Saki Aibu (28) was at a Gillette talk show event on the 28th together with comedy duo Heisei Nobushi Kobushi. This was Aibu's first public event since coming back from her 4-month-long language study in the US.
"I've had a lot of wonderful experiences and met a lot of different people. I was able to experience a totally different culture, and it was really fun. I've gained a lot of international friends, and it has made me interested in a lot of different countries. I've made a lot of different memories."Saki Aibu has already started work for Fuji TV's new serial drama Miss Pilot which will start on October 15.
"I wasn't bothered by the jet lag".
When asked about her language studies: "I personally think that I am now able to communicate much better than before I left."
The press asked her to introduce herself in English, to which she responded: "I'll do that at another time."
When asked if she met a wonderful man: "I was able to meet a lot of different men and women."
"Men should be more aggressive and kiss more. People do it as a means of communication overseas, and they do it on the streets. I was thinking that Japanese men should be more aggressive and do it more."
- 7: ボマイェ(dion軍) 2013/09/11(水) 18:27:48.22 ID:q20d3SDk0
- キスしたら通報するくせにBut you're going to report it when someone kisses you
- 8: マスク剥ぎ(庭) 2013/09/11(水) 18:27:48.66 ID:fXCtD8xL0
- 俺が相武紗季ちゃんにキスしてもいいの?So can I kiss Saki Aibu-chan?
- 13: アイアンクロー(福岡県) 2013/09/11(水) 18:28:40.39 ID:KV1sBtrT0
- そりゃあんたのような美人ばかりならな・・・Well, if everyone was as beautiful as you then...
- 17: アンクルホールド(やわらか銀行) 2013/09/11(水) 18:29:12.21 ID:NqKZJytt0
- キス顔うpしてみるわLemme upload my kiss-face then - 21: 張り手(福岡県) 2013/09/11(水) 18:30:39.08 ID:UTJ+LG0t0
- これは性格ではなく文化の違いだろ留学して何を学んだんだこのバカはThis isn't about the difference in personalities, but the difference in culture.
I wonder what she learned from studying over there? - 30: エルボーバット(東日本) 2013/09/11(水) 18:32:52.29 ID:nT2MhiUV0
- コミュニケーションの一環なら自分からやればいいだろなぜ男がするのが前提なんだよIf it's a part of communication, then she should do it too.
Why is she under the impression that a man should be the one to initiate it? - 45: 魔神風車固め(山口県) 2013/09/11(水) 18:35:45.24 ID:eNFuTP6F0
- ファーストキスの相手が相武紗季かありがてえありがてえSo Saki Aibu will be my first kiss...
I'm so grateful! - 52: ウエスタンラリアット(福井県) 2013/09/11(水) 18:37:12.83 ID:KxVWfiqy0
- 長瀬はあんまりキスしてくれなかったのか?Didn't Nagase kiss her that much?
- 142: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/12(木) 10:54:16.41 ID:MsCuQrB+P
- お似合いだったのになTo think that they looked so good together -
- 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/12(木) 11:05:46.71 ID:gIDCql2R0
- >>142長瀬君は1番良い時に付き合ってたんだな長瀬君なら別に良いやNagase-kun got to date her when she looked the best,
But if it's Nagase-kun then it's alright.
- 55: バックドロップホールド(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/09/11(水) 18:38:11.84 ID:U0Ovcgh20
- 日本には日本のやり方があるだろBut Japan has its own methods
- 60: タイガースープレックス(愛知県) 2013/09/11(水) 18:39:16.85 ID:s7Wn1EdW0
- なんちゃって留学した女って皆こういう事言い始めるよねAll women who "study" abroad start saying stuff like this
- 88: 魔神風車固め(山口県) 2013/09/11(水) 18:45:08.14 ID:eNFuTP6F0
- >>60留学女が「男は英語くらい喋れなきゃダメだよ~」とか言って皆でハァ?ってなったThere was a time when a girl who studied abroad said,
"Men should be able to at least speak English", which raised eyebrows all around.
- 72: グロリア(神奈川県) 2013/09/11(水) 18:42:07.87 ID:TWSaixFb0
- 相武紗季の顔を見ると、かなり男好きって印象を持ってしまう。サラ金のCMに出ているから、もう先は無いだろうなSaki Aibu's face really gives the impression that she likes men.
She's also in a consumer loan commercial, there's no future for her anymore. - 75: リバースネックブリーカー(福岡県) 2013/09/11(水) 18:42:37.43 ID:QjqWxwma0
- ただしイケメンに限るだろAs long as it's an ikemen, right?
- 80: 膝靭帯固め(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/09/11(水) 18:43:43.97 ID:ARzWYexo0
- 今日で相武の隠れファンはやめたToday's the day I stop being a hidden Saki Aibu fan
- 83: 閃光妖術(宮崎県) 2013/09/11(水) 18:44:24.05 ID:csO79iII0
- 海外のコミュケーションでベロチュウがあったらお前はベロチュウすんのかよっていうねSo does it mean that you also have to smooch just because smooching is also a part of communication overseas?
- 125: バックドロップホールド(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/09/11(水) 18:53:23.04 ID:tdLagzAo0
- ほう、さっそく明日から職場で試してみるかHmmm. Then let me try this tomorrow at work.
- 144: セントーン(茸) 2013/09/11(水) 19:01:28.40 ID:5QZzMJQ90
- 人生を賭けてコミュニケーションをとるほど積極的にはなれないI just cannot become that aggressive and risk my life in order to communicate like that
- 161: ストマッククロー(千葉県) 2013/09/11(水) 19:07:18.14 ID:hTeMDF2e0
- ※(但し* BUT!
- 186: パイルドライバー(四国地方) 2013/09/11(水) 19:25:07.80 ID:TnSrGo2f0
- 語学留学しただけでいきなり米国かぶれかよwwwShe just went there to study the language and she's already Westernized? www - 191: 16文キック(茸) 2013/09/11(水) 19:30:19.89 ID:jQPQJEg70
- ああこうやって関東連合とかに騙されるわけねAhh, so that's how you get tricked by the Kanto Rengo, huh
- 207: チェーン攻撃(茨城県) 2013/09/11(水) 19:46:53.76 ID:lVbKb2lt0
- 日本には日本なりのコミュニケーションのとり方があるがななんでもかんでも海外と同化したがんなよアホ女But Japan has its own way of communicating.
Don't assimilate everything with what they do overseas. - 230: 急所攻撃(茸) 2013/09/11(水) 20:09:19.65 ID:VFZ0wJ3D0
- 海外にいってる間性欲はどうやって処理してたのかな?^^I wonder how she dealt with her sexual desires when she was abroad? ^^
- 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/11(水) 18:12:30.90 ID:nJqjxmmm0
- 相武紗季といえばブザービートの悪女だなWhen you talk about Saki Aibu, it's that evil woman in Buzzer Beat -
- 154: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/12(木) 12:58:27.81 ID:xKBk6oxx0
- >>105これははまり役だったよなー変に清純派より良かったわShe was perfect for the role.
It was much better than having a pure and clean image.
- 289: 頭突き(SB-iPhone) 2013/09/11(水) 21:55:40.15 ID:r8ODib0ci
- 長○が消極的でチ●コ小さかったんじゃないかとMaybe Nagase was passive and had a small d!ck?
- 296: キングコングニードロップ(dion軍) 2013/09/11(水) 22:14:04.39 ID:HfkZ8kOK0
- ダルの噂は違ったのかなI wonder if all the Darvish rumors were false
(Related post HERE) - 309: カーフブランディング(千葉県) 2013/09/11(水) 22:41:31.12 ID:b5x/hT/30
- 海外は海外、日本は日本そのくらいわかれカスOverseas is overseas while Japan is Japan.
You should at least understand that. - 324: ローリングソバット(SB-iPhone) 2013/09/11(水) 23:20:56.00 ID:JiCCCVJli
- こういうこと言う奴はどんな美人や好みの女でも一気に冷めてグーパンしたくなるな。No matter how beautiful the girl who says something like this is, it makes me want to punch her face.
- 335: 頭突き(茸) 2013/09/12(木) 01:31:18.64 ID:ywDArHjO0
- 近づくだけで通報しやがるくせに何言ってやがるWhat's she talking about? Wasn't she the type who'd immediately report someone if he just got close to her?
- 364: キャプチュード(WiMAX) 2013/09/12(木) 03:45:25.23 ID:bl20t3f3P
-これはアメリカでセ●クスしてきた顔やThis is the face of someone who's done it in America
- 389: ジャーマンスープレックス(千葉県) 2013/09/12(木) 08:27:15.48 ID:Dr5Q/gxD0
- 海外は海外、日本は日本日本にはそういう文化が無いんだから、無理に真似する必要は無いThat's what they do overseas, while we do things differently in Japan.
That's not in Japan's culture, and there's no need to force people here to imitate what they do.
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