NEWS' concert was cancelled at around 7:30 pm due to the heavy rains on Tokyo's Chichibunomiya Rugby Grounds.
- 4: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/27(土) 22:45:07.24 ID:TR0CbeRGO
- NEWSだわこれはWow, this is NEWS (pun intended)
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 22:45:47.72 ID:nPxfd6EB0
- NEWSって山下とかNSKDが抜けた残りカスだろ。まだやってたんだ。But the current NEWS are just these leftovers that Yamashita and NSKD left behind, right?
Didn't know they're still around. - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 22:46:35.47 ID:Ku6ZL/mF0
- デブス多そうだもんな・・・There must be a lot of ugly fatties in there...
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 22:47:58.83 ID:ti4/Udcv0
- ちょっと意味が分からないのだが午後7時半頃、豪雨のため途中で中止↓午後8時半過ぎから来場者らが相次いで体調不良↓午後9時半現在、約100人が手当てコンサート中止後にどうしてこうなったwwwwwwWait, I'm not getting things here.
7:30 PM - The concert was cancelled midway due to the heavy rains.
8:30 PM - Fans in attendance were claiming health issues one after another.
9:30 PM - 100 fans received medication.
Why the heck did this happen after the concert got cancelled wwwwwwwww -
- 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 22:51:25.31 ID:hVelf+tsI
- >>8なんでぇ~どうして中止なのぉ~涙ヒーヒー、フー、ヒーヒー、フーって感じだろうMust have gone like this
"NOOOOOOOOO~~~~ WHY U CANCEL!?~~~~~~ (Cries)
Haaaa, haaaa, fuuuuuu, haaaa, haaaa, fuuuuu"
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 22:59:42.65 ID:NMpIelMq0
- >>8雨で中断後退場が始まった頃に体調不良で救護所に駆け込む人が多数いたので応援要請したらしいよI heard they had to request for back up due to the number of people rushed to the first aid quarters as they were leaving the arena when the concert got cancelled.
- 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:20:52.88 ID:QfsK0fadO
- >>8ライブ中じゃなくて中止になった1時間も後かよw意味がわからんwバカじゃないのかSo it was an hour after the concert got cancelled, huh? LOL
I don't get it LOL
Are they stupid?
- 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 22:49:51.81 ID:Cf6/ZN6wO
- 会場くさそうだもんなThe stadium seems really smelly
- 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 22:51:40.29 ID:35qr8FNn0
- まさか中止でファビョったとか・・・Don't tell me that they went hysterical due to the cancellation...
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 22:57:58.81 ID:V3EseYv/O
- 過呼吸て医療ドラマとAKBの舞台裏みたいのでしか見たことないやI've only seen hyperventilation in these medical dramas and backstage at AKB shows
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 22:58:01.24 ID:OXt/gkKrI
- 100人って何があったんだ100 people? What the heck happened?
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:02:12.55 ID:gL45RM630
- 過呼吸よりジャニヲタ病の治療してやれよwwwwwThey should treat their Jani-disease first before their hyperventilation wwww
- 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:08:23.34 ID:YdDT3RCvO
- 隅田川花火の浴衣でずぶ濡れを心配する声が多かったが、結局こっちのずぶ濡れの方が被害が大きかったな。There was also a lot of concern for the women who were soaking wet in their kimonos at the Sumida river fireworks display, but it seems that the damage was bigger here.
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:08:50.36 ID:2P2Y2NqTO
- NEWSがニュースになったってSo NEWS became news, huh
- 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:11:44.78 ID:dkzHuhjJO
- NEWSは本当に運が悪いな占いかお祓いか何か見てもらった方が良いんじゃないか?NEWS really is unlucky.
Maybe it would be better if they see a fortune teller or an exorcist even. -
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:15:10.16 ID:YdDT3RCvO
- >>47客が多かったことが証明できてかえって良かったのでは?ツイッターだと明日の振替公演のチケット争奪戦が始まってるみたいだし。I think this even turned out for the good since they have now proven there were a lot of fans in attendance. And if you just look at Twitter, it seems war is ensuing for the replacement tickets for tomorrow's concert.
- 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:12:42.24 ID:knBuyGGrO
- TBSで70人て言ってたぞTBS said it was 70 people - 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:17:11.71 ID:OXt/gkKrI
- NEWSってとことん運がないな手越はAKB系と合コン三昧だからざまあだが事務所の責任もあるだろうなーNEWS really is unfortunate.
Though I think it serves Tegoshi right due to his relations with the AKB group and his party-going nature, but the agency is at fault here, too.
(Related posts HERE and HERE) - 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:18:12.96 ID:nvXpb/TjO
- ニュースでインタビューされてた子が『ライブが明日になっちゃうんですよ。今日しか来れない子が泣きすぎて過呼吸になった』って言ってた。100人規模とかアホかA girl who answered the interview on the news said,
"The concert has been rescheduled for tomorrow. Some girls won't be able to attend the concert tomorrow and are having trouble breathing due to crying too much."
And there are 100 of them? That's stupid. - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:18:28.40 ID:VIBCBW+v0
- ずぶ濡れで体冷えて低体温症になった子も多いとか・・・・。寒いか?しかし、ライブ中止で興奮して過呼吸とは・・・・・・・・・・I heard that there were some people who had a low body temperature due to being soaked in the rain... is it really that cold?
But what's with hard breathing due to the cancellation of the concert....... - 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:18:41.98 ID:5i1/nijo0
- 集団過呼吸なんて聞いたこと無い。なにかのテロじゃないのか?I've never heard of a group hyperventilation case. Isn't this some sort of terrorist attack?
- 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:20:13.84 ID:IB7UoKRK0
- >>66最近女子高生が過呼吸で7~8人学校で倒れたThere was also some news recently about 7~8 highschool girls who fainted due to hyperventilation
- 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:20:25.19 ID:vtcEnU/E0
- 興奮し過ぎだw60年代ビートルズのコンサートでは日常茶飯事だったらしいよThey probably just got too worked up LOL
But I heard this was very common in the 60s during the Beatles concerts. - 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:25:08.90 ID:OXt/gkKrI
- グッズ販売で夏に五時間待ち雷雨でずぶ濡れ、低体温そりゃ倒れるさThey waited for 5 hours in the summer, which also includes them shopping for goods.
Then they become soaking wet due to the heavy rains and their body temperatures drop.
It's just natural that people would collapse after that. - 91: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:26:40.21 ID:mDB9HRKIO
- まあ大半が小中学生だろうから周りに影響されちゃうんだろうなThe majority must be gradeschoolers~junior highschoolers so they were probably just influenced by the people around them.
- 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:27:44.22 ID:hXoVAdNK0
- >>91NEWSのファンなら20代前半がメインだろうNEWS fans probably revolve mainly around people in their early 20s
- 96: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:29:36.95 ID:/G5/3u2Y0
- このグループだっけ?手作りうちわだかに「精子頂戴」って書いたキモヲタがいるやつWas this the group who had that disgusting kimowota with the handmade fan that said "Please give me your semen"?
- 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:38:25.52 ID:mI/aQhZKO
- >>96それは嵐That was Arashi
- 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:30:12.41 ID:wLSb0GUxO
- なんか頭に袋被せるといいんだっけ?過呼吸って。About hyperventilation, do you put a bag or something on their head to cure it?
- 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:41:22.64 ID:08FRSDR/O
- >>98それは間違い落ち着かせるのが正解That's the wrong way of doing things.
The correct way is letting them calm down first.
- 110: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:41:34.22 ID:mI/aQhZKO
- >>98紙袋で口覆って呼吸するのが定説の対処法だったけど、最近は何もしないで落ち着くのを待つのがいいらしい。The generally accepted first aid method is to take a paper bag and let the person breathe in it, but it seems that it's just better to let the person calm down without doing anything.
- 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:32:39.34 ID:lE+1yoKmO
- インタビューされてた子が今日しか来れない子が泣いて過呼吸になってたって言ってたけど本当か?雨に打たれて体調不良なら分かるが…The girl who was interviewed said that some had trouble breathing since they were crying because they couldn't attend the rescheduled concert. Is that true? I'd understand them getting sick if they got wet in the rain though.
- 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:39:57.45 ID:AiLiJHLbO
- >>101ツイ見たけどそういう子多いね。号泣からの過呼吸って感じそれより宿泊先提供に乗ってトラブルに巻き込まれる子がいないといいけどI looked at Twitter and it does seem like there were a lot of girls like that. They found it hard to breathe after crying so hard.
I just hope there won't be trouble among these girls with the lodging service provided.
- 108: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:40:49.61 ID:53HSk96H0
- 95 名前:ユーも名無しネ[sage] 投稿日:2013/07/27(土) 23:37:19 ID:???0ツイからつ・規制退場中外周まわってたら具合悪い子みつけて手越「スタッフさーん!スタッフちょっと来てー。(客が)過呼吸。ちょっとスタッフ早くきて」客に「大丈夫だからな、落ち着いて、大丈夫」増田「ビニール袋ある?」加藤「具合悪いひと無理しないで、言ってね」From Twitter:
It seems the NEWS members went around while the fans were exiting the stadium and found a fan who looked ill.
Tegoshi: "Staff-san! Staff members, can you come here please! Heavy breathing. Staff members, plese hurry up and come here."
To the fan: "It'll be alright, stay calm, it's alright."
Masuda: "You have a plastic bag there?"
Kato: "People who aren't feeling well, please don't force yourselves! Please say so." -
- 112: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:42:19.19 ID:Toljmoru0
- >>108手越とかに直接心配されちゃったら益々過呼吸になりそうだBut I think these people would even have a harder time in breathing if Tegoshi and the rest are worried about them.
- 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:47:50.05 ID:sglN10N60
- >>108手越や増田の反応を見ると、今までも何度かあったんだろうなThings like this must have already happened a number of times before judging from Tegoshi and Masuda's actions.
- 129: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:50:41.16 ID:AiLiJHLbO
- 雷に豪雨にコンサート中止で緊急避難じゃ会場は阿鼻叫喚のパニックだろうしThunder, heavy rains, cancelled concert, sudden evacuation. Yeah, I bet the stadium must have been in panic.
- 131: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:51:13.50 ID:hXvdwwYDO
- すげえな…ニュースって脱退しまくりでこんな人気あるのかよだったら嵐やスマップクラスならとかなら死人出るんじゃね?恐すぎAmazing... They're still this popular even with all those members that left?
Then if this were Arashi or SMAP, some people might even die then, huh? That's so scary. - 137: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/27(土) 23:55:04.24 ID:OavxJj4RP
- それよりもTwitterじゃ、あすの振替ライブのために宿を探してる奴らで溢れてるわ。びしょ濡れの女を狙ってる奴も多そうだなぁIt also seems that Twitter is full of girls looking for places to stay in for that resched.
There might be a lot of people aiming for these soaking girls.
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