* Drama Kami-sama no Beret Bō ~ Tezuka Osamu no Black Jack Sōsaku Hiwa * Rumiko Tezuka, Osamu Tezuka's daughter, commented on the drama on Twitter: "The more they feature Yuko Oshima, the more Osamu Tezuka and Editor-in-chief Kabemura's presence in the drama fades and loses impact..."
* Rumiko Tezuka was bashed on AKB fansites because of this.
* Rumiko answers back on Twitter: "I didn't even diss Yuko Oshima nor AKB, yet I'm being bashed by AKB fans!"
* Rumiko further comments: "I'm not dissatisfied with Yuko Oshima being cast here, not at all. In fact, I'm grateful."
* She kept tweeting throughout the show, such as, "My father drew 5x faster than your average manga artist, but in return, he accepts 10x more work", when the scene in the drama showed the editors saying that Tezuka Osamu wasn't finishing his work on time.
* The manga artists she knew were also tweeting as the show progressed, but Rumiko suddenly tweeted: "It seems like the manga artists watching the show are giving up on it one after another...". Then when Osamu on the drama said, "If I can do it, then so can you", Rumiko once again tweeted: "To the manga artists who stopped watching, this is where the important message lies!"
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:32:30.21 ID:tOnPSr4j0
- AKBヲタキモすぎAKB wotas are so gross
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:32:44.29 ID:xv1SguKt0
- まったくAKBファンのキモオタには困ったものだ実に気持ち悪いThese AKB kimo-otas are really troublesome. They're so gross.
- 6 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/09/26(木) 00:32:48.65 ID:rqiLEeww0
- 手塚の遺産で食ってるやつが偉そうにWhat's up with this person who's eating off Tezuka's fortune acting all high and mighty?
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:34:02.48 ID:sQJFTPh/0
- いちいちめんどくせーAhhh, everything's just so troublesome
- 13 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/09/26(木) 00:35:20.24 ID:nKV5SmEVP
- これを見ても大島優子がブスと言えるの?
Can you still call Yuko Oshima ugly after seeing these pictures
- 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:37:38.00 ID:6Q3C4B/n0
- いちいちヲタが批判してたら大島の仕事が減るぞ迷惑だなーOshima will lose projects if the wotas just bash things left and right.
That's really troublesome on her part. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:39:42.03 ID:8hwocsVx0
- ジャニヲタ並みだなアイドルヲタは本当にどうしようもないThat's as bad as the Johnny-wotas.
There's really no helping these idol-wotas. - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:40:08.19 ID:v4CLw5Rc0
- 確かに大島目線で手塚を見るような構成はつまらなくて途中で脱落した。True though that I was bored since they were telling the story of Osmau Tezuka as seen through the eyes of Oshima's role. I stopped watching midway.
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:42:33.23 ID:Y1Qznp7k0
- 草なぎはがんばっていたけれども、大島は酷過ぎた。何だあれ。Kusanagi did well, but Oshima was horrible. What was that?
http://tvcap.info/2013/9/24/130924-2105190943.jpg - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:42:47.87 ID:CdB3zmRE0
- 原作はいいんだけどね。The original of this is pretty good, though
- 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:43:34.16 ID:sPeNn3lz0
- せっかくの面白い題材を無駄にしてたな・・・さすがフジという作りだったThey just ruined the interesting material that they had...
As expected of Fuji. - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:44:46.16 ID:zkQrRcbj0
- 漫画のBJ創作秘話はかなり面白いのに、台無しだったねフジテレビだけじゃなく関西テレビも制作能力無いんだなって思ったプロデューサーが悪いのかディレクターが悪いのか脚本家が悪いのかはしらんがSecrets about Black Jack's production was an interesting theme, but it was all ruined.
I really feel that both Fuji TV and Kansai TV don't have the proper ability to produce shows properly.
I'm not sure who's to blame though, if it's the producer, the director, or the scriptwriter. - 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:47:01.89 ID:pd2w7/0a0
- AKBヲタも嵐ヲタと変わらんなwwwジャニとAKB最初から出さない選択出来ないのかよAKB wotas are no different from Arashi wotas www
Isn't there an option of not casting anyone from Johnny's or AKB? - 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:48:02.41 ID:V8Bh3XzX0
- 原作そのままやったほうが良かったかもな本物インタビューを交えてさIt would have been better if they stayed loyal to the original, mixed in with real interviews
- 102: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:52:26.81 ID:zkQrRcbj0
- >>75俺もそういうドキュメンタリーっぽいほうが良かった気がするI feel that a documentary-like program would have been better
- 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:48:54.57 ID:ll6I7bSc0
- 顔面センターさんのほうがおとなしそうだし、よっぽど利口そうだなMs. facial center seems like she's kinder, and smarter
http://blog.zige.jp/resources/member/005/282/1094472/iwxEetMb.jpg - 91: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:50:30.46 ID:rrbaEYLi0
- AKBオタに因縁付けられたのは気の毒だが記事読んでるとなんかこいつも上から目線だな凄いのはお前の父親であってお前じゃねーからI feel sorry for her that the AKB wotas held some sort of grudge against her, but when I read the article, it also felt like she was looking down on everyone. It's your father who was amazing, not you.
- 96: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:51:31.53 ID:cFUL2HoGi
- ブラックジャック好きだから楽しみにしてたのに見逃した。面白かった?I like Black Jack so I looked forward to this so much, but I missed it.
Was it any good? -
- 111: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:5) 2013/09/26(木) 00:54:36.92 ID:cTRs7nGp0
- >>96ブラックジャック好きなら見なくて正解ブラックジャックのブの字も無いし、大島メインの学芸会ドラマ草なぎ手塚は単なる脇If you like Black Jack then you were right not to watch it.
There isn't even a trace of Black Jack in it, as it just felt like a school drama with Oshima as the main character.
Kusanagi as Tezuka was just a supporting character.
- 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:54:21.53 ID:4x0pRtUi0
- 大島って華がないんだよね脇役向きなんだよ石原とかさ堀北とかさその辺りみたいな華がないOshima just doesn't have that glamour about her.
She's more suited for supporting roles.
She doesn't have that glamour that Ishihara, Horikita, people like those have. - 117: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:55:26.52 ID:H8JoSYWe0
- しかしジャニとAKBって完全に提携状態だなファン同士は思いっきり憎しみあってそうなのが笑えるけどBut it seems like Johnny's and AKB are totally supporting one another, huh.
It's funny though, since it feels like the fans of both sides probably hate each other's guts. - 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 00:57:09.29 ID:/1a/yNsw0
- ジャニ、吉本、AKBとりあえずこの辺はいらん、見る気失くすヲタがどっか攻撃に行ったりとか更に見る気失くすJohnny's, Yoshimoto, AKB.
Anything with these involved makes me lose interest in watching.
And when the wotas start attacking other parties, then it makes me lose interest further. - 144: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 01:02:16.89 ID:k7OoplT40
- どっちもどっち低レベルの争いだねSame difference, both sides have their shortcomings.
Such a low-level argument. - 151: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 01:03:45.06 ID:PyNjWfZg0
- 全集400巻持ってる程度のファンだが、見なくて正解だったようだな。I'm a fan who has about 400 of his comic books, but it seems like I made the right choice in choosing not to watch this.
- 153: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 01:04:52.24 ID:Wf4Sy5/V0
- >>151草薙が出てるだけで、手塚治虫を演じていない見なくて正解だったよかなりガッカリしたKusanagi was just in there, and it seemed like he wasn't able to portray Osamu Tezuka properly.
You were right not to watch. It was really disappointing.
- 164: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 01:07:00.27 ID:yDmRWPkn0
- 20分見てつまらなすぎて見るのやめた。大島ばかりで手塚もブラックジャックも殆ど出てこないんだもの。I got bored after 20 minutes and stopped watching.
It felt like it was all about Oshima, while Tezuka and Black Jack weren't shown that much. - 170: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 01:08:39.86 ID:cJfw5GGuO
- 草薙の方がどーみても酷かったろ。ジャニオタとAKBオタは糞だな、ゴーリキオタ見習えKusanagi was the worse one here, no matter how you look at it.
Jani-otas and AKB-otas are shi+e. Why don't you take the example of Gouriki-otas. - 178: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 01:10:31.63 ID:Fw7+lL7z0
- 草なぎが主役かと思ったら、あれじゃ大島が主役じゃん…I thought Kusanagi was the lead, but Oshima looked like the lead from whatever angle you looked at it
http://tvcap.info/2013/9/24/130924-2242550249.jpg - 184: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 01:11:55.37 ID:R5cfeelu0
- びっくりするほどつまらなかった草なぎも大島もミスキャストだと思ったが誰がやっても無理It was so surprisingly boring.
I thought Kusanagi and Oshima were miscast, but it would probably have had the same effect no matter who was in it. - 203: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:5) 2013/09/26(木) 01:17:43.66 ID:cTRs7nGp0
- 見る人によっては、手塚治虫をバカにされた感じがするかも大島を削って草なぎ手塚にスポット当ててれば、少しはマシだったはずIt could have even looked like they were making fun of Osamu Tezuka depending on who was watching it.
It would have probably been a bit more decent if they reduced Oshima's roles a little and focused some more on Kusanagi. - 212: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 01:19:36.89 ID:95ruIrAr0
- 漫画の方は熱が伝わって面白かったけどドラマはなーThe manga was more interesting as you could feel the passion, but the drama...
- 245: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:5) 2013/09/26(木) 01:29:59.05 ID:cTRs7nGp0
- こういうのはフジなんかの民放にやらせちゃダメNHKにドキュメンタリー風にやらせるのが一番You shouldn't let commercial broadcasting stations like Fuji do shows like this.
It's best to just let NHK do documentaries of this. - 276: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 01:38:39.87 ID:VpSjgDov0
- 出演者を見て、放送局を見て、観るのやめたわ。Saw the cast, saw the TV station, and decided not to watch.
- 288: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 01:42:31.00 ID:9DxQ1uzy0
- >>276同じくwLikewise w
- 302: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/26(木) 01:45:25.95 ID:wqz5y3eb0
- 大島って女版香川照之目指してるんだったなOshima seems like she's aiming for the female version of Teruyuki Kagawa
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