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- 2: ベンガル(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/18(木) 21:26:29.94 ID:NJylIYhy0
- 確かに徐々に黒くなっていってるな
- He does look like he's gradually becoming darker
- 4: シンガプーラ(チベット自治区) 2013/07/18(木) 21:27:21.75 ID:1amNLMyu0
- きれいなジャイアンw
- A pretty version of Gian LOL
- https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgonRBBuetxTtZb2Lmjl5hpvK0W0dxb8pWLCcar2sdnaoxWwwwN1Gfcd52ggGssx5jgdViyu8rvcCDu1KYHviZXZG4pB3y9uBOlqjYPq9LjeFAFUprI-qg1DGU62NUGEiXkGEMgD0clGis/s400/giant11.jpg
- 8: 縞三毛(庭) 2013/07/18(木) 21:28:20.06 ID:XuSGvAt90
- 松崎しげる化が進行している。手遅れか?
- He's becoming more and more like Shigeru Matsuzaki. Is it too late for him?
http://fam.ideaction.jp/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/a873ccf3be8af221f6a38053a05a0f3e.jpg - 9: ソマリ(三重県) 2013/07/18(木) 21:28:31.34 ID:DRfCOkf00
- こいつちょっと太り過ぎやったからな
- Well, he used to be so fat anyway
http://i.imgur.com/Mb5yK.jpg - 11: バーミーズ(dion軍) 2013/07/18(木) 21:28:58.34 ID:i3hZV7jQ0
http://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org4348291.jpg- 14: アンデスネコ(神奈川県) 2013/07/18(木) 21:29:14.52 ID:5mJRDxeU0
- 痩せるに連れてドス黒くなるって
He's getting darker as he keeps losing weight.
He really seems unhealthy LOL - 18: 三毛(神奈川県) 2013/07/18(木) 21:30:02.05 ID:nRdoB83e0
- 顔が黒くなるのって胃が悪いんだっけか
Is it true that there's something wrong with one's stomach when your face becomes darker? - 21: オシキャット(千葉県) 2013/07/18(木) 21:30:47.77 ID:UGz3zWYK0
- 肝臓患ったか…
So he's got liver disease...? - 22: 三毛(神奈川県) 2013/07/18(木) 21:30:50.83 ID:b6TRG3g2P
- 黒すぎィ!
He's so black! - 28: 猫又(京都府) 2013/07/18(木) 21:31:50.28 ID:u3jFDiI00
- 突然見せられたら誰かわからねえレベルだは
He's already on a level that you can't immediately recognize him - 30: サイベリアン(東京都) 2013/07/18(木) 21:32:01.96 ID:Wc8duz750
- やせたというか、何か全体的に縮んでないか?
He didn't just get thin, I think he shrank - 35: イエネコ(茨城県) 2013/07/18(木) 21:33:14.07 ID:gd47tGlz0
- 痩せたら魅力減ったな・・
He lost some of his appeal now that he's thin...
His slight body fat made him seem strong, and that was what made him attractive. - 39: 三毛(神奈川県) 2013/07/18(木) 21:34:04.28 ID:b6TRG3g2P
- ホモドラマの頃
During his homo drama
http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/lg01/78/0000456878/97/img60de9ddbzik9zj.jpeg -
- 86: 黒トラ(東日本) 2013/07/18(木) 21:48:11.32 ID:fINFBVgj0
- >>39ミスチルの主題歌のやつか。The one with MisChil's theme song
- 129: スペインオオヤマネコ(西日本) 2013/07/18(木) 22:09:16.68 ID:i/MsO4jO0
- >>39これ面白かったなぁ 再放送すれば高視聴率間違いなしなのにThis was really good. There's no doubt that it will get high ratings if they show reruns of this.
- 278: スノーシュー(公衆) 2013/07/19(金) 01:48:53.43 ID:c49EiSyh0
- >>39同窓会なビデオも持ってるけどDVD速攻買ったThat's Dousoukai.
I had the video, but I immediately bought the DVD version.
- 41: コーニッシュレック(庭) 2013/07/18(木) 21:34:17.02 ID:pP4lY7GH0
- ダッシュ島焼けかw
So he got burned thanks to DASH island, huh - 43: アンデスネコ(愛知県) 2013/07/18(木) 21:34:52.98 ID:GDVgTyMO0
- ダッシュ島で怪しい生き物ばっかり食ってるから何かに寄生されたな
He probably kept eating these weird creatures on DASH island so a parasite might have leeched on him. - 53: 茶トラ(東京都) 2013/07/18(木) 21:38:04.59 ID:jX02fMEd0
- TOKIOはメンバーが高齢だからこれから一人ずついなくなっていくんだろうな
The TOKIO members are all pretty old already so they'll probably disappear one after another. -
- 267: ピューマ(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/19(金) 01:03:38.60 ID:kBgjFnKw0
- >>53最後の一人になった長瀬を想像したI just imagined Nagase being left on his own
- 54: ギコ(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/18(木) 21:38:13.83 ID:7pcQLObh0
- 福島の野菜食べて被爆してください・・・
Please eat the vegetables from Fukushima and get exposed to radiation...
Why did they show that crazy commercial?
- 57: ヤマネコ(東京都) 2013/07/18(木) 21:38:52.19 ID:VzzvWWXX0
- http://hochi.yomiuri.co.jp/photo/20130713-491205-1-L.jpg
- 169: ラグドール(東京都) 2013/07/18(木) 22:37:12.93 ID:9DJ+sSfj0
- >>57ちょうの??Chouno??
- 219: ラグドール(神奈川県) 2013/07/18(木) 23:14:30.63 ID:wv/uCio40
- >>57くそわろたROFLMAO
- 58: ヤマネコ(山口県) 2013/07/18(木) 21:39:05.67 ID:Q+KlruHZ0
- 色が黒すぎだろ
He's too dark.
Must be from too much surfing. - 64: シャム(家) 2013/07/18(木) 21:39:58.76 ID:+BOP0cRx0
- ダイエットだろ
He must be dieting.
I think he easily gets fat. - 74: アビシニアン(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/07/18(木) 21:43:42.00 ID:ntbK9WLBO
- こいつ整形したよな
He had plastic surgery, right? - 85: エジプシャン・マウ(東京都) 2013/07/18(木) 21:47:37.23 ID:v4rmQhM80
- なんかヤバイんだが・・・
This really doesn't look too good...
http://i.imgur.com/sNMGzmj.jpg -
- 90: イエネコ(愛知県) 2013/07/18(木) 21:50:11.79 ID:HIiY4QoZ0
- >>85誰だよマジでSeriously, who is this?
- 263: セルカークレックス(愛知県) 2013/07/19(金) 00:57:00.32 ID:Xih5xSS60
- >>85流通ジャーナリストの金子さんちっくな痩せ方じゃないか?Isn't this way of losing weight reminiscent of that Ryutsuu journalist Kaneko?
- 282: マレーヤマネコ(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/19(金) 02:05:09.62 ID:bVS/fBVg0
- >>85生気がないぞI can't sense any life from him
- 95: ウンピョウ(dion軍) 2013/07/18(木) 21:51:16.97 ID:Gxxnx2UZ0
- 完全にDASH島ロケのせいじゃねーか!
Must totally be the fault of their DASH island shooting! - 96: ジャガー(東日本) 2013/07/18(木) 21:51:57.16 ID:1mbDL8gS0
- 昔はこのくらい細かったんだよ
He used to be this thin.
It took him 20 years to finally come back to it.
http://yuntan-hitorigoto.cocolog-nifty.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/09/14/96e74863b890a2211c92105d942443ed.jpg - 106: アメリカンショートヘア(東日本) 2013/07/18(木) 21:53:49.95 ID:feVKVb5H0
- わずか3週間足らずでこんなに見た目が変わるのはヤバイ
It's pretty scary that his looks changed this much in just 3 weeks or so.
Could he be diabetic? - 108: アメリカンボブテイル(北海道) 2013/07/18(木) 21:55:53.00 ID:7xNvnjWC0
- 元々顔が小さいのか
So he originally had a small face, huh.
I thought he was just fat. - 111: マレーヤマネコ(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/18(木) 21:58:43.49 ID:vr/Xdg1v0
- ZIP 10秒しりとりで「ロンパリ」発言
The "London-Paris" incident in ZIP's 10-second syllable chain game
Must be because of this -
- 152: 斑(関東・甲信越) 2013/07/18(木) 22:26:07.01 ID:aObxkXMGO
- >>111初めて見たけどこれは酷いwそりゃ痩せるわこんなアホ女と仕事してりゃThis is my first time seeing this. This is horrible LOL
Yeah, he will get thin if he keeps on working with this stupid woman.
- 113: イリオモテヤマネコ(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/07/18(木) 22:00:22.37 ID:+QbjwSGv0
- 内部被曝は関係ないよな(´・ω・`)
He doesn't have any internal disorders, right? (´・ω・`) - 119: アメリカンショートヘア(関東・甲信越) 2013/07/18(木) 22:04:07.81 ID:5SgnUBEQO
- 糖尿っぽいな…
Looks like diabetes... - 141: シャルトリュー(愛知県) 2013/07/18(木) 22:21:32.44 ID:apKiYqQI0
- もうすぐみのもんたに変化するから
He'll transform to Monta Mino very soon
http://file.tomodachi.game-ss.com/110.jpg - 145: ヒョウ(dion軍) 2013/07/18(木) 22:24:29.27 ID:Aj5urdtC0
- まぁ、普通に「胃癌」かなぁ
I feel it's gastric cancer - 150: ヨーロッパオオヤマネコ(栃木県) 2013/07/18(木) 22:25:37.74 ID:u5zKupbL0
- 名良橋の激ヤセ思い出した
I suddenly remembered Narahashi's sudden weight loss
http://blog-imgs-34.fc2.com/n/e/w/news020/573412.jpg - 164: マンチカン(大阪府) 2013/07/18(木) 22:34:12.64 ID:cgChc0hn0
- マジでダッシュ島やってるぽいな
It seems like they're really doing DASH island again.
Could it be that there's a scarcity of food on the island? - 165: エキゾチックショートヘア(北海道) 2013/07/18(木) 22:34:17.67 ID:l3eebK5+0
- 数十年ぶりに痩せて本来のイケメンに戻ったら
I think he returned to his normal ikemen self once he lost weight after over 10 years.
Then he became more "high" and attempted to lose more. His eyes look dangerous already. - 172: ピクシーボブ(関東・甲信越) 2013/07/18(木) 22:38:28.41 ID:A+m5KY/TP
- ジャニーズなんだから痩せてるのが普通だろ!
He's from Johnny's so he should always be thin on a regular basis! -
- 185: 三毛(神奈川県) 2013/07/18(木) 22:43:38.71 ID:b6TRG3g2P
- >>172堂本さんの悪口はそこまでだStop saying bad things about Doumoto-san
- 174: カラカル(広島県) 2013/07/18(木) 22:39:23.87 ID:zu4SwpKU0
- 痩せたんだろうけど、激ヤセって感じでもない
He did get thin, but not drastically.
All I can say is he's become a really handsome old man LOL - 199: 三毛(茨城県) 2013/07/18(木) 22:52:15.14 ID:imXoyNQ60
Seems like his hair increased - 203: 三毛(広島県) 2013/07/18(木) 22:54:37.08 ID:gXF+YsQmP
- 今は家建ててる最中だから日焼けしまくりなんだろうけど、なんかヤヴァい色だな
They're building a house right now so he's totally gotten sunburnt. But the color looks bad. - 266: ジャガー(WiMAX) 2013/07/19(金) 01:00:44.07 ID:BiPmztNVI
- サーフィンと農作業焼けで黒いのに加え
It looks like he has some sort of disease on top of the sunburn from surfing and his agricultural work. He went to Fukushima and measured the amount of radiation he received, right? - 268: 縞三毛(埼玉県) 2013/07/19(金) 01:09:07.34 ID:n0SqzeEKP
- 黒いな
He's dark.
Where is he in the Shigeru scale?
http://i.imgur.com/5LLGwHD.jpg - 274: マンチカン(家) 2013/07/19(金) 01:40:47.24 ID:lraIwlHO0
- 薬って言うけど痩せるのはわかるけど
People are saying drugs, and you do get thin from that. But will he really turn dark like this? -
- 277: ブリティッシュショートヘア(富山県) 2013/07/19(金) 01:43:04.01 ID:HOpR1V2pP
- >>274趣味がサーフィン、ダッシュ企画で外ロケ多いから別に変でもないIt's just that his hobby is surfing and he goes on location a lot for DASH. This isn't weird at all.
- 276: オシキャット(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/19(金) 01:42:08.95 ID:KFehOPbL0
- 不自然に痩せててびっくりした。ダイエット企画でもやったの?
I got surprised at how he just became thin so unnaturally. Did he participate in some diet program? It's his fault for going to Fukushima... - 281: アメリカンワイヤーヘア(WiMAX) 2013/07/19(金) 01:58:46.17 ID:+9hhVZNi0
- 半月ちょっとでこの痩せ方ってやばくないの?
Don't you think that losing weight this much in half a month is bad news?
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