女性自身 8/6号(7/23(火)発売)
Josei Jishin August 6 issue (7/23)
According to Yaguchi's acquaintance:
"She'll make her comeback once the issue dies down. She won't come back in the next 5 years."
She apparently has \100 million in savings.
Photo courtesy of FLASH
- 5: メンマ(山口県) 2013/07/23(火) 04:03:16.29 ID:SrD6Wbq70
- ほとぼり冷めたら完全に仕事なくなるだろ状況分かってんのかこいつBut she won't have any jobs anymore once it all dies down.
Does she know the situation? - 7: 張り手(関西・東海) 2013/07/23(火) 04:04:00.19 ID:pD1YxbGdO
- ほとぼり冷めても復帰したらまた再燃だろwwwThe issue will just reignite when she comes back www
- 8: 雪崩式ブレーンバスター(沖縄県) 2013/07/23(火) 04:04:12.94 ID:G/yrlb6u0
- 一億あるんならフィリピンあたりでメイド雇って死ぬまで暮らせるなIf she has 100 million, she can go to the Philippines, hire a maid, and enjoy the rest of her life there.
- 9: レインメーカー(鳥取県) 2013/07/23(火) 04:05:26.38 ID:10ict/2e0
- おまいらの絶対に許さないリストに入ったら終わりだなIt'll be the end of someone once that person is included in your list of "people that we'll never forgive".
- 11: グロリア(関西・北陸) 2013/07/23(火) 04:06:45.78 ID:XK7WqrBmO
- やっぱ売れてた時期もあったし、その位の貯金はあるのか。She was popular at one point after all. She probably does have that much money.
- 12: 毒霧(兵庫県) 2013/07/23(火) 04:07:07.34 ID:RaXa/j7m0
- 一億もあんのかよ絶対に許さないShe still has 100 million?
Unforgivable. - 13: ダイビングヘッドバット(福岡県) 2013/07/23(火) 04:07:07.62 ID:a9151OZa0
- 5年で1億使うのかよWill she use 100 million in 5 years?
- 16: ウエスタンラリアット(兵庫県) 2013/07/23(火) 04:08:00.94 ID:xnMR/X6O0
- 芸能界ってバカみたいに儲かるよな大久保も貯金一億なんだろコイツも金なくなったら自分の暴露話でいくらでも稼げるしなPeople really earn a lot in showbiz, huh.
Even that Okubo probably has 100 million in savings.
And when they run dry, they can just come out with a tell-all book and earn again.
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/20130313_bitekikankaku_16.jpg - 18: ランサルセ(庭) 2013/07/23(火) 04:09:23.79 ID:DVyqWEePP
- 矢口クラスでも派手な生活をしながら1億貯まるのかEven someone of Yaguchi's class who lives lavishly can save up to 100 million, huh
- 21: 男色ドライバー(関西・東海) 2013/07/23(火) 04:09:42.57 ID:wmtUIA6cO
- 1億しかない訳がないThere's no way she only has 100 million
- 25: 稲妻レッグラリアット(高知県) 2013/07/23(火) 04:10:34.33 ID:znbQabgY0
- >>21だよなぁ最低3億はあるやろI think so too,she must have at least 300 million
- 27: クロイツラス(中国・四国) 2013/07/23(火) 04:11:44.61 ID:7Iic4OiQO
- ほとぼりが冷めて存在が忘れられる頃なんて40代胴長短足知ったかぶり芸人の小人ババアとか需要どこにもないぞWhen the heat dies down and people forget about her, she'll just be a 40-year-old long-bodied, short-legged, know-it-all granny talent whom no one will want.
- 29: キャプチュード(茨城県) 2013/07/23(火) 04:12:45.38 ID:SUawbOIaP
- 五年後に需要あんのか出続けないと消える気がするがWill people really want to see her after 5 years? I think she'll really disappear if she doesn't keep on coming out on TV.
- 31: 雪崩式ブレーンバスター(群馬県) 2013/07/23(火) 04:13:33.55 ID:2awmH6930
- 芸能界引退したほうがいいよShe should just quit showbiz altogether
- 32: 栓抜き攻撃(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/23(火) 04:14:02.35 ID:mj7TuwdQ0
- 1億しか持ってないはずが無いし1億で5年っていう謎計算ただの妄想記事だなThere's now way that she only has 100 million, and this weird calculation of using 100 million in 5 years.
This must be just some delusional article. - 34: フランケンシュタイナー(大阪府) 2013/07/23(火) 04:20:32.93 ID:IBTSnLrR0
- なんか資産運用すりゃいいべShe should just do some investment management
- 36: フェイスロック(千葉県) 2013/07/23(火) 04:23:59.32 ID:SEa/AjH10
- そりゃあ五年後だろーが需要はあるだろこれだけのスキャンダル起こしてるんだからあの○○真相を語る・・でその後、引き続きTVに出続けられるかどうかはワカランけどEven if it's 5 years later, people will still want to see her after this scandal that she's caused.
She can talk about the truth. I don't know if people will want her though after she exposes that. - 37: 栓抜き攻撃(東京都) 2013/07/23(火) 04:24:36.89 ID:H521Bwxl0
- ネットがあるから5年やそこらじゃ忘れられないだろ動詞化しちゃったしWell, no one will forget in 5 years because of the Internet.
It's even become a verb now.
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/06/e6879fd209487f6de987a73936a8c2c2_7163.jpeg - 48: ジャストフェイスロック(中国地方) 2013/07/23(火) 04:39:29.65 ID:AACEQZSg0
- 矢口、有吉、マツコで深夜番組やってほしいYaguchi, Ariyoshi, and Matsuko should do a late night program
http://rensai.jp/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/mai_20110330dyo00m200028000c_thum500-natume-matuko1.jpg - 50: メンマ(山口県) 2013/07/23(火) 04:44:16.67 ID:SrD6Wbq70
- 5年って書いてあるぞ月100万使えるIt says 5 years, so she can use 1 million a month
- 54: アイアンフィンガーフロムヘル(関東・東海) 2013/07/23(火) 04:47:57.71 ID:WGAhqgjPO
- お前の座る芸能界の椅子なんて残ってねえですwwwThere's no more opening for her in the showbiz world to come back to www
- 55: キャプチュード(福島県) 2013/07/23(火) 04:51:58.67 ID:5EqCdRF2P
- 遊んでるように見えたけど、財産は確保してたんだなwIt always seemed like she was playing around, but she actually saved up, huh
- 61: バズソーキック(東京都) 2013/07/23(火) 05:21:29.07 ID:gd/9EB5f0
- http://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/news/img/k-et-0711-0006-ns300.jpg
- 194: ランサルセ(芋) 2013/07/23(火) 11:31:08.17 ID:RyfoTvXLP
- >>61一応指輪してるのがかえって悲しいわ…And what's sad about this picture is she's wearing the ring...
- 63: 中年'sリフト(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/07/23(火) 05:26:55.68 ID:F4ilaWuPO
- 時間経つと居場所減るだけだろ出てきて会見やって区切り付けた方が世間も忘れていくだろうにThe more time passes by, the less opportunity she has to come back.
She should come out, have a presscon and just deal with it head on. The public will forget if she does it that way. - 65: ニールキック(公衆) 2013/07/23(火) 05:32:36.68 ID:LPs166M20
- 加誤ちゃんみたいになっちゃうじゃん・・・気の毒だな、単にセ●クス好きだってだけなのに。痴さんがんばれShe'll just become like Kago-chan...
I pity her, she just loves having sex...
http://garakuta1.sakura.ne.jp/blog/ga01/080610kago-kaiken01.jpg - 69: ショルダーアームブリーカー(愛知県) 2013/07/23(火) 05:59:32.51 ID:5IMw4L3Z0
- 印税収入とか年に数百万くらいはあるんじゃねI think she'll still earn a couple million with her royalties every year
- 74: アキレス腱固め(東日本) 2013/07/23(火) 06:04:38.63 ID:6YrOiYnS0
- >>69あの人数で割ったら歌唱印税だけでは微々たるもんBut royalties earned just for singing, and when divided among the members at that, almost amounts to nothing.
- 72: チェーン攻撃(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/07/23(火) 06:01:58.73 ID:hitj5vBzO
- 30歳で1億あるなら一生ニートでやってけるIf you have 100 million at 30 years old, you can be a NEET for the rest of your life.
- 82: ランサルセ(チベット自治区) 2013/07/23(火) 06:14:09.77 ID:mUhWI7a7P
- 1億ていどなワケがない3億でもきかないやろThere's no way it's only 100 million.
Even 300 million isn't believable. -
- 112: 中年'sリフト(関東・甲信越) 2013/07/23(火) 07:39:50.48 ID:WGo4sjidO
- >>82キャッシュだけでだろMaybe she's just talking about cash
- 93: ニールキック(茨城県) 2013/07/23(火) 07:04:11.50 ID:DJ/pDsOw0
- こんだけ芸能界にいて1億って少ないと思うがまあ人付き合いしてたら金使うから仕方ないかIt really does seem like 100 million isn't a lot after all the years she's been on TV.
Well, she's been using money in her affairs so it can't be helped. - 123: 膝十字固め(福島県) 2013/07/23(火) 08:15:39.24 ID:nAdSaKzM0
- みんなバカだから、すぐ忘れる。ほとぼりが冷めたら戻ると良いよ。のりぴーですら復帰できた。Everyone's stupid so people will immediately forget about it. She can just come back once it all dies down.
Even Noripi was able to come back.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/aokichanyon444/imgs/e/a/ea7524c7.jpg -
- 125: 腕ひしぎ十字固め(西日本) 2013/07/23(火) 08:18:04.44 ID:hI5o9NW3O
- >>123たしろ「・・・」しみけん「・・・」Tashiro: "..."
Shimiken: "..."
- 129: トペ コンヒーロ(大阪府) 2013/07/23(火) 08:26:07.05 ID:ftfhEm6a0
- すっげーケチそうだもんなShe does seem like a cheapskate
- 134: トペ スイシーダ(愛媛県) 2013/07/23(火) 08:52:30.97 ID:PtPwO3NL0
- 5年後にどうする気だ?汚れキャラとしてぶち撒けるのか?でも、梅田とか元旦那が有名になってないと意味ないぞwWhat does she plan on doing after 5 years? Will she turn into this dirt-ridden character?
But there's no meaning to it if her ex-husband and Umeda aren't popular.
http://re-iko21.up.d.seesaa.net/re-iko21/image/Baidu20IME_2013-5-25_1-31-45.jpg - 138: 急所攻撃(埼玉県) 2013/07/23(火) 09:06:10.15 ID:UilQ2LzJ0
- ピンになって結構経ってるから一億ぐらいは余裕だろまともにTV残ったの矢口だけだったしこれで全滅とか時代感じるわIt's been a while since she went solo, so 100 million can easily be earned.
And Yaguchi was the only one who was left on TV. If they're wiped out with this, then you can really feel the turn of the times. - 183: レッドインク(千葉県) 2013/07/23(火) 11:16:22.13 ID:2Z6JBsM70
- 真のゴミクズじゃねーかwもうみんな知ってるけどwShe's really trash LOL
Everyone knows that already though LOL - 185: 腕ひしぎ十字固め(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/07/23(火) 11:19:33.35 ID:45bsv4mnO
- 1億あってもな…慰謝料請求がまだなんだろ?全額使って支払えばいいよBut even with 100 million, she still has to pay for compensation, right?
She should just use that entire amount to pay for it.
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