alcohol because of her scandal.
- 429: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 17:48:59.65 ID:tAi+bY6n0
- 高校卒業して、いよいよ本格的に女優活動開始という時に、やっちゃたからな顔は可愛かったし期待の清純派女優だったから反動も大きかったんだろうIt felt like she just blew up while she was an up and coming actress. She was cute, and everyone had high expectations of her as a pure and clean actress so the backlash was pretty huge.
- 430: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 17:49:33.71 ID:tzu3LhxK0
- 芸能界における”清純派”ほどアテにならないものはない。There's nothing more unreliable than the label "pure and clean" actress
- 432: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 17:50:22.62 ID:pzsPIvul0
- 寺島しのぶ路線に行けばいいのに誰にも望まれてない寺島なら、すぐに取って代われるだろShe should have just followed in the footsteps of Shinobu Terashima.
She could have easily replaced her since no one wants to see Terashima. - 464: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 18:50:16.69 ID:fDi9s7Ec0
- ゲンダイは濡れ場さえやれば大女優認定しちゃうからなぁGendai's this publication who just starts labelling actress "great actresses" once they do sexy scenes, right?
- 483: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 19:07:07.93 ID:/A5Sw9s+0
- トップアイドルへと金掛けて猛プッシュされていたのにどうどうとラブホへ消えて全部パーになってよねあの写真で人生変わってしまったHer agency spent so much on her to make her a top idol, but she just disappeared into a motel and everything just vanished for her. Her life just changed after that picture came out.
http://livedoor.4.blogimg.jp/dqnplus/imgs/6/a/6a6ccab0.jpg - 499: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 19:28:39.49 ID:uk5/Rr4f0
- きいちゃん可愛いよきいちゃんKie-chan's so cute
http://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/m/m29-2/20070804/20070804194041.jpg - 530: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 19:52:22.98 ID:VN+REKuJ0
- けど、ドラマ『クレオパトラの女』の整形ビ●チ役はすごくはまってて良かった。開き直ったのは正解だったと思う。まぁ、開き直るしか選択肢が無かったってのもあるが。But her role as this plastic surgery bi+ch in the drama Cleopatra no Onna was really good.
I think it was correct of her to go with a defiant attitude. Well, it might have also been because she had no choice.
http://roknews.net/wp-content/uploads/image/kii.jpg - 553: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 20:12:36.99 ID:bVtdNfb50
- この子はかわいそうだなあ能年とかもハードル上がりすぎてるからそのうちこうなりそうI feel sorry for this girl.
Even Nounen-chan might end up like this since the bar has been set so high. - 675: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 23:10:20.13 ID:wSO2+SHrP
- なんかやっとこっちの路線に踏み切ったかと・・・アイドルみたいなわけわかんねえ路線やりやがってとは思っていたのでSo it feels like she's finally destined to take on this path huh... I thought she was going to take on an undefined path like the idols.
- 692: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/14(日) 23:54:30.15 ID:EAKhq5Wj0!
- まあ、この人もかわいそうっちゃあ、かわいそうだなw同じことした指原や峰岸(AKB)は、もうみそぎが済んだかのように活動してるし。I do feel sorry for this girl.
To think that AKB's Sashihara and Minegishi who essentially did the same thing are already doing their jobs, as if they've finished their cleansing ritual already.
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