"I've seen ghosts before. They exist, of course.
There are a lot more people who have died than the people who are alive now.
It's extremely rude if you think that only the living exist in this world."
* Ninomiya has a strong "6th sense" among Arashi's members.
It's said that Ninomiya's 6th sense is second to Aiba who has the strongest, and he always carries an amulet with him. There was a time when Ninomiya and Ohno slept in the same room with a doll with growing hair, and Ninomiya woke up in the night saying, "I heard footsteps, it sounded like rubber socks grazing the floor."
* But Aiba still has the strongest 6th sense.
When Aiba was in the program USO Japan, they went to a haunted area. Aiba lost consciousness there.
Ohno said that he was also sleeping within his dream, and no matter how much he tried to wake up, he was still in the dream. And as he woke up within his dreams, he said that he also experienced his soul leaving his body.
- 2: バズソーキック(WiMAX) 2013/09/01(日) 08:58:36.94 ID:kmUTjveP0
- 二ノ−、責方疲れてるのよ…Nino----, you must be tired...
http://pic.pimg.tw/kazusatoshi/1351757583-92118649.jpg - 3: オリンピック予選スラム(東京都) 2013/09/01(日) 08:58:51.67 ID:kH4ZkRzq0
- お、おう…Oh, okay...
- 6: エクスプロイダー(dion軍) 2013/09/01(日) 09:01:04.75 ID:f8/U+hdKP
- 霊感があるやつは脳が不完全で幻を見やすいだけだぞI heard that people who can see ghosts just have underdeveloped brains which makes them see illusions
- 11: キングコングラリアット(関東・甲信越) 2013/09/01(日) 09:04:03.28 ID:z3Yn5KZeO
- 大麻くんは大野やり過ぎでついに幻覚まで…Ohno must have smoked too much pot, he's starting to see things...
- 15: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(岐阜県) 2013/09/01(日) 09:04:51.38 ID:zQJ591UI0
- ちょっと何言ってるのかよく分かんないですSorry, I don't think I'm catching their drift...
- 26: ボマイェ(神奈川県) 2013/09/01(日) 09:06:54.09 ID:2er1hd9e0
- 二宮くんは、硫黄島でロケはしてるの?あすこはガチで出るらしいが、…Is Ninomiya-kun on location in Iwo Jima?
I heard that ghosts seriously come out there...
http://gretagarbo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/images/3_13.jpg - 32: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(SB-iPhone) 2013/09/01(日) 09:08:01.60 ID:2LYey1+3i
- 硫黄島で撮影してるもんなぁそりゃなんか見ただろうよWell, he is in Iwo Jima.
He probably saw something there. - 37: トラースキック(庭) 2013/09/01(日) 09:09:45.64 ID:htIF4d6+0
- USO懐かしいなwwwUSO, dang that's so nostalgic www
USO!? 心霊写真(大音量注意) by fairuza - 40: キングコングラリアット(関西・東海) 2013/09/01(日) 09:10:10.67 ID:v1zr0F+ZO
- 稲川淳二ですら「あたし幽霊って本当にいるんじゃないかな~と思うことが時々あるんですよ」程度なのにwEven that Junji Inagawa just dismisses it and says, "Well, I guess there are times when I would think that ghosts do exist..." w
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51cl%2BGUlhtL.jpg - 45: ショルダーアームブリーカー(西日本) 2013/09/01(日) 09:10:38.87 ID:hIYYPTMtO
- 霊感が強いってやつは思い込みが激しいやつ脳の錯覚を疑おうとしてないPeople with strong spiritual senses are just those who are very delusional.
They're not trying to question the illusions of their brains at all. -
- 55: ドラゴンスリーパー(神奈川県) 2013/09/01(日) 09:12:55.83 ID:am2x27ehP
- >>45脳を信じすぎなんだよねThey believe the information that their brains give them too much.
- 51: ラ ケブラーダ(東京都) 2013/09/01(日) 09:11:57.95 ID:gcwp7wxZ0
- いる派といない派で「存在する」の定義が違ういない派は「実在することを科学で(物質的に)証明できるかどうか」いる派は「誰にでも見る・体験する可能性があるかどうか」The definition of "exists" differs between the people who believe and those who don't.
The guys who don't believe say: "I wonder if we can prove their existence scientifically (physically)".
The guys who believe say: "I wonder if it's possible for anyone to see/experience them". - 61: ツームストンパイルドライバー(SB-iPhone) 2013/09/01(日) 09:14:26.69 ID:/QDh8AuXi
- 霊って服着てるよね服もあの世に行くの?Ghosts wear clothes, right?
So clothes also go to that world? - 63: レインメーカー(東京都) 2013/09/01(日) 09:14:52.67 ID:HUemvNy00
- 証明してくれないとただの世迷言。It's just nonsense if you can't prove it
- 71: クロイツラス(埼玉県) 2013/09/01(日) 09:17:47.41 ID:cyBgP8S70
- やっぱ桜井君が一番まともなんだななんとなく分かってたわSo Sakurai-kun really is the most decent member.
I kind of got that feeling. - 81: 目潰し(東日本) 2013/09/01(日) 09:21:05.02 ID:9wai3jL2O
- 有名な戦国時代の武将に会いたいそしてしょぼい外見にがっかりしたいI want to meet one of the popular generals from the Sengoku era.
And then I want to get disappointed at how lame he would probably look. - 85: ミドルキック(チベット自治区) 2013/09/01(日) 09:22:21.40 ID:7UCPYBUS0
- 犬や猫の霊は見たとか聞くけど鶏や牛、豚のは聞かないよなwI've heard of people saying they've seen the ghosts of dogs and cats, but I haven't heard of anyone mentioning anything about the ghosts of chickens, cows, or pigs w
- 101: ミドルキック(大阪府) 2013/09/01(日) 09:26:35.21 ID:Nq/xl+Qv0
- いるわけねーだろ。もしいるなら今までに死んだ生物の数多すぎて地球埋まってるわ。There's no way they exist.
If they do, then won't this world be completely filled up with the sheer number of people who have already passed? -
- 109: ジャンピングDDT(西日本) 2013/09/01(日) 09:29:29.49 ID:bQ1pRFjtO
- >>101よく聞くのは強い念がこの世に残った者だけ幽霊になるあと輪廻転生What I hear the most is that people who have strong feelings attached to this world are only the ones who become ghosts.
All the rest are reincarnated.
- 104: パロスペシャル(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/09/01(日) 09:26:53.50 ID:lMWoZAGS0
- ジャニーズはブラック企業だからな仕事のあまりにハードさゆえに幻覚を見てもおかしくないんだよなBecause Johnny's is one of those so-called "black companies*".
Their work is probably so hard that they're seeing things now. - 111: テキサスクローバーホールド(兵庫県) 2013/09/01(日) 09:29:36.53 ID:ymhBmzqG0
- 幽霊が日本の文化。ゾンビは米国。つまりそういうことGhosts are part of Japan's culture. Zombies are part of the US.
You get what I mean. - 119: 16文キック(東京都) 2013/09/01(日) 09:32:00.57 ID:ioNE+hRH0
- でもさ、入居者が霊体験してすぐ引っ越すような賃貸も存在するんだろ?霊がいないとしたらそういうのはなぜなんだろうそういう話すら嘘なのかBut there are also places for rent that will always drive tenants away after having ghostly experiences, right?
Then why do things like that happen if there aren't any ghosts?
So stories like that are lies too? -
- 133: パイルドライバー(茸) 2013/09/01(日) 09:35:48.26 ID:PeT+ZDvL0
- >>119目の錯覚やらそら耳を霊だと思い込んでるだけじゃないのMaybe they're just thinking that way due to some optical illusions or hearing of things.
- 134: キングコングラリアット(関西・東海) 2013/09/01(日) 09:35:54.57 ID:v1zr0F+ZO
- >>119思い込みだろう。でも本人にとっちゃ錯覚でも現実に感じるからな~。金縛りにあったときに幽霊を見たよ。それは錯覚だと切り捨てられるけどやっぱ実際にみると結構怖いわwIt's probably just in the mind.
But those who have experienced first-hand will feel it's real even if it's just an illusion.
I actually saw a ghost when I felt paralyzed once. I can just dismiss that as an illusion too, but it really was scary when I actually saw it.
- 168: ドラゴンスリーパー(神奈川県) 2013/09/01(日) 09:48:11.72 ID:am2x27ehP
- >>119耳に聞こえないほど重低音の振動や微妙な傾きがあったりすると不快感があるからそういうのもあるんじゃねThe things that your ears don't catch, like the low and heavy sounding vibrations, will really make you feel uneasy. I think it's just that.
- 129: かかと落とし(dion軍) 2013/09/01(日) 09:34:34.87 ID:I2N7cgpI0
- 大野君はUMAをよく見るらしいなチュパカブラとかユニコーンとかI heard that Ohno-kun always sees UMAs.
Like Chupacabras and Unicorns. - 135: 不知火(鹿児島県) 2013/09/01(日) 09:36:00.09 ID:Dw7r/dXO0
- ジャニタレには女の生霊がいっぱい憑いてるのがみえるI can see that there are a lot of women's spirits wandering around the Johnny's talents
- 155: パロスペシャル(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/09/01(日) 09:42:23.64 ID:lMWoZAGS0
- >>135眼つきが暗いよなTheir eyes do look gloomy
- 152: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(チベット自治区) 2013/09/01(日) 09:41:38.18 ID:cptCnQX/0
- 幽霊とかサンタと同時期に卒業しなきゃPeople should graduate from ghosts at the same time they graduate from Santa
- 153: TEKKAMAKI(新潟県) 2013/09/01(日) 09:41:39.46 ID:S9a34ku40
- 幽霊が存在するかしないかどっちでもいいが殺人犯は被害者の幽霊に祟られないんかねI'm fine whichever way, but won't the victims be able to curse their murderers?
- 160: デンジャラスバックドロップ(やわらか銀行) 2013/09/01(日) 09:45:00.69 ID:lwpsM2Mz0
- >>153おもしろい発想だな殺人犯に、殺人行為以前に霊は存在するか信じていたかのアンケ結果知りたいそれと、殺人行為後もなThat's an interesting idea.
I want to see the results of a survey, if any, among murderers on whether they believe in ghosts or not. I want to see the results before they kill and after they've committed the murder.
- 183: ニールキック(新潟・東北) 2013/09/01(日) 09:52:24.43 ID:PQFd8yjxO
- >>153殺人犯が、被害者の幽霊に毎晩悩まされて自殺したニュースがあったなThere was a news item about a murderer committing suicide due to the ghost of the victim bothering him every night.
- 177: ニーリフト(奈良県) 2013/09/01(日) 09:51:02.91 ID:rm77B5Jo0
- 霊を見た人は本当にいるとは思う。ただ、そんな人はテレビでべらべら喋ったりしないと思う。例えば人殺しをした人とか。絶対出ると思うわ。I seriously think that people who have seen them definitely believe in them.
It's just that they don't talk about it on TV.
Like those murderers.
I definitely think they can see ghosts. - 195: ヒップアタック(神奈川県) 2013/09/01(日) 09:54:27.14 ID:hs/uHaKH0
- 幻覚って自分ではそれが幻覚と自覚できてるわけじゃないんだねSo people who see illusions aren't actually conscious that what they're looking at is in fact just an illusion
- 214: 稲妻レッグラリアット(SB-iPhone) 2013/09/01(日) 10:01:52.87 ID:TRkz4rk5i
- もし自分が幽霊になったら女子高に行きたいIf I were a ghost, I would love to go to an all-girls school
- 225: アトミックドロップ(大阪府) 2013/09/01(日) 10:08:36.82 ID:LbPmhaGv0
- でもいないで片づける態度ってのも非科学的だと思うけどな。見えるとかいるとか言ってる人を色んなジャンルの学問で分類したりして研究していくのが科学的態度なのではなかろうか。But I think that dismissing ghosts is also unscientific.
Shouldn't the scientists first think of analyzing these people who say that they see things like this? Isn't that the proper attitude towards science? - 231: ダイビングエルボードロップ(北海道) 2013/09/01(日) 10:11:24.76 ID:VdBdweey0
- 超能力は否定できないでも幽霊はいないだろ当たり前というなら科学的に証明してみせろよI cannot deny supernatural powers, but ghosts don't exist.
If they do, then please prove it scientifically. - 235: エルボーバット(禿) 2013/09/01(日) 10:13:02.35 ID:rMVJN7JL0
- 科学が完全じゃないからな、証明すんの無理だろう。But science in itself isn't perfect, it'll be impossible to prove it.
- 283: ジャストフェイスロック(関西・東海) 2013/09/01(日) 10:35:10.18 ID:DuRWiPhSO
- 嵐がやってた「USOジャパン」って番組はなんとなく覚えてるわ。恐い場所に嵐のメンバー連れて行かれて暗闇で一人で検証させられたりしてたな。I kinda remember USO Japan which Arashi did some time ago.
The Arashi members were taken to scary places and they held experiments alone. - 311: バズソーキック(京都府) 2013/09/01(日) 10:50:27.70 ID:bgrtP/+W0
- USOでロケに行ったときから見えるようになったらしいそれで知り合いの寺の人?か誰かにお守り貰ってボールチェーンにつけていつも下げてるっていうのが有名な話I heard that he started seeing ghosts after their on-location shoot for USO.
It's a pretty famous story that he went to his acquaintance in a shrine, got an amulet, and wore it on a ball chain. - 307: リバースネックブリーカー(鹿児島県) 2013/09/01(日) 10:47:34.79 ID:1jLzZf4h0
- 幽霊見たことないから見たことあるって主張する人と話しても絶対平行線にしかならんだろうなI've never seen a ghost, so even if I talk with someone who has, I don't think we'll be able to see eye to eye.
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