Takeuchi is a regular on Music Station, Houdou Station Sunday, and is also the reporter for the World Swimming Championships. A former Miss Keio, her stunning looks and clean image has made her an extremely popular figure, on par with Fuji TV's Ayako Kato.
Takeuchi was seen together with a Mr. S (40), who works for TV Asahi's sports broadcasting department, essentially her boss, entering a popular spa in Roppongi in the middle of July.
"Mr. S is a big name in the field of sports, as he has had experience as the producer of the London Olympics and the Swimming World Championships. He's a tall, athletic person who even played ice hockey when he was still a student. He's good at looking after the welfare of other people, and has a charm that's irresistible to women. Ms. Takeuchi has worked with him in Houdou Station Sunday, the Swimming World Championships, and the Olympics. I wonder if they're really dating. He's married, and I think that it's just a close relationship between a woman and her boss." - (TV Asahi representative)
Mr. S' wife is former swimming olympian Tomoko Hagiwara (33), known under the pet name Hagitomo, as well as for her beautiful looks. They got to know each other during an interview in 1999 and tied the knot in 2006 after 8 years of courtship.
It might just be a case of Takeuchi asking for advice from Mr. S. The problem here though, is that the spa they entered consists entirely of private rooms, different from the other spas where men and women are separated from each other. This place is well known as a secret meeting place between couples.
The eyewitness also said that this wasn't the first time she saw these same two people enter the said establishment. TV Asahi said that they would not comment on any private matters involving their employees.
Mr. S (right)
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 09:53:55.02 ID:grhdT9NY0
- 施術者がいるんでしょ?なんで二人っきりの密室みたいな書き方してるん?馬鹿じゃねぇのThe masseuse or therapist is there too, right? Why are they writing it as if they're the only ones in the room? Are they stupid?
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:04:54.20 ID:g5p8djqm0
- >>5呼ぶまで来ないらしいよ、ほとんだラブホ状態ソースは2ちゃんI heard they don't come until you call them. It's like a motel, really. Source: 2chan.
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 09:54:09.88 ID:VsmCS53B0
- まじかよくそーFor real? Damn.
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 09:54:48.36 ID:ZfkHVZXM0
- いつもわざとパンチラしてる人かOh, the person who's always flashing her panties on purpose
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/spon_me/imgs/9/3/9312a654.jpg - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 09:56:28.09 ID:s21d1gMTO
- テレビ局員の半分以上は不倫してるから大丈夫Over half of the people working at TV stations are involved in an affair so it's alright.
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 09:57:04.11 ID:CHbRpbp8O
- 施術が終わったら二人きりでまったりできるThe 2 of you can relax and enjoy some time alone once the masseuse leaves.
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:00:55.53 ID:LkmldjsH0
- 30定年の女子アナ的には賞味期限切れる前に立ち位置確保しとかないとThese female announcers nearing the retirement age of 30 need to establish their position before they become expired goods.
- 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:02:32.18 ID:NMrSiThu0
- 完全個室のスパって…要するにラブホちゃうの?A spa with completely private rooms... In other words, a motel?
- 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:02:37.45 ID:+FpFpSrd0
- これはMステ卒業の理由か。So this is the reason why she left Music Station?
- 57: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:03:51.46 ID:2nebRn1L0
- 奥さん可哀想になあ…男としては最低ですな。I feel sorry for his wife...
He's the worst kind of man.
http://www.pref.yamanashi.jp/linear-kt/linear-fc/images/hagihara-photo2.jpg - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:03:55.70 ID:sYh5u4jh0
- 女子アナは30歳で定年だからな。Because these female announcers retire at the age of 30.
- 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:06:57.62 ID:Go5Hniiv0
- >>58テレ朝はみんな残ってるな働く方にとっては働きやすいんじゃないか。産休とって戻るし、アナウンサー同士で結婚するしBut everyone in TV Asahi still keeps working after that. I think that's a pretty good environment for those who want to work. They can get maternity leaves and return, and some even get married to other announcers.
- 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:07:29.21 ID:+qfORN9Q0
- たけうっちは上司と不倫かいかにもザ・テレビ局って感じだなあSo Takeuchi has an affair with her boss huh?
That's so cliché for these TV stations. - 96: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:10:13.63 ID:vKaaZsmv0
- そういや、Mステ降板したから金曜の夜が空いたんだなCome to think of it, she's not with Music Station anymore so she's free on Friday nights.
- 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:10:16.68 ID:ulbuu8UF0
- これはエ口いしかしこいつが美人にカテゴライズされてるのがよく分からんなよく見りゃ微妙な顔なんだがThis is erotic.But I seriously don't get why she's being categorized as a beauty. Her face isn't really that pretty when you look at her closely.
http://two-tone-cat.c.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_bec/two-tone-cat/music20110826-400bb.jpg - 103: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:11:20.46 ID:9rvP5DHK0
- 男の名前は佐藤一馬The man's name is Kazuma Sato
- 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:11:21.36 ID:ZabHWxaaO
- なぜS氏だけ実名じゃないんだ?嫁まで実名なのにwwwwWhy is Mr. S the only one whose real name isn't disclosed? Even the wife's name is in the article www
- 124: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:15:47.87 ID:byFcbjCE0
- >>105佐藤一馬って言っても誰?状態だろBecause people will just go, "Kazuma Sato? Who the f--?" even if you put the name there.
- 111: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:12:29.23 ID:tRKVMPBZ0
- せめて矢部と不倫しろよwShe should have at least got into an affair with Yabe w
http://n2.sppd.ne.jp/awg2/v-freaktv/fidol2-120224235346/fidol2-120529224559/fidol2-120529224559-pv2.jpg - 118: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:14:13.62 ID:hvcmOYIB0
- 誰か他人と間違えたに決まってる竹内が不倫などする訳ねえーThe witness must've gotten the wrong person. There's no way Takeuchi will be having an affair with someone.
- 121: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:15:32.48 ID:RtXdREaB0
- もう27歳か、今後どうするんだろ。仕切りが上手いわけでもアナウンス力があるでもなし。容姿が衰えたらオワリだよな、そりゃ枕もするかもな。She's already 27, huh? I wonder what she's planning now. It's not as if she's good at taking charge of things, nor is she even that good at reporting. It'll be the end of her once her looks deteriorate, so I guess she really has to do sexual favors.
- 130: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:17:15.15 ID:Eo2XH2oC0
- 普通のデートならまだ許したがオイルマッサージて気持ち悪すぎWe would have forgiven her if it was just a normal date, but oil massage? That's gross.
- 135: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:18:30.89 ID:Eo2XH2oC0
- しかも相手は上司社内の嫌われ者なんだろうなアナとしての実力がないしAnd the partner is her boss. She's probably hated within the office. She's not that good of an announcer either.
- 138: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:18:53.60 ID:He3y9s+o0
- 普通にオイル塗って全身絡ませてるだけだろ不倫じゃないよThey're just all covered in oil with their bodies intertwined. That's not an affair.
- 144: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:20:10.49 ID:npxy8SXa0
- 週刊ポストの写真無し記事を信じろって言うのかSo are you telling us to believe Shukan Post's article without a picture?
- 166: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:26:22.51 ID:XL2jAW1Y0
- tvkの佐藤アナの兄さんだOh, TVK's Sato-announcer's big brother
http://www3.tvk-yokohama.com/sato/vol.1_01.jpg - 175: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:27:55.61 ID:WIujbWArO
- てか竹内殺されるぞ腕力じゃ勝ち目全くないTakeuchi's gonna get killed! Her arm strength is no match for the wife!
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51fzNIVWSLL.jpg - 181: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:29:50.10 ID:Jc0/Hzd10
- Mステでパンツ見れなくなったからもう過去の人だな。違う番組でパンチラがあるなら録画するけどwShe's already a woman of the past since we can't see her panty flashes on Music Station anymore. If she still flashes her panties on other programs then I'd gladly record that w
- 204: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:34:38.20 ID:lkYBk3zZ0
- 嫁と身長変わらんね、この上司。背、低いわ。って、思ったら、嫁の身長が180越えだったわwThis boss-dude is the same height as his wife? That's short... or so I thought. The wife's over 180cm, huh w
http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/lg01/64/0000380564/13/img75d602a7v8c0n3.jpeg -
- 222: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:37:48.84 ID:0Ost0Dxb0
- >>204けっこうイケメンじゃないか。こりゃ確定だなHe's pretty good-looking. This has to be it.
- 206: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:34:49.80 ID:AoqYzJTP0
- 元ミス慶應卒業式では彼女を見るために男子学生が押し寄せた伝説の人祖父は有名作家帰国子女で英検1級すんなりキー局の女子アナ合格ニュースで「訃報」を「とほう」と読んで世間の笑い者に竹内アナってそんな人Formerly Miss Keio.
A legendary person whom even male students came to see on her graduation.
Her grandfather's a famous novelist.
She studied abroad and is certified level 1 at English proficiency.
She easily passed the test to become an announcer on this key TV station.
She read "訃報" (*Fuhou - news of death) as "Tohou" on the news and became the laughing stock of the public.
That's Ms. Takeuchi in a nutshell. -
- 226: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:38:45.47 ID:lkYBk3zZ0
- >>206でも、その有名作家の祖父の一代前は売春宿の経営者。But that famous novelist grandfather is the owner of a brothel
- 217: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 10:36:57.25 ID:ZDoYbm4m0
- 基本写真もない記事は実話レベルの妄想記事だと思うことにしてるI basically think of these articles without pictures as delusional articles on the same level as Shuukan Jitsuwa.
(Related post HERE)
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 14:45:30.44 ID:M40sDtdF0
- 萩原智子さん@swimmerhagitomo2012年07月19日 19:14:20久々にテレビ朝日の竹内由恵アナにも会えた…2012 July 19
It's been a long time since I've seen TV Asahi's Yoshie Takeuchi... She's always so cute whenever I see her (*^_^*) Let's go eat out again sometime♪
http://p.twpl.jp/show/large/GbprR?.jpg -
- 324: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 16:18:55.07 ID:e++LHLfBO
- >>8・・・・・(´;ω;`)
- 776: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 19:10:10.08 ID:kUbx4eou0
- >>8涙なしでは見れない・・・・I cannot look at this anymore without tears...
- 850: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 19:48:12.68 ID:1k+q6EXc0
- >>8うわあああああ。Uwaaaaaaaa
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 14:52:37.18 ID:n3UAesubO
- 上司とオイルマッサージいったらあかんの?So can't you go to an oil massage spa with your boss?
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 14:59:12.66 ID:yZ3ZoHZQ0
- >>44普通男の上司とオイルマッサージ行くか?俺が部下の女に誘ったら、絶対セクハラだって総務と人事に通報されるわwwWould you normally go with a male boss to an oil massage spa?
If I was the girl subordinate, I'd definitely report him to the human affairs department for sexual harassment ww
- 242: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 15:48:06.34 ID:+FhyftfZO
- この女は腹黒いよ
This woman's definitely filthy deep inside. She appeared once on Nakai's program with her brother, but the younger brother revealed that Yoshie said she'd like to marry someone who's rich and popular w
Yoshie denied it though. -
- 266: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 15:57:19.44 ID:pMaC8Xid0
- >>242別にコイツに限らず、女子アナなんてほとんどがお金と名声ある男とくっつくじゃんI don't think it's just her, but I feel all female announcers want to marry a man with money and fame.
- 289: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 16:07:46.01 ID:DbiRahah0
- >>242人気女子アナの実弟が姉の名を用い女子大生乱れ食いA popular female announcer's younger brother abuses her sister's fame and devours college girls left and right
姉弟のテレビ出演When the siblings appeared on TV together
http://uproda11.2ch-library.com/e/e00001408-1379743005.jpgこのアナというかこの姉弟は極めてタチが悪いThis announcer, rather, these siblings are pretty nasty
- 292: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 16:08:41.57 ID:3fAIJAVV0
- http://f.xup.cc/xup4X8sd3le.jpg
- 368: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 16:31:01.17 ID:3fAIJAVV0
- http://f.xup.cc/xup4X8sdddf.jpg
- 803: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 19:25:23.62 ID:leeIHdEv0
- >>368透け透けの服の下って普通キャミソールとか着るもんだろ。ブラジャーだけって凄い露出狂だな。Don't people normally wear camisoles underneath see-through blouses like this? She must really love showing off her skin if she's only wearing a bra underneath.
- 373: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 16:33:03.22 ID:MmJMcL+O0
- (゚Д゚)…Mステ降板なん?可愛くて好きだったから悲しい(゚Д゚)
...She's not on Music Station anymore?
She's cute, I liked her and this makes me sad. -
- 381: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 16:35:50.42 ID:dAw/7UFY0
- >>373降板が発表されたのは先月30日の放送。来週がラストだね。
- 419: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 16:44:48.53 ID:4tF/IdI4O
- やべっちでネタにされるなw前田アナの時はバスケットボールだったけど、竹内の場合はサラダ油になるのかYabecchi will probably make fun of this. He used a basketball during Maeda's case, I wonder if he'll use vegetable oil for this one.
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20120529/00/kyasuting023/3a/ba/j/o0800045011999152573.jpg - 462: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/21(土) 16:57:43.60 ID:wwrLaj430
- タモリ、ショックだろうな娘のように可愛がってたのに、ヌルヌルビ●チでしたTamori must be shocked.
He used to treat her like his own daughter, but she's actually a wet and wild bi+ch, huh.
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