Kis-My-Ft2's Yuta Tamamori has previously been linked to Akina Minami and Miori Takimoto, but the September 17 issue of Shuukan Josei has a scoop on Tamamori's recent love life.
According to an acquaintance, Tamamori had a commoner girlfriend but broke up with her due to them not seeing eye to eye. Recently, Tamamori has been dating a certain Ms. A who works in the line of cosmetology.
The pictures in this issue include Ms. A entering Tamamori's apartment building which was taken on the 3rd, and a picture of Tamamori and A-san going home together on the 5th, right after the first day of Tamamori's stage play DREAM BOYS JET.
Continued in >>2
- 2: れいおφ ★ 2013/09/17(火) 14:02:53.25 ID:???0
- "Tamamori is a central figure in Kis-My, and the general public probably knows him best of all the Kis-My members due to his constant work in movies and dramas as an actor. A scandal at such an important time like this in his career will most likely damage his reputation." - (Geinou pro representative)
Tamamori has been in 2 serial dramas this year, the first being Nobunaga no Chef (TV Asahi) and his first ever leading role in Pintokona (TBS), which unfortunately hasn't been blessed with ratings. Kis-My is the group that's currently being pushed the most, and is supposed to be well-prepared to deal with scandals, but...
"SMAP's manager Ms. Michi Iijima, who also handles Kis-My's affairs, has been busy with Takuya Kimura's and Tsuyoshi Kusanagi's dramas for the next season, campaigning for Masahiro Nakai's movie ATARU, as well as promoting SMAP. The moment she takes her eyes off Kis-My, this happens. Kis-My has apparently been preparing a surprise for the fans, but a romance scandal at a timing like this is certain to shake things up within the agency." - (Geinou pro representative)
There was also a motel picture of Toshiya Miyata recently, and the group's recent string of mishaps and lack of control seems to be standing out as they're getting more popular. - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:05:04.85 ID:zyjlJGXG0
- ジャニーズの熱愛写真が載るときは、何かの裏工作でこう言う写真が出る。本当はもっとやばい写真があるんだけど、こっちになった。Whenever Johnny's scandal pictures are on the tabloids, there seems to be some fixing going on behind the scenes, and only pictures like this get leaked out.
I suppose there are bigger, more scandalous pictures, but they end up using these ones. - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:05:13.95 ID:0nbPZEJ70
- 小雪似て事は般若似て事?So if she looks like Koyuki, then does it mean she looks like a hannya mask? - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:06:41.89 ID:5x1rQaIY0
- アッキーナと噂あったよな?Weren't there rumors about him and Akkina?対人関係.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/WS000311.jpg -
- 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:16:59.97 ID:bTkw3Xh+0
- >>10魚顔同士でお似合いだったのにねTo think that they looked good together, as they both looked like fish
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:07:41.39 ID:OE9vR6SC0
- 小雪似美女って矛盾してね?"A beautiful girl who looks like Koyuki", isn't that contradicting?
- 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:09:19.33 ID:liuFwKEW0
- こいつが抜けたら他のブサメンバーだけじゃやっていけないThe other members won't survive if this guy ever leaves the group - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:11:35.41 ID:OWxErmS80
- ご結婚おめでとうございますCongratulations on your marriage
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:14:55.86 ID:ozIEedtg0
- さかなくんみたいな顔したやつかwアレがイケメン扱いっておかしいよなあAh, the guy who looks like Sakana-kun?
It's weird that they're regarding someone like him as an ikemen. -
- 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:39:01.88 ID:jOhTK9+c0
- >>31玉森も魚系だけど、さかなくんは中山優馬じゃね?Tamamori also looks like a fish, but isn't Yuma Nakayama the one who looks like Sakana-kun?
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:15:42.14 ID:tUJTlQGi0
- ジャニオタ逝ったああああRest in pieces Jani-otaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:17:06.29 ID:CR+PtV6h0
- ずっと一般人と付き合ってきたのなら、放っといてあげればいいのになーと思わなくもないBut if he's been dating a commoner, then I think everyone should just let him be.
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:18:05.15 ID:MxAFj8U20
- そうえいばメンバーに小雪っぽい顔のやついなかったっけ。オタクのやつ。Oh right, didn't one of the members resemble Koyuki?
The otaku guy. -
- 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:22:44.21 ID:UuCO7s1BO
- >>38あぁ、いるね。昔のドラマ『スクールウォーズ』のイソップと小雪を足して割ったようなヤツ。名前…。宮本?宮田?のどっちかだよね?Oh, right.
The guy in School Wars, the one who looked like a cross between Aesop and Koyuki.
The name is... Miyamoto? Miyata? Whichever, right?
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:24:56.92 ID:wr5/qULe0
- 最近のジャニは小粒過ぎるだろ大したイケメンでもないしAll these recent Janis are small fry.
There's no big-time ikemen. - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:26:13.55 ID:PcIwlZrc0
- そんなことより、大物ジャニの結婚って話はどこにいったんだよWhatever happened to the huge Johnny's talent who's supposed to get married? (Related post HERE) - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:28:07.15 ID:EwnwZOBJ0
- 有村架純と付き合ってるやつが一番勝ち組だわThe guy who's dating Kasumi Arimura is the biggest winner
(Related post HERE) -
- 176: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 18:39:03.50 ID:OERhWfHI0
- >>48岡本健一の息子Kenichi Okamoto's son
- 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:37:03.27 ID:jOhTK9+c0
- >メンバーの宮田俊介のラブホテル写真が流出相手の女が実は玉森目当てだったのが発覚したやつか> There was also a motel picture of Toshiya Miyata recently
The one where the girl was actually after Tamamori, right?
(Related post HERE) - 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:41:14.64 ID:d1kFn5BP0
- 小雪がいつから美女になったん
Since when did Koyuki become a beauty? - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:47:00.93 ID:HhAyVSeyO
- こんなにガツガツ系とは思わなかったから正直ビックリ…。造られたイメージだったんだね仕事終わって即効着替えて彼女迎えにいくっていう…ちょっと萎えた。I never thought that he was the aggressive type so I'm honestly surprised here...
So it was just a fabricated image, huh.
So he immediately gets dressed after work and goes to his girlfriend huh... I'm a bit turned off. -
- 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 15:10:24.39 ID:d1kFn5BP0
- >>65この年齢の男ならどんなおとなしい奴でも頭の中はヤることでいっぱいだよThe heads of boys at this age is all but filled with lustful thoughts, no matter how quiet they may seem.
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:51:31.71 ID:ZoahGp9e0
- ワイドショーでは一切触れられないから、広まりませんwジャニは強いBut this will never be touched on by the gossip shows so it won't spread out too much.
Johnny's is strong enough to do that. - 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 14:56:46.99 ID:Au+rnutG0
- 売りたいのに売れないから大変だねMust be really hard since they're trying to sell him, yet he isn't selling at all
- 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 15:03:19.12 ID:ao5KZG2U0
- >小雪似美女
> A beauty who looks like Koyuki
? - 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 15:07:00.63 ID:IBv/HWMs0
- こいつだけイケメンだしなハゲそうだけどHe's the only ikemen of the bunch.
But he seems like he'll eventually go bald. - 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 15:12:16.82 ID:ETXJFdVN0
- キスマイの中ではイケメンだけど目が離れてる魚顔だよねHe's an ikemen within Kis-My, but his eyes are far apart and he's got a fish face.
- 91: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 15:21:44.27 ID:auvbx6C00
- 女アイドルが熱愛発覚したらヲタが発狂して推し変したりするけどジャニヲタはそういうの無いのかなIn girl idol's cases, the wotas go wild whenever they have scandals and move on to favor other idols, but isn't that the case for Jani-wotas?
- 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 15:38:11.15 ID:zxjm8G8S0
- キスマイ今人気あるけどやっぱりイケメンが居ないのキツいわwキムタクみたいなの一人は入れとけよKis-my may be popular right now, but it's pretty tough that there's no ikemen within the group. w
They should put someone like KimuTaku in there. - 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 15:48:47.12 ID:qHTBE8MzO
- こういうのって絶対 なんちゃら似の美女って言わなきゃいけないルールがあんのか?Is there a rule when reporting stuff like this that the partner is "a beauty who looks like (insert name here)"?
- 102: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 15:49:39.44 ID:3AAXJekUO
- 小雪似の美女しゃくれ?A beauty who looks like Koyuki---
So she has a long chin? -
- 112: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 16:02:04.83 ID:UuCO7s1BO
- >>102シャクレで鼻が矢印↓って事になるんだろうな。She probably has a protruding chin with her nose pointing ↓
- 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 15:55:21.10 ID:bmuC3mny0
- 玉森ってあれでしょ?黄金伝説の玉ねぎくんTamamori is Tamanegi-kun in Ougon Densetsu, right? - 110: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 16:00:29.82 ID:7uHmvquY0
- ドラマ最終回前の宣伝ですよファンの方は気にしないでくださいIt's just a promotional gimmick right before the finale of the drama.
Fans shouldn't be too concerned about this. - 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 16:08:41.30 ID:AcKj61sx0
- イケメン(ただしキスマイに限る)Ikemen (only within Kis-My) - 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 16:14:03.33 ID:NKOwDNA/0
- ジャニって昔から熱愛ネタこんなポンポン出てたっけ昔より緩くなった?色んな意味でDid Johnny's always have this many romantic scandals in the past?
It seems like they became more "loose" than before, in a lot of different ways. -
- 128: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 16:19:19.01 ID:VC9PZO1w0
- >>125やってる量で言えば諸星あたりの方が多そうネットが広まったせいではBut I think Morohoshi and the like have more scandals like this.
It's just because we're in the Internet age.
- 144: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 16:38:16.75 ID:WBRPB/3iO
- キスマイの中ではこいつが一番真面目で堅そうにみえたのだが、間違いだったなI always had the impression that this guy was the smartest and most serious Kis-My member. So that was false, huh.
- 145: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 16:39:24.88 ID:/ZWLlJu50
- キスマイって不細工がいるイメージなんだけど誰が誰かわからないんで全員不細工にまとめられちゃうかわいそうなグループKis-My has this ugly image attached to them, but I do feel sorry for them since the general public can't put the names to their faces so everyone is generalized as ugly.
- 162: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 17:24:50.16 ID:JmDmHHyt0
- キスマイBUSAIKUでコイツと藤ヶ谷はいつもランキング上位なのは女の扱いに慣れてるから普通にいても当たり前だろうしBut this guy, along with Fujigaya, is always on top of the rankings in Kis-My BUSAIKU because they're used to dealing with women, so it's just normal that he has one himself.
- 173: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/17(火) 17:53:38.03 ID:mc2I4UQF0
- 低視聴率だから必死ですねLooks like they're pretty desperate because of the low ratings
I don't know who he is, but serves you right Jani-wotas!
Help me!!
He's young so it's alright.
I bet he has one or two girlfriends.
Johnny's talents won't fall that easily just because of some scandal.
They'll even use that to increase their name value. That agency is really good at controlling information. And the more damaging an article is, the more these delusional fans stick by them and think, "I need to stand by him!".
Ms. Iijima has always had this tendency to treat these scandals as some sort of publicity stunt. It's like she doesn't care about the feelings of the fans as long as people start talking about it. And it's so obvious since she's teamed up with that disgusting Akimoto and his groups. I think she's trying to further extend SMAP's life in the frontlines by making use of AKB, Kis-my, and other private matters. She doesn't think of the feelings of the fans.
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