According to Shuukan Josei, Shunsuke Kazama's wife is apparently Kazuna Kawamura, a former talent who was previously linked with Ken Miyake of V6.
The 2 met on the set of Claudia which was produced by the theater group Chikyuu Gorgeous in 2004. Claudia was staged from 2004~2005 and was a huge turning point in Kazama's showbiz career.
Kawamura was formerly an assistant or "Won-girl" (Wonderful Girls)" in Wonderful, a late night program shown on TBS. She was part of the program from 2001.
She's focused mainly on stage acting in recent years as a member of the Benibara Usagi Troupe.
Shuukan Josei also revealed that Kawamura was found to have had a relationship with Ken Miyake in June of 2010. Miyake lost his mother who raised him singlehandedly at that time, but Kawamura was apparently the one who was supporting him through those difficult times. The magazine included a picture of the two leaving Miyake's apartment standing closely to each other two days after his mother's funeral.
Both parties denied the reports at that time. Shuukan Josei asked Kawamura's agency about Kazama. The agency responded:
"I think it was around the beginning of spring this year when she requested, 'I'm going to get married so please release me from my contract'. We knew that she was in a relationship, but we only recently found out about her plans to get married."
When asked about Miyake: "We heard that he's one of her friends."
Shuukan Josei also asked Kawamura's father; Keiji Takasugi who is the president of BMI.
"No, don't ask me anything about that. Please direct all your questions at Johnny's. That's our deal."
About Kazama: "Of course I've met him. He's a splendid man. And he was able to get married because he's splendid. (About the ceremony) That's their issue, and I have not received any word concerning that."
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 14:34:19.26 ID:0xUShngV0
-めちゃくちゃ可愛いじゃねーか年上だろうがなんだろうが勝ち組だShe's super cute.
Who cares if she's older, he's the winner here. - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 14:34:55.39 ID:wEQYZ7jU0
-可愛い裏山So cute, I'm jelly.
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 14:38:38.05 ID:ionNAAxH0
- でもジャニからまたジャニへと乗り換えたこの女性は鬼女のみなさんから嫌われそうwBut I feel that this woman who shifted from one Johnny to another will be hated by the fangirls LOL
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 14:42:01.53 ID:ce2cPh6JO
- ジャニーズなのに30歳で結婚って事務所はあっさり許してくれたのかなBut I still can't believe that Johnny's easily allowed him to get married at 30
- 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 14:49:57.78 ID:xE62CrVqO
- >>60この人は、当初からアイドルとして売り出していない唯一無二の存在じゃね?ジャニーズとしても問題全くなしでしょWell, I think this guy was their one and only talent whom they never billed as an idol, right?
I don't think this was a problem for Johnny's.
- 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 14:51:09.16 ID:2BlwR2Jii
- かわいいなShe's cute - 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 14:53:32.64 ID:FZjJB9Ib0
- 本仮屋ユイカ似の一般人言われてたからマスコミも最初は気づかなかったんだなThe media probably didn't notice her at first since it was just reported as "a commoner who looks like Yuika Motokariya".
- 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 14:54:17.71 ID:9Gy7Na3w0
- うーん年齢なりかなUhmm, age appropriate I guess - 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 14:58:08.25 ID:d9Ul+Wyu0
- 同じ事務所の奴のお古とかよく抱けるなWow, I can't believe he can sleep with a woman who's already used goods after being with someone from the same agency.
- 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 14:59:14.67 ID:kQwFKXfv0
- 地味顔地味売りがワンギャルと付き合ってるってかなりのイメージダウンだから必死に隠したんだろうなIt's a huge blow to his image if people knew he was dating a plain-looking Won-girl so he must've desperately tried to hide it.
- 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 14:59:52.91 ID:XUaaGMrV0
- 女から見るとたいしたことないルックスなんだけど男にはモテるというタイプの顔だねShe probably isn't something special in the eyes of a woman, but her face is the type that's popular among men. - 111: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 15:04:09.69 ID:pgv36XTN0
- 三宅のお古ダブルパンチだなwMiyake's used goods LOL
That's a double blow. - 116: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 15:06:37.85 ID:RgQIutTZP
- 同僚の元カノと結婚って器デカイなHe's a man of great understanding for marrying the ex of his associate.
- 121: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 15:08:01.27 ID:3JkC5QAI0
- この子よく覚えてる温泉入浴シーンで、本人が気づかないうちにタオル外れててモザイクかけられて、ナレーションでごちそうさまでしたwみたいなのが流れて、その日抜●たI remember this girl well.
Her towel went down without her knowing it as she was in an onsen, while the narrator said something like "Thanks for the meal". I jacked off that day. - 132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 15:13:54.83 ID:nNmZzUoI0
- 放っておいてやれよ…お互い好きあって結婚したんだから別にいいじゃないかJust leave them alone you guys...
They love each other and decided to get married, so there's nothing wrong with it. - 136: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 15:14:47.99 ID:eM91wtjX0
- 三宅ってこの間毒舌キャラになってた・・・売れなくなるとジャニでも稼がせるためにあんなキャラOKにするんだと思った・・・・そうなると風間は案外計算高いのかもwwIt seems that Miyake recently turned into this persona with a mean tongue.
I never thought Johnny's would allow their unpopular talents to have that kind of character... Which means that Kazama might actually be pretty shrewd. -
- 158: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 15:29:34.82 ID:VohE/DVVO
- >>136三宅健は昔から無邪気かつ辛辣な毒舌家だけどBut Miyake's always been naive and sarcastic, and has always had a sharp tongue.
- 151: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 15:22:14.55 ID:jK3alnab0
- 風間って下手なデビュー組よりよっぽど売れてる いやかなり売れてるI think Kazama is more popular than those bad debutants. No, he's very popular. - 153: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 15:24:58.26 ID:j3L/R6nfP
- 俺好みの可愛いババアだな!!She's a cute granny, exactly my type!! - 162: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 15:34:07.04 ID:bMZeIrTO0
- ワンギャルとか言われてもわかんないけど、wikiみたら、戦国鍋の浅井三姉妹とかやってるんだな。つか、全然一般人じゃないじゃんwI didn't know who the Won-girls were so when I looked at her wiki, I saw that she's even part of the Azai 3 sisters on Sengokunabe.
She's not a commoner at all LOL - 168: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 15:36:22.15 ID:uNbA6QP1P
- 覚えてるわぁ業界に染まりきってないような浮遊感があって、たぶん今だとねらーウケもいいタイプだろなI remember her.
She stood out since it didn't seem like she's been heavily influenced by the industry, and I think she's the type who's liked by 2channelers. - 174: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 15:41:38.76 ID:uyRgyIjv0
- 芸能人なんて芸能人同士くっついたり別れたりほとんど誰かのお古やんBut these celebrities are just dating and breaking up with each other all the time. Almost everyone is already used goods of someone.
- 186: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 15:47:55.57 ID:1fQDBvuk0
- 河村和奈ってワンギャルで唯一、可愛かった子やん・・・Kana Kawamura was the only cute girl among the Won-girls...
- 189: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 15:48:37.19 ID:ZNBw4T+80
- 一般人ってやっぱり元タレントだったのねSo when they said commoner, they mean a former talent, huh.
- 195: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 15:53:48.75 ID:FFqKmpZ1P
- 河村和奈懐かしいイメージビデオも買ったわKana Kawamura, that's so nostalgic.
I even bought an image video of her. - 208: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 16:02:53.52 ID:5eh4OnoeO
- かわいい人なのか。良かったね。健次郎いい奴そうだし、幸せになってくれSo she's a cute girl, huh. Good for her.
Kenjiro seems like a good guy too, so I hope all the best for them. - 212: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 16:05:10.06 ID:DnHkQC2W0
- ワンギャルって乱交のイメージしかねえやBut when you say Won-girl, they only have this "sex orgy" image attached to them.
- 220: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 16:13:30.75 ID:u7dOF1v1O
- >>212ワンギャルが東とTBSのアナが写真誌で暴露された、ヤリ部屋要員だった話は記憶している。I do remember an article exposing pictures of the Won-girls with Azuma and a TBS announcer, and that they were treated like sex slaves.
- 223: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 16:16:34.27 ID:4RVdreFn0
- 三宅健って地味なのにエラいモテるんだなwKen Miyake seems plain but he's really popular with the girls, huh.
(Related post HERE) -
- 225: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 16:19:20.52 ID:mZsqGDCbO
- >>223昨夜もテレビで大久保さんと押切もえが三宅健がいいと言ってたEven on TV last night, Okubo-san and Moe Oshikiri said that they like Ken Miyake.
- 244 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/07/23(火) 16:59:02.34 ID:cSrT0NX/0
- そもそも三宅とつきあってたのが誤報なんでしょ
But her dating Miyake was just a wrong report, right? - 262 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/07/23(火) 17:18:25.74 ID:7/R47Gw/0
- まあ本人がいいならいいんじゃねえ
Well, if he himself is alright with it then there's no problem at all.
I personally can't do something like this though.
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