To think that they're one of the very few Johnny's talents who are accepted on 2channel
- 2: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:44:50.62 ID:b7WHb5St
- 十分売れてるだろThey're selling enough
- 5: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:47:09.47 ID:L8hTDJrF
- >>2最近の売り上げはジャニの中で下の方やぞBut their recent sales are near the bottom within Johnny's
- 3: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:44:51.70 ID:L8hTDJrF
- TOKIOは好きだけどCDを買う気にはならないI like TOKIO but I never felt like buying their CDs
- 6: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:48:01.20 ID:TS/WRa8t
- TOKIOはまだ世間から認知されてる方やろV6とか完全に忘れられとる岡田と井ノ原しかしらんのとかおるんちゃうかBut TOKIO is still well known by the public.
I think V6 is completely forgotten about.
There might even be people who only know about Okada and Inohara.
http://contents.innolife.net/mobile/img/item/113117_l.jpg - 7: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:48:11.45 ID:EHekwMO2
- TOKIOってDASHで肉体労働が本業で歌は副業やろ
http://file.trueindividual.ni-moe.com/120213_1.jpg - 8: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:48:14.05 ID:WijZS540
- 2ちゃんで評価されてる←アカンAccepted on 2chan <- Uh-oh, not good
- 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:48:27.82 ID:QDo4Wmbc
- ファンが少ないからだろ2chは基本的にマイノリティ側の味方だしBecause they don't have too many fans.
2chan basically takes sides with the minority. - 11: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:49:18.01 ID:lrvtp/dP
- 別にこの歳でこれ以上売れたいとか思ってないやろI don't think they're thinking of selling more at this age
- 13: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:49:58.04 ID:z2/OtKVV
- 松岡はTOKIOの和を乱すゲス野郎Matsuoka is a scumbag who ruins the serenity within TOKIO (related post HERE)
http://jmania.jp/jblog/files/2011/09/matsuokamasahiro05.jpg -
- 19: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:50:59.87 ID:EEGNcpFU
- >>13だがそれがいい(ニヤニヤBut that's what's good (grins)
- 23: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:51:35.39 ID:VdTko/EC
- >>13あれはプロレスのヒール役みたいなもんやろHe's like the bad guy in pro wrestling
- 15: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:50:21.65 ID:7vvv9eG2
- もう歌わんで開墾だけしてればええやろIt would probably be better if they stopped singing and just focused on agriculture
- 16: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:50:47.04 ID:EHekwMO2
- スマップ嵐TOKIO一般人からすればこれがジャニーズ3強やなSMAP, Arashi, TOKIO
- 18: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:50:57.76 ID:Bb59dDKP
- 2ちゃん以外でもdashは評価されてるやろ歌が評価されてないだけでBut DASH is getting good reviews even outside of 2chan.
It's just that their songs aren't receiving enough recognition. - 20: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:51:06.51 ID:LCLrAVBF
- V6の多くはテレビ以外の方面に活路を見出してしまった舞台やらグルメやらMost of V6 have found their paths outside of TV, like stage plays, gourmet.
- 26: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:51:47.44 ID:1CUrqkH1
- >>20TOKIOも対して変わらん看板番組が生き残ってるかどうかの違いだろうYou can pretty much say the same thing about TOKIO.
The difference is just about the survival of their flagship program.
- 28: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:52:01.06 ID:L8hTDJrF
- 宙船のあとが糞曲ばかりなんだよねいい曲を回されなくなってしまったEverything that came after "Sorafune" were horrible.
They just stopped getting good songs handed over to them.
- 29: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:52:08.23 ID:npZ0sPpu
- ぶっちゃけ2chで評価されてるのは鉄腕ダッシュって番組だからやろお前ら他のTOKIOメンバーが出てる番組本当に観てんの?スポルト以外They're only being lauded on 2chan because of Tetsuwan DASH, right?
Do you guys even watch the other programs where these TOKIO members are a part of? Other than Sporto. -
- 35: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:53:05.52 ID:EHekwMO2
- >>29他に出てるの知らないわドラマ?wI don't know their other programs.
- 47: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:57:42.38 ID:lrvtp/dP
- >>29ゴチも人気やろGochi's popular too
- 33: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:52:46.80 ID:B3/PyaAS
- オッサンぽくて好きI like them since they really seem like good old men
- 36: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:53:27.33 ID:CJQPQQeK
- 本職は農業、漁業、孤島サバイバル食ってくためのバイトが運送屋とドラマバンド活動は完全に趣味やから…Because their main line of work is farming, fishing, and surviving in desolate islands.
Their part-time work in order to earn a living is shipping and doing dramas.
Playing in a band is entirely their hobby.
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/tokiongr/17986416_477x636.jpeg - 37: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:53:39.39 ID:ExcSC+sg
- ZIPは見とるよ、ZIPは!I watch ZIP, you know!
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/hikoshi727/imgs/f/d/fd679a95.jpg - 39: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:53:51.25 ID:IFbUQwox
- 長瀬の老化が原因10年前くらいはジャニらしからぬ男前でかっこよかったけど今は完全におっさんやんIt's because of Nagase's aging.
He was so handsome and "un-Johnny's" 10 years ago, but he's just an old man now. (Related post HERE)
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img/2012/12/WwKZuwxMbS8d6DZ_CZtwq_27.jpeg -
- 57: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:00:34.41 ID:EEGNcpFU
- >>39キモタコさんみたいな歳のとり方してないから評価してるよ何故かリーダーの横に立ってるだけで面白い空気は相変わらず纏ってるしI rate him highly because he's not aging in the same way as Kimo-Tako.
He looks funny even when he's just standing next to leader.
- 50: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:58:11.89 ID:IFbUQwox
- 最近のシングルの順位wジャニにしては低すぎるンゴ・・・40 太陽と砂漠のバラ/スベキコト 3位41 advance/また朝が来る 5位42 -遥か- 1位43 NaNaNa (太陽なんていらねぇ) 6位44 見上げた流星 4位45 羽田空港の奇跡/KIBOU 5位46 リリック 7位47 手紙 8位
This is too low for Johnny's standards...
40 - Taiyou to Sabaku no bara / Subekikoto - 3rd
41 - Advance/Mata asa ga kuru - 5th
42 - Haruka - 1st
43 - NaNaNa (Taiyou nante iranee)- 6th
44 - Miageta Ryuusei - 4th
45 - Haneda Kuukou no kiseki / KIBOU - 5th
46 - Lyric - 7th
47 - Tegami - 8th - 53: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:59:08.82 ID:C/G/dLNe
- 売れなさすぎてCD出せなかったことがあるとか聞いたぞI heard that they weren't even able to come out with a CD due to their poor sales
- 54: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:59:17.65 ID:IFbUQwox
- でも関ジャニへの世代交代は上手くいってるよな?But KanJani seems to be succeeding them smoothly, right?
- 63: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:02:12.90 ID:Bmg3JUa/
- >>54男からの支持がないからなぁBut they're not really supported by men
- 55: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 11:59:47.00 ID:ExcSC+sg
- まあ大正義鉄腕ダッシュすぎるんだよなあ東日本大震災にも絡んじゃったし、辞め時というのももう無いレベルだしWell, Tetsuwan DASH is still the great justice.
It even got involved with the Great Disaster, I don't think it's on a level that it will ever get cancelled.
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTG5fHDtFh57xEJfsV1vSPDPwgmRy6LyRDv48zp40vuun8pT_Xxeg - 58: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:00:55.06 ID:4dnxcqLg
- 37.8万枚 宙船(そらふね)/do! do! do!宙船も全然売れてないンゴ・・・378,000 Sorafune / do! do! do!
Even "Sorafune" didn't sell well... - 59: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:01:07.89 ID:tvtSBebe
- TOKIOって全盛期でもそんなにCD売れるグループじゃなかっただろだから鉄腕DASHとか、テレビのバラエティ路線に特化したんだと思うがBut TOKIO didn't even sell that many CDs during their prime, right?
That's why I think they specialized in Tetsuwan DASH and variety shows. - 62: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:01:44.24 ID:IFbUQwox
- 本人たちはそれぞれ仕事があるしアイドル的な人気を得るのはもう無理だとわかってるだろうしええんちゃう?Each one of them has his own line of projects, I think they know that it's already impossible for them to gain further popularity as idols. Don't you think things are good the way they are?
http://mediawatcher.up.seesaa.net/image/E59BBDE58886E5A4AAE4B880E38394E382A2E3838E.JPG - 64: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:02:13.33 ID:xk2hE+33
- 鉄腕ダッシュは今黄金期やろでもそうなったのはTOKIOが暇になったからやけどBut Tetsuwan DASH is in its golden age right now.
Well, but the reason for that is because TOKIO doesn't have anything else to do. - 66: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:02:56.89 ID:UMIa0frT
- ジャニーズ所属のお笑いタレントで歌は副業They're comedians under Johnny's who sing part-time
- 67: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:02:58.02 ID:ExcSC+sg
- TOKIOはジュリアが格好良すぎるんだよなあTOKIO's "Julia" is really cool
- 69: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:03:44.72 ID:p8kPeNhi
- 城島(42歳)山口(41歳)国分(38歳)松岡(36歳)長瀬(34歳)こんなの、ジャニオタが応援すると思うか?Joshima (42)
Yamaguchi (41)
Kokubun (38)
Matsuoka (36)
Nagase (34)
Do you really think Jani-otas will support people like these? - 72: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:04:16.83 ID:1CUrqkH1
- 関ジャニもあと10年すれば人気出るんじゃない?(適当)Won't Kanjani become popular in 10 years time? (random)
- 74: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:04:36.31 ID:PsZ6TlMa
- CDなんて売れなくても司会とかドラマとかで安泰だろBut they're still secure even if their CDs don't sell because of their hosting duties and dramas, right?
- 76: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:05:44.15 ID:J/ga7xjw
- バンドやからやろ長瀬以外はカップリングやアルバムでしかメインで歌ってないし早くユニバの音楽ができれば違ったのにとIt's because they're a band.
The members other than Nagase don't sing other than in their B-sides and album tracks.
It probably would have been different for them if they were able to sing songs with Universal music at an earlier stage in their career. - 79: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:06:24.30 ID:7XgksZRw
- リーダーのほうれい線がえぐいことになってるBecause the leader's smile lines look nasty nowadays
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20111031/17/komame0314/0c/a7/j/t02000255_0200025511581837836.jpg - 80: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:06:29.98 ID:CWnbQjbM
- TOKIOって全員になんとなくポジションがあるのがすごいと思うわ。But I think it's amazing that each member has his own defined position
- 81: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:06:43.77 ID:4dnxcqLg
- TOKIO、キンキ、最初の頃のKAT-TUN好きI like TOKIO, Kinki, and the early KAT-TUN
http://yaplog.jp/style-a/img/249/kattun.jpg - 83: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:07:31.40 ID:TS/WRa8t
- ジャニでは珍しい実際楽器を弾ける本格グループなのにそれを全く生かそうとしてないのが草生えるThey're a genuine group that play instruments which is rare in Johnny's, and it really makes me LOL that they're not making use of that at all.
- 84: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:07:45.62 ID:mG4wxufl
- 中居 40歳木村 40歳稲垣 39歳草? 38歳香取 36歳SMAPが異常すぎるこいつらだってアイドルとしての旬は過ぎたけどNakai (40)
Kimura (40)
Inagaki (39)
Kusanagi (38)
Katori (36)
SMAP is just too abnormal.
Even these guys are past their prime as idols. -
- 91: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:10:10.56 ID:TS/WRa8t
- >>84それぞれの個性という意味では頭2つくらい抜けとるからなぁ空気だった稲垣メンバーも最近になっていい味だしてきとるBut I think they're still head and shoulders above everyone else in the sense that each member has his distinct qualities.
Even Inagaki who used to be thin air seems to be having his own flavor recently.
- 85: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:08:06.25 ID:UokSXI+E
- 芸能界ポイされてもDASH島とかで自給自足して生きていけそうEven if they get ousted from the showbiz world, it feels like they're all self-sufficient enough to live on DASH island or somewhere.
- 90: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:09:39.07 ID:T0ziIfg1
- 老若男女に薄く広く人気って感じThey're like, "well known to men and women of all ages, but just slightly popular".
- 92: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:10:16.61 ID:/j4tjpH6
- 宙船はじわじわ売れて60万枚くらい行ったって聞いたで結局ミリオン一回も経験ないやろI heard that "Sorafune" eventually reached the 600,000 sales mark.
But they've never experienced a million-seller. - 95: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:10:56.06 ID:CWnbQjbM
- 昔はアイドルグループとして人気出た後、ある程度の年齢になると解散してそれぞれピンで活動していくのが普通だったのにSMAP以降30歳過ぎても普通にグループで活動する連中が増えたなIdol groups used to disband after getting popular and reaching a certain age, then each member would work individually. That used to be the norm, but after SMAP, a lot have remained as groups even after turning 30.
- 97: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:11:12.14 ID:dl4kKzyr
- 嵐って2ちゃんでは人気ないよなArashi doesn't seem to be that popular on 2chan, right?
- 99: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:12:04.73 ID:4dnxcqLg
- >>97なんか大学生ノリっぽくない?Don't they seem like college students?
- 104: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:12:53.16 ID:ExcSC+sg
- >>97そりゃ微妙だからジャン二宮はネズミ顔だし、大麻君も堂本光一のパチモンみたいだし、相葉は糞だし松本はよくみりゃ気持ち悪いし、サクラップは正当なジャニーズっぽいけどね女性から人気はもちろんあるだろうけど、男からのアツいパッションは無理やろBecause there's something slightly off about them.
Ninomiya looks like a rodent, Ohno-kun is like a Koichi Domoto knock-off, Aiba's shitty, Matsumoto is gross when you look at him closely, but Sakurap is the only one who looks legitimately from Johnny's.
Sure, they're popular with the girls but it'll be impossible for men to show that same kind of burning passion towards them.
- 98: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:11:16.65 ID:hiCJbigp
- 今やってるご当地バイトとかを観てて感じるのは村で高齢者とのコミュニケーションのとり方を覚えられたのがTOKIO最大の強みだということWhat I feel from them after watching their current part-time job segment, is that TOKIO's biggest strength seems to lie in the fact that they have learned how to communicate properly with the elderly thanks to their work in the village.
- 100: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:12:08.46 ID:1CUrqkH1
- >>98なお国分は相手を高齢と思ってない模様But it seems like Kokubun doesn't think that the people he's speaking to are elderly
- 103: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:12:48.98 ID:TS/WRa8t
- >>98ジャニーズの鶴瓶やなThey're like the Tsurube of Johnny's
- 102: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:12:36.13 ID:0eddz1+B
- 鉄腕ダッシュは家族で見るのにちょうどいい番組Tetsuwan DASH is a perfect program that can be watched by the entire family.
http://file.trueindividual.ni-moe.com/100926.jpg - 105: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:13:06.32 ID:dl4kKzyr
- 50歳を過ぎても旅番組とかで温泉つかってそうなのが想像できるI can easily imagine them in these travel programs when they're already past 50, and immersing themselves in the hot springs.
- 108: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:13:48.92 ID:kzqTaXza
- 嵐もいい歳なんだよな少年のイメージが抜けないArashi's actually not that young anymore.
We still can't wipe their young boy image away.
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/arashi2012/12100175.jpeg - 111: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:14:41.85 ID:BqgWLtZr
- TOKIOは女性人気がイマイチっていうけどああいう汗流してワイルドでいかにも男らしい連中が好きって女もいるんじゃないかそういうのはEXILEとかに流れてるんかなTOKIO doesn't seem to be that popular with the women, but there are also women who like sweaty, wild, and manly guys like them, right? Maybe those women have moved on to EXILE.
- 113: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:15:18.19 ID:4dnxcqLg
- ジャニーズは下が全然育ってないThe lower generation of Johnny's haven't been emerging at all
- 119: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:17:03.92 ID:DXy1G6hl
- >>113スマップが特別だっただけでこんなもんじゃないかSMAP was just too special, I think this is the norm
- 115: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:16:00.94 ID:z43nZhke
- ジャニーズにしては普通に顔整ってるのになBut all of them have pretty good looks despite being in Johnny's
http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/500/5506109/TOKIO+10949636613fh.jpg - 117: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:16:40.96 ID:dpVXrXt2
- 嵐は謎の人気の出方がどうも受け付けん一時期消えたかと思ってたわI really can't understand Arashi's sudden burst into popularity.
I even thought they disappeared at one point. -
- 123: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:18:24.90 ID:3MCVO+ds
- >>117桜井のパッパが総務省官僚(放送部門)なんだよなぁ…Sakurai's papa is an official in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (broadcasting division)... (Related post HERE)
- 142: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:26:58.94 ID:bE0jVShi
- >>117一時期凄かったな最近は落ち着いたけどファンは増えとるみたいやわIt was really intense at one point.
Things seem to have calmed down lately, but their fanbase sure has increased.
- 121: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:17:57.95 ID:F8YSeAhY
- 女は嵐みたいなノリが好きなのかもしれんがSMAPみたいに上下関係でギスギスしてる方が見てて面白いわI think girls prefer Arashi's style of doing things better.
I actually like SMAP's way better where they have a more defined emphasis towards their ages. - 129: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:20:15.93 ID:ExcSC+sg
- ジャニなら滝沢は天下取れる顔してたのになあれも舞台系に行ってしまったなIn Johnny's, Takizawa had the looks to make the entire world his.
But he just went off to do stage plays. (Related post HERE)
http://www.bin109.com/johnnys/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/ed9bd27313c77c6b2b6594d1f13594db.jpg - 134: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:22:36.30 ID:SMYMb63g
- TOKIO→良くも悪くもジャニーズっぽくない曲SMAP→かつてはエース級が提供され、今は歌うのが割と簡単な曲V6→アダルト版、変な曲担当KinKi→歌うのが難しめな曲担当嵐→最近はもっぱらタイアップに合せつつ売れ線KAT-TUN→メタル系のアレンジとか何気に硬派な曲NEWS→ヤング版、変な曲担当関ジャニ→下手さが誤魔化せる人数の多さを生かしたガヤガヤした曲Hay Say、キスマイ→電波曲タキ翼→事務所も存在を忘れてるなんとなく大雑把にこんなイメージA rough image of the songs of these Johnny's groups
TOKIO > Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, their songs are "un-Johnny's".
SMAP > They were provided with the best songs before, but now they're only singing easy-to-sing ones.
V6 > Adult version, they're in charge of the weird songs.
KinKi > Singers of hard to sing songs.
Arashi > They seem to be doing a ton of tie-ups recently and are just trying to sell more.
KAT-TUN > Hint of metal in the arrangements and somewhat diehard songs.
NEWS > Young version, weird songs.
Kanjani > loud and festive songs where they can hide their bad singing with the number of people that they have.
Hey Say, Kis-My > Denpa songs
Tackey & Tsubasa > Even the agency seem to have forgotten who they are. - 139: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:25:54.42 ID:DKeveesE
- 関ジャニがバンドみたいなことしてるからTOKIOの売りが無くなったなKanjani's also doing band-like things so TOKIO just lost their sales further.
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/ririysd/13780403.jpeg - 132: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:22:25.57 ID:hiCJbigp
- いくら仕事のためとは言え、その気になれば潜水士の資格や船舶免許すら簡単に取ってくる山口達也すご杉内Yamaguchi is so amazing for easily getting various licenses for deep sea diving, boating, and others even if it's just for the program.
- 144: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:27:21.11 ID:ExcSC+sg
- 因みにこれが山口の弟This by the way is Yamaguchi's younger brother
http://image.excite.co.jp/feed/news/Cyzowoman/Cyzowoman_201305_post_675woman_1.jpg -
- 148: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:30:58.33 ID:+c5Kawsr
- >>144顔いっしょやなTotally looks like him
- 151: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:32:17.85 ID:UokSXI+E
- >>144プロレスラーにしちゃ線が細いなまだデビューしたてか?He looks too thin to be a pro wrestler.
Did he just make his debut?
- 147: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:30:30.35 ID:kEiM0r1g
- 一番好きやわThey're the group I like the most
- 150: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:32:04.45 ID:LP49lsrg
- タレントとしては売れてるけど歌手としてはイマイチだよなThey're popular as talents, but not so much as singers
- 155: 風吹けば名無し 2013/07/09(火) 12:38:58.84 ID:7nP2SoEG
- 18年続く長寿番組もってるタレントって10人(組)くらいしかおらんやろ。(しかもゴールデンで)But there are only 10 talents (groups) who have retained their program for 18 straight years (and on primetime at that).
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