10月から堺雅人さんがでる リーガルハイ2が始まりますが
- 5: イス攻撃(神奈川県) 2013/09/22(日) 21:05:09.65 ID:zzm9aq320
- おっ来月からか楽しみOh, next month already?
I'm excited! - 7: ときめきメモリアル(WiMAX) 2013/09/22(日) 21:06:12.58 ID:i9C7qF700
- 分け目変えただけじゃんHe just changed his hair partition
- 14: アキレス腱固め(愛知県) 2013/09/22(日) 21:08:31.86 ID:IP0LoPum0
- この人そんなに演技力の幅ないと思うI don't think he has a wide range of acting skills
- 19: 目潰し(神奈川県) 2013/09/22(日) 21:10:31.21 ID:So3zj67Z0
- >>14何をやっても堺雅人だよな。俳優としてのキャラが強すぎる。温水洋一に近い。He's Masato Sakai in whatever he does.
His character as an actor is too strong.
He's similar to Yoichi Nukumizu.
- 75: イス攻撃(dion軍) 2013/09/23(月) 00:11:20.43 ID:OzRhaEN30
- >>14本人は憑依型の天才ではないと言って冷静に分析してたいつも僕自身が出てしまうんですよね~とただジェネラル・ルージュでむかつく顔だが演技力はピカイチだと思ったHe did calmly analyze himself once and said that he's not a genius when it comes to immersing himself in the roles that he plays, and said that his own traits still come out.
He looked irritating in General Rouge but I thought that his acting there was amazing.
- 15: ストマッククロー(神奈川県) 2013/09/22(日) 21:09:18.66 ID:r+mvTw+A0
- ヒミツの花園の時の堺雅人はなかなか良かったMasato Sakai was pretty good in Himitsu no Hanazono
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/20130728_sakaimasato_17.jpg - 20: スリーパーホールド(SB-iPhone) 2013/09/22(日) 21:10:32.33 ID:4sJ/oFOPi
- 半沢の続きをみたい気持ちはあるが、こっちはこっちで楽しみなんだよなあ。I do want to watch the continuation of Hanzawa, but I'm also looking forward to Legal High 2
- 21: ジャストフェイスロック(栃木県) 2013/09/22(日) 21:12:29.64 ID:+lZjvm68P
- クライマーズハイではいい演技していたな早口で怒る演技がええわHe did act well in Climber's High.
I like him when he gets mad and speaks fast.
http://tyantyan.tea-nifty.com/photos/uncategorized/2009/08/12/capture14.jpg - 27: 足4の字固め(庭) 2013/09/22(日) 21:16:49.38 ID:Z9zb75+30
- ゴールデンスランバーの演技が良かったHe was also good in Golden Slumber
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20100126/11/hidechin0721/4c/40/j/o0670096310389424836.jpg - 28: ジャンピングカラテキック(茸) 2013/09/22(日) 21:17:38.67 ID:vSBChbRW0
- こいつは新撰組での演技がキモすぎて受け付けなかったせいで半澤も気にはなってるけど食わず嫌いではあるが中々見る気にならんI got grossed out by his acting in Shinsengumi, and even though I was curious about Hanzawa, I really wasn't able to bring myself to watch it because of that image of him that got stuck in my head.
- 31: ジャストフェイスロック(茨城県) 2013/09/22(日) 21:19:00.84 ID:CzhNI2/vP
- なんかこの人ってエドワード・ノートンに雰囲気似てない?Don't you think that this guy has a similar air about him as Edward Norton?
http://prop.movies.c.yimg.jp/pict/wiredimage/46/c1/w210799-view.jpg - 33: フェイスクラッシャー(神奈川県) 2013/09/22(日) 21:19:30.11 ID:yG8DmocgP
- ヒミツの花園の時はまさかこんなに人気になるとは思わなかったNever would I have imagined that he'd become this popular during his Himitsu no Hanazono days
- 34: 足4の字固め(兵庫県) 2013/09/22(日) 21:20:47.85 ID:vg1fPtzr0
- リーガルハイは面白いけど新垣が余計Legal High is fun, but Aragaki's a nuisance
- 77: カーフブランディング(岩手県) 2013/09/23(月) 00:17:40.34 ID:S7Q/CSpW0
- >>34いやリーガル・ハイのガッキー天使じゃんNo, Gakky's like an angel in Legal High
- 37: リバースネックブリーカー(北海道) 2013/09/22(日) 21:21:29.52 ID:8yml0Y4p0
- ミッチーもうちょっと演技どうにかならんかwCan't Mitchy do anything about his acting? w
http://ayucyann.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_53a/ayucyann/E58F8AE5B79D-ee8b2.png - 40: カーフブランディング(四国地方) 2013/09/22(日) 21:22:44.82 ID:nI4ehFo50
- ニヤけてる演技とニヤけてない演技の二通りしかないだろHe can only act 2 ways: grinning and not grinning.
http://www.asahi.com/and_M/interest/entertainment/images/NIK201304020010.jpg - 41: レインメーカー(庭) 2013/09/22(日) 21:23:48.31 ID:z9cmThQg0
- リーガルハイも良かったけど新撰組の印象がつよいLegal High was good, but he's left a bigger impression from his role in Shinsengumi
- 42: テキサスクローバーホールド(茨城県) 2013/09/22(日) 21:23:50.02 ID:v8xRoNJ9I
- 大嫌いな俳優だったが、塚原卜伝見ていいなあと思ったゴールデンスランバーが良かったI used to hate him but I changed my stance when I saw him in Tsukahara Bokuden
Golden Slumber was good too.
http://blog-imgs-19.fc2.com/t/e/k/tekcat/bokuden.jpg - 46: TEKKAMAKI(SB-iPhone) 2013/09/22(日) 21:28:15.24 ID:fbULJXAVi
- 篤姫での殿様役良かったよHe was good as the feudal lord in Atsuhime
http://img01.hamazo.tv/usr/yoshinasakaya/篤姫_ph01.jpg -
- 104: キドクラッチ(鹿児島県) 2013/09/23(月) 02:40:55.82 ID:/Hv7Y25f0
- >>46俺はそれで知ったThat's where I found out about him
- 47: スパイダージャーマン(関東・甲信越) 2013/09/22(日) 21:28:18.26 ID:IdV7TiXUO
- 南極料理人はおもしろかったNankyoku Ryorinin was good, though
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/katchan29/imgs/7/3/730ce6f1.jpg -
- 113: ボマイェ(WiMAX) 2013/09/23(月) 04:28:03.86 ID:nnLmBJWw0
- >>47あれは何回も見たくなる映画だ腹減るしThat's a movie you'd want to watch over and over again.
It also makes you hungry.
- 52: 32文ロケット砲(catv?) 2013/09/22(日) 21:39:57.20 ID:hRS5jHHg0
- 半沢の勢い見てると、リーガル・ハイ2は初回20%楽に超えそうだなI get the feeling from Hanzawa's momentum that Legal High 2's first episode would easily get over 20%.
- 105: サッカーボールキック(東京都) 2013/09/23(月) 02:44:15.32 ID:BGm2UZL00
- >>52リーガルは勧善懲悪じゃないし15%くらいをフラフラでいい視聴率狙いして媚びてほしくないなBut Legal High isn't about poetic justice, so I hope that it'll settle at around 15%.
I don't want them changing the formula just to go for ratings.
- 55: 河津落とし(山形県) 2013/09/22(日) 21:57:06.02 ID:xNtFLbzI0
- 演技はうまいでしょ半沢とリーガルしか見てない人は家計簿も見とけよHe's a good actor.
People who have only watched Hanzawa and Legal High should also watch Kakeibo. - 59: リキラリアット(北陸地方) 2013/09/22(日) 22:14:54.52 ID:9b/VTxGo0
- まりもっこりみたいな顔しやがってBut he's got the same face as Marimokkori
http://stat.profile.ameba.jp/profile_images/20100715/20/8c/3e/j/o018602901279191928460.jpg -
- 62: 不知火(茸) 2013/09/22(日) 22:26:34.83 ID:XMAtd2NC0
- >>59それだわ通りで生理的に無理だと思ったらThat's it. That's why I've been wondering why I can't stand his face.
- 63: リバースネックブリーカー(埼玉県) 2013/09/22(日) 22:28:04.50 ID:Ucs/qvYW0
- 泣きの演技は微妙優男顔で滑舌が危ういから何言ってるかわからない南極料理人はすきだけどHis acting during crying scenes is a bit off-putting.
He's got a kind face but with a sharp tongue, so I don't really understand what he's saying.
I did like Nankyoku Ryourinin though. - 68: チキンウィングフェースロック(WiMAX) 2013/09/22(日) 22:45:52.65 ID:M6IH1SuH0
- 地上波で南極料理人見れたらいいな良作なんだけどI hope we can watch Nankyoku Ryourinin on local TV.
That was actually a good movie. - 72: トペ コンヒーロ(京都府) 2013/09/22(日) 23:20:41.42 ID:JirJzee90
- 真剣に怒ってる顔がブルースリーににてなくもないHis face when he's seriously angry sometimes looks like Bruce Lee.
http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/32700000/bruce-lee-bruce-lee-32792027-475-750.jpg - 79: エルボーバット(茨城県) 2013/09/23(月) 00:18:05.25 ID:jt0FKgzK0
- (・∀・)ニヤニヤ(・∀・) grin
- 80: 中年'sリフト(チベット自治区) 2013/09/23(月) 00:19:42.65 ID:17bYA3gY0
- 堺雅人がこんだけ数字持ってるとは思わなかっただがやはりちゃんとした役者は見てて安心するI never imagined that Masato Sakai could bring in the ratings like this.
But he's really a safe bet to watch since he's a true-blue actor after all. -
- 141: ボマイェ(埼玉県) 2013/09/23(月) 07:10:45.56 ID:D4CAUV+F0
- >>80早稲田時代は小劇団界のトップアイドル的俳優だったから、遅咲きとはいえ下地があったからやっぱテレビや映画でも成功できたんすなあHe used to be like the top idol in the theater world when he was still a student in Waseda. He may be a late bloomer but he did have his foundations set. It's amazing that he's also succeeded on TV and in movies.
- 81: スパイダージャーマン(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/09/23(月) 00:21:14.58 ID:VpHKdL4XO
- 新撰組で知ったけど、これまでにないニヤニヤ演技のパイオニアだろどんな場面でもどんな役でもニヤニヤニヤニヤニヤニヤニヤニヤ薄ら気持ち悪いI got to know him in Shinsengumi, and I think he's the pioneer of the grin-acting method. Whatever the scene, whatever role he plays, he just keeps on grinning. It's pretty eerie to be honest.
- 88: タイガースープレックス(茨城県) 2013/09/23(月) 00:42:42.58 ID:wpWOuOb60
- >>81エドワード・ノートンもニヤニヤしてるぞEdward Norton also keeps on grinning
- 93: ニールキック(芋) 2013/09/23(月) 00:56:39.79 ID:1umyk2vM0
- 大きい声でタンカ切ると人柄が出ちゃってだめねえwIt seems that his personality shows when he shouts angrily with a loud voice, and it isn't good w
- 100: 膝靭帯固め(埼玉県) 2013/09/23(月) 01:40:34.99 ID:U3vS5I/L0
- ジャニーズとAKBを排除したほうが数字とれると気付いたテレビ局はここからどう動くかSo I wonder how the TV stations will be plotting their next move, now that they know that they can get higher ratings without any Johnny's or AKB talents in the cast.
- 118: リキラリアット(北海道) 2013/09/23(月) 04:59:17.80 ID:UO1lmVWc0
- リーガルハイは〆が鮮やかだったからなまあガッキーが超絶劣化でもしない限り見てて苦痛ってことはないんだがLegal High was ended strongly in the past.
Well, as long as Gakky doesn't deteriorate drastically then I don't think I'll be having a hard time watching Legal High.
- 120: 河津掛け(愛知県) 2013/09/23(月) 05:07:03.05 ID:SO/Vnu2N0
- 新選組!観た事ない人は観ると良いかも。長い話だから余計に彼の演技には幅がある事が分かる。そのついでに壬生義士伝も。People who haven't seen Shinsengumi should probably watch it. It's a long drama so you'll get to see how wide the range his acting skills is. And Mibugishiden too.
- 147: サソリ固め(東京都) 2013/09/23(月) 08:05:40.34 ID:P7knV1oh0
- >>120壬生義士伝の沖田役は、爽やかイメージの前提で見始めると怖すぎた(´Д`)腐女子等にはオススメできないオッサンには楽しめるI tried watching Mibugishiden thinking that Okita had a pleasant image, but he was so scary there (´Д`)
I can't recommend that to fujoshis.
But I think the older people will be able to enjoy it.
- 124: 張り手(SB-iPhone) 2013/09/23(月) 05:48:18.16 ID:wFK7afdLi
- これからこの人が出てるドラマは全部見るわI'm going to watch all the dramas this person will be taking part in.
- 126: フルネルソンスープレックス(庭) 2013/09/23(月) 06:11:08.44 ID:QCdXFNZl0
- 俺はゲスな役の香川照之の演技の異常なまでの旨さが好きだI actually liked Teruyuki Kagawa's abnormally good acting as a scumbag
http://i.imgur.com/4j1YqA7.jpg - 130: 超竜ボム(大阪府) 2013/09/23(月) 06:15:57.98 ID:8gl/1y6+0
- リーガルの方がいいわ、ガッキーもいるしI prefer Legal High. Gakky's there after all.
- 140: 中年'sリフト(東日本) 2013/09/23(月) 06:37:19.80 ID:q2sdCOzQO
- 半沢は役者は脇役までよかったが脚本と演出がいまいちだったリーガルは脚本からして面白いHanzawa's actors and supporting cast members were good, but the script and directing weren't that good.
Legal High on the other hand was fun from the script onwards. - 152: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(東京都) 2013/09/23(月) 08:28:25.14 ID:E3yzoQqX0
- 今新撰組やったら結構視聴率取れそうだなI think they'd be able to get pretty high ratings if they did Shinsengumi now.
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