On September 1's Iitomo, the footage of the after-show free-for-all discussions that took place after the August 26 episode was shown, where they started talking about the different idol groups.
Tamori: "MomoClo's much more amazing than AKB48."
Chihara Junior: "Perfume is amazing, I didn't realize 2 hours passed by so quickly while watching their live DVD."
Sashihara: "But what AKB does are 'idol dances'."
Masakazu Mimura commented on Tomomi Itano, whom she saw taking lessons: "Her thighs are amazing!". Sashihara said that Itano has been dancing since she was small, and used to be a back up dancer for EXILE.
Tamori then imitated the "Koi suru fortune cookie" dance step and said: "Compared with the others, this is only what you're doing".
Sashihara smiled and just said, "Thank you very much".
Junior commented on the dance: "That's just stretching!", to which Tamori symphatized: "It is just stretching". Sashihara told the 2:
"We're dancing properly! But it's true that the other idols are amazing."
- 5: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(福井県) 2013/09/05(木) 21:17:01.66 ID:vbYrg0YZ0
- ハロプロは無視ですかそうですかIgnoring Hello! Pro now, are we?
- 7: 膝十字固め(dion軍) 2013/09/05(木) 21:17:45.08 ID:jIqW8dug0
- こんな正直な発言ができるってのはやっぱり辞めるからなんだなFor him to be able to say things so bluntly like this must really mean that he's retiring.
- 10: ジャンピングカラテキック(東日本) 2013/09/05(木) 21:19:36.52 ID:vT3MPGx00
- perfume見てきたけど確かに凄いなさすがに2時間は無理だが10分ぐらいなら見れるわI watched Perfume, and it's true that they're amazing.
Though it'll be impossible for me to watch them for 2 hours, I'd be able to for 10 minutes.
- 12: 不知火(埼玉県) 2013/09/05(木) 21:20:26.16 ID:FDT3HbIi0
- で、タモリさんは何か間違った事言ってんの?この記事はなにが言いたいの?So. Did Tamori say something wrong?
What is this article trying to say? - 13: アンクルホールド(dion軍) 2013/09/05(木) 21:20:38.34 ID:ypBnui5T0
- タモさんMステでライブで見てるからなおさら違いとかわかってるでしょTamo-san sees all of these artists live on Music Station so he can definitely tell the difference
- 14: アルゼンチンバックブリーカー(神奈川県) 2013/09/05(木) 21:20:57.28 ID:KfrG8JIp0
- ツイッターじゃなくて直接いうのは愛情だろ指原は結構美味しかったと思ってるはずだBut saying something like this personally to Sashihara and not through something like Twitter means he's showing his love for them.
Sashihara's probably thinking that this was a pretty good experience. - 19: ネックハンギングツリー(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/09/05(木) 21:22:07.01 ID:pjXJ/y/n0
- じゃあ聞くけどPerfumeももクロはこんなダンスできるの?Then let me ask you guys, can Perfume or MomoClo dance like this?
http://tateyama21.biz/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/22e3d3a6.jpg -
- 29: ブラディサンデー(庭) 2013/09/05(木) 21:24:42.72 ID:SdjucEqh0
- >>19おっパブ以下じゃねーかThat looks sleazier than those pub dancers
- 36: シャイニングウィザード(関東・甲信越) 2013/09/05(木) 21:27:00.14 ID:mEG9UQKLO
- >>19アイドルにだって尊厳はあるんだぜEven idols have dignity
- 60: シャイニングウィザード(滋賀県) 2013/09/05(木) 21:41:16.30 ID:hIS4SqJ20
- >>19ショーパブかよIs this a show pub or something?
- 91: タイガードライバー(埼玉県) 2013/09/05(木) 22:21:28.38 ID:xO+pVMw50
- >>19こんな股開きはやってほしくないわAKBに任せた!I don't want them opening their legs like this.
Just leave these things up to AKB!
- 21: チェーン攻撃(愛知県) 2013/09/05(木) 21:22:21.55 ID:XVErHCyv0
- 正論じゃんThat's a sound argument
- 24: 雪崩式ブレーンバスター(兵庫県) 2013/09/05(木) 21:23:34.15 ID:wpp9pmNO0
- 魅力はさておき高度な技術を必要としないという点では異論は無いわけだThe question of whether or not it has appeal aside, there are no objections to the fact that they do not require a high level of technical skill.
- 27: エメラルドフロウジョン(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/09/05(木) 21:24:24.59 ID:szYS9k9o0
- パヒュームはスクールでダンスの上手い奴を選って作ったからAKBと根本的に違うのよなBut the good dancers were chosen from schools to become Perfume members so they're basically different from AKB.
- 28: ドラゴンスリーパー(芋) 2013/09/05(木) 21:24:36.49 ID:JTcTUBgf0
- 単純に「AKBは下手」でいいと思うんだけど他の2組に変な火の粉ふりかかるやんHe should have just said, "AKB's bad", and stopped. He'll just spread fire to the other 2 groups.
- 34: エメラルドフロウジョン(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/09/05(木) 21:26:38.69 ID:szYS9k9o0
- >>28ド素人から始めてる割には上手いほうだろモモ黒はモモ黒で中学の頃から事務所の過酷なレッスンに耐えた奴らBut to think that they started out as amateurs, they're pretty good.
Even MomoClo have been under intense training from their agency ever since they were in junior high.
- 37: オリンピック予選スラム(禿) 2013/09/05(木) 21:27:38.26 ID:9pSSrxJti
- 南こうせつが歌番組でブチキレてたぞ南こうせつ[誰とかとは言いませんけどね~最近多いじゃないですかあぁ!口パクとかね~ほんとね~許せないんですよ!!]Kosetsu Minami got extremely pissed in a music program.
Kosetsu Minami: "I won't say who, but there are really a lot of them these days! These lip-syncers~ seriously~ unforgivable!!"
http://sp.eplus.jp/selection_sp/image/vol28/minami.jpg - 39: キドクラッチ(兵庫県) 2013/09/05(木) 21:28:56.71 ID:jB+b4AlA0
- プロデューサーのレベルの違いモー娘→つんくももクロ→前山田健一パフューム→ナカタヤスタカAKB→秋元(笑)It all boils down to the producers
MomoClo→Kenichi Maeyamada
Perfume→Yasutaka Nakata
AKB→Akimoto (LOL) -
- 41: 男色ドライバー(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/09/05(木) 21:29:55.51 ID:2s9h22Yu0
- >>39前山田はもうとっくに降ろされてるMaeyamada's already been dropped for some time now
- 45: ボ ラギノール(千葉県) 2013/09/05(木) 21:34:05.95 ID:CtvSv2aJ0
- 別にももクロもPerfumeも凄くないPerfumeに関しては回りを固めるスタッフが優秀なだけI don't think MomoClo or Perfume are that great.
In Perfume's case, I think it's the staff around them that are amazing. - 48: ドラゴンスクリュー(千葉県) 2013/09/05(木) 21:35:23.57 ID:ACi2OGjV0
- ダンスだけでakbならゴウリキ姉さんのがマシ。If it's just dancing, I actually prefer big-sis Gouriki's moves
- 136: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 20:38:08.75 ID:i+Zq4f0f0
- Perfumeファンだけどあのダンスは3人で努力して練習を積み重ねたから綺麗に揃ってるのであって、ダンスそのものの難易度はそこまで高くないかとI'm a Perfume fan. Their dance looks beautiful because the 3 of them worked hard so they look pretty and synchronized. But the dance itself isn't that difficult.
- 148: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 20:42:10.78 ID:NBAIOGOj0
- >>136一般人からすれば、ハイヒールをはいてあの動きは難易度は高いと言わざるお得ない。But from the general public's point of view, you have no choice but to say that what they're doing is hard especially when you realize that they're wearing high heels.
- 149: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 20:42:19.28 ID:tzccPeosi
- >>136その努力が難易度高いと思うんだがI think the effort that they put in is hard in itself
- 153: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 20:43:21.83 ID:tD78xRLX0
- タモさんが褒めてるのはももクロだけじゃんパヒュームヲタ捏造するなよTamo-san's only praised MomoClo.
Perfume-wotas, stop making up stuff.
- 156: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 20:45:17.46 ID:DWvJnhz30
- >>15340秒当たりでジュニアに同調して「パヒュームは凄いねあれ」つってる。声が三村と被ってるけどCheck out from around 0:40~, he agreed with Junior saying, "Perfume's amazing", though his voice overlapped with Mimura
- 160: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 20:45:57.94 ID:F28PK3250
- >>153テレフォンショッキングのゲストの時 何回も褒めてるよHe praised them numerous times when they guested on Telephone Shocking
- 194: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 20:55:12.42 ID:NBAIOGOj0
- >>1536分35秒くらいに。See from 6:35~
- 218: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 21:00:22.47 ID:25NOg0cz0
- ももクロなんかたいしたダンスしてないじゃん歌って踊れたSPEEDや安室に比べたらまだまだEven MomoClo aren't doing anything difficult.
You still can't compare them with SPEED and Namie Amuro who were able to sing and dance. -
- 288: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 21:16:57.01 ID:zHANIJCv0
- >>218SPEED(二人)だなSPEED (2 of them) right
- 607: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 22:39:43.61 ID:tD78xRLX0
- >>218SPEEDや安室を出すまでもないパフュームはD&D以下ももクロはFolder5以下No need to even mention SPEED and Amuro.
Perfume is below D&D.
MomoClo is below Folder 5.
- 326: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/05(木) 21:24:50.35 ID:jmwGr0y90
- ダンスのレベルがもう桁違いTheir dancing is on a different level
- 53: ミラノ作 どどんスズスロウン(三重県) 2013/09/05(木) 21:36:25.25 ID:HX+czmj+0
- アイドルダンス=てきとうIdol dancing = random
- 55: 不知火(福岡県) 2013/09/05(木) 21:36:33.52 ID:lYXSgVtD0
- 別にAKB擁護するわけじゃないが昔のアイドルなんて左右にステップ踏むだけだったぞwNot that I'm trying to stand up for AKB or anything, but idols of yesteryear only had to step left and right w
- 56: マシンガンチョップ(西日本) 2013/09/05(木) 21:37:14.58 ID:8nqMi0eI0
- E-girlsは話題に上がらなかったのかな?まだまだ知られてないのかねーSo E-girls isn't even mentioned?
So they're still not that popular?
http://tokai-tv.com/dance2013/common/img/e_img.jpg -
- 58: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(福井県) 2013/09/05(木) 21:39:09.52 ID:vbYrg0YZ0
- >>56アイドルじゃなくてアーティストらしいThey're apparently artists, not idols
- 61: スパイダージャーマン(茸) 2013/09/05(木) 21:42:10.15 ID:xNNVEdi50
- タモリが言ってること合ってるやん、そして炎上商法になるだけ。はい解散What Tamori said is true. And it's just being exaggerated.
Alright guys, nothing to see here. - 71: 雪崩式ブレーンバスター(茸) 2013/09/05(木) 21:51:07.04 ID:NqviOQVh0
- タモさんわかってるなTamo-san really knows his stuff
- 72: 膝靭帯固め(やわらか銀行) 2013/09/05(木) 21:53:08.97 ID:L4F7YK930
- AKBを話題にしていただいてありがとうございますm(__)mこれからもAKBの宣伝よろしくお願い致しますm(__)mThank you very much for talking about AKB m(__)m
Please keep promoting AKB moving forward m(__)m - 77: キングコングラリアット(関東・甲信越) 2013/09/05(木) 21:56:34.71 ID:s+X+cYPgO
- 正直、ダンスだけならK-POPの方が上だなWhen it comes to dancing, honestly, K-POP is better
- 80: ファイナルカット(家) 2013/09/05(木) 22:01:26.18 ID:6ljANYWv0
- まぁ正論ですわねWell, he speaks of the truth
- 83: 梅ヶ枝餅 ◆MOTI..op.. (福岡県) 2013/09/05(木) 22:03:43.60 ID:ayzYJEdv0
- こんなにわかりやすく偏った記事はなかなかお目にかかれないSuch an obvious and one-sided article like this is pretty rare
- 85: メンマ(埼玉県) 2013/09/05(木) 22:11:01.57 ID:9NFV25/b0
- 正論すぎるなNothing but the truth
- 95: キャプチュード(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/09/05(木) 22:29:43.29 ID:F9HvSttv0
- タモリがディスった恋するフォーチュンクッキーのダンス"Koi suru Fortune Cookie" dance which Tamori dissed
- 106: バックドロップ(埼玉県) 2013/09/05(木) 22:43:59.26 ID:f4/nzAHE0
- Perfumeはすごいよなまじであのシンクロ感はそうとうストイックにレッスンしてるだろうなとBut Perfume's seriously amazing.
That kind of synchronization can only be achieved through rigorous training. -
- 113: リバースネックブリーカー(東京都) 2013/09/05(木) 22:49:55.43 ID:2SjzNbm00
- >>106最近はあんまりレッスンできてないらしいでも新曲の振りはだいたい2時間で覚えるまあ、デビュー13年だから、鍛え方が違うわなI heard they haven't been able to do too much lessons these days.
But they are able to learn the steps to their new songs in about 2 hours.
Well, it's been 13 years since their debut, so the way they have been trained is really different from the rest.
- 98: 男色ドライバー(芋) 2013/09/05(木) 22:31:31.25 ID:Dfo6vEZh0
- 指原をいじってるだけじゃん指原もお笑いだからおいしいと思ってるだろHe's just messing up with Sashihara.
Sashihara's also a comedian so she must have liked that situation.
Original Threads
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