* Broadcasting Ethics & Program Improvement Organization
The incident happened during the segment "Live - Bakuretsu Otousan 27-jikan Special" on last month's FNS 27-jikan terebi, where comedian Koji Kato kicked AKB48's Mayu Watanabe's head. This immediately triggered a social media firestorm, where the majority of the public showed disgust towards Koji's actions saying, "He has crossed the line of a variety show", "Disturbing", etc.. BPO's Youth Committee has included this in their agenda, as they will be discussing the production methods, policies, and intentions with the staff in charge of the program.
Mayu Watanabe wrote on her blog that: "I'm perfectly ok!" after the show.
- 4: サソリ固め(関東・甲信越) 2013/09/05(木) 13:16:09.30 ID:RqlnwqjBO
- これやるとアイドルはだめで女芸人はいいの?女性差別だ!とか団体がいいだしそうだけどBut with this, I feel some groups will be saying, "How come you're only examining this since they're idols? What about us female comedians who also get the same treatment? That's discrimination among women!"
- 6: 急所攻撃(鹿児島県) 2013/09/05(木) 13:16:46.58 ID:b+9OFEXF0
- 冗談でも女にすることじゃないしかも未成年の子にいい年したおっさんがやるとか頭おかしいEven if it's slapstick or a joke, it's not something that should be done to women.
To top it off, an adult did this to an underaged girl. That's seriously crazy. - 13: ウエスタンラリアット(dion軍) 2013/09/05(木) 13:18:16.74 ID:aF5l4fKY0
- 今更だろAKB以外いいのかよWhy just now? So anyone other than AKB is allowed to receive this kind of treatment?
- 15: 河津掛け(catv?) 2013/09/05(木) 13:18:22.29 ID:9M3xczD10
- これに文句言ってるやつらが1975-85年あたりのドリフやカックラキン・ひょうきん族なんかみたら卒倒するんじゃね?Guys who are complaining about this, if you go watch the Drifters and Kakkurakin, Hyoukinzoku from 1975~1985 then you'll probably faint
http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/18/a4/71d7ccfb9612d9623143d602e7885211.jpg -
- 24: ダイビングエルボードロップ(家) 2013/09/05(木) 13:20:19.29 ID:fd4g5gLR0
- >>15昭和時代のギャグ番組はさすがに婦女暴行まではやらなかったぞwおっぱいポロリとかはあったけどwShowa-era gag programs didn't have any violence on women you know w
But boobies spilled-out w
- 32: 急所攻撃(鹿児島県) 2013/09/05(木) 13:23:43.37 ID:b+9OFEXF0
- >>15昔やってたから今も許されるなんて考え方してるのは老害と脳無しだけPeople who think that it should still be forgiven now because they used to do it before are just the elderly or the brainless people
- 17: 16文キック(茸) 2013/09/05(木) 13:19:09.22 ID:mySdXpTl0
- 幼稚な番組が9割90% of programs are childish
- 19: リバースパワースラム(SB-iPhone) 2013/09/05(木) 13:19:43.18 ID:Smm/viENi
- 概要:瀕死のフジテレビに対して死体蹴り
Adding insult to injury on FUJI TV that's already on the verge of death
- 21: ストマッククロー(栃木県) 2013/09/05(木) 13:19:51.86 ID:a7vheppl0
- BPOってよくアニメに難癖付けてるイメージだけど実際問題番組に干渉できる権力持ってるわけ?I have this image that the BPO has always been nitpicking on anime, but did they have the authority to directly interfere with these programs in question?
- 33: スターダストプレス(庭) 2013/09/05(木) 13:24:04.29 ID:yxAwKeAH0
- >>21ヒント 身内Hint: connections or inner circle
- 27: エルボードロップ(チベット自治区) 2013/09/05(木) 13:21:51.18 ID:l4Zo5RmX0
- 日本のテレビ時代遅れ過ぎだろみのの件にしろ、今の世の中を分かってなさ過ぎるもう洗脳出来る時代は終わったんだよI feel that Japan's TV industry is too much behind the times.
This is also true with Mino's case, but I feel like they're not aware of what's happening in the world right now. We're not in that sort of era where they can brainwash the viewers anymore.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/sdtnk55-2ch/imgs/a/3/a3084039.jpg - 35: ミッドナイトエクスプレス(庭) 2013/09/05(木) 13:24:41.97 ID:zfPNFZeo0
- またスッキリで加藤のテンションが落ちるのか・・・So Kato will seem down again on Sukkiri, huh...
- 36: 膝靭帯固め(東海地方) 2013/09/05(木) 13:25:29.32 ID:AN1SkaqCO
- 加藤はこれくらいでいいと思う。むしろ朝の番組に出ていることが問題だKato is fine doing stuff like this.
The problem here is that he's being used on morning programs. -
- 50: フルネルソンスープレックス(庭) 2013/09/05(木) 13:30:35.61 ID:jlicapd60
- >>36朝の番組なのにたまにこういうノリを出してくるから好きだよBut I like him since he acts like this every once in a while despite being on a morning program
- 42: オリンピック予選スラム(中国地方) 2013/09/05(木) 13:27:10.77 ID:kcPvQMC30
- 加藤もAKBに蹴られてたけどじゃあAKBも問題ありだなBut Kato was kicked by AKB too.
So there's also a problem with AKB.
http://www.rbbtoday.com/imgs/zoom/224328.jpg - 44: メンマ(熊本県) 2013/09/05(木) 13:28:32.42 ID:gtq2eWP40
- 指原も加藤の頭踏んでたろwDidn't Sashihara also step on Kato's head w
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/20130804_katoukouji_13.jpg - 45: トペ スイシーダ(チベット自治区) 2013/09/05(木) 13:28:37.76 ID:qaWVbo4V0
- 爆裂お父さんのネタの範囲内の行動。これを納得して出演したんだし。This sort of slapstick is all within what you would normally expect from Bakuretsu Otousan.
They agreed to this and participated in the segment. - 49: タイガードライバー(東日本) 2013/09/05(木) 13:30:03.89 ID:sGhG42zd0
- 面白かったけどこんな面倒なことになるならもうこういう連中を呼ばないほうがいいI actually enjoyed the segment, but if things are going to turn into something as troublesome as this then they shouldn't even bother asking these sort of people to participate anymore.
- 56: 稲妻レッグラリアット(禿) 2013/09/05(木) 13:31:45.78 ID:P0KHtj1bi
- そのうち漫才のツッコミも規制されたりしてWhat if they also put restrictions on the funny-man and straight-man stand-up comedy acts?
- 58: ニーリフト(庭) 2013/09/05(木) 13:32:02.46 ID:mhWtz/nx0
- 本人が大丈夫って言ってんだからいいだろBut she herself said it's alright, so what's the big deal?
- 60: リバースパワースラム(WiMAX) 2013/09/05(木) 13:32:15.67 ID:W7FmxGNA0
- こんなもんツイッターがなけりゃ大した話題にもならなかっただろなIf Twitter didn't exist, I don't think this would have escalated this far
- 62: ドラゴンスリーパー(関西・北陸) 2013/09/05(木) 13:33:29.11 ID:p73tiK6lO
- これにはまゆゆも困惑I think even Mayuyu will feel troubled over this
- 64: ミドルキック(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/09/05(木) 13:34:00.69 ID:21tVM1+sO
- 山田花子 「私の時もゆうてぇやぁ」Hanako Yamada: "You should also say that when it's done to me!"
http://sociorocketnews.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/2012-09-18_182001.jpg - 66: アルゼンチンバックブリーカー(中部地方) 2013/09/05(木) 13:34:45.33 ID:lRacqIPp0
- 台本書いた奴も蹴った側も蹴られる側も金貰ってるから大丈夫に決まってるが問題はそこじゃないだろIt's fine for them since the guy who wrote the script, the kicker, and the one who got kicked all got paid.
That isn't where the problem is. - 69: ショルダーアームブリーカー(富山県) 2013/09/05(木) 13:35:38.90 ID:EHjHlyXH0
- 来年めちゃいけどうすんの?w今年より数字取れないんだろwwwSo what is Mecha-ike planning on doing next year? w
I don't think they'll have higher ratings than they do now www - 73: ミッドナイトエクスプレス(愛知県) 2013/09/05(木) 13:37:19.49 ID:akwrT4Wv0
- まゆ本人もまゆヲタも問題にしてないのにな騒いでるのはプロ市民(左翼フェミ)あたりだろBut Mayu and her wotas aren't treating this as a problem.
The ones making noise over this are the activists (leftists, feminists), right? -
- 80: リバースネックブリーカー(dion軍) 2013/09/05(木) 13:40:35.87 ID:garh5syW0
- >>73いや、ヲタは問題にしてるだろNo, the wotas are also considering this as a problem
- 75: サッカーボールキック(群馬県) 2013/09/05(木) 13:38:07.18 ID:qauoRWRV0
- 頭じゃないとはいえ、ドロップキック喰らって吹っ飛んだももちはどうなるんだよEven if it wasn't on the head, what about Momochi who also got drop-kicked and was sent flying?
http://rubese.net/twisoq/img/d5568a4a6e52a48d1a83e943efca2592.jpg - 81: マスク剥ぎ(茸) 2013/09/05(木) 13:41:18.20 ID:W73J60oz0
- 台本用意したフジを何とかしろよThey should do something about Fuji who prepared the script
- 104: 河津落とし(北海道) 2013/09/05(木) 13:53:16.88 ID:WWZ0AZbm0
- 昔からこういうキャラで売ってきた加藤ならプロレスみたいに痛そうに見えるだけの蹴り方くらい出来るだろ子供が真似するだろって言われたらああそうかもね。としかいえないけどwBut Kato who has always been selling his character like this could have just imitated the pro-wrestling kicks and just make it seem painful.
But if they say that children might imitate this, then all I can say is, "Ah, that might be true". - 122: ハイキック(北海道) 2013/09/05(木) 14:08:02.62 ID:/4dql/nN0
- 加藤も肉巻きおにぎりを売る時が来たIt's time for Kato to sell his meat-wrapped onigiris
http://trendsakura.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/20130116_gokuraku_29-300x225.jpg - 123: カーフブランディング(大分県) 2013/09/05(木) 14:08:09.62 ID:ZeUifxxp0
- まぁこの手の委員会は「コドモガマネシタラドウスルンダ?」で動くからな過去にも似たような事案で見解だしているし今回も同じような見解をだすんじゃねWell, these sort of committees will just take action with the idea, "What if the children imitate them?", in mind.
They already settled something similar in the past. I think they'll come to a similar agreement for this case. - 129: 断崖式ニードロップ(宮城県) 2013/09/05(木) 14:12:33.06 ID:yBR1c2us0
- バラエティーだから何をやってもいいと勘違いしてるテレビ番組全体が下品で低俗になってるThey probably have the wrong idea and thought that they could pull off anything since they're a variety show.
The whole TV industry is just becoming so vulgar and tasteless. - 131: 膝十字固め(群馬県) 2013/09/05(木) 14:13:23.13 ID:34nmYphF0
- これを面白いと思っているテレビ業界の連中はどうかしてる脳内が昭和で止まってるんじゃねーの?そんなセンスなら番組作るんじゃねーよThere's something seriously wrong with the people on TV who think that this is interesting.
Could it be that their brains are still stuck in the Showa-era?
If that's their sense of things then don't make programs! - 145: クロスヒールホールド(神奈川県) 2013/09/05(木) 14:20:40.91 ID:BaTR36aY0
- これより朝ズボ!の痴漢ジジイの方が問題だろI think the bigger problem now is that perverted old man in Asa Zuba!
http://2chlog.com/2ch/live/livetbs/image/1378068192-0631-010.gif - 150: ラダームーンサルト(庭) 2013/09/05(木) 14:22:29.65 ID:vNj1BjMm0
- 二十年前に面白かったからって今更同じことされてもな加藤(というかめちゃイケメンバー全体)も芸能界で偉くなっちゃったからおふざけがパワハラにしか見えないものなIt may have been funny 20 years ago, but doing it again these days?
But all I see here from Kato (and all members of Mecha Ikemembers) is that they've just gotten so big in the industry, their jokes feel like power harassment already. - 151: ビッグブーツ(dion軍) 2013/09/05(木) 14:22:41.23 ID:bOXaPEqQ0
- 27時間テレビで福徳が岡村にバスケットボールをぶつけて視聴者にはいじめに見られた件は?BPOはあの時なんかしたの?What about Fukutoku hitting Okamura with a basketball on 27-jikan terebi? Didn't the viewers also see that as a type of bullying? So did the BPO do anything about that?
- 159: ときめきメモリアル(dion軍) 2013/09/05(木) 14:26:27.71 ID:VSlRBqY10
- >>151この時から何故叩かれたのかわかってないのがよく分かるYou can tell that they have no idea why they were being bashed from this point
- 155: ファルコンアロー(四国地方) 2013/09/05(木) 14:24:53.44 ID:btnNe8Yx0
- こうやってますます面白くなくなっていくわけかそのうち突っ込みで頭も叩けなくなるとAnd this is how all the fun will be taken away from the viewers.
I feel that they'll also take away the manner in which they do rebuttals, as well as the head-hitting.
http://www.yesfm.jp/blog-ycb/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/12163.jpg -
- 169: ウエスタンラリアット(東京都) 2013/09/05(木) 14:29:42.12 ID:RPn6cHZk0
- >>155やたら頭叩くのもどうかと思うけどねガキがマネして頭叩きあってたら「あれはお笑いなのよ」って説得できるか?頭叩けば面白いって感じなのも許せない芸人は喋って何ぼの商売じゃねーのかよBut I also don't feel good about the head-hitting.
Can you convince the kids who imitate that and tell them that isn't funny?
Hitting the head and laughing at it is unforgivable.
Aren't comedians just supposed to talk?
- 160: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(東日本) 2013/09/05(木) 14:26:43.55 ID:jgqK38le0
- 27時間テレビ、序盤で炎上させて視聴率かせごうという思惑だろ結果1ケタ台で歴代ビリウジざまあとしか言いようがないわTheir plan probably was to cook up a storm early on so they can rake in the ratings later.
The result? Single-digit ratings, and worst ever in their history.
All I can say here is "Serves you right Uji-TV!"
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