Kururu-tan wwwwwww He's passing by on purpose wwwwwwwww in front of Arashi's poster in Shinjuku wwwwwwwww everyone around is really angry wwwwwwwwww
(Related post HERE)
- 2: ブリティッシュショートヘア(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/13(土) 22:39:04.33 ID:6MoLtywJ0
- ジャニオタは道交法違反で逮捕しろ
These Jani-otas should be arrested for traffic law violation - 4: アメリカンワイヤーヘア(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/13(土) 22:39:51.18 ID:k5bKY5/30
- 東京人ってこんなんに価値を見出してるの?
Do people in Tokyo really find value in this? -
- 95: バーマン(大阪府) 2013/07/14(日) 00:27:09.22 ID:jW7E/stAP
- >>4
I think the people gathered there are the ones who came to the city from the provinces
- 6: ロシアンブルー(東京都) 2013/07/13(土) 22:40:36.76 ID:0FSbXC9Y0
- ただのポスターww
But it's just a poster ww - 7: しぃ(関東・甲信越) 2013/07/13(土) 22:40:51.99 ID:caAkDCCZO
- 俺ならその壁にもたれて長電話してるふりしてやるwwwwww
If it was me, I'd lean against that wall and pretend to be on the phone with someone for a long time wwwwwwww - 10: ターキッシュバン(兵庫県) 2013/07/13(土) 22:41:32.12 ID:Nxiilk6i0
- きっしょ
Gross - 13: コラット(秋田県) 2013/07/13(土) 22:42:34.38 ID:75nzi8JB0
- 撮り鉄とまんま同じ状態でワロた
LOL, it's exactly like those train enthusiasts
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/03/Rqy7FfPhTI6mw65_0.jpeg - 18: マーブルキャット(庭) 2013/07/13(土) 22:44:07.59 ID:1u/KR3kW0
- 列車の車体にプリントして撮り鉄とバトルして欲しいわー
I hope they print this on the body of the trains so these Jani-wotas could battle it out with the train enthusiasts -
- 21: ターキッシュバン(兵庫県) 2013/07/13(土) 22:44:55.35 ID:Nxiilk6i0
- >>18
The train enthusiasts can push around the station personnel but they're weak against real-life women so they'll be no match
- 19: ノルウェージャンフォレストキャット (チベット自治区) 2013/07/13(土) 22:44:27.72 ID:x0wN2nDtP
- よく見ると男も混じってるな
But if you look closely, there are men in there too - 24: 猫又(関東・甲信越) 2013/07/13(土) 22:48:07.28 ID:t8nRr+N6O
- ジャニーズのおっかけってマナーに厳しかったはずなんだけど、今は違うの?ゆとりだから?I always thought that these Johnny's groupies were strict with their manners, isn't that the case these days? Is it because they're from the yutori era?
- 86: アフリカゴールデンキャット(三重県) 2013/07/14(日) 00:05:06.40 ID:RRWNDVTA0
- >>24
The quality of Arashi's fans have already gone down since a while back
- 25: ラグドール(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/07/13(土) 22:48:20.72 ID:Nyd4o9o40
- 丁度、最初の頃に通りかかったが、人数とか並びのラインが超不自然w
I passed by this poster at the beginning when it first came up but the amount of people and the lines were really out of this world LOL
I also got the feeling that these fans were "planted" there LOL - 33: ラ・パーマ(WiMAX) 2013/07/13(土) 22:52:36.32 ID:MN/y8def0
- つかいまだに嵐人気がある方に驚いた。もうおっさん集団だろ
I'm actually more surprised at the fact that Arashi is still popular these days. They're already a group of oldies, right? -
- 36: マーゲイ(富山県) 2013/07/13(土) 22:55:38.86 ID:/NSYPS4f0
- >>33
They actually sort of replaced SMAP when they were already in their late 20s
- 37: ベンガル(チベット自治区) 2013/07/13(土) 22:56:08.23 ID:D4eEcxj90
- こういうのがホントの人気ってもんだ
This is what you call being truly popular.
It's different from mobilizing the grannies to meet the fans at the airport. -
- 39: 斑(静岡県) 2013/07/13(土) 23:02:07.97 ID:J5jyQJjP0
- >>37
Eh? You don't think that these fans are mobilized as well?
- 38: しぃ(埼玉県) 2013/07/13(土) 23:00:04.15 ID:DbiybJRU0
- めっちゃきめぇwwww
Super disgusting wwwww
These women really must have a lot of time on their hands LOL - 42: ターキッシュアンゴラ(東京都) 2013/07/13(土) 23:03:44.36 ID:QucYkjIB0
- 歩くのに邪魔だよな
They're getting in the way when you just want to walk by - 47: アメリカンボブテイル(山梨県) 2013/07/13(土) 23:09:08.33 ID:gsaHjaNf0
- マジキチ
Seriously crazy people
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BO0Zi9xCUAAYJEC.jpg -
- 53: ベンガル(埼玉県) 2013/07/13(土) 23:13:39.55 ID:SJIcVoaG0
- >>47
Fuji TV, huh
- 56: トラ(チベット自治区) 2013/07/13(土) 23:17:05.80 ID:UCnsPT/M0
- >>47
They seem like students, must be just some sort of joke or meme.
It's true that you won't pass by in front of people who take souvenir shots, but doing things like this in a passageway as a group ain't good. Don't you guys know that this isn't different from those train maniacs you bashed so much?
- 48: ノルウェージャンフォレストキャット (福井県) 2013/07/13(土) 23:09:24.74 ID:45MmXCtaP
- 女ばっかだな
These are mostly women.
The number of female fans seem to have increased for the female idols, but I don't think there are a lot of male Johnny's fans. - 52: バーミーズ(家) 2013/07/13(土) 23:12:46.66 ID:DjPuQvZA0
- 腐女子向けのアニメの広告でもけっこういるよな
You also see a lot of these people in the anime advertisements aimed for the Fujoshi - 58: 白黒(埼玉県) 2013/07/13(土) 23:18:09.72 ID:8YM7BqsG0
- 鼻毛書いてやれよ
Go draw nose hair on them - 63: ユキヒョウ(兵庫県) 2013/07/13(土) 23:22:03.43 ID:nWtU1tk00
- 万が一嵐のメンバーに訃報があったら日本はどうなるの?
What will happen to Japan then if ever one member of Arashi passes away? -
- 66: ユキヒョウ(WiMAX) 2013/07/13(土) 23:27:44.99 ID:6jTrUH7w0
- >>63
They'll make it seem like that member never existed
- 68: サバトラ(関東・東海) 2013/07/13(土) 23:35:28.64 ID:ccZIKRDDO
- 鉄ヲタ、ジャニヲタは一般の人民に迷惑掛けるなよ!
Train-wotas and Jani-wotas, stop being nuisances to the common people! Be like the Anime-wotas who just jerk off at home and don't cause any trouble to anyone else! - 69: 黒トラ(関東・甲信越) 2013/07/13(土) 23:36:11.76 ID:W2va4McwO
- なんか特別な仕掛けがあるかと期待したんだけどなー
I was actually expecting some sort of special gimmick to this.
When they had the Black Thunder poster there previously, there were even a lot of people there since they gave away free chocolates.
http://www.asahi.com/business/update/0206/images/TKY201302060339.jpg - 70: スナドリネコ(大阪府) 2013/07/13(土) 23:37:26.31 ID:whDYyla/0
- わからんかった
I never realized that Arashi really were popular. I always thought that the so-called popularity of these celebrities was fabricated. - 76: ハイイロネコ(catv?) 2013/07/13(土) 23:44:41.36 ID:jL0cR5X+0
- ここの連中はジャニオタ女キモイっていってるけど、
You guys on these boards are calling the Jani-ota women gross, but you guys are worse.
Here's the picture I took at the Tokyo Motor Show 2 years ago
http://gazo.shitao.info/r/i/20130713234319_000.jpg -
- 81: トラ(チベット自治区) 2013/07/13(土) 23:53:01.97 ID:UCnsPT/M0
- >>76
But that's what you're really supposed to do at events like that.
People just need to know the right and the wrong depending on the TPO (Time, Place, Occasion).
- 89: マンクス(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/14(日) 00:20:37.76 ID:A27EC1Q70
- あのポスターの前で嵐の歌歌いながらダンスしたらどうなるの?
What would happen if I sing Arashi's songs and danced in front of that poster? Will I also become like Arashi? - 92: マーブルキャット(北海道) 2013/07/14(日) 00:26:06.98 ID:RhZdoA5Z0
- 怖いなトンキン
That's so scary.
If that was me, I'd think that "oh, there's space there" and just pass through that space without thinking of anything.
So they're gonna kill me if I do that? - 96: ヒョウ(北海道) 2013/07/14(日) 00:29:14.97 ID:1iq5/EpV0
- そういや一般人レベルで知名度のあるジャニーズのグループって嵐が最後だな、そいつらももう三十路か
Come to think of it, it seems that Arashi is the last group where everyone knows the name of each member, and these guys are already 30. It started with Shibugaki, then Hikaru Genji, Shonentai, SMAP, Tokio... Even if you weren't a fan, you'd know the name of each member of these groups. They just came out one after another, but the momentum probably died down along with the aging of that one-man-homo president of theirs. - 98: ヤマネコ(宮城県) 2013/07/14(日) 00:35:34.89 ID:6tpwiZjf0
- ありし日の2ちゃんねるだったら、このポスターの前でオフ会やっただろうに。
If it was the 2channel of old, people would probably have conducted offline meetings (EB) in front of this poster - 104: サイベリアン(神奈川県) 2013/07/14(日) 00:44:03.55 ID:sJv23xIK0
- 東口のとこだろ、別にいいんじゃね?
This is the East Gate, I don't see any problem with it.
Even the otas gathered here when a Precure poster was posted there.
http://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/a/aoiro_moon/20100322/20100322062351.jpg -
- 106: マーブルキャット(チベット自治区) 2013/07/14(日) 00:47:15.58 ID:7jk4xuDP0
- >>104
So that means these people have the same ethical standards as the Kimo-wotas
- 105: クロアシネコ(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/14(日) 00:46:06.46 ID:9pniltGs0
- もはや宗教だな
It's already like their religion - 119: ラガマフィン(家) 2013/07/14(日) 01:12:25.00 ID:KYc7VN7o0
- きもいきもい
So gross - 123: ラガマフィン(愛知県) 2013/07/14(日) 01:45:05.13 ID:GRh6PY0YP
- 理解できない
I can't understand it.
Why take pictures of a poster? - 124: 猫又(神奈川県) 2013/07/14(日) 01:45:19.57 ID:Mj5Biz8m0
- 本物が来てるならともかくなんでこんなものに
I'd understand it if the real things were there, but why do this to something like this? - 140: エジプシャン・マウ(公衆) 2013/07/14(日) 02:33:38.95 ID:Sv5fWH0o0
- コレを故意に利用すれば一気に日本の人気者になれそうだなw
So that means if I intentionally take this opportunity, I'd immediately become popular in Japan LOL Don't you think that this is an amazing opportunity for us...
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