Amachan's final episode got an average of 23.5% in the Kanto region.
It's highest ratings was 27.0% on September 16, highest ratings for a single episode in the last 10 years.Highest single episode ratings from 2001 onwards:
2001 - Chura-san (Ryoko Kuninaka)......29.3%
2002 - Sakura (Shiho Takano)......27.5%
2003 - Kokoro (Noriko Nakagoshi)......26.0%
2001 - Honmamon (Chizuru Ikewaki)...... 25.1%
2011 - Carnation (Machiko Ono)......25.0%
Highest average ratings for a morning drama (since 2001)
2012 - Umechan Sensei (Maki Horikita)......20.7%
2006 - Junjo Kirari (Aoi Miyazaki)......19.4%
2007 - Dondohare (Manami Higa)......19.4%
2011 - Carnation (Machiko Ono)......19.1%
2003 - Teruteru Kazoku (Satomi Ishihara)......18.9%
- 2: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:03:44.33 ID:ejv49tly0
- 30超えると思ったけどなぁI thought it would go over 30% though
- 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:04:33.45 ID:3az6Cxs20
- 思ったより低いなThat's lower than expected
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:04:41.28 ID:mHGJppIT0
- あまちゃんの期間平均はいくつ?What was Amachan's average for the season?
- 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:06:57.81 ID:52SyLmNw0
- >>920.6だって20.6
- 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:05:20.68 ID:Aw0a/kV50
- ちゅらさん越えは達成したかSo it did surpass Chura-san, huh
- 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:06:40.15 ID:3az6Cxs20
- 実はたいして人気無かったんだなSo it wasn't actually that popular, huh
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:06:42.28 ID:/cje+Ay3i
- 9月からの1ヶ月は何かダラダラしていた。The episodes for the whole month of September felt dragging
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:08:46.87 ID:3az6Cxs20
- >>19震災編からはまとめに入っててつまらんかったわIt got boring from the disaster-arc due to all the summaries
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:10:29.69 ID:4N20pXxN0
- しょぼ半沢と同じ扱いで特大ヒットしてます宣伝半沢→42%あまちゃん→たったの23%That's lame.
People have been treating it like a huge hit with all those promotions, yet,
Hanzawa - 42%
Amachan - only 23% - 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:11:18.11 ID:O5M23T7x0
- 朝っぱらから30も40もいくわけねーだろwThere's no way ratings would go up to 30-40% early in the morning LOL
- 57: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:12:35.61 ID:hV2KAXld0
- ぶっちゃけ半沢と同列に語るほど人気ではないなIt honestly didn't have that popularity for it to be placed alongside Hanzawa, huh
- 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:12:36.67 ID:G4GPfwVD0
- やっぱステマだったのかねー被災地だし親が観てるから何度も観たけど全く面白くなかったSo could it have been stealth marketing after all? They did focus on the disaster-stricken areas. My parents watched the series so I watched along a couple of times, but it seriously didn't stir my interest.
- 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:13:40.89 ID:eAEJ8vq60
- これって8時の視聴率?BS7時半が視聴率高いと思うんだけどIs this the ratings of the 8 am broadcast?
I honestly think the BS 7:30 am broadcast got higher ratings. - 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:15:01.53 ID:LabdjAHHO
- 震災直後、かなり飛ばされた感じだったな…もう少しだけ直後から翌日、数日後のシーンあっても良かったのでは?配慮だと思うが、速攻で数ヶ月後になったしね
A lot of things felt like they were skipped, especially after the disaster. It would have been better if they showed scenes of the day after, as well as the few succeeding days. I think they were being considerate to some of the viewers, but they just suddenly skipped and showed what happened a few months after the disaster. - 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:17:59.47 ID:3PUG5UIv0
- 分散するとは言え意外に低いなファンが固定層だったということかThe viewers may be scattered through different time slots, but it's still pretty low. So it just means that there was a set amount of fans, huh.
- 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:20:20.08 ID:tEIPNP7S0
- >>92高齢者がいまいち食いついてないと聞いた。40代がドンピシャじゃね。I heard that the elderly ones didn't get too much into it.
It's probably perfect for the people in their 40s.
- 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:19:22.35 ID:1G24OWSl0
- これ、気持ち悪かったよな特にネットで異様に持ち上げ記事が多かったIt was really creepy, especially how much positive articles there were on the Internet
- 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:22:55.26 ID:cSG7I8d50
- あまり率とってないのに騒がれてたってことはステマ仕掛けててそう思えただけなのかねえSo the ratings weren't that high but people made a fuss about it probably means that they just conducted stealth marketing tactics so people would think that way?
- 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:26:34.39 ID:1ZusDI+j0
- 関東平均視聴率(過去10年分)20.7 梅ちゃん先生 堀北真希20.6 あまちゃん 能年玲奈19.4 純情きらり 宮崎あおい19.4 どんど晴れ 比嘉愛未19.1 カーネーション 尾野真千子18.9 てるてる家族 石原さとみ18.8 おひさま 井上真央18.6 ゲゲゲの女房 松下奈緒17.5 風のハルカ 村川絵梨17.2 てっぱん 瀧本美織17.1 純と愛 夏菜17.0 わかば 原田夏希16.8 芋たこなんきん 藤山直美16.7 ファイト 本仮屋ユイカ16.2 天花 藤澤恵麻16.2 だんだん 三倉姉妹15.9 ちりとてちん 貫地谷しほり15.2 瞳 榮倉奈々13.8 つばさ 多部未華子13.5 ウェルかめ 倉科カナLast 5 years
1st ep - average - highest
2008 16.5-15.2-18.5|Hitomi Nana Eikura
2008 16.8-16.2-18.7|Dandan Mana and Kana Mikura
2009 17.7-13.8-17.7|Tsubasa Mikako Tabe
2009 16.0-13.5-20.6|Welkame Kana Kurashina
2010 14.8-18.6-23.6|Gegege no nyoubou Nao Matsushita
2010 18.2-17.2-23.6|Teppan Miori Takimoto
2011 18.4-18.8-22.6|Ohisama Mao Inoue
2011 16.1-19.1-25.0|Carnation Machiko Ono
2012 18.5-20.7-24.9|Umechan Sensei Maki Horikita
2012 19.8-17.1-20.2|Jun to Ai Natsuna
2013 20.1-**.*-27.0|Amachan Rena Nounen -
- 190: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:33:07.09 ID:ASOHtMai0
- >>140梅ちゃん先生の視聴率の高さはいまだによくわからないI still don't get why Umechan Sensei is that high
- 194: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:33:56.85 ID:hchJ1BJg0
- >>140関西人がキレそうな数字だなwwThose numbers would probably make the Kansai-region people mad ww
- 149: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:27:18.11 ID:ZK/7DxMy0
- 平均で上回っている梅ちゃん先生が大して話題にならなかったほうが謎It's a bigger mystery why Umechan Sensei which got higher average ratings didn't generate as much buzz
- 164: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:29:03.46 ID:MmXY/U/h0
- 最終回% 関東(関西)ちりとてちん17.5%(17.5%)
瞳 17.5%(16.0%)
だんだん 18.2%(17.1%)
つばさ 17.0%(11.7%)
ウェルかめ 13.3%(10.6%)
ゲゲゲ 23.6%(17.9%)
てっぱん 22.0%(17.5%)
おひさま 21.9%(19.3%)
カーネ 23.3%(19.0%)
梅ちゃん 21.4%(19.7%)
純と愛 20.2%(17.8%)
あまちゃん 23.5%(21.1%)
Finale - Kanto (Kansai)
Chiritoten - 17.5%(17.5%)
Hitomi - 17.5%(16.0%)
Dandan - 18.2%(17.1%)
Tsubasa - 17.0%(11.7%)
Welkame - 13.3%(10.6%)
Gegege - 23.6%(17.9%)
Teppan - 22.0%(17.5%)
Ohisama - 21.9%(19.3%)
Carnation - 23.3%(19.0%)
Umechan - 21.4%(19.7%)
Jun to Ai - 20.2%(17.8%)
Amachan - 23.5%(21.1%) - 192: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:33:19.56 ID:n0pEzxl30
- まあまあ面白かったよ?あまロスは無いけどむしろ観なきゃいかんって強迫観念から開放されて嬉しいIt was pretty good though? I'm not having Amaloss*, though.I'm actually happy that I've been relieved from the pressure of having to watch the drama.(*Amachan withdrawal symptoms)
- 225: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:40:06.32 ID:by0/LYEn0
- 面白かったけどこんなもんかあまロスとか異様な盛り上げはちょっと気持ち悪いなIt was good, but I guess this is about right. But the Amaloss thing and all the hype surrounding it was a bit gross.
- 237: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:41:59.58 ID:hoMk6Rd5O
- おもしろかったけどまあこれくらいで良かったわ信者うざいしIt was fun, but this seems about right. The worshippers were pretty annoying too.
- 247: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:43:41.71 ID:DBUcKmCn0
- 最高視聴率でいうと国仲涼子>高野志穂>能年玲奈>中越典子>池脇千鶴>尾野真千子So when you talk about the highest ratings:
Ryoko Kuninaka>Shiho Takano>Rena Nounen>Noriko Nakagoshi>Chizuru Ikewaki>Machiko Ono - 255: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:45:15.58 ID:h0OrD7FH0
- 国仲涼子最強伝説って事でいいのねSo can we consider that Ryoko Kuninaka is still the legendary strongest actress?
- 257: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:46:16.61 ID:yq/qRjG10
- >>255アホ。それを言い出せば、泉ピン子が最強になるだろうが。Fool. If you look at it that way then Pinko Izumi will be the strongest ever.
- 297: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:53:24.17 ID:vT2FryT60
- 結局、関東でも一部にしか人気がなかったという事実全国的には、もっと人気がなかったのが悲しい現実So in reality, it was just popular among a portion within Kanto. And sad thing is it's even less popular nationwide.
- 312: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 10:56:38.35 ID:/IqjPXSM0
- ネット民には人気かもしれんが年配にはいまいちだろうなアイドルとか、熱狂するドルオタとか、年寄りにはピンとこないだろIt may be popular with the netizens, but not so much with the elderly, huh. Idols, idol wotas going insane... These things probably won't ring a bell with the elderly. - 342: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 11:02:23.94 ID:i2penJiZ0
- ニュース枠まで使って宣伝しまくって最後これかよThey even used the time slot of the news programs to promote it, and this is it? - 434: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 11:17:15.83 ID:ohky5/pX0
- 紅白出んのかなI wonder if they'll be at the Kouhaku
- 513: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 11:30:55.31 ID:FbbA3EgSO
- >>434メドレーやるのは確かだな出演者が歌わなくて審査員のパターンでも応援歌として歌手全員で歌いそうな気がするThey might do a medley. Or even if the cast members become judges instead of singers, I have a feeling that all the singers will sing a song from the show as a tribute or something.
- 463: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 11:21:37.94 ID:FZTdEvKj0
- 低すぎる40近くまでいくと思ってたThat's so low. I thought it would go close to 40%.
- 468: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 11:22:34.40 ID:yq/qRjG10
- >>463多分、大のあまちゃん信者ですら、そんなにいくとは思ってねーよ。Even a major Amachan fan probably didn't think it'd go that far
- 484: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 11:25:46.94 ID:6AlbxjDF0
- あまちゃんは俳優陣が演技が上手で魅力的な人が多くてよかったよ続編はやらなくていいんじゃないかなAmachan's cast were all good actors, and there were a lot of appealing people in there. It was good, but I don't see the need for a sequel.
- 518: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 11:31:48.17 ID:o378ic0S0
- 23%は低いな30%はいくかと思ったが23% is low, I thought it would go up to 30%
- 531: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 11:33:12.64 ID:59VIyd/l0
- 能年はかわいかったと思うが、話の筋はメチャクチャでひどかったなんでこんな持ち上げられてるのかよくわからんI think Nounen is cute, but the storyline was a bit messed up. I really don't know why it was hyped up like this. -
- 552: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 11:35:54.92 ID:VLuJT1lL0
- >>531俺は見てないけど、評判を聞いてると知る人ぞ知るネタ?が腐るほど埋め込まれてるから、色んな人が違う場面で楽しめたんじゃないの。I didn't watch it, but listening to all those reviews, there seems to be a lot of references and parodies of a lot of different things which may have tickled the funny bone of certain people.
- 632: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 11:51:46.33 ID:1qxHV7rL0
- 高いのか低いのかわからんI really don't know if it's low or high
- 657: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 11:56:39.38 ID:vT2FryT60
- マスコミが、次の朝ドラが始まる前に、あまロスって言い出したのはびっくりしたよステマも行き過ぎると、ファンの人でも引くんじゃないかなI got surprised when the media started talking about Amaloss even before the next morning drama started. Excessive stealth marketing like this will just alienate the fans.
- 662: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 11:58:17.18 ID:nz6gO8UJ0
- >>657一気にファンからアンチになったわむしろ結構なファンだったよ元はI became a hater from being a fan because of that. And to think that I was a pretty huge fan back then.
- 801: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 12:27:42.11 ID:5dOYCuB30
- 録画して後で見る人も多いもんなBut I think that there are also a lot of people who recorded it and watched it later
- 812: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 12:30:20.30 ID:In2LlYoGO
- この数字ではNHKが言うほど社会現象にはならなかったんじゃないの?I don't think this number backs what NHK said that this has become a social phenomenon
- 826: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 12:32:29.40 ID:Wcuc+BwaO
- >>812ガイドブックやCDが売れた事も含めてじゃね?Maybe it also includes the guidebooks and CDs selling well
- 814: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/30(月) 12:30:22.69 ID:PnjtB7X60
- 出演者全員知名度好感度上がって仕事増えたのはあまちゃんだけBut Amachan is the only drama which raised the popularity level of all the cast members, and increased their projects.
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