- (neighbor)
Ringo Sheena has just celebrated the 15th anniversary of her career, but there have been no reports about her marriage nor of giving birth. Sheena previously has a son with her former husband, guitarist Junji Yayoshi, in 2001. The couple parted ways in 2002.
Sheena has raised her son (12) as a single mother. If she did have a second baby, then who could the father be? (Continued on >>2)
- 2: 禿の月φ ★ 2013/09/03(火) 00:14:06.21 ID:???P
- "Sheena-san has been in a relationship with the music video director for Tokyo Jihen, Mr. Yuichi Kodama, for 2 years now." - (music industry insider)
The two are apparently in a "de facto marriage" as they have been living together, and this man is likely the father of her new baby. In late August, Sheena and Mr. Kodama appeared in the parking lot of an Italian restaurant which is 5 minutes away from Sheena's home in Saitama. Mr. Kodama was pushing a stroller with a baby who looked about 4 months-old. The baby already had hair, and the eyebrows resembled the first son's. The 4 entered the restaurant, and Kodama and Sheena sat facing each other. The stroller was beside Kodama while Sheena was sitting beside her son. They looked like nothing but a happy and loving family. After having their lunch, the reporter went to Sheena for an interview.
---I apologize for barging into your private family time. Congratulations on giving birth to your second child.
"Ha? You must have the wrong person."
---Ms. Sheena Ringo, right?
"Wrong", was what Sheena said without even hiding her face.
---I was hoping to get some new info about you.
"You've got the wrong person!" - 112: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:04:13.36 ID:aFhMrge30
- お相手の方とのツーショット2-shot with the partner
http://www.ringoweb.net/imgboard/img-box/img20130425014040.jpg -
- 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:12:13.99 ID:FO4vIqbQ0
- >>112夜逃げみたいwIt's like a moonlight escape act w
- 245: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 03:12:10.65 ID:octHww/O0
- >>112これ6,70年代の写真に見えるなLooks like a picture from the '60s or the '70s
- 532: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 13:01:45.57 ID:NXXgUePc0
- >>112妊婦だねShe looks pregnant
- 537: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 13:08:06.76 ID:LouvVM+x0
- >>112なんで靴が脱げてるんだ?wWhy isn't she wearing her shoe? w
- 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:20:39.15 ID:7+7YrXOk0
- 事実婚って何?ただの同棲じゃないの?What's a de facto marriage?
Isn't it just living together? -
- 229: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 02:29:44.85 ID:FIghKUwv0
- >>10確か3年?以上同棲してると事実婚扱いになるらしい。I heard that they treat it as a de facto marriage if you've living together for more than 3 years (?)
- 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:21:30.25 ID:CTCyFJRo0
- あの芸風でパパラッチに違いますぅとか言ってるのなんか笑えるなwI don't know why but saying "You've got the wrong person" in that manner to a paparazzi makes me laugh w
- 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:26:00.40 ID:RWOAmAER0
- 児玉&椎名Kodama and Sheena
http://www.emimusic.jp/tokyojihen/cschannel/lib/images/img_interview_ill.jpgなんか見たことあるI feel like I've seen this somewhere before -
- 86: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:51:38.50 ID:lLbddLpy0
- >>25なんか整形前の顔に戻ってきてないか?Has her face returned to how it was before her plastic surgery?
- 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:52:48.16 ID:IGtFusmz0
- >>25男の人は、マジでどこ見てんのかわかんなくて、気持ち悪くて正視できない。しかし、東京事変じゃなくて東京次男になっていたとはな。I seriously don't know what the man is looking at, it's creeping me out and I can't look directly at him.
So it's not Tokyo Jihen, but Tokyo Jinan, huh.
(*Jinan = 2nd son)
- 296: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 05:45:04.53 ID:ji9xztjS0
- >>25…なんでだよ林檎さん俺じゃダメなのかよWhat's the matter Ringo-san...
Am I not good enough for you?
- 351: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 07:18:21.62 ID:YhDn1YjL0
- >>25林檎が手島なんとかに見えたRingo looks like Tejima-something to me
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:27:25.09 ID:7WAWkJfI0
- ジャッキー・チェンのお師匠さんじゃないか!Why, if it isn't Jackie Chan's master!
http://shuffle.genkosha.com/picture/img_products_cinemaeos02_04.jpg -
- 127: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:14:02.86 ID:4A5IctUM0
- >>29warota
(* LOL)
- 206: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 02:02:32.79 ID:lZnWDjFo0
- >>29寄り目が凄いな。つうかこれだけ酷い顔でも結婚出来るならお前らは余裕だろwWow @ the cross-eyes.
So if someone like him can get married then you guys can too.
- 209: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 02:09:28.86 ID:eJP2XNuE0
- >>29よしもとばななっぽくもあるしかし面食いじゃないんだなwHe also looks a bit like Banana Yoshimoto.
So she's not after the looks, huh.
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:28:06.62 ID:G+GY4e0u0
- ミュージシャンの下半身事情はエグいよな。どうせ週刊誌にもバレないしThe sex lives of these musicians are pretty nasty. Maybe because the tabloids won't be finding out about them.
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:29:16.13 ID:nY3tGdtt0
- 記者会見しろとは言わないけど第一子は発表して二人目はなんで隠すんだろI'm not saying that she should hold a presscon or something, but why hide her second child when she announced her first one?
- 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:31:40.00 ID:tMPHfjmh0
- 椎名って見るたびに顔が変わってていつまでも覚えられないwwwSheena's face changes every time I see it, and I just can't remember what she really looks like
- 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:33:42.51 ID:XFRjLstB0
- 事変の解散理由がこれだったら怒りを通り超して笑うしか無いはIf this was the reason for Jihen's disbandment then I'd feel more like laughing rather than getting angry
http://www.nexus-web.net/column/info/files/2012/02/jhn_1.jpg -
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:35:39.93 ID:vJ2whEKY0
- >>48「第二子が欲しい」「メンバーを拘束したくない」と言ってたからまさにそうだろShe said, "I want a second child" and "I don't want to restrict the members", so this is definitely the reason.
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:36:36.37 ID:zqknpzM6i
- タブゾンビと別れたんだSo she split up with Tabu Zombie?
http://www.k-sapo.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/tabuzombie.jpg - 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:38:22.49 ID:qiufre+y0
- メンバー逮捕されたから解散したと思ってた出産のためだったのかI thought they disbanded because a member got arrested.
So it was because of her childbirth, huh. -
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:42:24.07 ID:vJ2whEKY0
- >>60あれは解散言い渡され、何回かの話し合いの後、完全に解散が決まって悲しくて酒飲んで暴れただけI think what happened was, first, there was talk about disbanding, then after numerous meetings, they eventually decided to call it quits.
Then that member got depressed, got drunk, and ran riot.
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:41:15.87 ID:SOSCebNW0
- なんだ人違いかOh, so they got the wrong person
- 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:43:48.26 ID:IVjPMu5J0
- 本当に本当に人違いだったらかなりウケるIt would really be funny if this really was the wrong person
- 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:50:57.01 ID:3bHrvxy40
- 昔マンションでよく挨拶したなぁ。。。I used to greet her a lot near her apartment...
- 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:53:38.76 ID:v327euaA0
- 相当、整形してるよねいつの時のどんな顔かって全くイメージがないわShe's had her face done numerous times.
I just can't remember anymore how she looked like at what particular time.
http://dondon1919.up.d.seesaa.net/dondon1919/image/mijimansey_5.jpg - 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 00:53:51.65 ID:ohjZDEYFO
- この人が一時期イチローに猛アプローチしていたのを思い出した僕らの音楽か何かで対談してたけど、露骨すぎて気持ち悪かったI remember how she was so flirty towards Ichiro once.
They were talking with one another on some program, and I remember feeling grossed out at how obvious her actions were. - 102: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:00:39.41 ID:t7Dy3Xo8O
- エ口ほくろをとってから運気が落ちてるよな。Her luck seems to have gone down after having her sexy mole removed.
http://img.pics.livedoor.com/002/c/3/c3fc96abae563af2f23d-L.jpg -
- 131: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:16:42.41 ID:1zRC/xaU0
- >>102あれ、描いてただけなんだぜ。That was just drawn on her
- 107: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:03:00.41 ID:02Jordsq0
- 普通の主婦みたいな顔してるから目立たないかもShe might just look like a normal housewife right now so she won't stand out.
- 134: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:18:35.71 ID:IGtFusmz0
http://www.musicbrain.net/cgi-bin/ringo/htmldiary/logfile/switch00.JPGhttp://www.musicbrain.net/cgi-bin/ringo/htmldiary/logfile/switch01.JPGhttp://www.musicbrain.net/cgi-bin/ringo/htmldiary/logfile/switch02.JPGhttp://tokyo-gstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/shina030.jpgこれ今年の4月放送だったらしいけど、NHKって1~2ヶ月前に撮影すっから、出産前だったってことかいな?お腹が出てるかどうか、わからんな~This was broadcast last April, but NHK shoots their material 1~2 months in advance so could it have been before her labor?
It's hard to determine whether or not she has a baby bump.
- 143: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:22:00.13 ID:dSQyeVfc0
- >>134なんかのっぺりしてる…She looks like she has a blank face...
- 167: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:29:37.74 ID:nrKJxrrh0
- >>134椎名林檎ってこんな人だったっけ?Did Ringo Sheena always look like this?
- 188: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:47:11.54 ID:FP5ZWGgL0
- >>1346、7年ぐらい前までは本当に色っぽくて魅力的だったのに歳取ったとはいえこれは…芸能人の34歳にしては老けてるしShe really was sexy and attractive 6 or 7 years ago.
Yes, she's aged, but this is...
- 194: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:49:03.40 ID:3vlMH+310
- >>134誰このおばはん…昔好きだったのに…Who's this granny...
I used to like her before...
- 135: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:18:42.77 ID:jIvcfAz/0
- 統奏(そなた)君の次は何て名前だろ?So what name did she give the new baby after giving the first son the name "Sonata"
- 158: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:26:45.77 ID:aOA7L3U/0
- 若さ故に輝いて見えたのかなみんな歳をとるとダメになっていくね浜崎あゆみも椎名林檎もMaybe they were all just glimmering because of their youth. They all seem to have just gone down as they aged.
Both Ayumi Hamasaki and Ringo Sheena. - 170: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:31:00.83 ID:UxBPCAx60
- この人の顔を覚えるのはあきらめた。I give up on remembering how she looks
- 183: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:39:20.55 ID:5XsM6IzI0
- 顔が覚えられない人の一人だなShe is one of the people whose face you just can't seem to remember
- 192: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 01:48:13.74 ID:QX+DyTUW0
- この少子化時代子供産んでくれりゃそれでいいわWith the issue of aging population and declining birth rate in this day and age, I'm actually alright with it if she did give birth
- 207: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 02:09:01.75 ID:oEuwe+cU0
- クソワロタ人違いじゃないですか?って歌詞にあるんだわLOL
One of her songs has the lyrics, "Hitochigai janai desuka?" (Don't you have the wrong person?) - 219: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 02:13:45.19 ID:KNabWZS/0
- 前の旦那が離婚理由について、林檎があまりにも普通の人で…と話したんだっけものすごいビビリだよね、椎名林檎When asked about the reason for divorce, didn't her previous husband say that Ringo was an unexpectedly normal person...?
Ringo Sheena apparently gets scared easily.
http://mo-mama.com/files/img/rd02.jpg - 236: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 02:42:46.16 ID:dy2CXxgv0
- 相手児玉さんかあ・・・まぁびっくりもしたけど納得So the partner's Kodama-san?... I'm surprised but I give my consent.
- 247: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 03:16:07.20 ID:3rTSJ0140
- 林檎と噂になった男の中でも金子ノブアキは例外でイケメンだけど、金子の方が林檎に惚れて追っかけてたらしいOf all the guys Ringo's been rumored with, Nobuaki Kaneko was the only exception as he was an ikemen. But I heard that it was Kaneko who chased after Ringo.
http://31.media.tumblr.com/b58dc6d09f299e08e15c0e1a4c42c2af/tumblr_mo1vp8GqDe1qjtihco1_500.jpg - 269: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 04:20:56.05 ID:oEuwe+cU0
- 320: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 06:20:54.55 ID:c+wFJCUo0
- 看護婦コスプレ、お着物着たり、整形したりよほど自分を飾り立てて着飾らないと自信がないんだろNurse cosplay, kimono, plastic surgery...
I think she didn't have that much self-confidence due to all the furnishings she has done to herself. -
- 325: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 06:29:48.27 ID:ieZ6cHiC0
- >>320実際地味で目立たないルックスだから飾りたててるのは正解だろう美容や整形への異常な執着は謎だがThe correct answer here is she was just dressing up because she's got plain looks that don't stand out.
But it is a mystery how much she's obsessed with beauty and plastic surgery.
- 390: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 09:05:25.39 ID:L5K9IB4xO
- 児玉さん去年まで既婚者って…。また略奪婚になるの?So Kodama-san was married until last year...? Another affair where she once again stole the husband?
- 394: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 09:11:54.66 ID:+C97LcXe0
- >>390児玉が前妻と結婚する前から好き、好き言ってた。略奪と云われても仕方ない。She always said she liked Kodama even before he married his former wife. It can't be helped even if you say that she stole him from her.
- 401: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 09:15:31.96 ID:3x6Mih+60
- 林檎はどんどん韓流顔になってくな鼻の整形すごすぎだわwwwRingo's face has become too much like the Korean artists.
Especially her nose, wow @ how much it has changed www
http://www.ringoweb.net/imgboard/img-box/img20110427015018.jpghttp://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/20120121_shiinaringo_30.jpg↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓http://a.yfrog.com/img740/9785/y7qte.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/tomato0401131-ringobann/imgs/6/f/6fadc415.jpg -
- 438: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 10:36:04.88 ID:AtQLjMqb0
- >>401見慣れてるせいかそんな変わってない気がすwwMaybe it's because I'm so used to seeing her, I feel like nothing has changed w
- 414: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/03(火) 09:43:23.63 ID:iygqYzZZ0
- 見る度に顔が違う人覚えられないHer face looks different every time I see it.
I just can't remember it anymore.
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