(Related post HERE)
Kei Yasuda's blog:
- 2: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:03:55.34 0 ID:
- どっかのソーセージとは大違いだなLooks totally different from this sausage I've seen somewhere else
http://news2052.up.seesaa.net/image/C4D4-1be22.jpg - 3: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:06:03.34 0 ID:
- 本格的なイタリアンだなLooks like genuine Italian food
- 7: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:09:25.89 0 ID:
- このイケメン料理人は保田のどこを気に入ったんだろうI wonder what this ikemen cook saw in Yasuda
http://fumi4649.xsrv.jp/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/20130505192407.jpg - 8: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:09:27.30 0 ID:
- すげー高そうな食材使ってんなwLooks like he's using really expensive ingredients
- 10: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:10:13.92 0 ID:
- これ店で食ったら2万円はするなThis'll probably cost JPY 20,000 when you eat it in a restaurant
- 11: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:10:43.90 T ID:
- おいおい保田を太らすなよwwwHey, hey, don't make Yasuda fat www
- 12: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:11:07.36 0 ID:
- 麻布に店2軒持ってるんでそ?食材も全部最高級クラスだろうなーHe has 2 branches of his restaurant in Azabu, right?
I bet he uses only the best ingredients. - 14: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:11:58.89 0 ID:
- そこら辺の庶民向けスーパーではラム肉が最近手に入らないYou won't be able to buy rum meat in your average grocery stores
- 15: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:12:03.05 0 ID:
- カロリーすごそうだな保田を太らせて最後に食べる気かThe calorie count must be pretty high.
So is he planning on making Yasuda fat then eat her afterwards? - 16: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:14:12.25 0 ID:
- 保田の為に料理を作ることだけでも尊敬できるI salute him just for the fact that he cooks for Yasuda
- 21: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:19:00.42 0 ID:
- >>16それはほんとそうだよなwwwwいま保田が俺の家に遊びに来たとしても茶すら出す気しないわましてメシなどThat's exactly true wwww
Even if Yasuda comes to my house, I don't even feel like serving her tea.
Food is out of the question.
- 17: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:15:20.77 0 ID:
- やすすの子供はいつ頃かなぁ円満な家庭を築いてほしいよI wonder when Yasusu will have her baby.
I hope they build a harmonious family. - 19: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:16:49.81 0 ID:
- 矢口を呼んだらこの旦那さん喰われるなIf they call Yaguchi over, she'll probably devour her husband.
- 23: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:20:26.57 0 ID:
- このソーセージ一本で500円はするからな1 of these sausages costs 500 yen
- 24: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:20:28.82 i ID:
- まじでうまそうって絶対うまいSeriously looks good.
No, I'm positive that it tastes good. - 25: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:21:45.83 0 ID:
- 美味しそうってプロだろLooks good? He's a pro, you know.
- 26: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:23:57.15 0 ID:
- 旦那がコックとは保田いい人を見つけたなImagine having a cook for a husband! Yasuda sure found a good man.
- 27: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:25:37.79 0 ID:
- 保田は勝ち組Yasuda's a winner in life
- 30: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:27:55.47 0 ID:
- ルックス良し仕事もできる性格は保田を嫁に貰う時点で最強クラスに良いのが保証されているGood looks, and can do his job properly.
And the moment he accepted to marry Yasuda already proves that his personality is as good as it gets. - 31: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:28:39.49 0 ID:
- この後酔っ払った保田が旦那に迫るのが想像できるなAfter this, I can easily imagine Yasuda getting drunk and seducing her husband
- 36: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:33:47.17 0 ID:
- 何このイケメン有能旦那What's with this ikemen and competent husband
http://blog-imgs-53-origin.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/20130505192328.jpg - 37: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:34:18.33 0 ID:
- こないだのDTDXでやってたけど変なソファ買って保田のとこだけ脚伸ばせてサイドテーブルがついてんのなで旦那の座るところはほんとにただ普通に座るだけっていうw旦那はどんだけドMなんだよもしくは究極に目が悪いのかI saw them on DTDX a while back. They bought this weird sofa where Yasuda can stretch her legs and has a side table next to her, but the husband only has a regular seat. Just how much of a masochist is this guy!? Or does he really have bad taste in women?
- 38: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:35:03.74 0 ID:
- 今後の人生保田以外の女抱けないと思うと泣けるI seriously feel sorry for him when I think that he can never make love to any woman other than Yasuda.
- 39: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:35:29.68 0 ID:
- >>38自分でその道を選んだんだぞこの男は神すぎるThat is the path he chose.
He's really godly.
- 40: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:36:01.27 0 ID:
- 43: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:38:03.31 0 ID:
- 元気があれば なんでもできる家に帰れば 保田がいるIf you're full of energy, you can do anything.
When you come home, Yasuda is there waiting. - 45: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:43:25.23 0 ID:
- でも毎日これだと飽きるよねBut won't you get tired if this is what you have everyday?
- 46: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:48:50.55 0 ID:
- 朝ごはんとか保田が作ってるらしいぞIt seems like Yasuda's the one making breakfast
- 47: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:51:24.48 0 ID:
- 料理本でがっぽり稼げるし最高じゃんHe can even earn a ton through cook books, that's the best.
- 50: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 10:58:36.17 0 ID:
- 料理は儲かるなあCooks really earn a lot
- 51: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 11:04:36.03 0 ID:
- 正直うらやましい俺もこんな旦那欲しいShe's really enviable.
I want a husband like him too. - 55: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 11:14:34.94 0 ID:
- 嫁さんの友達に安倍なつみと篠田麻里子がいるって強すぎAnd his wife's friends are Natsumi Abe and Mariko Shinoda, wow
- 56: 名無し募集中。。。: 2013/07/16(火) 11:17:24.98 0 ID:
- 2ch情報では身長165cm切ってるのが残念矢口の旦那と割ればちょうどいいのにToo bad that according to 2channel, he's only about 165 cm tall.
He'd be perfect if he had just some of Yaguchi's husband's height.
http://pokonpokon.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/nakamura.jpg - 57: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 11:23:59.11 0 ID:
- 夫婦共稼ぎで儲かってるんだろうなーThis couple must really be earning a lot
- 60: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 11:40:42.31 0 ID:
- 圭ちゃん実物見ると凄いべっぴんさんさんやで~When you see Kei-chan in person, she's really pretty.
http://entameyomoyama.up.seesaa.net/image/E4BF9DE794B0E59CAD.jpg - 74: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 13:15:35.44 0 ID:
- 俺のホモセンサーがちょっと反応したActually, my gay-dar actually sensed a little something
http://mykinc-trend.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_f08/mykinc-trend/09357ae5.jpg - 78: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 13:26:44.60 0 ID:
- 勝ち組だな~今のところThey're really winners in life~
For now. - 80: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/16(火) 13:30:23.77 0 ID:
- 保田圭という素材を上手に調理し始めてるよな娘時代より遥かに綺麗だしLooks like he's able to cook this ingredient called Kei Yasuda pretty well.
She's also much, much prettier now than her Musume days.
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