Fune wo Amu (The Great Passage) which was shown in April this year has been chosen as Japan's entry to the 86th Academy Awards for the Best Foreign Language Film.
The director of the film is Yuya Ishii (30), and is the youngest director to represent Japan in the said category.The story is based on the novel written by Shion Miura which received the Honya Taisho (lit. Bookshop Grand Prize) in 2012.
Ryuhei Matsuda plays the role of Mitsuya Majime, while Aoi Miyazaki plays Kaguya Hayashi.
- 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 15:08:56.83 ID:nCZM73sr0
- 一時期は弟の方が顔立ちも濃いし人気だったけど、兄も頑張ってるねでもまほろだの探偵はバーにいるだの、水口だの、どの役もいいけど、どの役も似たように感じるThere was a time when his younger brother (Shota Matsuda) was more popular and also has a deeper face, but big bro is putting up a good fight. But then, while all the roles he plays are good, they all feel similar to me, like Mahoro, Tantei wa bar ni iru, Mizuguchi (Amachan). - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 15:09:33.62 ID:KQTKlhSD0
- 松田龍平って演技下手だけど、あの存在感が作れるものじゃないからな。日本の演出家はああいう作りようがない存在の俳優好きだからあまちゃんで良い味出してたしこれからも起用されそうRyuhei Matsuda's bad at acting, but that presence he has can't be emulated that easily.
And Japanese directors love actors like that, who cannot be imitated or created artificially.
He's added a good flavor to Amachan, and I feel that he'll be getting more projects after this. - 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 15:15:14.66 ID:hGD0KDR90
- 嫌いだったが、あまちゃん見たら好きになった。見た目とか、出自とか、親がなにやってるとか、そういうの捨てたら、この人ますますよくなるんじゃないのかな。俳優として、なにかいいものがある気がしてきてる。今まで自己顕示欲みたいなもんばかり見えてたが。I used to hate him, but I like him now after seeing him in Amachan.
I think this guy will become much better once he's distanced from his origins, his parent's track record and his looks.
I think he has something special as an actor.
Everything up to now just felt like he wanted to assert himself though. - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 15:19:06.47 ID:Ej51mcLT0
- まほろば 水口 何ともしれんいい味 いいよ。Mahoroba, Mizuguchi --- quite a nice touch that he adds. I like him.
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 15:23:09.25 ID:uqW9sKkG0
- >>30同意Agreed
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 15:26:40.19 ID:drkcqim70
- どうせ親の七光りなんだろと思ったけどあまちゃん見てたらいつの間にか好きになってたわ脚本のおかげも大いにあると思うけどI originally dismissed him as someone who benefitted from his famous parent, but before I knew it, I've grown to like him for his role in Amachan. Well, it's also thanks in large part to the script though. - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 15:30:13.31 ID:wWgpKYXi0
- キモイところがバカにうけるHis "gross" parts are actually becoming quite an appeal
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 15:34:55.05 ID:o055VuMLO
- あまちゃんみてるけどずっと同じ顔してる印象しかないBut my impression of him is that he's got the same face all the time when watching Amachan
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 15:49:33.90 ID:Cb/2w3QI0
- 水口さん頑張ってけろMizuguchi-san, please do your best!
- 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 15:53:28.15 ID:Kd2BjqIw0
- 舟を編むは面白かった。松田龍平のヲタっぽい演技もよかったなFune wo Amu was good. Ryuuhei Matsuda's wota-like acting was also good.
- 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:00:22.67 ID:N3069sJ90
- 御法度でいきなり猫侍だったからその後を心配したHe was suddenly cast as that "neko-zamurai" (Souzaburo Kanou) in Gohatto so I was actually worried for his future. - 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:03:47.99 ID:XWtpWDh60
- 石井監督おめこの映画の松田龍平が演じているまじめさんとあまちゃんの水口の風貌が似ているCongrats to director Ishii.
The serious guy which Matsuda portrayed in this film is quite similar to Mizuguchi in Amachan. - 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:09:07.27 ID:dvtQcKPJ0
- 親の十四光り吊り目無表情キモチョンか余り海外で日本人面して欲しくないなI don't want this disgusting, expressionless, sharp-eyed father-leecher to be acting as if he's the face of the Japanese people overseas.
- 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:13:03.07 ID:N3069sJ90
- >>72龍平すごくいいじゃん。もう優作の七光り関係ないよ。持ち味がバイオレンスと反対だし。Ryuhei's very good. He's completely out of Yusaku's shadow.
And his appeal is totally the opposite of violence as well.
- 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:16:20.05 ID:nMuKx5Uz0
- >>72松田優作の息子に生まれたってのも才能なのさBeing born as Yusaku Matsuda's son is also one of his talents.
- 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:10:52.63 ID:nMuKx5Uz0
- 松田龍平にはもっと危険な役を演じてほしいな~だってこいつ絶対、心に親父譲りの狂気を抱えてそうだからI want Ryuhei Matsuda to play more dangerous roles.
I seriously feel this guy has that craziness in his heart which he has inherited from his dad. -
- 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:14:45.42 ID:KgzaoVpk0
- >>76以前ドラマで薬漬けにされる警官役をやってたんだけど超絶良かった続きは映画でって萎えるドラマだったけどThere was a drama where he played a police officer who got drugged, and he was sooooo good in it.
But I didn't like how the drama made the viewers watch the continuation on the silver screen.
- 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:18:06.44 ID:nMuKx5Uz0
- NHKの「ハゲタカ」ってドラマに出てたらしいけどどんな役をやってたの?I heard he was on the NHK drama Hagetaka. What kind of role did he play?
- 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:20:36.68 ID:fKLAVAY80
- >>85経営不振の旅館のダメ息子。家族が金で破滅してようやく目が覚め、なんだかんだあってデイトレードで大金を得て一気に成り上がるが、所詮は成り上がりだから身から出た錆で破滅する役。He was this troubled child of the owner of a struggling travel inn.
He woke up to reality when his family went bankrupt, then got rich through day trading, and became an upstart, but his own shortomings eventually became his downfall.
- 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:20:47.59 ID:ISaPnP4l0
- 松田兄弟って表情作れるわけでもなく無表情でボソボソと喋るだけだよねボソボソしゃべるのが演技なのか?大根なのか?But honestly, the Matsuda brothers don't really create faces and just whisper their lines with blank looks on their faces.
So can whispering be called acting? Are they ham actors? -
- 91: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:22:25.14 ID:tqbNXLi80
- >>90解った。実力を見せてやろう。Got it.
Let me show you his talent.
- 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:23:04.95 ID:nMuKx5Uz0
- >>90演技なのか大根なのか区別出来ない時点で既に演技なんじゃねえのThe fact that you can't tell if it's acting or hamming means it's already acting.
- 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:22:44.40 ID:Fz49xmbR0
- やさぐれ役しかやらない・出来ないと思ってたので「あまちゃん」はいい機会だったんじゃないかな? 印象変ったしでも母親と弟はいまだに苦手弟と違って暴力やイジメみたいなのは意外に無縁らしいねI always thought he only wanted or can only do outlaw, sulky roles, but I think Amachan was a good opportunity for him. My impression changed.
But I still can't stand his mother and younger brother.
It seems that he has no trace of violence nor bullying associated with him, unlike his younger brother. - 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:30:09.99 ID:VIDyelQr0
- 何か指摘されたシチュエーションで「うん、知ってる。」松田龍平はコレをイヤミ無くに言えるとこが代表的演技スタイル。Ryuhei Matsuda has the acting ability to say, "Yeah, I know", in situations where someone points out something without sounding sarcastic or unpleasant.
- 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:38:21.49 ID:L0g+dLYE0
- 在日っつったってクォーターでしょ?関係ねえべPeople are complaining that he's a Zainichi Korean, but he's just a quarter, right?
That's of no concern. - 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:39:21.19 ID:tqbNXLi80
- 帰化してるしな。And he's already naturalized.
- 110: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:44:15.98 ID:9kF9cSAs0
- 独特の雰囲気のある役者ではあるよな、松田龍平って。それしかないって言い方もあるけどwRyuhei Matsuda really has a unique air about him.
But you can also say that this is all that he has. - 111: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:44:42.92 ID:ENBdGvEW0
- あまちゃんの中での演技が棒っぽっく見える。わざと?But he seems like he's just acting like a wooden stick on Amachan.
Is he doing that on purpose? - 115: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:50:25.61 ID:V3nMXOmIO
- 松田龍平は好きだけど、宮崎あおいが性格きつそうでダメだ。見に行かんかったわ。I like Ryuhei Matsuda but I'm not into Aoi Miyazaki since she seemingly has a pretty bad personality.
I didn't go see this movie. - 117: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 16:52:40.33 ID:EjCNWk/b0
- いい味だしてるよね。He does add a nice flavor - 123: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 17:04:50.48 ID:MImjnNsD0
- ハゲタカの時も存在感あったもんな中村獅童じゃなくてホント良かったわHe also had presence in Hagetaka.
I'm glad that wasn't played by Shido Nakamura. - 126: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 17:18:49.16 ID:zchol/UL0
- 松田兄弟は絶対お兄ちゃんの方がいいわーI really like the older brother better between the Matsuda brothers. - 132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 18:05:15.40 ID:BZLVZmd40
- 松田兄弟は優作が帰化したあとに生まれてるから最初から日本人だろそれに優作も在日の家庭で育ったが、優作の父親だけは日本人だったんだろThe Matsuda brothers were born after Yusaku Matsuda became naturalized so they've both been Japanese from the start.
Yusaku may have been raised in a Zainichi family, but his father was Japanese, right? -
- 153: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 19:22:35.00 ID:lAQxeOU10
- >>132それ母親が言ってるだけだから、どこまで本当だかThe mother's the one saying that so who knows how true that is.
- 133: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 18:07:35.48 ID:maOnzObjO
- あまちゃんの水口の留守番電話シーンは名場面おとこのおらすら抱いてけろって思ったMizuguchi's best scene in Amachan was the one with the voice mail scene.
I even thought at that time, "I'm a man, but please make love to me!"
- 135: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 18:11:40.43 ID:+7XLmBIK0
- 松田優作の葬式で「僕が頑張らなければ」みたいな顔で立ってた坊主が大きくなったもんだ。The little fella whose face said, "I have to do my best", during Yusaku Matsuda's funeral sure has grown up.
- 136: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 18:14:26.89 ID:G8gIKmj20
- 夕食のおかずの取り合いで警察沙汰になったのはどっち?Which brother again was the one who was reported to the police due to some dispute over dinner?
- 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 18:20:27.75 ID:E1oS981s0
- >>136弟と妹The younger brother and the sister
- 139: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 18:19:58.70 ID:hGD0KDR90
- まあこの人は暴力的だったり、エキセントリックな役より、普通の一般市民の優しさみたいなものを表す役の方が>いいと思うwI think this guy is better at expressing the kindness of a normal citizen rather than playing violent and eccentric roles.
- 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 18:55:52.21 ID:mxbOWUoO0
- 龍平はいいよな監督は満島ひかりの夫若いけどいい仕事してるねRyuhei's really good.
The director is Hikari Mitsushima's husband.
He's doing a pretty good job. - 147: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 18:58:32.24 ID:qi8wS7Vo0
- 龍平も翔太も雰囲気だけで演技下手だよなでもそれ言っちゃいけない空気があるから黙ってたけどRyuhei and Shota are all about their atmosphere, but they're actually bad actors, right?
I've been keeping silent about it though as it felt like it was a taboo. -
- 158: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 20:17:46.35 ID:nhBnrvBVO
- >>147ファンもそう思ってるから大丈夫かと邦画はその雰囲気が大事だしThe fans think that way too so there's no problem with it.
And atmosphere is pretty important in Japanese movies.
- 167: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 22:16:53.86 ID:XTK1kvq+0
- 松田龍平が一番魅力的だったのは青い春だと思う今は今でいい雰囲気だけどI thought Ryuhei Matsuda had the most appeal in Aoi Haru.
He does have a good air around him now though. - 170: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 22:39:49.85 ID:/pLwkCsy0
- 最初出たのたけしの映画だっけ?あの時は七光のイメージで見てた。今はないな。He first came out in Takeshi's movie right? I saw him as someone who just got the part thanks to his dad back then. But I don't think about him like that anymore.
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