- 1: 禿の月φ ★ 2013/06/28(金) 06:05:54.92 ID:???P
- Guillermo del Toro: "She's amazingly good. She's actually one of the best actors I've worked with."
Mana Ashida: "I was just crying while being chased by a monster in the scenes I appeared in, but I did give it my all, so even my face would get swollen because of my tears. Everyone, please watch this movie."
- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 06:10:03.73 ID:Zf2Dnyo10
- 最近でてないから飽きられたのかと思ったら
I thought people were sick of her since she hasn't been making an appearance lately. But Hollywood? LOL -
- 282: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 10:53:11.12 ID:z02BAscB0
- >>3
She's just went up a class before we knew it
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 06:10:47.38 ID:SAgNGZRs0
- レッドカーペットを歩く日も近いな
It won't be long before she walks on the red carpet - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 06:15:16.40 ID:1caxmxjx0
- この子ただの子役と思ったら
I thought she was another one of those run off the mill child actresses, but I got shocked at how good her acting was. She's truly a genius. - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 06:16:36.68 ID:Q05iPCeDP
- 子役の卒業が難しそうな感じがするのが難点ってくらいか
I think it will be hard for her get over her child roles. She is a genius when it comes to such roles though. - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 06:17:40.26 ID:rl6AttPV0
- 案外日本人でアカデミー賞に一番近い存在になるかもよ
She might eventually become the Japanese person closest to winning an Academy award - 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 06:21:20.29 ID:dV0qD32U0
- 流石芦田プロmother見た時の衝撃は過去にないくらいだった
As expected of Ashida-Pro. The impact she left me when I saw her on Mother was probably the biggest ever for me.
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201110/25/96/a0013296_1344813.jpg -
- 118: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:15:28.52 ID:DAKfFqZU0
- >>13
I've already watched hundreds of dramas, and her acting in that one was so realistic, I seriously felt like punching the mother.
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 06:26:25.95 ID:rl6AttPV0
- 菊地凛子って海外での評価が高いんだな
So Rinko Kikuchi's pretty popular overseas?
http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/lg01/97/0000433097/25/img89eb6f2fzik2zj.jpeg - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 06:27:02.92 ID:EnB0Wj5U0
- ギレルモ・デル・トロ作品に出演とか…
She's appearing in a movie by Guillermo del Toro..? Wow! - 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 06:37:17.19 ID:mFJid3X60
- そのうちハリウッド進出するな…ってジョーク言ってたヤツがいた気がするが…マジになったな!
I think someone joked saying, "She's bound to go to Hollywood soon"... so it's become a reality! - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 06:42:39.71 ID:TV5YSv190
- ハリウッドかよ!
And Del Toro to top it off!
Wow! - 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 06:42:53.10 ID:erW4E0Qd0
- 最近ようやく消えたかと思ってたらまさかのハリウッド進出ってどんなコネ伝ったんだよ
I thought that she finally disappeared recently, but what connections did she use to be able to make her way to Hollywood!? She's totally high profile. - 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 06:49:20.79 ID:ZGowE/IL0
- Motherはウチの母親がボロ泣きしててひいた
My mom cried so hard while watching Mother, I was taken aback by that. - 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 06:51:04.90 ID:6VdYYh7M0
- なんだかんだでコイツ凄いわ
Whatever people may say, she really is amazing - 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 06:53:50.95 ID:jcpIVqUF0
- さすが芦田プロ。
As expected of Ashida-Pro - 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:00:18.62 ID:erW4E0Qd0
- サクッと既に一生分稼いでるからなあ
She might have already earned enough to last her for life.
Then maybe she'll retire in her 20s, talk about her life before she reaches 30, then move to a rural area, learn the know-hows of living in the province, take root in the ground and live in harmony with the wind.
Then she'll get married to a farmer in her 30s, plant her seeds in the winter, and rejoice with the birds in the coming of spring. -
- 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:02:08.96 ID:RbgE6leE0
- >>47
LOL'd at the end
- 223: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 09:36:09.57 ID:CFkKS1ck0
- >>47
She underwent an awakening at the end LOL
- 225: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 09:43:38.32 ID:ZFBAZnjW0
- >>47はラピュタだろ
The last part, that's from Laputa
- 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:00:32.61 ID:HZP7n7bK0
- 人生2周目の子だよな
She's already in her 2nd round in life -
- 353: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 13:06:15.19 ID:jSeqytl70
- >>48
Yup. I think I have to be in my 8th round before I become as competent as Mana-chan orz
- 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:42:18.29 ID:VN53jHl/0
- 子役を小馬鹿にした芸人を、ハリウッド女優をネタに小銭を稼ぐアホ芸人と
That's amazing of Ashida-Pro to get back at the comedians and talents who earn their paychecks by criticizing child talents and joking about becoming Hollywood actresses.
http://newslounge.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/de2807e8aca4120cbe744bbadf6c64a32.jpg -
- 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:46:18.21 ID:r0tnWc4r0
- >>81
That fatso will disappear sooner than later
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:51:00.99 ID:sqCQ+tVRO
- 大きくなったな
She's grown. How old is she now? -
- 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:52:48.01 ID:jpV7MHZv0
- >>87
- 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:13:55.52 ID:ljXrYlr60
- 消えたと思ったらハリウッド映画出てたのかよ
I thought she disappeared but she's in a Hollywood movie? As expected of Ashida-Pro -
- 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:15:45.80 ID:BTAgprUh0
- >>114
There never was a time that Mana-chan disappeared
- 117: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:15:22.39 ID:SG33oekv0
- 芦田さんはやっぱりマルモリ系よりマザー系のやつがいいな。
Ashida-san is better suited for roles like the one she played in Mother than MaruMori
http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/lg01/86/0000784886/79/img2f2654f9zikbzj.jpeg - 123: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:21:37.46 ID:DAKfFqZU0
- これでダンスができるようになったら、
And if she can dance, she would have surpassed Yu Aoi already. -
- 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:23:54.45 ID:1/ETj2u+0
- >>123
Ashida-Pro is an amzing dancer, you know
- 131: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:29:38.25 ID:McaWkSBb0
- なんだ見ないと思ってたら
Here I am thinking that I haven't been seeing her lately...
She's really levelled up a bunch there. - 147: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:39:40.86 ID:Q9sCvbyjP
- どうぜ1分か2分くらいの出演なんでしょ?
But I bet it will only be a minute or 2, right? Kind of like Seiko Matsuda in Armageddon.
Can you still call that amazing? -
- 149: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:41:02.30 ID:v6xuJxoP0
- >>147
I think she's part of the main cast. She holds the key to the story.
- 155: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:45:51.86 ID:ztobNuN40
- 他の子役とは格が違いすぎる
She's just on a different class when compared to the other child actors - 162: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:50:25.65 ID:pXLAuZ8oP
- 出るつっても回想シーンに5分くらいでしょ?
But she'll only be in a flashback scene that's about 5 minutes long, right? -
- 167: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:53:12.57 ID:LV8z5GCi0
- >>162
Did you even understand how long 5 minutes is in a 2-hour movie when you just said that?
- 173: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:56:45.58 ID:g7OTUyjaO
- まぁ演技力についてはバケモンだからな
She really is a beast when it comes to acting.
She should study English and do her best in America. - 183: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 09:00:17.71 ID:av3sAy3BO
- 芦田先輩最近見ないと思ってたら、ハリウッドデビューですか
I thought I haven't been seeing Ashida-senpai lately, but she's making her Hollywood debut? Amazing. - 192: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 09:08:02.25 ID:hGpzDNWP0
- やっぱすげえな
Amazing. A Hollywood actress, huh. - 197: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 09:11:41.86 ID:KhHr5QYq0
- 無名の子役よりはるかに宣伝効果あるからな
This will generate more buzz than using some unknown kid - 214: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 09:27:01.36 ID:iRH6pC5Q0
- 得意の泣きの演技だな
So she's doing her specialty, which is crying, huh?
I think she has presence. - 240: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 09:53:29.10 ID:pXLAuZ8oP
- プロは事務所小さいとこなのに頑張ってて偉いわ
But Pro's agency is small, right? They're great for working hard like this. - 268: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 10:26:34.07 ID:QNf56NjU0
- この子も天才だけど本田望結ちゃんも天才だよね
This girl's a genius, but so is Miyu Honda. I'm so jealous of their parents... -
- 273: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 10:32:35.27 ID:/8u6Zm+f0
- >>268
She's just a child actress who can only do supporting roles. Ashida who does lead roles is on a different level.
- 315: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 11:34:51.45 ID:ZpWo87Zd0
- >>268
Miyu Honda's parent is a doctor, so she's actually been living a celeb life.
All her siblings do figure skating, and her sister seems like a very promising talent at that.
- 296: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 11:08:16.63 ID:b9AltBjY0
- ハリウッドデビューw
Hollywood debut LOL
Yu Yashiro's imitations will probably be put to an end - 319: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 11:46:01.02 ID:k30CN85QO
- 盲点だったが考えてみたら今の日本人女優で一番ハリウッドに出して恥ずかしくないかも
It was a blind spot but when you think about it, she's actually the number one Japanese actress whom you won't be ashamed of to appear in Hollywood. - 324: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:04:02.86 ID:1xRuG2uO0
- 子供らしくないとかいうわけわからん理由で叩かれまくったけど普通に天才だもんな
People bashed her for this stupid reason that she didn't seem like a child, but she's really a genius. - 332: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:22:22.56 ID:GMli+zeB0
- ガッチャマンと同時期の公開ならガッチャマン爆死だろw
If it'll be shown at the same time as Gatchaman then Gatchaman won't stand a chance
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20121012/17/doronjo666/b4/4f/j/o0450035512233264296.jpg - 333: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:27:29.56 ID:reYnrAqv0
- ガッチャマンはすでにネタ映画扱いだし
Gatchaman's already being made fun of - 367: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 13:24:53.84 ID:ZEzYJFsY0
- motherの最後らへんで松雪泰子に電話するとこで笑ってしまったわ。凄すぎて
I actually laughed at the last part of Mother when she called Yasuko "Matsuyuki". Because she was so amazing. - 375: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 13:39:13.17 ID:yuYF7UKM0
- 行く末が心配だな。
I'm worried about where she'll be headed to -
- 376: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 13:42:49.62 ID:1SCyDQpK0
- >>375
You should be worried about where you're headed to LOL
- 477: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 17:01:04.02 ID:e/NmlCui0
- >>375,376
ごめん、めっちゃウケたSorry, I just found that really funny
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#47 total lmao