What she said made made the staff worried:
(About wearing contacts since middle school) "At first, the doctor threatened me that 'it's like putting dirt into your eyes' so I had a negative impression of it from the start. But after wearing them, they were actually pretty comfortable."
This could have also been heard as "this sponsor's contact lenses are like dirt" to less informed people.
Ai was also asked by the host about her promotional video being shown on the maker's website, to which she replied:
"I don't remember it at all."
The host followed it up with: "The song was very impressive", to which she responded: "I didn't sing. I tried to but I didn't. Everything was just lines that I recited".
The host once again followed up with: "The clip was very heart-warming" to which Ai responded: "I just wanted to keep acting like this cute doll, so I kept doing what I had to".
The press who covered the event didn't like what they saw.
"She's got a huge ego and her reputation within the press is terrible. There was even a journalist who muttered, 'What's up with that lass?'." But it looked like the sponsor representatives were less than amused at how she ruined the promotional event by saying, "It's like putting dirt in your eyes". It's just natural that they'd get offended.
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She's probably still in her Amachan character
But she's still young
Oh, it must be easy to attach this kind of persona to her.I guess the media have found themselves a new toy.
Betsu ni--------- (Related post HERE)- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:34:25.18 ID:zGz5vF370
- 尖りたい年頃なんだろマスゴミは何様なんだよフザケンナヨShe might be at her rebellious stage in life.
What the heck does the media want? Do your jobs properly. - 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:38:39.56 ID:81sVZq9F0
- 反抗期なんだろ。俺が17の時なんてもっと酷かった。ほっとけ。Yeah, she's at her rebellious stages.
I was much worse when I was 17.
Let her be. -
- 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:42:15.88 ID:2P6GROAl0
- >>52その通りだよね17歳のメンタルなんてこんなもんだよ後は事務所が徐々にプロ意識を芽生えさせたらいいんじゃねーのExactly. This is just how a 17-year-old's mental state is.
Her agency should just gradually instill professionalism into her from this point.
- 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:39:42.16 ID:daNBoOSr0
- 沢尻は精神の不安定とか関係なく常に態度悪かっただろそれと一緒にすんなよBut Sawajiri just wasn't unstable, her attitude was always terrible.
Don't compare these 2. - 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:39:48.04 ID:EHJvM1Y00
- ちゃんと打ち合わせしなきゃThey should have properly held a meeting beforehand
- 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:41:12.22 ID:KgA+Y2keP
- 同世代で集めてみたけどどの娘がいい?I gathered pictures of girls of this generation, who's the best among them?
Ahttp://25.media.tumblr.com/bd1160340509aa85aeda4734825e16b9/tumblr_mp4nbhrxdR1sorupdo1_500.jpgBhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/3812c618db9136ac7eb379e50794ab06/tumblr_mp6xdbOO3f1r0yuivo1_500.jpgChttp://25.media.tumblr.com/806ae04ac9fa125817a7140e39f17ada/tumblr_mp661tv34V1rpq0i8o1_500.jpgDhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/81e5bac022baa7ad10dadd0632ead67d/tumblr_mgbhl2pZt91qzm3dho1_500.jpgEhttp://24.media.tumblr.com/4ccdab4684cc7cb1231a4172030f951a/tumblr_mnlxc2kxVf1qbw5qso1_500.jpgFhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/6820ddf6fd287e3f78a2c1addf8f878a/tumblr_molhcrAQG71qbyynyo1_500.jpgGhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/0f4c57fc3cffee70076f7cba19847d7a/tumblr_mgcridykVq1rn5jiio1_500.jpgHhttp://24.media.tumblr.com/9a60f2e74b28f5f3630e5d3f8999ab51/tumblr_mgqz6wwvhO1raimeio1_500.jpgIhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/b1975d3ffd6ae3df9d437a2fc0736431/tumblr_mmbtw59NBW1qg65hko1_500.jpgJhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/4bad3f213b0b014ae43e0dc5a26f1897/tumblr_mmbh96kX001qk890vo1_500.jpgKhttp://24.media.tumblr.com/25119591a3d5785ccfdafa5f0dc421eb/tumblr_modd57sKrG1s928yco1_500.jpgLhttp://24.media.tumblr.com/5dc7cd4ad87a98ecb1a8f12274cff2d5/tumblr_mo8k6bSEIh1rjjmmso7_500.jpg -
- 116: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:55:11.26 ID:yFcq3t5MO
- >>65美少女揃えたはずなのにLだけ噴くってどゆこと?wwYou intended to compile pretty girls, but why is it that I LOL so hard at letter L?
- 339: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:58:27.37 ID:MpPeMnc4O
- >>65A~Lで一人しか知らないけど、Kかな。Lは論外。I only know one person from A~L, I think it's K for me.
L is out of the question.
- 350: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 01:03:42.58 ID:qnfZ8I7cO
- >>65Aに決めたA for me
- 364: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 01:06:50.01 ID:ACwvSLwm0
- >>65Aが抜きに出てるけど、こう見るとやっぱCも逸材A stands out, but if you look at them like this, C is also a prospect.
- 705: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 07:28:14.95 ID:1sSJ1LV/O
- >>65川口春奈ナシ?この中だとE・K・LかなL選ぶと非難されそうだがwNo Haruna Kawaguchi?
I guess it's E, K, L among these ones.
But people will flame me when I choose L.
- 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:45:08.14 ID:VsL0LdzF0
- え、マイナスイメージだったけど実際使ってみたらよかったって言う宣伝よくないか?Eh? What's wrong with this way of promoting? She said that her impression before trying it on was negative, but it was actually pretty good.
- 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:45:23.99 ID:3Z2FE+0/0
- 撮影スタジオはともかく、まだ記者たちの前でトークするほど場に慣れてないんじゃないかあと、写真撮られて緊張してて単語を選ぶまでの余裕がないとかI don't think she's used to talking in front of journalists yet.
Maybe she doesn't have the composure yet to choose her words properly while her picture is being taken. - 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:45:24.35 ID:/keOk3GqO
- やっぱり愛嬌があるめごっちの方がカワイイよなMegocchi who's charming is much cuter though
http://stat.news.ameba.jp/news_images/20121102/16/bf/07/j/o045006750_324395.jpg -
- 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:48:33.25 ID:JgA2JMi80
- >>83あれはあれでナメクジみたいに不快But she's so unpleasant, like a slug
- 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:45:44.07 ID:t2b7QsfD0
- ゴミを入れてるのと一緒wwwThe same as putting in dirt LOL
- 100: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:49:52.37 ID:NqPS7PlA0
- あまちゃん出て、損してるよなあれ?こんな顔が四角で長かったっけ?ってなった人多数だろHer image has taken a blow after appearing in Amachan.
I think a lot of people suddenly realized that she has a square face. - 106: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:51:31.23 ID:GixBbavl0
- 成長途中で顔醜くなる時あるしょ20超えたらまた美人になってると思うThere's just a period in life where you become temporarily ugly while you grow.
I think she'll become beautiful again once she hits 20. - 113: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:54:15.87 ID:xHMTcqdp0
- あれ?ドコモのCM発表で不機嫌過ぎる態度と話題になったのもこの人だっけ?芸風でキャラ立てしようとしてるんじゃないのかThis was the person who looked upset duriing the Docomo commercial presentation, right? (Related post HERE)
Maybe she's trying to create a persona or something.
http://stat.news.ameba.jp/news_images/20130114/09/fd/f5/j/o045006750_451321.jpg -
- 577: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 04:55:38.92 ID:r5W7Yz3K0
- >>113アカデミー賞の時の不機嫌さも酷かった。みんなそれぞれ「スタッフの方々や監督に感謝!!」とか言っていく中で、「オトーサンオカーサンオバーチャン…(棒読み)」って無表情で延々言ってて怖かった。おかげで武井咲がすごくイイ子に映った。But she was so sullen during the Academy awards, it was horrible.
Everyone else was like, "Thanks to the entire staff!" but she was like: "Daddy, Mommy, Grandma... (monotone)"
with a blank look on her face, it was scary.
And thanks to that, Emi Takei really looked like a good girl.
- 127: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:58:23.21 ID:jE3zsiCU0
- 普通に喋ってただけだったぞShe just spoke normally
- 129: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/04(木) 23:58:39.94 ID:GixBbavl0
- 会見動画Video of the press conference
- 179: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:12:16.68 ID:9AXgy7Zt0
- >>129歌下手すぎるだろwこりゃ触れてほしくないだろなwThe singing is terrible LOL
I bet she didn't want them to touch on this topic.
- 782: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 08:31:55.33 ID:TRy2Lq5E0
- >>129スポンサーの商品宣伝なのに態度最悪だなこいつは駄目だわ17歳とか言い訳関係なくこんなやらされてる顔してたら駄目だわIt's a product presentation for her sponsor, for crying out loud. Her attitude is the worst.
She's no good. The fact that she's only 17 is not an excuse. A girl who looks sullen like this just won't cut it.
- 138: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:02:11.27 ID:Njz1ugUB0
- 落合なんちゃらって男はまだ淫行で捕まらないのか?What about the Ochiai boy, won't he be captured for child molestation yet? (Related post HERE)
http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BJyJ6U3CEAAha2f.jpg - 139: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:02:29.38 ID:VBAqu250O
- 大分前だけど映画の授賞式でもすごい仏頂面して会場凍らしていたなドラマの役作りとか無理矢理な擁護すぎて…Some time ago, she also dampened the mood of an awarding ceremony when she received the award looking all gloomy.
That time, they tried to make an excuse that it was her character in the movie... - 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:03:00.57 ID:nfZHvUkQ0
- マスゴミはどうでもいいが、スポンサーに傷つくようなことするってこいつはバカなのかI don't care about the media, but she must be stupid for hurting her sponsor like that.
- 143: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:03:23.74 ID:khir8Ub60
- この人の雑誌のグラビアで6ページぐらいあったんだけど1枚も笑顔がなくてコッチ見てる感じだった。事務所のそういう売り方なのかもね。I saw a gravure of her in a magazine. There were about 6 pages, but she did not smile in a single picture there.
Maybe that's how her agency is marketing her. - 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:05:06.74 ID:+j3cAmWh0
- 高校生までなら許す。20歳超えたBBAなら叩く。18~19なら矯正だ。I can forgive something like this up to high school.
If she's a granny above 20, I'll bash her.
People who are 18~19 should be corrected. - 149: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:05:45.05 ID:wN9HHUqF0
- 沢尻は事務所の反対を押し切ってハイパーと結婚したり、事務所以外の仕事(ハイパー絡み)をしだして事務所クビになったのが大きいんだけどねIn Sawajiri's case, she ignored her agency's disapproval and went on to marry Hyper.
She then started doing other jobs (involving Hyper) unrelated to her agency and thus got fired. -
- 163: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:07:58.82 ID:rzRciznt0
- >>149他にも薬物疑惑とかあったなThere were also allegations of her drug usage back then
- 162: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:07:57.20 ID:FbZjbeX80
- これはもう更生できないわYou can't correct this anymore
http://2chlog.com/2ch/live/livebs/image/1372887715-0926-001.jpg - 188: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:14:16.04 ID:U/sswtyu0
- マジレスすると事務所がそこまで大きくないんだろう沢尻は2年前に大手事務所に移籍したらワイドショー露出(バッシング)がなくなったBut her agency isn't that huge, right?
When Sawajiri moved to a huge agency 2 years ago, people stopped bashing her on gossip shows. -
- 214: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:18:20.21 ID:TIGqDye00
- >>188え?沢尻はスタダ首になってベックソ移籍したら映画で即脱いだ挙げ句仕事ないじゃんEh? But after Sawajiri was cut from Stardust, she joined Avex, went nude for a movie, and hasn't had any projects since, right?
- 237: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:27:25.64 ID:ETpRJwoa0
- 愛想よくしないと態度悪いとか言われる日本社会って本当に生きづらいね楽しくも面白くもないのにニコニコしてなきゃいけないのかIt must be hard to live in Japanese society where people will say that you have a bad attitude if you don't look pleasant.
So you just have to keep on smiling even if you're not even enjoying yourself? -
- 248: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:30:44.31 ID:Zto1hfMdO
- >>237仕事だからな芸能人に限らずだが、つまらなくても笑顔は基本よBecause it's part of her job.
It's not just these celebrities, but smiling is a basic thing everywhere, no matter how boring something is
- 284: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:39:16.88 ID:2N4QalbK0
- >>237海外なんてもっと言われるぞ有名人のゴシップ大好きなんだからI think that's more so the case overseas.
They just love gossip about celebrities.
- 282: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:38:43.66 ID:J/kHJcVE0
- まあ17くらいだとしょうがないかもなただ来年もこんな感じだったらただのバカだぞWell, she's only 17 so it can't be helped.
But if she still keeps this up 'til next year, she's just plain stupid. - 289: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:41:09.47 ID:VAVzteBb0
- 沢尻ほどインパクトもないじゃないThis doesn't even have the same impact as Sawajiri
http://netsbom.c.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_1ad/netsbom/tnr1009021031004-p1-ccf8d.jpg - 323: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 00:52:41.95 ID:lmnxGmQ90
http://mainichi.jp/graph/2013/07/03/20130703dyo00m200013000c/image/005.jpg -
- 426: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 01:27:12.99 ID:WHK1QRmD0
- >>323弁当箱みたいな顔だねHer face looks like a bento box
- 579: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 04:57:27.94 ID:wFDYJ9ye0
- >>323今ですら危ないけど数年経ったら更にエラがやばそうIt's already looking bad now, but I think her side jaws will become more frightening
- 619: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 06:16:20.89 ID:OwMILB/v0
- >>323始めて顔知ったけど可愛くないねIt's the first time I saw her face, she's not cute at all
- 380: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 01:13:13.57 ID:RSrtbFQkO
- 橋本愛ってどっちかと言うと正統派美少女系で、しかもまだ17歳なのに貞子や田舎ヤンキーなど、結構イロモノ的な役が多いんだよなAi Hashimoto is actually an orthodox beauty, and she's only 17 but she's already played strange roles like Sadako and a country bumpkin yankee.
http://geinounews.mobi/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/%E6%A9%8B%E6%9C%AC%E6%84%9B%E8%B2%9E%E5%AD%903D.jpg - 397: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 01:17:30.54 ID:K8D1Dbl00
- 広告塔としては失敗だよなShe fails as an endorser
- 406: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 01:20:11.68 ID:XUg47aQ3P
- 役者の世界って天然とか変わり者、わがままな人だらけの世界でしょスタッフに嫌われるようなタイプばかり居そうThe world of actors is filled with spontaneous, eccentric, or selfish people, right? I feel that there are a lot of those who are hated by their staff.
- 409: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 01:21:09.90 ID:CDf4nIFn0
- >>406映画はチーム作業なんで、協調性のないやつは嫌われるMovies are a team effort, so those who can't cooperate are treated as outcasts.
- 419: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 01:24:32.97 ID:uFM/hJBe0
- >>406想像でしゃべるなって。一般社会よりもきちんとしてるかもしれないぞ。スポンサー様を怒らせたりしたら、終わりの世界だし。Don't say things based on your image. They might be more organized than our society for all you know. Because everything's over once you make the sponsors mad.
- 432: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 01:31:31.14 ID:fjl1/NeG0
- この子デビューしたときはほんとに可愛かったんだけどなあ・・・性格の歪みって顔にも出てくるもんだね。She really was cute during her debut...
So the crookedness of one's heart shows on the face, huh. -
- 434: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 01:33:33.25 ID:lmnxGmQ90
- >>4323年前めっちゃ可愛いなShe really was super cute 3 years ago
- 442: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 01:36:48.06 ID:QM+xrksj0
- >>432最初に注目された作品が無理矢理キスさせられて頭かち割られてバラバラに解体されるっていう役だったからなその後に影響してもおかしくないよなIn her first role, she was forced to have a kiss and her head was broken and her body torn apart, so that might have had an effect on how she would turn out.
- 459: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 01:45:16.46 ID:h2/njrAE0
- 顔、変わった?Did her face change?
http://imefix.info/20130629/281067/rare.jpeg - 469: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 01:56:38.70 ID:x1vCcRlG0
- ドコモの時もえらい機嫌悪そうだったけどいつもこうなのかShe really looked like she was in a bad mood during Docomo.
Is she always like this? -
- 470: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 01:58:35.65 ID:ACwvSLwm0
- >>469あれはフライデーされて直ぐあの場で質問責めされたからThat was just after the Friday incident, so she just turned blue because of the questions.
- 494: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 02:22:17.17 ID:MRJYoeqFO
- あーあまた一人歪んじゃったよAhh~, and another one goes crazy
- 498: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 02:24:43.07 ID:qwQ3GFBqO
- 沢尻は主演女優だったし、エリカ様になるのはわかるだが、橋本愛は写真撮られただけで、実績ないじゃん。マスコミと喧嘩してどうするんだよSawajiri was a star so you'd understand why she'd act like a queen and stuff.
But Ai Hashimoto only had her picture taken by tabloids, and her track record is still empty.
What's she doing picking a fight with the media? -
- 504: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 02:31:31.26 ID:6jFe876z0
- >>498エリカ様も「別に」発言で干された時は、暫く仕事無かったし、橋本も一回総スカン食らった方がいいかもな。Erika-sama lost projects for some time after her "Betsu ni" statement, so it might be better for Hashimoto to fall down at least once.
- 610: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/05(金) 06:02:54.37 ID:ioDzV2mq0
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