Becky approached Nakai, saying that there's this serious problem that she has about marrying the man she loves and wants to discuss with him. Nakai's first reply was, "I don't think I'm the one you're supposed to be discussing this with. You should talk this over with people who are really close to you like Aya Ueto. You have the wrong person. I don't have the confidence that I will be able to answer your question". But the look on his face changed at Becky's next words.
Becky said: "My agency said they can't look after me if I get married. It means that I'm getting fired...". To this, Nakai responded: "You can't think of having both at the same time. You need to be prepared to lose one or the other. You've entered that sort of industry. You cannot have everything. Didn't you join the showbiz world with that kind of resolve?"
Becky then asked: "Nakai-san, why aren't you getting married?". Nakai just dismissed it with, "Because I don't have a partner!". Then he added, "It's not something that you should do when you feel like doing it, it's something that you do when the right time comes, whether I'll be 50 or 60 by that time, then that's that". "Honestly, I don't think Johnny's will have anything to say if I tell them that I want to get married. But I'm a man so I have to keep on working, so I probably don't want to be tied down by marriage, like living together and stuff".
Nakai then concluded it by saying, "I think it's fine, why don't you go marry him? But you should properly tell your agency that you want to get married no matter what. If they tell you that you're fired, then you should accept that decision in good spirits". "If I just tell Johnny's that 'I'll be getting married tomorrow', then I'm sure they'll panic. You are still maintaining a certain amount of distance with this agency that has taken care of you, so you also have to reciprocate in accordance with that distance. It'll be rude on your agency so don't cause them trouble.".
People who watched this gave their thoughts on Twitter:
"Nakai-kun's so kind! I'd fall in love with him if he did that to me!"
"He's seriously so cool."
"The way he thinks is amazing."
"He made me feel how gallant someone is who has a strong resolve."
"Nakai-kun, wow. And I like how he doesn't put that forth all the time. I think he's godly for a human being."
- 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:25:02.14 ID:WBPa9u9B0
- こんなんでジャニヲタ騙せるから楽勝だよなIt must really be easy since he can fool the Jani-wotas with something like this
- 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:25:07.75 ID:54fzAQZB0
- 台本ですAccording to script
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:25:27.60 ID:d5kO7Yf0P
- 良かったよな、あれ女の相談なんて、実は自分で答を出していて同意を求めているだけ中居は背中を押して欲しいんだろ?と核心をついていた。で、結婚したい ⇒ じゃあすれば?仕事続けたい ⇒ じゃあ仕事すれば?心の奥の本音に従えって言う、実にスッキリとした答えだ。あと、彼より昔から世話になっている仕事仲間に仁義を通せって言葉、良かったなThat was really good.
Women who are asking for advice actually already have their own answer to their problems, they just want other people to agree to them.
Nakai understood that and went straight to the point.
"I want to get married" ⇒ Then get married
"I want to keep working" ⇒ Then why don't you keep working?
It's a refreshing answer, telling her to just follow her heart and do what she really wants.
And his words about paying respect to the co-workers who have taken care of her was really nice. -
- 159: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 14:17:24.04 ID:ijqR0kS00
- >>8記事よりも分かりやすく的確な説明!That's easier to understand and a much more concise explanation than the article!
- 426: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 19:25:14.10 ID:LhzVddfT0
- >>8台本が有った可能性も高いが、中居なら言いそうだし、そうやって生きてきた感じがするドラマとしても、教訓としてもいいコーナーだった。I do feel that there's a high chance that this was scripted, but this is definitely something that Nakai would say, and I feel that this is how he lived his life. As a drama or as a lecture, this was a really good corner on the show.
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:25:41.13 ID:Ff83VFoU0
- 別に普通の答えだと思うが他にどんな回答がある結婚するな。ってかwI think this was a normal answer.
Then what other responses would have been possible? Like "Don't get married!" or something? -
- 557: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/14(土) 01:47:49.49 ID:1YW6txxl0
- >>9辻と太陽夫婦なんか仕事ほっぽってデキ婚したやんああいうアホなデキ婚野郎が多い芸能界Because there are a lot of foolish shotgun marriages in the showbiz world like Tsuji and Taiyo who just neglected work.
- 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:27:03.81 ID:r1AkZZHZ0
- 映画の宣伝、ヤラセにきまってるだろwIt's probably scripted for the promotion of his film w
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:27:21.05 ID:CSe9wUDa0
- 脚本作った奴を褒めろよwPeople should be praising the guy who wrote his script w
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:27:51.68 ID:tGu+7R7rO
- ちょっとATARUの番宣クドすぎやしないか。Don't you think this ATARU promotion is too obnoxious? - 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:28:10.74 ID:Pm+5W4tv0
- もう40すぎだろ。世間の同世代と比較すればこんなもんだよ。むしろ保守的だなって驚くんじゃないかって思ったけどな。He's over 40 already, so I think even people from his generation would think similarly. I actually thought that people would be more surprised at how conservative he is.
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:29:40.23 ID:Ff83VFoU0
- 出川じゃないけどある程度のベテランなら隠しカメラがあるかどうかなんて簡単に分かるだろwHe isn't Degawa, but I think these veterans can easily tell if there are any hidden cameras around. - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:32:40.31 ID:HFxmXLvG0
- 40超えても1グループ1人しか結婚許さない異常な事務所の論理が正論なわけないBut I don't think that the logic of this crazy agency, who only permits 1 person per group to get married even when they're over 40, is correct.
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:33:41.15 ID:k4zD/u390
- ジャニーズってガチのドッキリOKなの?Does Johnny's allow their talents to be in serious candid camera shows?
- 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:34:04.24 ID:qajnvRD10
- つかコイツ、中絶させたゴミじゃなかったっけ仁義はどうやって通したのん?wBut isn't this the scumbag who had abortion?
How does he have honor in that? w -
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:34:27.83 ID:Ko4g+wIT0
- >>43でやっと中絶ネタが出たAaaand we finally have someone here who brings up the abortion thing.
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:38:23.98 ID:E8zl63+j0
- 騒いでるのは主にジャニオタやジャニーズの工作員だろwBut the people praising him are mainly Jani-otas or Johnny's paid agents, right?
- 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:40:50.40 ID:l6PRMxtGO
- なぜ中居をターゲットにしたのかわからんのか?台本ありきの映画の宣伝に決まってるだろバーカDon't you guys know why they made Nakai as their target?
Since it's for the promotion of his movie you blockheads. -
- 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:45:45.91 ID:vFiotgx/0
- >>62そもそも”素のリアクション”すら台本あったんじゃないのかとThere might really be a script for "acting naturally" even
- 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:43:33.04 ID:XX3uv9hF0
- ベッキーがしつこくって気持ち悪かったうぜえわとしか思ってなかったと思うBut Becky was so persitent, it was gross.
Nakai was probably thinking, "This girl's so annoying". - 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:44:29.13 ID:B9knXjme0
- 絶対気付いてるだろ中居だてに長いこと芸能界にいないNakai must've definitely noticed the cameras rolling.
He hasn't been in the showbiz world that long for nothing. - 86: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:46:02.15 ID:B9knXjme0
- 中居は計算高いからなあBacause Nakai's a calculating fellow
- 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:51:39.93 ID:6oDAwu8mO
- 楽屋にベッキーが相談に来るって時点で違和感あるだろwWasn't there already something wrong with it the moment Becky came to ask for his advice in the dressing room? w
- 113: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:58:49.17 ID:7YRbSQ6s0
- バラエティにガチのどっきりは存在しない相手が大物なら尚更、しかも中居はクッキー食べる時に数回目でカメラ確認してたしThere are no real candid camera moments in these variety shows.
Especially when you're trying to pull this off at someone as huge as him. And he already confirmed the camera locations a number of times while he was eating the cookies. - 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 13:59:14.68 ID:c8ENMcji0
- 中居に事前に説明してないわけないだろ。There's no way they didn't explain this to Nakai beforehand.
- 121: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 14:00:58.61 ID:W3hCu9Ir0
- 昔キンキキッズがチンピラに絡まれて剛がいきがってる企画もあったけどあれも完全に台本だからなA long time ago, there was a segment where KinKi Kids were approached by some thugs, and Tsuyoshi was acting all cool. But that was also entirely according to a script.
- 155: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 14:15:26.20 ID:TAMmmewBO
- 中居は昔からドッキリの常連。騙されたふりなんてわけないよ。本当こういう芝居は上手いwNakai has always been a regular on candid camera. Acting like he was fooled is a piece of cake to him. He's really good at handling stuff like this. w
- 164: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 14:19:33.56 ID:XNs9Cdih0
- 台本かそうでないかは知らないけど、カメラには気付いてたねガチのドッキリはSMAP様()には仕掛けられないI don't know if it's scripted or not, but it did seem like he noticed the camera.
I don't think you'll be able to do serious hidden camera pranks on SMAP-sama. - 165: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 14:19:38.03 ID:MN1qSzfE0
- 事務所に無断で中田氏婚した赤西にも何か言ってやれHe should also say something to Akanishi who had that shotgun marriage without any consent from the agency.
- 175: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 14:23:33.87 ID:jpWjrW380
- >>165グループ抜けたり戻ってきたりする赤西に「メンバーは都合のいい女じゃねーんだよ!」とは言ったよHe did tell Akanishi who left the group and came back that,
"The other members aren't women whom you can use conveniently!".
- 177: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 14:23:46.57 ID:aGv/Anfi0
- おれもイベントで巣の中居みたことあるけどこの人はホント性格いいと思うペーペーのバイトかなんかにも凄い気さくに且つ配慮して接してたからなI did see Nakai in his essence during an event and I really believe that he's got a great attitude. He was even so nice and amiable to the newbie part-timer there.
- 205: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 14:41:41.47 ID:LbKml3uU0
- 女が芸能人やるのってそんなに男関係タブーなのか処女厨じゃあるまいしブリブリアイドル以外はいいんじゃねえのAre these female talents really not allowed to have relations with other men?
I'm not one of those clamoring for virginity, but I think this is fine except for those young idols. -
- 211: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 14:44:02.13 ID:5GuDdhD5i
- >>205正直ベッキーがあそこまで男関係気にするのは意味分からん他に意識すべきタレントは山ほどいるだろうにwSeriously, I also don't get why someone like Becky would be so concerned about relationships with men. There are a lot of other talents who should be more concerned about it other than her w
- 229: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 14:53:58.13 ID:NIKNmMDl0
- 映画の公開直前はこんなんばっかり10月の改編期を目前に、これからはうんざりするほど新ドラマの番宣が続くよどこまでも、いつでも、どこでも、どの局もThey always do stuff like this before the movies are shown.
With the new season about to start in October, expect all these annoying promotional gimmicks for dramas to continue.
No matter how much, whenever, wherever, or whatever TV station it may be. - 241: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 15:07:50.25 ID:k1MHKRDPO
- どっちにしろヤラセなら中居が芝居うまいって事だWhatever the case, it just means that Nakai's a good actor if this was scripted.
- 242: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 15:08:49.74 ID:AGDuxaxwO
- クッキーのくだりは中居にこれはドッキリだと教えるためだな教えとかないと親身に人の話なんか聞かないからThe one about the cookie was a strategy for them to tell Nakai that he's on candid camera.
Else, he won't listen to other people talking so kindly like that. - 247: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 15:12:38.81 ID:kFFHsQsl0
- ジャニーズって喫煙シーン問題ないのか・・・・まぁ20位のお兄ちゃんでもないし40過ぎのおっさんだから問題ないかSo isn't there a problem when Johnny's talents do smoking scenes?...
Well, he's not a youngster in his 20s; he's an old dude in his 40s already, so there's probably no issue there. -
- 250: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 15:13:49.02 ID:w9w4EDTki
- >>247前のSMAP5人旅でも中居だけ飯の時普通にタバコすってたなEven when all 5 members of SMAP went to travel, it was only Nakai who smoked.
- 277: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 15:51:17.49 ID:eXOYNNCri
- 普通の事だけど、最近のガキは筋を通したり配慮したり、恩に報いるという考えが無いから、凄いことのように映るんだな。It's actually a normal thing, but it seems that kids these days don't even think about giving consideration or repaying good deeds, so it may seem so great to them.
- 281: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 15:52:45.14 ID:665adrtv0
- 普通の対応だと思うけど、、、中居だから意外性があって当たり前のこと言っててもよく見えるってこと?つかそれよりベッキーうざいI think what he did was pretty normal...
Is it just that people were surprised because it was Nakai, and it'd look good even if he just said something normal?
Anyway, Becky was so annoying in that one. - 314: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 16:28:29.52 ID:di4CeMLx0
- これだなThis one
- 602: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/14(土) 10:22:21.79 ID:vdrcjZsDi
- >>314ありがとうThank you
- 326: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/13(金) 16:44:48.80 ID:ZSJ1UoZH0
- 普通すぎて何がなんだかオレが同じようなこと言ったらキメーとかになんだろうな(/_;)It's too normal so I'm really at a loss here.
But then if I said the same thing, people would probably think I'm gross (/_;)
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