1. AKB48
2. 和田アキ子 Akiko Wada
3 剛力彩芽 Ayame Gouriki
4 久本雅美 Masami Hisamoto
5 辻希美 Nozomi Tsuji
7 河西智美 Tomomi Kasai
8 酒井法子 Noriko Sakai
9 吉村崇(平成ノブシコブシ) Takashi Yoshimura (Heisei Nobushi Kobushi)
10 芦田愛菜 Mana Ashida
- 2: ウンピョウ(東京都) 2013/06/30(日) 11:42:08.68 ID:NrhBrxte0
- 芸人だらけやないか
Those are all entertainers -
- 26: ジャングルキャット(岡山県) 2013/06/30(日) 11:51:17.61 ID:0nQFLejW0
- >>2何故か学会員とかが複数入っているな・・・
But it seems that there are some Gakkai members in there...
- 7: カナダオオヤマネコ(アメリカ合衆国) 2013/06/30(日) 11:44:47.37 ID:w4hgJLvV0!
- 女率が異常に高いのは何でなの?
What's the reason behind the extremely high rate of women in there? -
- 103: サイベリアン(新潟県) 2013/06/30(日) 13:11:44.92 ID:NnUoPqv7P
- >>7
It seems that married women are mostly the ones who answered these surveys.
You'd get that feeling after seeing how Nozomi Tsuji ranked in at no. 5.
- 8: シャルトリュー(兵庫県) 2013/06/30(日) 11:44:59.26 ID:/QGrwIiv0
- 神田うのとオカマ軍団だな
For me it's Uno Kanda and all those gay entertainers.
Who needs commentators like these who feel like they're so high and mighty? - 9: バーマン(新潟県) 2013/06/30(日) 11:45:24.30 ID:rUoJLWeK0
- テレビ消せばいいじゃん 雑誌なんかも見なくてもいくらでも生活できるだろ
Just turn off the TV. No need to look at magazines too. You can still live your life without these. - 10: ボルネオヤマネコ(SB-iPhone) 2013/06/30(日) 11:45:30.84 ID:WerOC/h6i
- 爆笑太田
Bakushō Ohta
Taizou Sugimura
That self-proclaimed ikemen narcissist chef - 11: ボルネオヤマネコ(SB-iPhone) 2013/06/30(日) 11:46:05.16 ID:WerOC/h6i
- 神田うの
Uno Kanda
King kong Nishino - 12: スペインオオヤマネコ(静岡県) 2013/06/30(日) 11:46:25.14 ID:w0MJxu2d0
- 久保ひとみ
Hitomi Kubo
http://omawezaki-inf.up.seesaa.net/image/5.920009.jpg -
- 166: マーブルキャット(静岡県) 2013/06/30(日) 21:36:54.07 ID:noCia6ny0
- >>12
I agree, but that's too limited to an area.
Masazumi Takahashi
- 13: メインクーン(東海地方) 2013/06/30(日) 11:46:50.69 ID:jS47RePAO
- とりあえずナマポ関係とステマ関係と学会関係
Those in livelihood protection, stealth marketing, and gakkai-related personalities
http://mamorenihon.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/komoto1.jpg - 14: サイベリアン(茸) 2013/06/30(日) 11:46:56.16 ID:CMYxFykSP
- オカマだな
Gay talents.
Who needs them. - 18: ラガマフィン(関東地方) 2013/06/30(日) 11:49:08.98 ID:9gQNeX1jO
- 和田・久本・柴田・剛力・AKB48はどうい。
Agree on Wada, Hisamoto, Shibata, Gouriki, and AKB48.
Then maybe Koumoto and Fujimon. They're gross.
Especially Koumoto's livelihood protection thing, that's unforgivable. - 19: トンキニーズ(チベット自治区) 2013/06/30(日) 11:49:19.41 ID:/7Z28cT2P
- 男は黙ってチャンネル変更
Real men should just shut up and change the channel - 20: ツシマヤマネコ(dion軍) 2013/06/30(日) 11:49:23.04 ID:XmN/qdDy0
- 徳光。
The way he speaks is sickening.
http://journal.ocn.ne.jp/contents/1004/mi100421/mi100421-img01.jpg - 22: ボンベイ(関西・東海) 2013/06/30(日) 11:50:10.21 ID:Y9JVNR9pO
- テレビや雑誌見なくても視界に入るのは、アキバと剛力くらいだな。
The ones who you see a lot even if you don't watch TV or look at magazines are AKB and Gouriki.
I see them a lot here. - 23: ジャングルキャット(岡山県) 2013/06/30(日) 11:50:18.71 ID:0nQFLejW0
- ママタレ
Mama talents (Related post HERE)
All of them.
I don't need them!
Don't appear on TV, take care of your children.
Do your chores. - 24: アムールヤマネコ(神奈川県) 2013/06/30(日) 11:50:27.46 ID:csyHaXPC0
- ロンブーの淳
Ronbu's Atsushi
http://s.cinematoday.jp/res/N0/02/17/v1263700073/N0021716_l.jpg - 25: ギコ(栃木県) 2013/06/30(日) 11:50:42.26 ID:a4rmFS+w0
- TV見るのやめた
I stopped watching TV altogether.
These celebrities are so irritating.
They're already irritating me with their advertisements outside my house. - 27: ヤマネコ(千葉県) 2013/06/30(日) 11:51:31.14 ID:4WdqpGlW0
- 和田アキコがダントツ
Akiko Wada by a landslide - 29: 縞三毛(東京都) 2013/06/30(日) 11:52:32.09 ID:anR08LSz0
- キンタロウ
Kanako Yanagihara
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130127/00/kt406248/91/ba/j/t02200301_0344047012393357341.jpg -
- 34: ジャングルキャット(岡山県) 2013/06/30(日) 11:55:11.82 ID:0nQFLejW0
- >>29
Pretty much agree on that
Just seeing Kintaro onscreen gives me discomfort
- 32: ボンベイ(東京都) 2013/06/30(日) 11:53:50.74 ID:hkDCXpef0
- 芸人やオカマや馬鹿女がうざいからバラエティは一切見なくなったな
I'm irritated by these talents, gays and foolish women so I stopped watching variety shows - 33: ジャングルキャット(岡山県) 2013/06/30(日) 11:54:29.27 ID:0nQFLejW0
- 学会員が固まって出てる番組が多いな
There are a lot of shows where the Gakkai members are grouped together. - 36: ヒョウ(京都府) 2013/06/30(日) 11:56:01.45 ID:lVBtzJCH0
- 宗教嫌いは良く分かったwww
I understand that you guys hate this religious following LOL - 37: コーニッシュレック(千葉県) 2013/06/30(日) 11:56:43.91 ID:0UIQR4Xh0
- 辻とか、全然TVで見かけないのに、なんで嫌われているんだ
But Tsuji isn't even on TV that much, why is she hated? - 39: バーマン(兵庫県) 2013/06/30(日) 11:58:37.78 ID:y2tHj01n0
- クリス松村とかマツコとかの
Chris Matsumura, Matsuko,
These gay talents.
They're disgusting. - 41: ペルシャ(WiMAX) 2013/06/30(日) 11:59:34.05 ID:2F0IztSC0
- 矢口は間に合わなかったのかなSo Yaguchi didn't make it in time for the surveys? LOLhttp://img.news-us.jp/japan/entame/136991947995013128416_long1369897747314_680.jpg
- 44: 猫又(茨城県) 2013/06/30(日) 12:03:30.76 ID:hjEo5zpd0
- 前科者は消えて欲しいって言うかTV出すなよ
I want the people who have had criminal records to disappear. Rather, don't let them appear on TV! -
- 153: アメリカンボブテイル(dion軍) 2013/06/30(日) 18:59:22.42 ID:Tr+DnukG0
- >>44
I hope Shabu-P disappears LOL
- 45: サイベリアン(WiMAX) 2013/06/30(日) 12:04:30.97 ID:BKtImMDoP
- 吉本興業自体潰れて欲しい、梶原も河本も会社に指南されてナマポの悪用やったのは明白だから
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img/2013/01/sQsjJSgyBpT81Tt_FZ6eE_18.jpeg - 46: コーニッシュレック(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/06/30(日) 12:04:55.45 ID:y28n9UNV0
- テリー伊東 他
Terry Ito, etc.
All these self-important people who earn their money by criticizing other people. - 47: サイベリアン(関東・甲信越) 2013/06/30(日) 12:09:12.06 ID:nkQ4Ry6AP
- 雛壇芸人全部
All these talents on tiered platforms
Monta Mino
Masami Hisamoto
Akiko Wada - 48: ジャングルキャット(岡山県) 2013/06/30(日) 12:10:16.29 ID:0nQFLejW0
- よしもとジャニ創価
Yoshimoto, Johnny's, and Soka.
Their backing sure is huge. - 49: キジ白(東京都) 2013/06/30(日) 12:13:30.44 ID:cV3B0Qbn0
- 鳩山由紀夫
Yukio Hatoyama
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/nana_news/imgs/6/c/6cc3abd9.jpg -
- 50: ジャングルキャット(岡山県) 2013/06/30(日) 12:14:26.35 ID:0nQFLejW0
- >>49
Is he a showbiz personality?
Well, he does seem to be an agent who works for China though LOL
- 53: ピューマ(東京都) 2013/06/30(日) 12:19:59.25 ID:6xNUK05I0
- 河西は団体戦でも個人戦でもランクインしてるなw
So Kasai's both ranked in with her group and as an individual LOL
True, I feel disgusted whenever I see that gorilla and change the channel.
http://naname.cacao.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/ac8065c0.jpg - 60: ボンベイ(関東・甲信越) 2013/06/30(日) 12:25:17.44 ID:5sZWfLU2O
- お前らの結論としてはバラエティタレントの類はほぼ全員ということだな
So according to you guys, almost all types of variety talents, huh (´・ω・`) - 63: ジャングルキャット(宮崎県) 2013/06/30(日) 12:27:06.47 ID:HTez8ASn0
- 消えて欲しいと願っても消えないから自分が消えた
No one's disappearing even if I wish for them to, so I'm the one who disappeared. - 65: サイベリアン(dion軍) 2013/06/30(日) 12:27:55.47 ID:joapK85tP
- 消えて欲しいと願っても消えてくれないから見るのやめたけどなwwwww
No one's disappearing even if I wish for them to, so I just stopped watching LOL - 70: ベンガルヤマネコ(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/30(日) 12:30:38.36 ID:m75eibNO0
- 千原ジュニアとやらが画面に出てきたら
I immediately change the channel when Chihara Junior shows up on my screen
http://livedoor.4.blogimg.jp/hatima/imgs/a/1/a1556101.jpg - 73: ラガマフィン(関東・東海) 2013/06/30(日) 12:34:56.79 ID:3fvVx6swO
- AKB48 和田 久本 爆笑問題 バナナマン
ロンブ ジュニア ダウンタウン
木村祐二 スマップ とんねるず
アンガ山根 河本 優木まおみ 劇団ひとり 志村けん
AKB48, Wada, Hisamoto, Bakushō Mondai, Bananaman
Ronbu, Junior, Downtown
Yuji Kimura, SMAP, Tunnels
Ungirls Yamane, Koumoto, Maomi Yuki, Gekidan Hitori, Ken Shimura - 75: スナネコ(茨城県) 2013/06/30(日) 12:37:08.18 ID:lTo+Y/Nb0
- イマルが消えて欲しい 何やってもモノにならないのに居座ってやがる
I hope Imalu disappears. Nothing happens with whatever she does, yet she's still in the industry.
http://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/u/uminoyoru/20090721/20090721151756.jpg - 84: シャム(福島県) 2013/06/30(日) 12:46:11.31 ID:NjenCVj30
- 中山秀征
Hideyuki Nakayama
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/20120331_ariyoshi_43.jpg - 85: セルカークレックス(北海道) 2013/06/30(日) 12:47:46.52 ID:CzrT1uSh0
- 徳光、福留、みの、関口
Tokumitsu, Fukudome, Mino, Sekiguchi - 87: ハバナブラウン(大阪府) 2013/06/30(日) 12:51:58.29 ID:bxOBzQqD0
- 松尾貴史
Takashi Matsuo
http://www.zakzak.co.jp/entertainment/ent-column/images/20100630/enc1006301622003-n1.jpg - 90: ハバナブラウン(長野県) 2013/06/30(日) 12:53:21.47 ID:BxkHZm0k0
- あのケバイ女医とオネェ系全般
That gaudy female doctor and all the gay talents
http://casting.horipro.co.jp/photo/nishikawa.jpg - 92: ロシアンブルー(神奈川県) 2013/06/30(日) 12:55:24.49 ID:rQjM0Dp20
- お釜タレント、でもカバちゃんは除いて良い
The gay talents, except for Kaba-chan
http://csr.bz/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/011.jpg - 93: アムールヤマネコ(北海道) 2013/06/30(日) 12:59:54.28 ID:GRdvBHQa0
- 今の芸能界で残って欲しい芸人を挙げていったほうがはやそう
Might be quicker to name the talents that I want to remain in showbiz - 95: アビシニアン(東京都) 2013/06/30(日) 13:01:41.97 ID:hSPemG9o0
- 河本梶原は絶対に許さない
I can't forgive Koumoto and Kajiwara.
I hope Yoshimoto who protected them will disappear. - 96: ペルシャ(WiMAX) 2013/06/30(日) 13:03:42.24 ID:2F0IztSC0
- あと、ミヤネだな アイツは韓国観光大使だしな
There's also Miyane. He's an ambassador for Korean travels.
http://blog-imgs-46-origin.fc2.com/g/e/n/geneonni/2f60b343-s.jpg - 97: チーター(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/06/30(日) 13:04:35.57 ID:KV9jYRWy0
- 堺正章
Masaaki Sakai
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/20120928_hosareta_24.jpg - 98: ヒマラヤン(東海地方) 2013/06/30(日) 13:06:57.30 ID:D6u3EVElO
- 関根勤
Tsutomu Sekine.
I don't have a need for an oldie who just opens his mouth and claps his hands. - 99: サイベリアン(神奈川県) 2013/06/30(日) 13:07:28.51 ID:+MUfBOz0P
- マツコデラックスとか体調悪いときとかマジ吐きそうになったことがある。
There was a time when I was seriously about to throw up when I saw Matsuko Deluxe while I wasn't feeling well.
Please, please just appear only on late night programs. - 100: ターキッシュアンゴラ(庭) 2013/06/30(日) 13:08:38.28 ID:BMlZnw2E0
- akb、和田、久本は同意。
I agree with AKB, Wada, and Hisamoto - 105: トンキニーズ(岡山県) 2013/06/30(日) 13:23:08.51 ID:iiAshjJrP
- 木村祐一やろ
Yuichi Kimura.
They should put mosaic on him whenever he's on TV.
http://blog-imgs-53.fc2.com/p/l/a/platinasedai/kim5.jpg - 106: サイベリアン(庭) 2013/06/30(日) 13:35:37.48 ID:XRicQAOMP
- 一番いらないのは磯野きり
The one not needed the most is Kiri Isono
http://nozawa22.cocolog-nifty.com/nozawa22/images/2009/12/08/k_img_render.jpg - 108: ベンガル(愛知県) 2013/06/30(日) 13:46:04.50 ID:R48wBeXR0
- 剛力は誰が得するのかさっぱりわからない純然たる異物
I seriously don't know who needs Gouriki. She's a downright contaminant. - 110: ライオン(東京都) 2013/06/30(日) 13:48:20.57 ID:hWcdZJcv0
- 河本
I switch the channel when I see:
Taizou Sugimura
Uno Kanda
Yaguchi - 111: アビシニアン(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/30(日) 14:21:59.46 ID:0ouRqP7n0
- 吉本芸人と韓流系芸能人
All these Yoshimoto comedians and Korean talents - 115: シャルトリュー(島根県) 2013/06/30(日) 14:50:35.77 ID:1Dt7d5li0
- 猫ひろしが居ないのはもう既に消えたから?
So is the reason why Neko Hiroshi isn't in there is because he's already disappeared?
http://www.nikkansports.com/sports/athletics/news/img/P2012050802913_neko-ns300.jpg - 119: コラット(愛知県) 2013/06/30(日) 15:04:17.38 ID:bZ7QWCq+0
- 進歩のない素人芸人
Amateur comedians who have made no progress
Harisenbon - 121: オリエンタル(東京都) 2013/06/30(日) 15:10:24.35 ID:gnLH1ErA0
- 吉本芸人すべて
All Yoshimoto entertainers
http://img.news-us.jp/fuckorea/news_large_w003.jpg - 124: バーマン(広西チワン族自治区) 2013/06/30(日) 15:28:07.72 ID:DHujyyOp0
- まず、ミヤネ。ミヤネが「大阪も揺れてます」を繰り返して津波警報が聞き取れなかった。
Miyane, first of all. It's Miyane's fault that I wasn't able to hear the Tsunami warning because he kept repeating "Osaka's shaking too". - 128: ヤマネコ(徳島県) 2013/06/30(日) 16:01:03.38 ID:N+Pq4gN20
- ゴールデンボンバー
Golden Bomber
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/04/ef1e8580b2eb08a8d6dc42150777b5cc_0.jpeg - 129: トンキニーズ(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/30(日) 16:02:49.94 ID:PyfA5jbGP
- 青木さやか
Sayaka Aoki
http://mamma-mama.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/a5720a821ce0160d458ce646b9ea83a0-320x382.jpg - 133: コドコド(愛媛県) 2013/06/30(日) 16:06:57.08 ID:wJ8k56DC0
- 朝鮮人
Koreans - 135: ピクシーボブ(中部地方) 2013/06/30(日) 16:14:35.68 ID:QqPgumTl0
- 歌舞伎もムカツクわ
I also hate Kabuki.
It's discrimination on how a normal person has no chance whatsoever to become part of that.
http://www.asahi.com/culture/update/0327/images/TKY201303270094.jpg - 136: ヨーロッパオオヤマネコ(三重県) 2013/06/30(日) 16:15:22.49 ID:jq3azpUG0
- ものの見事に全員消えてほしい奴らがランクインしてたけど
Actually, everyone I want to disappear has ranked in that survey but I'm not too concerned about it anymore since I stopped watching TV. - 138: マレーヤマネコ(関東・甲信越) 2013/06/30(日) 16:35:46.97 ID:dEmWNvG1O
- 勝俣
http://news.walkerplus.com/article/28909/129514_400.jpg - 139: サイベリアン(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/30(日) 16:39:35.62 ID:lfZ1cJ7xP
- 和田明子かな
Akiko Wada
Shinsuke Shimada's disappearance was actually a lucky thing.
http://tamenaru.biz/wp-content/uploads/E5B3B6E794B0E7B4B3E58AA9E38080E5BC95E98080E8A898E88085E4BC9AE8A68B.jpg - 148: 白黒(東京都) 2013/06/30(日) 18:48:53.94 ID:0Hl+Fyjc0
- ゴーリキ1位を逃す
So Gouriki didn't place first - 149: ジャングルキャット(茨城県) 2013/06/30(日) 18:50:19.16 ID:RK1Kt1S7T
- 今1番AKBに消えてもらいたいと思ってる職業はわりとマジでグラビアモデル
I'm pretty serious when I say that I want AKB to disappear the most from the gravure modeling world.
Just how much models have lost jobs because of them. -
- 155: ジャガーネコ(三重県) 2013/06/30(日) 19:16:56.70 ID:s9Y36S5+0
- >>149
Yeah, they just took these weekly magazines all for themselves
- 151: ライオン(家) 2013/06/30(日) 18:51:45.98 ID:ytSZTh9B0
- チョン顔の千原兄弟消えて欲しいと思ってたけど、
I wanted the Korean-looking Chihara brothers to disappear, but there's also the more Korean-looking Audrey Wakabayashi. Disgusting. Don't appear on TV. - 156: 猫又(dion軍) 2013/06/30(日) 19:20:31.44 ID:uheeYJrF0
- キンタロー
She's much worse than the other female talents who are promoting their ugliness. -
- 159: トラ(dion軍) 2013/06/30(日) 19:31:17.08 ID:22TKTuz70
- >>156
But Kintaro's got talent, she'll probably hang around (´・ω・`)
- 163: エジプシャン・マウ(高知県) 2013/06/30(日) 19:51:01.42 ID:wfYVK/PC0
- ファンキー加藤
Funky Kato. He irritates me.
http://ent2.excite.co.jp/music/interview/2009/funkymonkeybabys/image/interview01_p3.jpg - 170: ジャガランディ(関西・北陸) 2013/06/30(日) 23:07:49.97 ID:gRPq/cPGO
- 和田 久本 アクア800 神田うの 河本 石橋
Wada, Hisamoto, Aqua800, Uno Kanda, Koumoto, Ishibashi - 177: ペルシャ(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/30(日) 23:53:46.63 ID:OdBNvNpB0
- 千原ジュニア
Chihara Junior
K-POP talents - 180: ジャガランディ(東京都) 2013/06/30(日) 23:59:25.86 ID:qACW6uxc0
- エグザイルがキモすぎる
EXILE's gross - 181: 縞三毛(岡山県) 2013/06/30(日) 23:59:56.01 ID:wZscehzP0
- エグザイルが多すぎる
There are too many EXILE members. I don't know who's who anymore. - 189: 黒トラ(東京都) 2013/07/01(月) 00:27:05.74 ID:Ge5lmkSt0
- 和田一択
Wada's the only choice here
Original Thread
- Download AKB48 MP3s from AMAZON
- Shop for AKB48 Fans Collection on YESASIA
how immature to wish them to disappear. for god's sake just ignore who you dont like and go on with ur life. btw mana ashida is a freaking kid! these people are twisted.
ReplyDeleteThe site that ran the survey is horrible. Wait, chinese?
DeleteThey never really have a real reason, just some shallow ones. Which says a lot about the type of people that are on that site. "she's ugly" "koreans" "gorilla" "gross"....seriously?
ReplyDeleteLOL man I feel that some people who read this site do not know what 2channel is.
ReplyDeleteI think most of us *do* know what kind of place 2channel is. Just because gross comments are typical over there, doesn't mean we can't discuss the topics reasonably here.
DeleteThen you must know that there were a number of homicides, mass murder, drug trafficking conceived and carried out by the more deranged members of 2ch. Its that kind of place. That's why there's such a stigma on otaku in Japan.
DeleteIf you're taking their views seriously, and getting butthurt over comments of these people hiding behind anonymity, you're being quite silly. Don't like, don't read.
lol at you
DeleteDoesn't mean that we can't say that they are gross, racists, sexist etc
Yeah but that just being repetitive aint it.
DeleteIn my mind 2ch = gross, racists, sexist
That ain't gonna change, there not gonna change
SO LOL at you too
@ "AnonymousJuly 3, 2013 at 12:18 PM"
DeleteSure, we all know how crazy/stupid they are but it doesn't mean we can't give opinions on their comments or point the wrong things, or say if we agree or not. The comment section is made for this. The real problem here is, if you really think they're stupid and nothing else, and you "LOL" at people who care for 2ch comments, then why exactly are you on this blog that only translates 2ch comments? Looks like you care about it too... Should I "LOL" at you? :)
"Gays", "Koreans", and mostly female talents, especially those known for being outspoken. Yep, this list went exactly how I thought it would.
>> Real men should just shut up and change the channel
no lies detected
""Gays", "Koreans", and mostly female talents, especially those known for being outspoken. Yep, this list went exactly how I thought it would."
DeleteYES. Thank-you. I was so bothered by this, but I couldn't find a way to phrase it well for some reason.
And comment #7 even sort of called it out, and someone replied them mansplaining it away. Basically, "Oh, you know how catty those housewives are."
Sheesh, no need to take 2chan seriously, it's just there for our entertainment :)
ReplyDeleteWell, some of the insight that they provide really is amazing. Most even stalk these personalities and provide information that you can't get anywhere so it's really entertaining :D Peace and just read the comments for what they are, these comments don't exactly reflect (sometimes) what the general public thinks.
Besides, the site that ran the survey seems anti-Japan :/
So I see that AKB has become Japan's Kardashians.
ReplyDeleteNot really. They just don't like their overexposure which is similar to why they hate Gouriki, who's extremely overexposed right now, and how a little kid actually made that list, she's pretty overexposed for the past few yrs. I think Mana chan was actually top 3 on a survey last year. I get reason for their irritation but hating someone for that is dumb. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
DeleteAKB need to stop shoving their members everywhere #vomits
ReplyDeleteJohnny's need to stop shoving Arashi everywhere too.
DeleteYou're saying this but I bet you don't even live in Japan lol. Where you leave, AKB is probably nowhere, not even on TV or on the streets. You only "vomit" because you search about them on the internet. Get over yourself, you could easily ignore them if you wanted to.
DeleteBut if you're in Japan they're really everywhere, their posters follow you even in old toilets on the country side. Worst is being in Tokyo where you can hear their songs in every second store and it's really hard to just ignore them. I ignored them well until I lived in Japan for a year :P
DeleteLiar. You only said that because of your dislike towards AKB. In reality, they are not as everywhere as you said.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one here who's curious that the link seems to be from a chinese site?