An acquaintance of Sawamura says:
"Sawamura-san has been seeing Ms. A, a 27-year-old single office lady, and has been going to her apartment numerous times a week lately."
Bunshun reveals that Sawamura met with her 3 times in the span of 10 days. He went to her apartment twice out of those 3 times.
Sawamura was directly asked, and he did admit to entering her unit, but caused confusion by saying "I didn't do it" and "I did it" when asked if they had a sexual relationship.
Sawamura stars in TV Asahi's DOCTORS 2 which will start airing on July 11.
- 2: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:47:55.22 ID:Niw/aUm30
- えーEhhh----
- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:48:52.32 ID:kbKlOg8Y0
- 絶対ない!俺はエ□男爵を信じるNo way! I believe in Ero Danshaku!
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:49:16.66 ID:8D/6fOOS0
- おまえら矢口みたいに引退するまで追い込めよ女はだめで男はいいってことじゃないだろうなYou guys should corner him until he retires, like what you're doing with Yaguchi.
Don't tell me that this is alright for a man but not for a woman. - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:49:27.20 ID:lkJTbFEz0
- 表参道ヒルズでみた。奥さんだいじにしてよーI saw him in Omotesando Hills. Take more care of your wife.
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:49:30.79 ID:IyRhFxQE0
- セクスィー部長だから仕方が無いCan't be helped, he's Sexy Bucho afterall! - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:49:38.10 ID:tSMo1mqV0
- そりゃエロエロの沢村なら不倫位するだろWell yeah, Sawamura mr. ero ero definitely will be having some sort of affair
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:50:19.41 ID:QvvYqMKU0
- エロ男爵だしそりゃ浮気の一つや二つやってるだろwHe's the Ero Danshaku after all. I guess he'd have 1 or 2 affairs under his name.
- 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:50:42.33 ID:EaveSahj0
- 結婚してたのかI didn't know he was married
- 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:50:48.31 ID:BCXKzREj0
- 話題作りに腹立つI'm irritated by this publicity stunt
- 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:51:38.67 ID:/RDg7/X/O
- 自宅に連れ込んだ阿婆擦れと同列に扱うバカがいると聞いて覗きに来ました♪I came to this thread since I heard that there are fools on this thread who are putting him on the same level as the bi+ch who took her lover into her house
- 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:57:18.71 ID:l9jCYG37O
- >>20子供が3人もいるこの人の方が罪は重いと個人的には思うよI think this guy who has 3 children is the bigger sinner
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:51:54.10 ID:w9DWEJ920
- 売れてくるとこういうのも出てくるよな~今までだってやってたんだろうけどOnce you get popular, things like this will come out.
I bet he's been doing this a lot before. - 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:52:09.55 ID:BCXKzREj0
- あのな初回放送の何日前だと思ってるんだよUhmmm, how many days do you think it is before the first episode airs?
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:52:46.42 ID:gSUUsUEzP
- なんかの雑誌でこの人がどアップで写ってたんで、一瞬誰だかわからんかったけどずいぶんかっこいい人だなーと思ったあの容姿で46歳だろ?そりゃ奥さんだけじゃ足りないわな女の4,5人はいるだろI saw a closeup of this guy in some magazine. I didn't recognize who it was at first, but I thought that he was a really handsome man.
He's 46 with those looks, right?
Of course he won't just be satisfied with his wife.
He probably has 4, 5 other women. - 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:52:50.61 ID:uEztEqKYO
- ドクターズ好きなのにTo think that I liked DOCTORS - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:52:55.62 ID:VlZCEk7m0
- ドクターズのステマだろwThis is just some sort of stealth marketing for DOCTORS LOL
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:53:08.07 ID:I7nB+IAEO
- テロ朝は相棒の時もスキャンダル記事を使ったりやる事がやらしいなTV Asahi also came out with scandal articles during Aibou, they're really dirty with their methods.
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:53:24.19 ID:2Zvc/0P+0
- 46なのに絶倫だなあHe's 46, yet he's still so full of vigor, eh
- 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:53:35.38 ID:l9jCYG37O
- >沢村を直撃すると、A子さんの部屋に入ったことは認めたものの、“身体の関係”については「してない」>「した」と二転三転した。あーあー、かっこわりーなー>Sawamura was directly asked, and he did admit to entering her unit, but caused confusion by saying "I didn't do it" and "I did it" when asked if they had a sexual relationship.
Ahhh~ so lame -
- 128: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:20:16.13 ID:bjwGoYwk0
- >>34言い逃れできると思ってたのにできなかったってことは、部屋の電気が消えたビデオ撮影されてたとか、相手の親族に決定的な証言を取られたとか、逃げきれない証拠を提示されたんだろうなHe probably thought that he could have made excuses, but he was probably shown strong evidences like a hidden video, or testimonies from the woman's relatives which he could not deny.
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:54:46.26 ID:tzpM5eju0
- 全く驚きがないwI'm not surprised in the slightest
- 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:55:32.52 ID:0AcdHLTO0
- 子供もそこそこ大きいんだろ家族がどうなるのか心配だな子供いじめられたりしないのかな別居して離婚慰謝料ぶんどってやれHis kids aren't super young anymore, I guess.
I'm worried about what will happen to their family.
His kids might be bullied.
They should live separately and then the wife should get a ton of compensation money. - 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:56:09.02 ID:exgAasGB0
- カミさんが一番で彼女は二番Wife comes first. Girlfriend comes 2nd. - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:57:04.63 ID:yHKbSECPP
- 番宣かよTV show promotion?
- 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:57:33.11 ID:BCXKzREj0
- 結局、これが言いたいだけだろ「今週、木曜日にDoctorsが始まるんで皆、見てね~」The bottom line is,
"DOCTORS will start airing on Thursday this week. Everyone, please watch!" -
- 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:59:52.05 ID:yHKbSECPP
- >>52前からネタ掴んでてこのタイミングで記事にしたんだろなThey probably had this story a long time ago and timed the release with the drama
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:59:07.67 ID:nbFj7U820
- あーあこういうのは知りたくなかったなあAhhh, I didn't want to find out about something like this
- 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 19:59:42.60 ID:JUBf/0Pa0
- 知人が不倫情報を漏らす?なんだ番宣かよAn acquaintance revealed the affair?
Oh, so it's just to promote the program. - 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:00:07.68 ID:kSpDQwom0
- ふつうすぎThis is too normal
- 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:02:27.72 ID:GEArXnUS0
- これはキャラ崩壊の危機He's in danger of destroying his character
- 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:04:45.53 ID:wtm4LTkf0
- 結婚してたんだなんか独身だと思い込んでたわSo he was married, huh.
I always thought he was single. - 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:05:12.85 ID:0AcdHLTO0
- 今度から記者会見でエロキャラ出すと、記者から不倫ネタふられて気まずくなるなもう使えないじゃんIf he uses his ero character at a presscon, the journalists might bring up the affair story on him.
He won't be able to use it anymore. - 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:05:45.26 ID:ewIUcVgd0
- こういう時の「知人」ってホント胡散臭いThe "acquaintance" at times like this is always fishy
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:06:07.47 ID:aOMN6WH80
- 何歳になっても結婚して子供を持っても遊び人は遊び人People who love to play around will never change even if they get married and have kids. - 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:06:44.78 ID:AbiH3wah0
- あーあwエロ男爵がネタじゃなくなったら駄目だね主婦の敵になったAhhh~ LOL
Now he won't be able to use his Ero Danshaku character.
He's just become the enemy of housewives. - 99: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:09:37.83 ID:FlZ9xM5h0
- 話題作りとしか思えんなあでも沢村が好きな層からしたらマイナスかI can only see this as a marketing scheme.
But this has a negative effect to the people who like Sawamura. - 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:11:51.22 ID:I7nB+IAEO
- 風俗通いなら良かったのにな~残念だわIt would have been better for him if he just went to a prostitute.
Too bad. - 108: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:13:19.32 ID:kqU2JcGd0
- エロメール暴露ないの(チュ)No erotic text messages? Tsch. - 138: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:22:29.65 ID:bjwGoYwk0
- 現時点での芸能界の最強クラスの事務所の力で証拠自体は掲載を抑え込んだけど、浮気した事実を認めるのは避けられなかったってことだろうなBut his agency is one of the strongest these days so they didn't reveal the evidence in the article, but it means that he wasn't able to deny the fact of his affair.
- 144: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:24:52.67 ID:CMoBackaO
- 話題作り?独身ならともかくマイナスイメージだしないだろA publicity stunt? It's just negative press about him, I don't think that's the case.
- 150: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:27:33.37 ID:KzrKVTAR0
- 沢村ならいいだろ。It's alright if it's Sawamura.
- 158: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:30:10.30 ID:46HtUmMp0
- カッコいいしいい奴そうだし当然だろHe's good looking, he seems like a nice guy, that's just natural. - 159: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:30:32.42 ID:aRuBV5mJ0
- エロいキャラと不倫は別ものだよなぁしかしドラマ始まる前にぶつけるとか相変わらず文春は下衆An ero-persona is different from a real life affair. But Bunshun sure is cruel for putting this out there right before his drama starts.
- 176: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:37:42.76 ID:dS3JxF1m0
- DOCTORS2終わってからだせやああああああドラマに集中できんようになるやんけThey should've published this story after DOCTORS 2!!!
Now I won't be able to focus on the drama. - 179: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/09(火) 20:38:58.22 ID:OW2OUo0x0
- あれだけハンサムで話しも面白けりゃ女がほっとかないだろWomen just won't leave alone someone who's handsome and a fun talker like him.
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