I know that KimuTaku is amazing and why he became popular,
but I really don't get why there's such a huge discrepancy with his and Nagase's name value and popularity.
I honestly have no intentions at all to speak ill of KimuTaku-san,
but Nagase is more handsome, is taller, and has amazing style.
He's also a good singer and actor, very manly, and is also very lovable.
There really are no reasons whatsoever that will make you irritated by him,
but why can't he ever catch up to KimuTaku?
And on a bigger note, why wasn't TOKIO able to emulate SMAP?
- 2: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:11:14.42 0 ID:
- あれじゃね完璧すぎるからじゃね?完璧な王子様ってなんか庶民には近寄りがたい雰囲気あるじゃんI think it's because he's too perfect.
The common people might find it difficult to reach these perfect prince charmings. -
- 711: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:35:04.39 0 ID:
- >>2キムタクが売れたのは短足だからよ@昔の美輪の発言他いろいろ褒めてたけど最後の締めの一言KimuTaku became popular because he has short legs, according to what Miwa-san said before.
Miwa-san did praise various aspects of KimuTaku but that was the wrap-up statement.
- 5: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:12:14.49 0 ID:
- 長瀬は男として完璧As a man, Nagase is perfect.
- 6: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:12:15.97 0 ID:
- 長瀬とキムタクが同じグループにいたら人気半端なかったろうなIf Nagase and KimuTaku were in the same group, their popularity would have been insane.
- 10: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:13:44.08 0 ID:
- キムタクの場合ドラマに恵まれたと思うなIn KimuTaku's case, I think he was blessed with dramas.
- 17: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:14:38.85 0 ID:
- >>10ドラマの内容というより枠に恵まれたかんじだと思うI think it was more of the drama's time slot rather than the contents which KimuTaku benefited from.
- 12: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:13:51.54 0 ID:
- 男人気のほうがあるね長瀬はNagase's the one who's more popular with men
- 14: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:14:10.40 0 ID:
- 今はゴツくなりすぎて男臭すぎてジャニーズ感がまったくないHe's become too rugged and manly now, he's doesn't seem "Johnny's" at all
http://www.guthrie.co.jp/entries/moscot/photo/090727-195854/02.jpg - 16: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:14:25.37 0 ID:
- 長瀬ほど完璧なジャニーズアイドルは歴代遡ってもいないよなThere's no perfect Johnny's idol like Nagase even if you search through history
- 20: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:15:10.96 0 ID:
- 15歳くらいの長瀬はかなりの美少年だったNagase was a real pretty boy when he was about 15
http://file.miwawan.blog.shinobi.jp/9d3c7674.jpeg - 23: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:16:20.04 0 ID:
- キムタクのような色気が足りないHe lacks that "sexiness" that KimuTaku has
- 24: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:16:25.07 0 ID:
- キムタクは男でもわかる色気がある長瀬は格好いいけどそれが無いんだよな対抗馬なら滝沢だけど身長がKimuTaku has that "sexiness" that even men would see.
Nagase's handsome, but he doesn't have that.
I think Takizawa's more of a rival candidate in that category, but his height... - 27: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:16:49.81 0 ID:
- 昔から長瀬には色気がないキムタクは若い時フェロモンってやつが出てた気がするNagase's never had that sexiness.
In KimuTaku's case, you could feel pheromones coming out of him.
http://safariman.c.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_93e/safariman/img_178150_6439780_2.jpg?c=a1 - 31: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:17:53.86 0 ID:
- 完璧にみえて単純でバカだからいいんだろグループでの立ち位置だと長瀬は香取になるとおもうわAt first glance, Nagase seems perfect, but he's actually stupid. But that's what's actually good about him.
Position-wise within the group, I think Nagase is more like in Katori's spot. - 35: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:19:07.60 0 ID:
- メタラーだったり浜崎とつきあったりちょっとずれてるところがかわいいHe's a metalhead, he dated Hamasaki... the odd little things like that are cute.
- 37: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:19:45.21 O ID:
- 気持ち悪いホットパンツをはいてたからBecause he wore gross hot pants before
http://www.cyzowoman.com/images/tokiozenin01.jpg - 41: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:20:26.50 0 ID:
- お前ら信じられるかこれジャニーズなんだぜCan you guys really believe that this guy is from Johnny's?
http://i.imgur.com/iZEaZ.jpg - 42: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:20:35.73 P ID:
- 長瀬は男臭い色気はんぱないと思うけどなばかっぽさというか単純さも好きだわよくあの顔であの性格に育ったものたI do think that Nagase's manly sexiness is staggering.
I also like that he's an idiotic simpleton.
I'm impressed at how he grew up with that kind of attitude despite having that kind of face. -
- 46: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:21:28.99 0 ID:
- >>42男ならああいう風になりたかったって思うよなMen would really want to become someone like him, huh
- 45: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:21:08.06 0 ID:
- あのルックスなら普通は近寄りがたいけど性格は天然で腰が低いってのが逆に魅力になってるなHe'd be hard to approach with those looks, but what's appealing about him is that he's goofy and modest.
- 54: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:22:48.47 0 ID:
- 世間的にヒットした長瀬のドラマってなんかあったっけ?What were Nagase's dramas that you could consider hits with the masses?
- 61: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:23:40.54 0 ID:
- >>54IWGPとかタイガー&ドラゴンとかかなMaybe IWGP and Tiger & Dragon
- 65: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:24:14.33 0 ID:
- >>5420年ジャニがゴリ押ししてきたけどマイボスマイヒーローが唯一ヒットしたって言えるぐらいかなHe's been pushed by Johnny's for 20 years, but the only one you can call a hit would be My Boss, My Hero
- 63: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:24:04.42 0 ID:
- ブクロ最高ーBukuro Saiko---
- 66: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:24:33.17 0 ID:
- 30前後ならIWGPにはまったやつ多いだろThere are probably a lot of people around 30 now who got addicted to IWGP
- 72: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:25:06.16 0 ID:
- 女は中性的な男のほうが好きなんだよWomen prefer the androgynous-looking men more
- 76: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:25:19.64 0 ID:
- 男受けはいいけどそれならキムタクももっとあるだろwネットでは嫌われてるがキムタクほど男に憧れられたアイドルはいないと思うHe's popular with men, but I think that's more true for KimuTaku.
He's basically hated by netizens, but I don't think there's ever been an idol who was admired by men as much as KimuTaku.
http://kimutaku.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_604/kimutaku/kimutaku3-d9da6.jpg - 81: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:26:24.40 0 ID:
- キムタクは鼻につくから嫌いだったKimuTaku is irritating and I hated him
- 90: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:28:07.27 0 ID:
- キムタクさんやSMAPが凄いのはSMAP世代の人じゃなくてもロンバケや世界一にひとつだけの花は全員知ってるI think KimuTaku-san and SMAP are amazing because everyone knows the drama Long Vacation and the song "Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana", even if they aren't from the SMAP generation.
- 92: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:28:17.15 0 ID:
- キムタクはやっぱ一世風靡するオーラがあるKimuTaku has that aura that he could take the world by storm
- 103: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:30:21.11 0 ID:
- 影の部分が足りないしそこから滲み出す色気も感じない難しいこととか全然考えてなさそうだもんI think he lacks 'darkness' and you can't feel the sexiness that one pulls out from that.
He doesn't seem like he thinks too hard about anything. - 107: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:30:48.24 0 ID:
- 逆に世間的にヒットしたキムタクのドラマってリアルになんだ?あの人コケたドラマないからどれがヒットなのかわからんwSo which of KimuTaku's dramas can you really call a hit?
That guy never had a flop, so I don't know which you can consider a hit LOL -
- 113: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:32:16.56 0 ID:
- >>107全部ヒットでいいんじゃない例えばキムタク以外の奴がキムタクぐらいの視聴率出したら間違いなく大ヒット扱いだしThen all of them are hits.
If anyone other than KimuTaku gets ratings as high as KimuTaku's then there's no doubt that you can consider that drama a hit.
- 108: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:30:59.16 0 ID:
- キムタクは10年以上連続抱かれたい男1位を君臨した長瀬はランクインすらされないKimuTaku ranked #1 for 10 straight years as the 'man you want to make love with the most'.
Nagase didn't even make it to those rankings. -
- 116: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:32:54.10 0 ID:
- >>108嘘ツケランクインはされてるぞLiar, he was ranked
- 124: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:35:37.19 0 ID:
- 松岡ってイケメン担当だったの?So was Matsuoka the ikemen character of the group?
http://i.imgur.com/gkVzr.jpg -
- 127: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:36:10.66 0 ID:
- >>124松岡は大沢くんポジだったよMatsuoka was similar to Oosawa-kun's position
- 130: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:36:39.95 0 ID:
- キムタクと長瀬ってスーパーエースって感じだけど何か交流とかないのかな?一切この二人のエピソード聞いたことないんだけどKimuTaku and Nagase both feel like these super aces, but haven't they ever been together?
I've never ever heard of any sort of episode involving these two. - 141: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:38:43.85 0 ID:
- つーかあんまり言われないがジャニで一番ゴリ押しされてるのってTOKIOじゃね?歌もまったく売れないのになぜか毎年紅白でてるし売れてる先輩や後輩もいるから自分達まったく叩かれないポジションNo one mentions this but I think TOKIO's the group that's being pushed forward the most by Johnny's.
Their songs aren't selling at all, but they're still at the Kouhaku every single year.
They have senpais and kouhais who sell well, so they're in this position where they're not being bashed at all. -
- 143: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:39:23.79 0 ID:
- >>141長瀬のいるグループだからなBecause Nagase's in that group
- 144: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:39:36.67 0 ID:
- 確かにいいポジションについたよな売れなくても誰も何とも思わないしThey really are in a good position.
No one thinks and says anything even when they aren't selling. - 148: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:40:11.74 0 ID:
- 長瀬のヒットドラマがデビューしてから12年後って遅すぎるだろあれでTOKIO人気出るかと思ったら全く変わらず事務所も全然押さなかったよなマイボスは一体なんだったんだろうBut it took Nagase 12 years from his debut before he got a hit drama.
I thought TOKIO would finally become popular after that, but nothing changed at all, and the agency didn't even push for them.
I wonder what My Boss really was to him. - 154: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:42:31.17 0 ID:
- SMAPどころか嵐に抜かれるとは夢にも思わなかったI think that never in their wildest dreams have they imagined that Arashi would overtake them.
- 158: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:43:12.79 0 ID:
- >>154嵐どころか滝翼以外のグループすべてに抜かれてるだろNot just Arashi, all groups other than Tackey & Tsubasa have overtook them.
- 163: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:44:27.65 0 ID:
- TOKIOとしても良いポジションにいるし5人それぞれも良いポジションにいるよなTOKIO's in a really good position, and all 5 of them are also in good positions.
- 170: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:45:48.38 0 ID:
- 長瀬は役者としてやってきゃいいと思うけどな主役だと数字取れないってならそろそろ二番手ぐらいでもいいしI think Nagase should just carry on as the lead in dramas.
If he can't get ratings as the lead, then I think he should also settle for supporting roles. - 174: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:46:20.15 0 ID:
- 長瀬ほんとに美少年だったよな抱きたかったわNagase really used to be a pretty boy.
I really wanted to make love to him.
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img/2012/12/WwKZuwxMbS8d6DZ_CZtwq_27.jpeg - 199: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:50:09.26 0 ID:
- 長瀬って途中加入なのに偉そうだよねNagase's cheeky even though he just joined the group midway through.
- 202: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:51:01.65 0 ID:
- >>199というか長瀬をデビューさせるために作ったグループだろErr, that group was established so they can let Nagase have his debut.
- 206: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:52:49.54 0 ID:
- 違うだろ城島茂バンドの発展でSMAPの国分たちを入れただけNo.
That was like the development, or expansion of Shigeru Joshima's band.
They just included Kokubun and co. from SMAP. - 216: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:55:59.48 0 ID:
- でも長瀬ってジャニの中でもかなり恵まれてる数うちゃあたる方式で昔からドラマ主演クラスずっとやってたそれでもそこまで人気でないってことは何か魅力がたりないんじゃないのBut I still think that Nagase's been pretty blessed within Johnny's.
He's always been playing leads in dramas, hoping for something to become a hit.
And the fact that he still hasn't become super popular just means that he lacks some sort of appeal. -
- 218: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:56:22.42 0 ID:
- >>216それなThis
- 221: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:57:05.57 P ID:
- ひとりぼっちのハブラシの長瀬はかっこよかったスーツでギター弾いてるやつあれはキムタクでは様にならないなNagase was so cool when he sang "Hitoribocchi no Haburashi",
the one where he was playing the guitar while wearing a suit.
If KimuTaku did that, it wouldn't have looked good.
- 226: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:59:06.65 0 ID:
- 背が高いのはモテないTall people aren't popular with the opposite sex
- 228: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 21:59:33.76 0 ID:
- 高すぎるのもダメなのかねSo it's not good if one is too tall, huh
- 236: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:01:29.17 O ID:
- キムタクは男でも見とれるほどの異様な色気があった長瀬は高身長超イケメンだが色気はなかったKimuTaku had that sexiness that could even attract men. Nagase's tall and a super ikemen but he didn't have that.
- 269: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:10:28.10 0 ID:
- 自分はアイドル好きだからTOKIOはバンドだから売れないんだなってすごく納得できるI like idols, so I can understand very well that TOKIO isn't popular because they're a band.
- 280: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:13:43.66 0 ID:
- >>269自分もトキオだけ興味ないジャニDDだけどバンドだからっていうよりも三枚目路線に逃げてる感じが苦手だバンド形式でも男闘呼組とか関ジャニや平成がやってるバンドは好きI also like anyone from Johnny's except for TOKIO.
It's not because they're a band, it's more like because they were going for a more comedic taste, and it felt like running away to me.
If it's just band-type idols, there's Otokogumi, Kanjani, and Hey! Say! that I like.
- 276: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:13:09.71 0 ID:
- TOKIOはライブでも実は女性客がほとんど男比率が高いのはなんだかんだでSMAPとからしいねTOKIOは男人気が高いんじゃなくバラエティ人気が高いんだよだからCDやドラマでもこなしてる数にしてはヒットが少ないBut the majority of TOKIO's audience in their concerts are still women.
I heard that there's a higher ratio of men attending SMAP's concerts.
It's not that TOKIO is popular with men; it's just that they're popular as variety show talents.
And that's why they only have a few hits despite having a lot of CDs and dramas. - 299: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:17:25.53 0 ID:
- 長瀬と同世代の堂本剛の方が高校時代人気だったわTsuyoshi Domoto who's in the same generation as Nagase was more popular back in high school.
- 301: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:17:33.03 0 ID:
- 長瀬はブランドあったころの月9も何本か出てるけどどれも大ヒットしなかったからなNagase starred in a number of Monday-9 dramas when it was still considered a brand, but nothing became a hit.
- 336: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:22:41.57 0 ID:
- SMAPってすごいよなキムタク以外そんなにイケメンでもないのにここまでの地位を確立したSMAP's amazing.
The members other than KimuTaku aren't even that handsome, but they've all established this position. -
- 358: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:26:11.03 0 ID:
- >>336女には中居みたいなチャラ男も受けるあとマンガに出てきそうな上品で大人しい稲垣も受ける優男の草薙だって受けるし元気な少年キャラの香取も受ける森はどんなキャラか忘れたwIt seems that women like the flashy ones like Nakai too.
There's also Inagaki who looks elegant and kind, like a manga character.
Even the gentle Kusanagi is popular.
And even Katori who's like this energetic young boy.
I forgot Mori's character though.
- 342: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:23:50.01 0 ID:
- 昔なんかの雑誌で読んだことあるけどキムタクって笑顔が女心をくすぐる可愛さを持っててそれが日本人の女には受けるんだと俺は男だからようわからんけどそういうもんなのかI read in some magazine before that KimuTaku's smile has this cuteness that can tickle a woman's heart, and that's why he got the hearts of the girls all over Japan. I'm a man so I don't really know that, so what about it?
- 364: :名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:26:47.58 0 ID:
- >>342年とってキムタクはときにおばさんに見える福山もそう日本の女は女顔が好きなんだよ阿部チャンとかオッサン顔よりねNow that he's aged, KimuTaku sometimes looks like an old lady. That's also true with Fukuyama.
Japanese women like those with girly faces.
Abe-chan on the other hand really looks like an old man.
- 397: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:30:49.74 O ID:
- 長瀬は美形だとは思うけど顔が濃すぎるというかむさ苦しい福山とかキムタクとか向井理とか佐藤健とか万人ウケするのは中性的な人なんだよNagase may be pretty but he looks unkempt because of his deep facial features.
Fukuyama, KimuTaku, Osamu Mukai, and Takeru Sato are the ones who look more androgynous, which has an appeal to a wider audience. - 435: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:36:48.67 0 ID:
- 長瀬って年上女性との関係を描いたドラマってあったっけ?視聴率的にはそれがかなり重要なんだよねそういう意味でキムタクにはロンバケがあったDid Nagase have a drama where he was with an older woman?
I think something like that is important if you're going for ratings.
And that's what KimuTaku had with Long Vacation.
http://hkatsukawafromtokyo.net/blog/pcbc000050153.jpg - 443: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:37:54.67 0 ID:
- 長瀬はアウトレイジに出てほしかったなまあこれからそれ系がどんどん似合うようになると思うI wanted Nagase to star in Outrage.
I do think flicks like that will suit him more now. - 448: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:38:44.70 0 ID:
- SMAPって可愛さもあるんじゃないかなそこが受けた要因のような気もするTOKIOは男男しすぎなんだろうなI think SMAP also has a cute side to them.
I believe that's also one of the reasons why they became popular.
- 451: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:39:19.74 0 ID:
- TOKIOてFC辞めた人達にライブに来てくれと手紙を送るくらいの厚かましい奴らだぜBut TOKIO are shameless for sending letters to the former fanclub members asking them to come and attend their concert.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/ainbekker-news2/imgs/6/1/61e786a2.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/ainbekker-news2/imgs/0/f/0f709cc6.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/ainbekker-news2/imgs/a/f/af8cd7c5.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/ainbekker-news2/imgs/e/8/e8355902.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/ainbekker-news2/imgs/4/6/46c22ce8.jpg -
- 458: :名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:40:36.89 0 ID:
- >>451それがなんで厚かましいって思うの?ジャニヲタの心の貧しさよAny what's so shameless about this?
You Jani-wotas are so narrow-minded.
- 467: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:41:50.71 0 ID:
- >>451ワロタワロタ・・・LOL
- 477: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:43:34.23 0 ID:
- >>451リーダー切なすぎだろLeader's message is so painful
- 459: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:41:01.56 0 ID:
- 長瀬は若いころ内田ユキみたいな美形だったけどちょっと成長したら顔がでかくなってゴツくなって男から見たらかっこよくなったんだけどジャニーズっぽくなくなったNagase was as pretty as Yuki Uchida when he was young. When he grew older, his face became bigger and he got more rugged. He became cooler-looking from a man's point of view, but he didn't look like he came from Johnny's anymore.
- 469: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:42:41.16 0 ID:
- お前ら長瀬くん大好きなんだなジャニドルで1番男受けよさそうだもんなYou guys really love Nagase-kun, huh.
He really seems like the number 1 Johnny's idol who appeals the most to men. - 470: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:42:54.65 0 ID:
- 長瀬いい奴だろキムタクってなんだよ一体Nagase's a really good guy.
What the heck is up with KimuTaku?
http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/16/b3/2884ea508f03ac93a2514966e963f834.jpg - 476: 名無し募集中 2012/11/11(日) 22:43:29.33 O ID:
- まあピークのキムタクが凄かったよなアイドルなのに男までファッションとか真似するみたいなのってこの先でてくるのかな?KimuTaku was really amazing in his prime.
Will there be another idol whose fashion will even be imitated by men? -
- 489: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:46:12.34 0 ID:
- >>476出て来ないと思うI don't think so
- 521: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:52:49.05 0 ID:
- >>476ナンバーナインのバルーンキャップとかクソほど売れてたなあ懐かしいあとダウンジャケットNumber Nine's beanie really sold like crazy back then.
And that down jacket.
- 504: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 22:49:02.84 0 ID:
- 何でお前らこんな詳しいんだよw俺もジャニならTOKIOが一番いいなWhy do you guys know so much LOL
Well, if it's within Johnny's, I like TOKIO best. - 566: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:04:07.10 0 ID:
- チビで歳取るとあれだよねえキムタクは微妙に低い 長瀬くらいの身長が無いと嵐は論外But if you're small and you grow old, it's... you know.
KimuTaku is pretty small. You should at least have the same height as Nagase.
Arashi are out of the question. - 582: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:08:41.06 P ID:
- 長瀬にヲタいないとか信じられねえなぁ他のオカマみたいなジャニタレよりずっといいと思うんだがI really can't believe that Nagase has no wotas.
I think he's much better than those other gay-like Johnny's talents. -
- 589: :名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:10:47.18 0 ID:
- >>582ファッション板のスレには結構男で好きな人がいるThere are quite a lot of males who like him over at the fashion boards.
- 598: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:13:04.53 0 ID:
- 岡田も一時期は頭ひとつ抜けてたけど大成しなかったなOkada was also doing so well at one point, but he didn't exactly succeed after that.
- 603: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:13:47.26 0 ID:
- 最近のジャニJohnny's these days
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/bakaleya/15880301.jpeg俺らの知ってるジャニThe Johnny's we know
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200611/15/17/f0113817_14564893.jpghttp://gazo.galman.jp/img/019h3_132458/%E8%B5%A4%E8%A5%BF%E4%BB%81%2BKAT-TUN.jpeg -
- 608: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:14:20.74 0 ID:
- >>603右おれやんThat's me on the right
- 609: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:14:22.35 0 ID:
- 全盛期の浜崎と結婚させてたキムタク並のカリスマを作ることも出来たジャニの妨害のおかげでこんな惨状にHe could've been as charismatic as KimuTaku if he married Hamasaki in her prime.
And because of Johnny's hindrances, he ended up like this.
http://file.pmdc.jp/jpg/m/b/f/mbf_1348587069.jpg - 738: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:38:56.59 0 ID:
- 長瀬よりキムタクとか赤西が人気あるのを考えるとやっぱり国民的スターになる人って顔が100点じゃダメなんだよな85点くらいの顔と独特の色気みたいなバランスが一番人気出るんだと思うWhen you see that people like KimuTaku and Akanishi are more popular than Nagase, it really makes you realize that you can't become a national star when your face is 100 points. It has to be the balance of a face that's only about 85 and this unique sexiness. I think that's the recipe for popularity.
- 741: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:39:24.76 0 ID:
- >>738顔だけでは飽きられるからなBecause people will grow tired if he only has the face
- 742: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:39:30.15 0 ID:
- でもキムタクの顔に欠点あるか?But is there anything wrong with KimuTaku's face?
- 748: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:40:28.18 0 ID:
- >>742今現在でいいなら肌が汚いサーフィンの後遺症If we're talking about him currently, his skin is getting rough. It must be the side effects of surfing.
- 753: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:41:14.73 0 ID:
- >>742キムタクは甘ったるいちょっと崩れ感があるKimuTaku has this sweet face, but it feels like it's crumbling now.
- 754: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:41:56.22 0 ID:
- 今は劣化してるのは分かる肌もだし全体的に垂れてきてるしでも全盛期はお直ししようがなかったろYou can see that he's deteriorated now, and everything seems to be sagging down.
But there's nothing to fix in his face during his prime. - 772: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:43:57.31 0 ID:
- 全盛期キムタクは異常にかっこよかったKimuTaku was really so cool during his peak
http://livedoor.4.blogimg.jp/rabitsokuhou/imgs/4/e/4e3abfdb.jpg - 878: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/12(月) 00:05:19.02 0 ID:
- 最後に笑うのはTOKIOだろうな。ダンスは年取れば踊れないけど、バンドはオッサンになるほど味が出てくる。スマップがいるから同世代でもTOKIOは叩かれなくて済むし、TOKIOはいいポジションだと思うよ。But I think it'll be TOKIO who will be laughing in the end.
You won't get to dance anymore once you grow older, but the older the band gets, the more distinct their flavor becomes.
And because of SMAP's existence in their generation, TOKIO is never on the receiving end of criticism.
TOKIO really is in a good position. -
- 971: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/12(月) 00:17:20.18 0 ID:
- >>878楽器があるから年取ってもっていうのはよく本人たちも言ってるEven they themselves are saying that it's fine even if they age because they have instruments.
- 822: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 23:53:39.17 0 ID:
- 理由:キムタクになろうとしてないからReason: Because he never even tried to become like KimuTaku
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