Hitoshi Matsumoto on Spirited Away:
"What the hell's so good about that!? Absolutely nothing!"
"What was that movie trying to convey? Nothing at all."
"Hayao Miyazaki's boring. He's just a lolicon." (pedophile)
"I'm sorry for all the bashing... Sorry for bullying the weak."
"Not a single millimeter of it could be considered good."
"It was dragging, it was long, trim it to 20 minutes why don'tcha. Are you fine with something as messed up as that?"
"So he's fine with that... If he's fine with that then I won't bother with it anymore... It's tough."
"Anything and everything about it was a mess, I don't even know where to start."
"What was that movie trying to convey? Nothing at all."
"Hayao Miyazaki's boring. He's just a lolicon." (pedophile)
"I'm sorry for all the bashing... Sorry for bullying the weak."
"Not a single millimeter of it could be considered good."
"It was dragging, it was long, trim it to 20 minutes why don'tcha. Are you fine with something as messed up as that?"
"So he's fine with that... If he's fine with that then I won't bother with it anymore... It's tough."
"Anything and everything about it was a mess, I don't even know where to start."
- 12: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 14:57:13.92 ID:YMKdy2DV
- ここまで叩いてるとは思わなかった松本の事ちょっと嫌いになったI never imagined that he went to this extent.
I grew to hate him a bit after this. - 14: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 14:59:12.09 ID:GumPFn2O
- 当時聴いてて吹いたわwI LOL'd so hard when I listened to that in real time.
- 17: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 15:00:10.71 ID:4XsEAUip
- でもたけしの方が叩いてそう表立っては言わないだけでカンヌでポニョとぶつかったとき股の下のポニョとか連呼してて全く認めてない印象受けたわBut I feel Takeshi has more criticisms to say.
It's just that he's not going public with his remarks.
I felt Takeshi didn't accept him at all when they went on a collision course at the Cannes Festival since he kept referring to it as "Mata no shita no Ponyo" (Ponyo below the crotch). -
- 180: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/07(土) 00:50:17.28 ID:DNtSC4hq
- >>17たけしはパヤオのマネして音楽に久石譲使ってるだろwTakeshi imitated Payao and used Joe Hisaishi for the music, right? w
- 18: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 15:00:29.69 ID:v6gcEhOd
- シンボル(笑)Symbol (LOL)
http://www.popandpop1980.com/2009082100101.jpg - 21: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 15:01:54.46 ID:vecCCYg1
- 俺らだって映画作れないのに批評してるからな本人の映画がゴミだからって他の映画を正直ゴミだという権利はあるAll of us can't make movies but we're also criticizing them.
I think he has the right to call others' works trash even if his own works are trash as well. - 31: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 15:12:17.93 ID:Kt2mqKAx
- 松本の映画って制作費かけなさすぎだろだからあんな糞駄作な内容なんだよBut Matsumoto's movies aren't costing that much money to make.
That's why they're all so shi++y and bad. - 35: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 15:27:17.14 ID:mOg+6OQB
- まっちゃん正論すぎるMacchan's in the right here
- 39: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 15:51:01.87 ID:t+vhyDtX
- 自分の映画がことごとく酷評されてるから・・・Because all his own movies are being bashed so hard...
- 47: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 16:10:56.73 ID:telXJLca
- >>39映画監督する前でしょIt was before he started making movies
- 48: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 16:12:47.04 ID:P2J/a7BO
- 松本好きだけど、これは負け惜しみにしか聞こえないせめて興行収入で勝つか、評価が高ければいいけど映画界では完全に無名のカスじゃんI like Matsumoto but this just sounds like sour graping to me.
If only he beat Miyazaki in grossed income or if he had high reviews.
Matsumoto's just some unknown trash in the movie world. - 52: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 16:33:52.91 ID:8Lk/4yb/
- 日本人ならほぼパヤオの作品を小さい頃から見てたから補正付いてるだけで一つ一つは普通だろThe Japanese people are just glorifying Payao's works because we've been seeing them since we were little, but each and every one of them is just normal.
- 54: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 16:57:49.79 ID:M7ATIWLa
- >>52千と千尋の神隠しは外国で賞取ってるでしょBut Spirited Away got an award overseas
- 100: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 21:17:28.34 ID:v9D7QsjC
- >>52むしろ海外での評価が糞高いんだよ海外の映画監督ランキングでも上位に入るThey're actually being rated more highly overseas.
He's even in the top half of movie directors in foreign rankings.
- 57: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 17:23:29.87 ID:JWLjWL6E
- 狂ったイマジネーションの爆発だよなぁこれは。無茶苦茶だから面白いのに。松本さんとは方向性は違うけど、認めたくないのかThis movie was like an explosion of all these twisted imaginations.
It was all messed up, and that's what made it fun.
It was different from what Matsumoto has been trying to achieve, so he doesn't want to give his approval to it, huh. - 58: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 17:36:18.48 ID:X2lhjySW
- 映画でシナリオにしかケチをつけられない奴は面白い映画をつくれないよGuys who only criticize the screenplay of movies cannot make good movies.
- 71: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 19:34:10.22 ID:/nuWRIZ3
- 松本の作品よりは100倍良い出来だわBut Miyazaki's works are 100x better than any of Matsumoto's
- 72: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 19:36:44.27 ID:kZ8ugbFz
- ロリコンwwwwwwwwwwLoli-con wwwwwwwww
- 77: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 19:47:11.93 ID:7siHdSNg
- たしかに千と千尋はつまらなかった。明らかにヨーロッパの賞を意識した作り。Spirited Away was definitely boring.
It was obviously made with the European awards in mind. - 84: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 20:20:58.69 ID:N0yQcdTX
- 「宮崎駿はロリコン」これだけは当たっている"Hayao Miyazaki's a lolicon"
This is the only thing he got right. - 85: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 20:28:03.18 ID:MhnPXcVP
- 確かに千と千尋はクソつまらないが松本のよりはマシSpirited Away was definitely boring, but it was better than Matsumoto's works
- 93: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 20:55:28.06 ID:JS/7m6Jb
- 面白さが分からんと言ってバカにされるのが恥ずかしいから、無理やり持ち上げてみる奴よりかは正直でよろしいAt least he's honest unlike the guys who are just forcing themselves to say that it was good, while in reality they don't understand a thing about it and are just scared of people making fun of them.
- 102: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 21:21:33.61 ID:gyHn7zdv
- なんだかんだ収入が全てだろ宮崎くらい映画でけっかださなきゃ松本はダサいだけBut at the end of the day, it all boils down to gross revenue.
Matsumoto is just lame until he does as well as Miyazaki. - 110: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 21:31:15.22 ID:jSZz3z96
- 松本っていっつもひねくれたコメントしかしないよな面白いとおもってるのだろうかAll Matsumoto says are crooked comments.
Does he think he's funny? - 115: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 21:40:37.92 ID:cBcnBbZ0
- 千と千尋はたしかにつまらない過大評価されすぎてる。けどジブリ全部が糞とかつまらないは絶対にないSpirited Away was definitely boring.
I think it's too overrated.
But there's absolutely no way that everything about Ghibli is shi+. - 120: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 21:55:56.88 ID:JWLjWL6E
- 松本さんは最初の映画がピークだったな。低い山だったけど。まだ諦めていないのか。イエスマンのブレーンを総とっかえしないと無理だろ。Matsumoto-san peaked with his first movie. Though it was just a low hill.
So he still hasn't given up, huh? It'll be impossible unless he makes a complete overhaul of his Yes Man brain. - 126: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 22:12:23.36 ID:RKIe+tRW
- >実際はたいして批判はしてない。シネマ坊主で0点つけてなかったっけ> He's not bashing it that hard
Didn't he give it 0 points in Cinema Bouzu?
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51BF7H1JYRL._SL500_AA300_.jpg - 127: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 22:12:53.18 ID:oFnjNrLl
- 松本ってどんな漫画やアニメが好きなの?So what kind of manga and anime does Matsumoto like?
- 182: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/07(土) 01:29:42.67 ID:Tb0QPUgq
- >>127天才バカボン、ルパン三世、サザエさん、トムとジェリー、トイレット博士このあたり聞いたことあるI heard he likes Tensai Bakabon, Lupin III, Sazae-san, Tom & Jerry, Toilet Hakase
- 138: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 22:34:04.73 ID:TgBogeCN
- まあ松本に同意なんだけど松本の映画にも言える意見なんだよなこれI guess I agree with Matsumoto here, but everything he said is also applicable to his movies
- 143: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 22:55:25.58 ID:rGNyq5Hx
- まあ確かに千と千尋は微妙だろラピュタやナウシカの方が面白いわTrue that Spirited Away wasn't that good, but Laputa and Nausicaa were much better
- 162: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 23:47:01.50 ID:63lD8muA
- 宮本茂のゼルダやピクミンは絶賛してたHe did praise Shigeru Miyamoto's Zelda and Pikmin
- 163: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 23:48:29.76 ID:Ik0Z5qnc
- >>162初代バイオとワンダも絶賛してたなHe also praised the first Bio Hazard as well as Wanda
- 196: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/07(土) 07:56:38.09 ID:OG3MYtTq
- 千尋のメッセージ性は確かによくわからんというか一回しか見てないがラストシーンの印象が全くない覚えてないというのが感想I also didn't get the message that Spirited Away was trying to convey.
I actually only saw it once, but the last scene didn't make a lasting impression.
My thoughts on the movie: I don't remember it. - 200: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/07(土) 08:20:57.15 ID:0j61NZq+
- トンネル潜れば怪しい世界に迷い込む、もうそれだけでワクワクだ理屈っぽい奴はこういう作品を楽しめないYou come out of the tunnel into a creepy, unknown world. That alone will make you excited.
Argumentative people cannot enjoy movies like this. - 206: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/07(土) 09:50:39.63 ID:/p8TcW6H
- 松本って逆に風立ちぬみたいなのめっちゃ手のひら返して評価しそう関西人ってああいうクッサイの好きそうだしBut I feel Matsumoto is the type who'd change his stance with Kaze Tachinu.
I think people from the Kansai region like stories like that. -
- 247: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/07(土) 17:11:15.40 ID:HjpBaXmg
- >>206このラジオのしばらく後にテレビでとなりのトトロの猫バスが~って楽しそうに話しててトトロは好きなのかなと思ったwBut some time after this radio broadcast, he was talking so excitedly about the Neko Bus in My Neighbor Totoro, I thought he liked Totoro.
- 224: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/07(土) 13:07:19.45 ID:vlALu1UG
- 市場(興行成績)どころか賞レースでも完敗だからなアニメーション部門以外でも・ベルリン国際映画祭金熊・ヴェネツィア国際映画祭オゼッラ賞・ヴェネツィア国際映画祭栄誉金獅子賞・(アカデミー賞の選考委員に選出)さらに『TIME』誌アジア電子版の「アジアの英雄20人」に選出。『TIME』誌の「世界で最も影響力のある100人」に選出。It's not just the box-office records, but he's also lost to him when it comes to the awards.
Even outside the animation division
* Golden Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival
* Osella award at the La Biennale di Venezia
* Career Golden Lion award at the La Biennale di Venezia
* (Chosen as a member of the selection committee of the Academy Awards)
Time Magazine - Chosen as one of Asia's 20 heroes in the Asian digital version
Time Magazine - Chosen as one of the 100 most influential people in the world - 253: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/07(土) 17:26:06.84 ID:5b3XsUo1
- まぁ松本の映画のセンスは確かにないよな。みなコケてるし。まだたけしの映画の方が見れる。Well, Matsumoto really has no talent in filmmaking.
All are flops.
I'd rather watch Takeshi's movies. - 264: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/07(土) 18:30:45.29 ID:019g00ia
- 松本の映画は全部見たが、長いコントがだらだら続くって感じ。I've seen all of Matsumoto's movies, but they feel like long skits.
- 156: 名無しさんにズームイン! 2013/09/06(金) 23:40:52.12 ID:mOg+6OQB
- まっちゃんの新作映画公開するよ!目指せ風立ちぬごえMacchan's latest movie will be showing soon!
He should aim to surpass Kaze Tachinu.
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