- 1: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:29:36.44 0 ID:
He was ChokixChoki's king for 10 years until 2009. Now he's MILKBOY's 'press' (promoter/director) who rouses up Harajuku's fashion street.
His name is Taichiro Tsuboi a.k.a 2BOY
He's hot property right now as a DJ who livens up Tokyo.
(Related post HERE)
- 2: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:35:06.74 0 ID:
- ぶっさwwwFugly www
- 3: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:36:06.64 0 ID:
- なんていうかこういうのもうダサいよね俺イケてるだろ?っていうのがビンビンすぎてださいErr, I dunno how to put it but something like this is so tacky nowadays.
He looks like the type who says, "I'm really fly, right?", it's pathetic really.
http://tokyo-add.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/0445.jpg - 4: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:36:44.52 0 ID:
- この人じゃないのかIt's not this person anymore?
http://www.public-image.org/images/column/adobe/090320/ota01.jpg - 9: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:39:35.37 0 ID:
- 驚くなよこの彼氏30過ぎてこんな痛い格好してるんだぜ…Don't be surprised y'all.
This boyfriend is already over 30, but he still wears these pathetic clothes.
- 12: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:41:40.54 P ID:
- 坪井泰一朗こと2BOY。ワロタwTaichiro Tsuboi a.k.a. 2BOY
LOL - 13: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:41:52.73 0 ID:
- ミルクボーイが流行ったのってだいぶ前だよなまだ潰れてなかったんだMILKBOY used to be the "in" thing a long time ago.
So it's still around, huh?
http://y-vivre.typepad.jp/photos/uncategorized/2013/02/13/130205_172403.jpg - 14: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:42:56.10 0 ID:
- フッションストリートwwwww90年代かよwwwwwFashion street wwwww
What, this guy's still living in the 90s? wwwwwwwwww - 16: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:44:04.42 0 ID:
- 30過ぎてクラブ遊びロクな男じゃないなOver 30 and still partying in clubs.
He probably isn't a decent man. - 17: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:44:08.10 0 ID:
- チョンタレっぽい雰囲気He feels like a Korean talent
- 22: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:45:46.38 0 ID:
- すごい影響受けてる感あるな前撮られた時の方が洗練された感じで可愛かったIt really looks like she's being influenced a lot by him.
She looked much more refined and cute when she was previously shot.
http://img2.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/90/1d/kamemanaprilia/folder/473488/img_473488_18403112_0 - 24: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:48:03.14 0 ID:
- 2BOYとか頭の悪そうなタイプに奪われるヲタは辛いだろうなwWotas must really have it hard after she's been stolen away from them by this 2BOY fellow who really seems dumb.
- 25: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:48:32.72 0 ID:
- キモヲタざまあwwwwGood for you, you Kimo-Wotas wwwww
- 26: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:50:04.79 0 ID:
- 薬漬けみたいな顔してるなHe looks like a drug addict
- 27: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:50:43.89 0 ID:
- アパレル店員素人モデルの底辺坪井さんがパフュームと交際wwwApparel shop staff and amateur model, the bottom of the pack Mr. Tsuboi gets to date Perfume LOL
- 30: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:52:28.77 0 ID:
- 金髪のおっさんとセ●クスwwwDoin' it with a blonde old dude www
- 31: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:53:08.84 0 ID:
- 坪井老けたな普通におっさんTsuboi's really gotten older.
He's just an old man now. - 32: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:53:13.35 0 ID:
- 原宿wwwださwwwHarajuku www
So lame www - 34: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:53:48.09 0 ID:
- 韓国人にしか見えないんだがwOnly looks Korean to me
- 39: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:55:14.50 0 ID:
- 坪井なんてフリーター程度の収入だろよく釣り合うなTsuboi only earns as much as a freelancer does, right?
I'm amazed at how they match each other. - 41: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:55:46.55 0 ID:
- ヒモ彼氏A leech boyfriend
- 47: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:56:36.79 0 ID:
- 男の影響で薬物中毒者みたいな外見になってた中島美嘉を思い出したI remembered Mika Nakashima who started looking like a drug addict because of her man
http://blog-imgs-37.fc2.com/s/u/b/subcultureblog/bcc248af.jpg - 48: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:56:54.65 0 ID:
- 坪井で2BOYこのセンス嫌いじゃないTsuboi = 2BOY
I don't dislike this kind of naming sense. -
- 52: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:57:34.10 0 ID:
- >>48気づかなかった…I didn't notice that...
- 54: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:57:50.55 0 ID:
- ああ15年近く前に流行ったよミルクボーイRight, MILKBOY was really popular 15 years ago
- 55: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:57:54.02 0 ID:
- 完全にメンズナックル系のフインキイケメンお前らでもこの程度には簡単になれるよHe's just an ikemen by atmosphere, like those in the magazine MEN'S KNUCKLE.
Even you guys can easily become like this. - 58: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 14:59:11.50 0 ID:
- 今のミルクボーイはいつ倒産してもおかしくないレベルI won't be surprised if MILKBOY nowadays goes bankrupt
- 64: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:01:37.76 0 ID:
- イケメンなのか?Is he an ikemen?
- 69: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:03:20.71 0 ID:
- 服で食えねーからDJやって小金稼ぎ収入の大半は女からHe doesn't earn enough with clothes, so that's why he's earning allowance by DJ-ing.
Most of his income come from women, after all. - 70: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:05:02.41 0 ID:
- イケメンじゃねえHe's not an ikemen
- 76: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:07:04.12 0 ID:
- ブッさwwwチョン顔wwwSo ugly wwww Looks Korean www
- 77: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:07:49.05 0 ID:
- 韓流スター?A K-Pop star?
- 83: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:10:39.87 P ID:
- まあ一番痛いのはその恥ずかしい男にいいようにされてるかしゆかなんだけどねBut the most pathetic one of all is KashiYuka who's being manipulated by this guy
- 85: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:12:39.83 0 ID:
- 相当貢いでんだろうな坪井の給料じゃ都内で豪遊なんて出来ないしShe must be his financier.
I don't think they can play lavishly with Tsuboi's salary. - 91: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:15:27.28 0 ID:
- なにこれ仮装パーティー?こんなの10代で卒業しろよwwwWhat's this, a costume party?
You should already graduate from things like this once you're out of your teens www - 94: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:15:37.44 P ID:
- 完全に隣国系の方じゃないですかかしゆか自身も前々からそっち系の顔立ちだと思ってたがHe totally seems like someone from our neighboring country.
Well, I did think that KashiYuka looked like she was from there too.
http://blog-imgs-19.fc2.com/c/a/p/capturehotel/Perfume013_20090506150846.jpg - 98: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:16:44.36 0 ID:
- パフュが広島人だからな在日うじゃうじゃいるぞ広島Perfume's from Hiroshima after all.
There are tons of naturalized Koreans in Hiroshima. - 109: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:20:12.83 0 ID:
- 30過ぎてクラブ遊びしてる金髪のおっさん痛すぎるwwwA blonde old man who still goes clubbing even when he's over 30? So pathetic www
- 114: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:22:41.74 0 ID:
- 韓流スターにAV男優ふりかけたようなツーボーイ2BOY looks like a K-POP star with a sprinkling of porn star
- 119: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:25:27.61 0 ID:
- かしゆかてかなり不細工じゃん相手誰でもいいじゃんBut KashiYuka's ugly.
Who cares who her partner is. - 122: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:28:28.30 0 ID:
- 顔はブサイクだけどケツがエ□いんだよなぁそりゃおっさんが食いつく訳だわHer face may be ugly but she's got a hot a$$.
No wonder old men would fall for her.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/zukolog/imgs/3/3/33a2b42c.jpg - 124: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:31:15.52 0 ID:
- もう少しまともな奴いるだろなんだよこのチンピラThere are more decent men out there, you know. What's with this thug?
- 131: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 15:42:42.70 0 ID:
- こんなブスでもファンはかわいい美人だと絶賛してるのが面白いブスだけどやっぱり今でもアイドル的な人気なんだよなIt's funny that even someone as ugly as her is being called beautiful by her fans.
She may be ugly, but I guess their popularity now is still like that of an idol.
http://blog-imgs-36-origin.fc2.com/b/l/u/bluejam1981/tumblr_l6k23cRsz11qaoz74o1_500.jpg - 134: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/13(土) 16:25:34.01 0 ID:
- 1枚目の青髪の女はDJ KYOKOだなたぶんThe blue-haired woman in the first picture must be DJ Kyoko. Maybe.
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