"The number one reason why Southern All Stars went on a hiatus was because Kuwata-san was disappointed with the other members' playing skills. In MisChil's case, it seems that the members other than Sakurai are just content in playing indifferently, as if they don't intend on becoming better players anymore."
- 5: softbank218128117089.bbtec.net 2010/03/13(土) 14:06:02.88 0 ID:
- 「弘だけは唯一 対外的にも堂々と紹介できるミュージシャンだ」って桑田さん言ってたよ。だからKUWATA BANDでも彼だけをサザンから使った。Kuwata-san once said, "Hiroshi's the only musician I can proudly introduce to the others".
And that's why he was the only SAS member who's also in KUWATA BAND.
http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/68/38/df275630738cf0102d6093f3595c0b2c.jpg - 7: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 14:14:44.10 0 ID:
- ミスチルのBird Cageって曲のドラム上手いだろう俺詳しくないけどI thought the drum parts were good in MisChil's "Bird Cage".
I'm not that knowledgeable though. - 9: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 15:16:51.31 0 ID:
- 桜井と同級生だったってだけで勝ち組になれた超ゴールデンラッキーなカスThey're the super golden lucky members who are winners in life just because they were Sakurai's batchmates in highschool
http://yaplog.jp/whitecat-child/img/97/koukou.jpg - 11: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 15:21:00.43 0 ID:
- ミスチルの桜井以外って運よすぎだろEveryone other than Sakurai in MisChil is just plain lucky
- 12: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 15:22:28.21 0 ID:
- 桜井はもうちょっと傲慢になっても良いと思うんだその他大勢と金でもめないのはちょっとおかしいI honestly think Sakurai can afford to be more arrogant.
I find it odd that he's not getting into money issues with his "etc. members". -
- 23: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 16:23:10.11 0 ID:
- >>12嫁捨ててギリギリガールズ養って疲れちゃったんだろHe's probably tired after taking care of the Girigiri Girls after dumping his ex-wife.
- 13: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 15:23:17.29 0 ID:
- 長年プロとして楽器やってて何で下手なの練習する時間は腐るほどあるだろそれが仕事なのにThey've all been pros for a long time now, why are they still bad at playing?
I'm sure they have all the time in the world to practice, that's their job after all. - 15: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 15:24:56.55 0 ID:
- スピッツは皆上手いのにギターだけ残念みたいに言われるけどロビンソンの印象的なイントロを考案したのは他でもないあの人People say that everyone in SPITZ is good except for the guitarist. But the person who created that impressive intro riff on their song "Robinson" is none other than that very man.
http://image.excite.co.jp/jp/music2010/check/review/1112/spitz1.jpg - 19: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 16:09:30.35 0 ID:
- ミスチルってドラムだけはまともな印象だったのにBut I've always been under the impression that MisChil's only decent player is the drummer
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/lambsear11/imgs/3/d/3dcca2ff.jpg - 20: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 16:11:40.78 0 ID:
- ミスチルは演奏下手だろ何も印象に残るフレーズがないミスチルファンにミスチルの魅力聞いても99%桜井の歌唱力、ルックス、曲のよさ、詞のよさしか言わない残り1%くらいメンバーの絆とか言うやついるかもしれんけどMisChil's bad at playing.
They don't have musical phrases that leave an impression.
Even when you ask MisChil fans on what appeals to them, 99% will just say that it's all about Sakurai's singing ability, looks, great songs, and nice lyrics. There might be 1% who'll say something like the bond between the members. - 22: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 16:21:21.87 0 ID:
- 切らないのは優しさのつもりなのか知らないけどこういうのって一番残酷じゃね才能ないのは本人達が一番良く分かってるだろうよTheir being able to continue playing with the band might be because of the kindness shown to them, but don't you think that this is the harshest thing to endure? These people with no talent whatsoever probably know that best.
- 24: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 16:24:17.64 0 ID:
- >>22サザンとミスチルくらい売れてりゃ別にいいだろ中途半端に売れたバンドの雑魚メンとかどうにもならんぞWho cares if you're selling as much as SAS and MisChil? Then what about the bad members of those bands who just sold half-assedly?
- 26: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 16:27:11.05 0 ID:
- 才能なくたって金はもらえてるんだからやめたくないだろバックバンドでもIf you can earn this much even if you don't have any sort of talent then why would you quit? That's also true for their backing band.
- 28: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 16:29:50.47 0 ID:
- 今更クビにされても音楽じゃ食っていけないしなあThey won't be able to earn a living through music even if you decide to fire them now
- 31: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 16:32:12.19 0 ID:
- 10年前ミスチルのライブを見に行った何故かサポートのギターの人が間奏でソロを弾いていた桜井も何曲かギターソロを披露していたシーソーゲームではサックスの人がソロをやっていた田原は何のためにいたんだろうI watched a MisChil concert 10 years ago. For some reason, the supporting guitarist played the solo part of the song.
Even Sakurai played the solo for a number of songs.
During "See-saw game", the guy who played the sax did the solo.
So what was Tahara's purpose in there?
http://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/70/03/ru_chitann/folder/734989/img_734989_9521437_0 - 36: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 16:36:02.45 0 ID:
- 演奏力が必要な音楽性のバンドじゃないしBut the music of these bands don't necessarily require them to be able to play extremely well
- 46: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 16:51:41.83 0 ID:
- >>36そうだよねそもそも曲を書く奴が技術を必要とする曲を書く才能がないしThat's true.
I think the guy writing the songs doesn't have the talent to compose songs that require technique in the first place.
- 44: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 16:49:32.83 0 ID:
- バンドのボーカルって大抵ナルシストじゃんカスメンを見捨てない優しい俺友情に厚い俺ってのに酔ってるんだろうそういう体裁を気にしないタイプだとトータスみたいになるBand vocalists are primarily narcissists.
They're the types who think, "See? I'm such a nice person since I'm treasuring my friendship with them and keeping them in the band".
They'll just end up like Tortoise if they're the types who aren't concerned with that kind of system.
http://news-entame.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/interview04_17.jpg -
- 50: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 16:56:21.16 0 ID:
- >>44そういう理由で解散だか活動休止になったの?ウルフルズってもともとお友達バンドでなかったっけ?Is that why they disbanded or they went on a hiatus?
Wasn't the Ulfuls just a band made up of friends?
- 55: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:09:25.42 0 ID:
- 我の強いトータスと他のメンバーが衝突したくさいジョンBが一旦辞めたり色々あったからなIt seems that the arrogant Tortoise got into a conflict with the other members.
A lot of things went on with that band, what with John B quitting and stuff. -
- 56: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:14:35.73 0 ID:
- >>55数年前にTVでウルフルズのライブドキュメントあったけどリハーサルでトータスがドラムをフルボッコしていたなとても楽器出来ないヤツも含めて発足した寄り合いバンドとは思えなかったwI saw a concert documentary of the Ulfuls on TV a few years back, and there was this episode where Tortoise just beat the crap out of the drummer during rehearsal. It didn't seem like they were a bunch of friends who couldn't play instruments and just decided to form a band.
- 60: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:20:04.48 0 ID:
- ウルフルズは結構上手いだろThe Ulfuls are pretty good
http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/10725733/ulfu.jpg - 66: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:28:00.44 0 ID:
- サザンは桑田より嫁の方が天才なんだろIn SAS, I think the wifey is more talented than Kuwata
http://sp.natalie.mu/media/0908/0812/extra/news_large_harayuko_art090812.jpg - 73: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:31:53.54 0 ID:
- ミスチルはベース割とプロでも好きな人はいるんじゃなかったかなスタジオ版しか聴いたことないからライブも含めた上手い下手事情はよくわからんけどI think there are quite a few professionals who like MisChil's bassist.
But I've only heard the studio version of their songs so I don't really know if he's good live.
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/mischillove/15847962.jpeg - 74: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:32:06.06 0 ID:
- 爆風スランプは風貌とは違ってバックはみんな凄腕の実力者Bakufu Slump's backing members on the other hand are all amazing musicians despite looking like that
http://blog-imgs-38.fc2.com/l/a/s/lasthouseontheleft/2010100802.jpg -
- 92: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:39:37.51 0 ID:
- >>74セイキマIIとか早稲田バンドは凄いんだなwLike SEIKIMA-II, all these Waseda bands are pretty amazing LOL
- 80: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:34:58.06 0 ID:
- おまえらどの楽器がうまい下手とかよく分かるよなWow, you guys know which instrument players are good and bad, huh
- 85: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:38:27.78 0 ID:
- >>80いやわかってる奴は少ないwわかってるアピールしたいだけだろNah, not a lot know the good from the bad LOL
They're just trying to pretend that they know.
- 86: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:38:38.43 0 ID:
- ミスチル鈴木はドラム上手いじゃんコーラスもしてるし必要メンだよまあギター&ベースは空気だけど・・・MisChil's Suzuki is a good drummer. He also sings back-up vocals, he's an indispensable member.
Well, the guitarist and bassist are both like thin air though... - 90: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:39:21.46 0 ID:
- ラルクのKENもギターは決して上手くないよねL'Arc's KEN isn't really that good too, right?
http://rstakiraabnormal.up.d.seesaa.net/rstakiraabnormal/androidapp/2790120427035804-1356463650.png -
- 96: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:41:01.57 0 ID:
- >>90難しいフレーズは弾きたくないからごまかすって本人が言ってたwHe personally said that he didn't like playing difficult phrases and just cheats w
- 91: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:39:26.43 0 ID:
- ルナシーってボーカルが一番残念っていう稀有なバンドだったよねLUNA SEA is one of the rare bands in which the vocalist is the most disappointing member of the bunch
http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/3979475/LUNA+SEA+lunacy.jpg - 94: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:39:47.36 0 ID:
- メンバーの演奏が上手くても聴いてる人のほとんどは分からないもんな素人に下手だと思われないある程度のレベルならそれでいいんじゃないだろうかI don't think the listeners can really tell if the musicians are good or not.
It's fine as long as they're on a level where amateurs can't tell that they're bad. - 104: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:43:45.07 0 ID:
- サザンやミスチル聴いてる人はメンバーの演奏が上手いとか下手とかあんまり語らないでしょだから別にいいんじゃないの演奏にこだわるような人は別のバンド聴くだろうしBut people who listen to SAS and MisChil don't really talk about the members being good or bad players, so this isn't really an issue. People who insist on the musical abilities will just listen to other bands.
- 114: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:46:37.07 0 ID:
- >>104みんなそんなことわかっててネタにしてんだろwEveryone knows that and that's why they're being made fun of
- 113: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:46:26.15 0 ID:
- 上手いけど売れないより下手だけど売れる方がすごいんじゃないかBut it's more amazing to be able to sell a whole lot more even when you're bad rather than being good players but can't sell anything
- 119: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:47:17.27 0 ID:
- ウルフルズは他の奴らもなまじ下手糞じゃないからギクシャクしちゃったのかも分からんね完全に無能だったらボーカルに大人しく従うしかないしIn the Ulfuls case, I think they were all pretty good so there was a clash of pride. If they were totally talentless, they would have all just followed what the vocalist wanted.
- 131: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:49:21.81 0 ID:
- 下手でもいいんだよ日本には下手を許容する文化があるんだからとにかくメンバー間の仲が悪いと歌に説得力がねーわIt's alright if they're bad. The Japanese has a culture of permitting things that aren't even good.
Their songs will just lose all sort of believability once you know that there's discord among the members. -
- 136: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:49:59.95 0 ID:
- >>131アイドルソング文化ですねThe idol-culture, huh
- 137: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:50:19.91 0 ID:
- 下手って言ってもプレイが荒いだけなのか本当にテクがないのかよくわからんWhen you say "bad", do you mean that they're just unpolished players or they really have no technique at all? I don't get it.
- 146: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:51:45.85 0 ID:
- 松尾宗仁さんもひどくて有名だけど田原ってこれ以下なの?wSounin Matsuo's also notorious for his bad playing, but does this mean that Tahara is even worse than him?
伝説のチャロック・ザ・ナイト・アウェイThe legendary cha-Rock the night away
ゥrルゥtャ~ラr~~~…ゥgnキョン・kェ・キャラrラrkョンキェ~~~~ンkyンキョnキャラゥル~~~~wッkュkャラルr~ンチャ~ラrbッキュン~キャルリラ~~~ンチャラル~~~…キャン!キャン!キャン!キャン!キャ~~~~~ンルリラ~~…(以下なんとか軌道修正成功)(then manages to get back on track) -
- 157: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:54:14.45 0 ID:
- >>146これテク以前に音が終わってね?We can't talk about the technique without talking about how bad the sound is first
- 161: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:55:32.62 0 ID:
- >>146松尾宗仁は背高くて顔が整っているからいいんだよSounin Matsuo's tall and has good facial features so it's alright
- 169: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:57:32.92 0 ID:
- >>146これはヒドイねwwwでもこの松尾ってジギーのオリメンじゃんThis is horrible www
But Matsuo's an original member of ZIGGY, right?
- 170: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:57:48.48 0 ID:
- >>146テロップwwwwwwwwThe subtitle wwwwwwwww
- 156: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:54:12.09 0 ID:
- 世界で一番ラッキーな雑魚メンはジョージとリンゴThe world's luckiest "etc." members are George and Ringo
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201002/25/53/b0080053_21174524.jpg -
- 158: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:55:05.06 0 ID:
- >>156リンゴはともかくジョージは貢献してるだろRingo yeah, but George made some contributions
- 166: 名無し 2010/03/13(土) 17:56:23.55 0 ID:
- >>156ジョージハリスンは雑魚メンではないExcuse me, George Harrison is not an "etc."
- 162: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:55:45.84 0 ID:
- シャ乱Qの演奏テクニックってどうなんだろミスチルよりはさすがに上手いと思うけどWhat about Sharan-Q's playing technique?
I think they're at least better than MisChil.
http://ziko1.up.d.seesaa.net/ziko1/image/attki232-8be16.jpg?d=a0 -
- 176: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:59:40.77 0 ID:
- >>162まこととたいせーは若干微妙Makoto and Taisei aren't that good
- 171: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:58:03.98 0 ID:
- スピッツはどうなの?ギター普通にまあうまいってか独特な感じして個人的には好きだけどWhat about Spitz?
I think the guitarist is pretty good and original, I personally like him. -
- 175: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:59:26.04 0 ID:
- >>171ドラムがアホみたいに上手いギターは丁寧だけど普通の部類だと思うThe drummer's crazy good.
The guitarist plays cleanly, but I think he's classified as "average".
- 173: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 17:58:50.02 0 ID:
- スピッツはかなり上手いでしょベースの人が無駄に動くけどwSpitz is pretty good.
The bassist moves too unnecessarily though. - 183: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:02:09.59 0 ID:
- スピッツのベースの音とか好きだなジュリマリとかスピッツを昔から聞いいとけば良かったかと思うI like the sound of the Spitz's bassist.
I've always thought that I should have listened to Judy & Mary and Spitz from before. - 194: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:05:54.28 0 ID:
- 近年上手くなったと言われる大ベテランのギターソロでもくらえTake this super veteran's guitar solo which is said to have improved over the recent years
- 207: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:10:19.27 0 ID:
- >>194今井先生はクスリのやりすぎじゃねえのかただ適当なチョーキングで誤魔化してるだけじゃんBut Imai-sensei must be overdosed.
He's just cheating by choking here and there.
- 210: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:11:32.23 0 ID:
- >>194タラララーのタイミングが4回とも違うwThe timing of "tararara" is wrong for all 4 times
- 204: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:08:27.74 0 ID:
- おまえらこれでも聴いて落ち着けよ!You guys should listen to this first and calm down!
- 208: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:10:59.33 0 ID:
- >>204ヒ・・・酷いwwwT...terrible www
- 214: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:12:34.80 0 ID:
- >>204これは素人だろwThese guys are amateurs w
- 209: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:11:04.85 0 ID:
- チャゲアスが上京するときに断腸の思いでメンバーを切ったっていうのがあったなスタジオミュージシャンと比較させて説得されたとかChage and Aska had to sadly cut a member when they came to Tokyo, right?
They convinced the member after comparing him with the studio musician. -
- 227: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:19:12.51 0 ID:
- >>209メジャーデビュー時に商品価値のないメンバーが切られるのは良くあることDropping members who have no product value right before going major happens quite a lot
- 226: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:19:11.03 0 ID:
- 音楽系の板に行くとミスチル(笑)言われる所以だなAnd that's why when you go to music forums, they just dismiss them by saying "MisChil (LOL)"
- 259: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:30:01.08 0 ID:
- 楽器やらないからよくわからんけどサザンの関口さんはどうなの斎藤誠と大森は比べるべくもないことくらいはわかるんだけどI don't play any instruments so I have no clue, but what about SAS' Sekiguchi-san?
I do know that there's no point comparing him with the likes of Makoto Saito and Ohmori though.
http://www.aloha-street.com/img/640x640/805/13493373570.80521900.jpg -
- 277: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:42:05.24 0 ID:
- >>259関口のベース奏法は独創性があって良いって桑田は褒めてたよKuwata once praised Sekiguchi's bass-playing as being original and creative
- 265: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:33:41.18 0 ID:
- ミスチルのライブ行く層に演奏なんて気にしてる奴が何割存在するんだよ桜井が真ん中に立って歌ってさえいれば問題ないだろBut seriously, what percentage of these MisChil concert-goers are even concerned about their instrument playing?
They're fine as long as Sakurai's there standing in the middle and singing, right? - 283: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:47:14.91 0 ID:
- ビーズはショーンギャラースっていう人のドラムが凄くよかった記憶がある愛のバクダンのI remember B'z Shane Gaalaas' drumming was super good.
You know, for "Ai no Bakudan". - 285: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:48:11.41 0 ID:
- 身内が褒めた所で桑田は優しいなとしか思わないよねKuwata will just be regarded as this kind fellow even if he praises his bandmates
- 289: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 18:51:54.23 0 ID:
- 岸部一徳のベースはめっちゃうまいと聞いたことがあるがどうなのI heard once that Ittoku Kishibe's a super good bass player, how is he?
http://info-torendnews.c.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_a4e/info-torendnews/k835963174-fa721.png -
- 342: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 21:14:32.49 0 ID:
- >>289「太陽にほえろ!」のテーマは井上堯之バンドでベース弾いてんのが一徳ベースが圧倒的にカッコイイだろIttoku played bass for Takayuki Inoue's band that played the theme for Taiyou ni Hoero!"
The bass parts there are overwhelmingly good.
- 357: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 21:49:07.63 0 ID:
- 太陽にほえろ!!!Taiyou ni hoero!!
- 359: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 21:54:51.42 0 ID:
- >>357一徳すげーなIttoku's amazing
- 308: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 19:10:30.87 0 ID:
- 桑田って結局メンバー全員の演奏力を褒めてたKuwata actually praised the playing of all members
- 313: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 19:14:24.20 0 ID:
- >>308いい人過ぎるだろHe's just too nice
- 317: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 19:21:39.67 0 ID:
- 演奏上手いのってメタルっぽい人たちしかいないの?So are the ones playing metal the only ones who can be considered good?
- 319: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 19:22:36.15 0 ID:
- >>317メタルのほかだとフュージョンとかじゃね?一般的にはどっちもダサい言われようだけどねOther than metal, there's also fusion.
But public opinion regard both as pretty lame though.
- 321: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 19:23:39.53 0 ID:
- 技術的に演奏上手いのみならスタジオミュージシャン集めて結成すればIf you just want good instrument players, then why not just gather studio musicians and form a band?
- 326: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 19:25:06.37 0 ID:
- >>321ただの東京事変だなThat'll just be like Tokyo Jihen
- 332: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 20:27:41.37 0 ID:
- ミスチルが下手なのは有名だけどサザンってそんな言うほどか?MisChil being bad musical players is pretty well-known, but is that also true for SAS?
- 333: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 20:31:33.58 0 ID:
- サザンはプロって感じSAS feel more like professionals
- 365: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 22:51:52.89 0 ID:
- まあ同級生とか仲よしが作ったバンドとうまいやつらを集めたバンドじゃ違うよなWell yeah, a band formed with your schoolmates is different from a band formed with good players
- 367: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 23:08:00.42 0 ID:
- ウルフルズって元はウルフルケイスケがギター弾きたいのバンドだったんだろThe Ulfuls was originally created so Ulful Keisuke can play his guitar, right?
- 376: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/13(土) 23:58:16.11 0 ID:
- >>367そうそうそれがいつの間にやらトータスのワンマンバンドみたいになってたRight.
Then before we knew it, it just became Tortoise's one man band.
- 382: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/14(日) 00:13:44.67 0 ID:
- 巧いかどうかはポップミュージックの場合それほど重要じゃないむしろバンドらしいバンドが日本は少ないバンドでやってる意味や必然性がないというかIn pop music, there's no need to talk about whether or not they're good players.
Japan just doesn't have bands that you can actually call "bands".
It's like there's no point at all in them being a band. - 399: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/14(日) 00:30:38.52 0 ID:
- ミスチルって桜井以外作詞作曲アレンジどれもやってないの?Doesn't anyone else from MisChil write or compose their songs?
- 417: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/14(日) 00:39:34.74 0 ID:
- >>399ドラムのJENの作曲の曲はあるな。The drummer JEN composed one
- 404: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/14(日) 00:32:29.46 0 ID:
- ルナシーも皆上手かっただから解散したかとwEveryone in LUNA SEA was good.
And that's why they disbanded w - 408: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/14(日) 00:33:53.14 0 ID:
- ビーズは二人だからこそ長続きしてる作詞・作曲で分担されてるしB'z are still around because there's only 2 of them.
They even divide the lyrics and the composing between the 2 of them. - 410: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/14(日) 00:34:35.99 0 ID:
- バクチク今井とか演奏力は結構やばいよなまああの人は曲作りできるけどBUCK-TICK's Imai isn't really that good, right?
Well, at least he can compose songs.
http://samidare.jp/starfucker/box/imai%5B1%5D.jpg -
- 413: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/14(日) 00:36:22.62 0 ID:
- >>410バクチクはうまい具合に足りない部分を補い合っているから長続きしているんだろうなBuck-Tick seem to complement each other well and that's why they've been able to survive for so long.
- 411: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/14(日) 00:35:39.89 0 ID:
- 桜井って要するに自分だけスポットライト浴びてる状態が物凄く気持ちいいってタイプなんだろソロでいいじゃんもうSakurai's the type who hogs the spotlight and all the attention, right?
Then he should just go solo. - 412: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/14(日) 00:36:06.56 0 ID:
- でも桜井はソロにならないのは賢いけどねBut it's smart that he isn't going solo
- 414: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/14(日) 00:36:29.32 0 ID:
- バンドって演奏力だけじゃないとおもうんだけどI don't think bands only require good playing
- 427: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/14(日) 01:00:35.64 0 ID:
- 下手糞でも全部自分達でやってる所は好感持てるしその内それがそのバンドの味になったりもするサポートメンバーで誤魔化そうって発想はどうかと思うEven if the members are bad, you can at least admire the fact that they're playing their own parts, and that's what becomes that band's distinct taste. I just don't like how other bands are trying to cheat with the support members playing for them.
- 437: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/14(日) 01:25:50.19 0 ID:
- ミスチルのドラムは上手い方だろベースも中の上ぐらいギターはノーコメント完全にネタ記事MisChil's drummer is pretty good.
The bassist is above average.
No comment on the guitarist. - 449: 名無し募集中。。。 2010/03/14(日) 01:43:45.48 0 ID:
- プロなんだからテクニックは相当あると思うぞ別に全ての曲で限界まで絞り出して演奏してるわけないんだからTheir pros so they do have technique.
It just doesn't mean that they have to squeeze every ounce of their skills on each one of their songs.
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