People have now started to accuse her of reselling accessories which can be bought cheaply overseas for a few thousand yen.
The site explains that "Accessory craftsmen create each single part with utmost care". There was also a blog entry on September 21 stating, "We have also made earrings". When people started questioning this, they changed it to "We are selling earrings" without any further explanation.
The address indicated in the website is the same as Kato's "Office Cha". We tried reaching them for comments but no one answered their phone.
Other images:
- 2: 足4の字固め(やわらか銀行) 2013/09/24(火) 16:13:32.06 ID:iIn/RMh40
- ぼりすぎワロタwwwwwwwwwwwDamn, what a rip-off wwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 4: 不知火(神奈川県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:14:04.84 ID:ShVBrtsS0
- ボロい商売ですわThat's easy money
- 5: カーフブランディング(大阪府) 2013/09/24(火) 16:14:08.74 ID:2IJKPf+C0
- 擁護する気はないけど商売ってほとんどこれですわI've got no intentions of standing up for them, but this is basically how all businesses do it.
- 8: カーフブランディング(宮城県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:15:03.30 ID:ayLy2IKA0
- 茶に生命保険いくらかけてるのか気になるI wonder how much Cha's life is insured for - 9: ジャンピングカラテキック(神奈川県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:15:58.06 ID:Uyi1ITTL0
- もうホントひどいなこの嫁関係は。金金金金金!だなEverything about his wife really is horrible.
It's all about the money, money, money, money, money! - 11: キチンシンク(東京都) 2013/09/24(火) 16:17:20.05 ID:gho1ryVK0
- つーか売れてるのか?wUhmmm, are they even making sales?
- 12: ボ ラギノール(愛媛県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:18:50.55 ID:z3AcyeO20
- 海外の個人販売のアクセを仕入れて、制作したとオリジナルブランド物と偽って10倍もの金額で販売するこれは鬼畜の所業ですわ。転売厨どころか、ただの詐欺じゃんSo they purchase some independent seller's accessories from overseas, treat it as their own original brand, and resell it for 10x the price. This is definitely the work of a fiend.
This exceeds the level of a buyer and reseller, this is already a fraud. -
- 36: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(愛知県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:32:00.33 ID:zvy6kMrY0
- >>12商売なんてそんなもんだよ。とくにこういったアクセサリー関係は多い。これを転売、詐欺と言い出したら、世の中の宝石店は全て当てはまるぞ。That's pretty much how business works. Especially for accessory-related businesses.
If you start calling this resale or fraud, then that would be true for all jewelry shops around the world.
- 21: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(WiMAX) 2013/09/24(火) 16:23:51.01 ID:LxqjAI3wP
-これは酷いw550円程度のオモチャリングを、5200円てwThis is horrible w
A toy ring that only costs around \550 is sold for \5,200 LOL - 22: アキレス腱固め(山口県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:24:39.32 ID:mTKNvZ990
- さすが鬼女板敵に回したくないThat's the Kijo* forums for you. (* who found out about this)
You definitely wouldn't want to pick a fight with them.
(*鬼女 = Kijo, literally "demon woman", is the abbreviated form of 既婚女 "kikon josei" or "married woman", with a different kanji character used for "Ki". 鬼女板 "kijoita" or 既婚女性板 "kikon josei-ita" refers to the subsection on 2channel where the married women and housewives gather. They're notorious for being some of the meanest, most resentful community on 2chan.) - 24: ストレッチプラム(チベット自治区) 2013/09/24(火) 16:25:11.94 ID:C39Ik68l0
- Peってこいつ裏ではPeって呼んでんじゃねPe?
So she probably calls him "pe" in private, huh -
- 33: フェイスクラッシャー(SB-iPhone) 2013/09/24(火) 16:30:12.79 ID:aIh43698i
- >>24綾菜の取り巻き「おいペww何かやれよwwwwww」カトちゃん「は...はい...」Ayana's entourage: "Hey pe wwww Do something for us will 'ya wwwwww"
Katochan: "O... ok..."
- 25: ショルダーアームブリーカー(愛知県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:26:59.69 ID:DoHXkGG10
- カトちゃんPe!KatochanPE!
- 27: アキレス腱固め(福岡県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:28:07.47 ID:tk5JcQFq0
- 買うヤツは馬鹿だなThe ones who'll buy this are stupid
- 28: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(山口県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:28:12.80 ID:/x48DTL20
- 買ってる人もいるんだろうな…There must already be some people who already bought this...
- 35: セントーン(滋賀県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:31:05.92 ID:16wNzIX70
- 調子に乗ってオリジナルと主張するまで待てよもう追い込めないじゃんJust wait until they insist that these are their original goods.
We can't drive them to a corner if this is the case. - 37: デンジャラスバックドロップ(沖縄県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:33:08.02 ID:foYjogFh0
- 加藤茶の嫁の弟Kato-chan's wife's younger brother加藤茶の嫁Kato-chan's wifeこの入り浸ってる弟とか言われてる男は本当は嫁の連れ子らしいなSome are saying that this constant guest who claims to be Ayana's younger brother is actually her son. - 39: 超竜ボム(愛知県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:34:50.63 ID:ejdGiEZG0
- もし作りましたって書いてたのなら普通に詐欺なんだが・・・。加藤茶救うためにもマスコミは早めに追求しろよ。手遅れになるぞ。If they said that they made it then it's actually a fraud...
The mass media should immediately follow up on this in order to save Cha Kato from her clutches before it's all too late. - 42: キン肉バスター(兵庫県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:36:49.37 ID:31just880
- 作りましたって詠ってりゃ詐欺になるよね。But this is fraud if they claimed that they made these accessories
- 47: ジャンピングDDT(新潟県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:44:08.81 ID:7/VmQE2l0
- 芸人の最期としては最低な道だな。This is the worst possible path you could take in your twilight years as a comedian.
- 48: ダイビングエルボードロップ(関東・甲信越) 2013/09/24(火) 16:44:09.24 ID:4jMquTohO
- 同じ商品を見つけてくるやつはどうやって探してるんだ?How did people find out about the original product?
- 50: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(WiMAX) 2013/09/24(火) 16:46:14.50 ID:LxqjAI3wP
- >>48「Google 画像検索」は、キーワード検索だけでなく、画像から類似画像を検索するという機能もあるのです!。You can also search for similar images by dragging them onto the "Google Images" search bar, you know.
- 53: ナガタロックII(東京都) 2013/09/24(火) 16:49:22.90 ID:499tJLOz0
- ネットって怖いなぁなんでもかんでも丸裸やもんなThe Internet sure is scary.
Anything and everything gets exposed. - 60: 断崖式ニードロップ(埼玉県) 2013/09/24(火) 16:58:07.88 ID:UWBP4wCv0
- こんなコガネ稼ぐ意味があるの?ショップオーナーって肩書きが欲しかったのか?Do they really need to earn chump change like this?
Or did she just want the title "shop owner"? - 63: ドラゴンスープレックス(東京都) 2013/09/24(火) 17:00:14.89 ID:OGAvobGU0
- だいたいeBayで仕入れて日本で売る、なんてのが今通用すると思ってんのが情弱だよな 10年前ならまだしもOnly the misinformed will think that buying stuff on ebay and reselling them in Japan still works in this day and age. Maybe 10 years ago.
- 66: ボマイェ(滋賀県) 2013/09/24(火) 17:02:13.48 ID:Qug6dpPu0
- また茶の寿命が縮んだLooks like Cha's life expectancy has once again been reduced - 68: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(WiMAX) 2013/09/24(火) 17:02:36.69 ID:ISVs4AqUP
- 転売くらいでグチグチ騒ぐなよこれは買う奴が阿呆な奴というだけの話じゃないかStop complaining about something as petty as reselling.
We can just come to the conclusion that the ones buying this are stupid. - 71: ストマッククロー(千葉県) 2013/09/24(火) 17:05:59.57 ID:4UDmCx860
- で、”作りました”の魚拓は?So where's the cache of the blog where they said they "made" these accessories?
- 74: ブラディサンデー(広西チワン族自治区) 2013/09/24(火) 17:06:42.31 ID:uf+0ZO700
- この問題は転売ではなく、スワロフスキー使用という偽装 だろう。The problem here isn't reselling, but lying when they said they used Swarovski.
- 97: フォーク攻撃(東京都) 2013/09/24(火) 17:39:29.72 ID:khLPYirDP
- >>71魚拓Here's the before and after pictures:
(left image: "We got a request to make them, so we also made earrings";
right image: "We sell earrings and piercings")>>74それはまだ確定してないThat hasn't been confirmed yet
- 77: シューティングスタープレス(やわらか銀行) 2013/09/24(火) 17:08:24.89 ID:RdkuvvD+0
- 加藤は女運無さ杉志村見習え結婚しなくてもモテモテじゃんKato sure is unlucky when it comes to women. He should follow Shimura's example. He hasn't gotten married and is still popular. - 85: 16文キック(静岡県) 2013/09/24(火) 17:13:01.72 ID:P5teMp5p0
- ただの輸入代理じゃ売れないから制作したと偽ってたのかなら不当景品類及び不当表示防止法違反だな、普通に犯罪だわSo they pretend that they made it since they won't be able to make any profit if they were just importers?
Then that means they violated the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations. - 86: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(兵庫県) 2013/09/24(火) 17:15:01.20 ID:nXtpwUdcP
- 消費者庁に通報しまくったら、多分捕まるねこれ。They might get caught if people keep reporting them to the Consumer Affairs Agency
- 87: オリンピック予選スラム(SB-iPhone) 2013/09/24(火) 17:17:23.17 ID:nwO4dQVqi
- カトちゃん幸せなのかなもしかしたら、この糞嫁にもの凄い弱み握られてたりするのか?I wonder if Kato-chan is happy...
Could it be that this shi++y wife is blackmailing him or something? - 103: フォーク攻撃(やわらか銀行) 2013/09/24(火) 18:25:34.77 ID:reuXq+jM0
- まあ原価なんてこんなもん当たり前。俺なんか自営だけど商材3円で仕入れて1000円で売ってるぜ。Honestly, this is something that's just natural.
I manage my own business, purchase materials for 3 yen, and sell them for 1,000. - 107: ファルコンアロー(大阪府) 2013/09/24(火) 18:33:55.35 ID:57xT/DhW0
- 賢い商売してるじゃん原価の十倍で売るなんて普通。ただ作りました♪なんて書いたらダメだね。これは大事になるよ。That's actually a smart way of doing business.
It's normal to sell your stuff 10x more than the original price.
But you just can't say that "we made them♪" like that.
This is the important part here. - 113: デンジャラスバックドロップ(家) 2013/09/24(火) 19:44:27.02 ID:H0BbUBuC0
- 嫁の本名と実年齢はよHurry, what's the real name and age of his wife? - 120: スパイダージャーマン(千葉県) 2013/09/24(火) 20:08:15.82 ID:ktI1FmC60
- 売り文句が嘘って認めたんだね本当に作ってたら変更しなくていいもんねThey admit to falsifying it by changing their blog.
If they really made these accessories, then they wouldn't have had to change the entry. - 126: クロイツラス(東京都) 2013/09/24(火) 20:18:28.25 ID:wrQM2W0y0
- しかし、いつかバレるとは考えられなかったのかねそれともバレるまでがっぽり稼げば良いと思ったのかI wonder if they never thought that they'd be discovered one day.
Or maybe they just thought of making some profit until they get busted. - 128: キャプチュード(大阪府) 2013/09/24(火) 20:35:45.29 ID:GASHttsx0
- やったぜカトちゃんやっちまったぜカトちゃんYou did it Kato-chan!
Now you've done it Kato-chan!
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