Someone close to Umeda dicloses:
"She came back 1~2 weeks ago. There's also rumor that she's in together with Umeda. Umeda doesn't seem to be remorseful about sleeping with someone else's wife, and has been saying, "Damn, the media sure is irritating!".
There have been reports that Yaguchi has been spotted near her apartment recently.
"I saw Yaguchi-san walking in front of her apartment 2~3 days ago. She didn't have any makeup nor her eyebrows on and was wearing a mini skirt and heels. Even if she didn't wear sunglasses or a mask, people knew it was her because of the aura she was emitting."
"Someone also saw her buying food at the super market alone a week ago." (local resident)
From a showbiz insider:
"Her agency wants her to hold a press conference soon. They thought of sending her back to that apartment where she still has some personal belongings left, let her live a normal life and calm down, then send her off to do a press conference soon."
Yaguchi's last public appearance was on May 22. Right before her live internet broadcast, she only told the reporters, "Sorry for causing all this trouble. I'm terribly sorry" but did not comment further.
(Related posts HERE)
- 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 11:54:54.77 ID:aUx7Eg+Z0
- 謝ってもらってもしょうがないんだけど。There's nothing we can do even if she apologizes
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 11:56:48.23 ID:EPJuzF4a0
- 矢口気持ち悪いから復帰しないでほしいYaguchi is gross, I don't want her to come back
- 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 11:56:54.99 ID:cP0rz88XP
- 体調不良で仕事休んでるんじゃないの?嘘か??I thought she took a break due to health reasons? Was that a lie??
- 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 11:57:26.96 ID:rFGaQqwaO
- 梅田てまだ矢口のヒモやっとんか!!矢口の性処理係wUmeda is still living off Yaguchi!! So he's there to fulfill her sexual needs? LOL - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 11:57:34.90 ID:hALRKmvw0
- 間男wwwww"The middle-man" wwwww
- 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 11:58:15.81 ID:c88tngH+0
- 無理矢理復帰させても、もう需要ないでしょうに。Even if they force Yaguchi back, no one needs her anymore
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 11:58:20.38 ID:iNRPzRYy0
- この件で学んだこと女にも性欲ってあるんだって事。The thing I learned from this incident:
Women also have sexual desires - 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 11:58:32.85 ID:tSD1k7XO0
- 恐縮したところでネタにしたら余計に反感買うだけだろBut if she makes an apology and then jokes about it later on, she'll just be subject to more hate
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 11:59:07.83 ID:2LAFr3rW0
- さてさて、どうなることやらI wonder how things will turn out
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 11:59:17.90 ID:jWclKDON0
- 鬼女様を舐めてらっしゃるようだねLooks like she's looking down on how powerful the housewives can be
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 11:59:31.67 ID:cp3erxG20
- モナ男と同じで、一生言われ続けられるんだろうな ・・・ wShe'll probably have that label on her for the rest of her life, like Mona... - 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:00:50.98 ID:cPPpPoWS0
- もう矢口のやってたポジションは全部保田でいいよJust have Yasuda take all positions held previously by Yaguchi
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:02:20.80 ID:wzQgjp6H0
- さっさと土下座して自粛してから汚れキャラに変えたらまだ可能性あったけどあんな逃げ方して復帰出来る訳ねーだろアホかこいつIf she just bowed down and apologized immediately and changed image to that of someone who's always at the end of filthy jokes, she could have still survived. But there's no way she's can make a comeback after running away like that. Is she dumb or what? - 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:02:25.64 ID:dEI+7za4O
- 梅田のほうがテクニシャンってことかな?Does this mean that Umeda was the better technician?
- 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:04:33.48 ID:tSD1k7XO0
- >>43本気だったってことにしないと立場悪くなるじゃんShe'll have to say that she was serious with him, or else she'd just worsen her position
- 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:05:20.38 ID:6Y59OP1n0
- いろんな男不特定多数をつぎつぎ寝室に引っ張り込んでいた。。。なんていわれるよりも(実際はそうだったかもしれないけれどw)とりあえず、相手はいつも梅田、こいつ一人だったということにするためにも結婚したら?うまくいかなきゃ、すぐ別れたらいいじゃないか 周囲の人間もなんとも思わない連中ばかりでしょうInstead of letting the people keep saying that she just took in numerous unidentified men one after another into her bedroom (even if that was really the case), she should just say that it was always with Umeda. And to "prove" that, she should marry him. If things don't go well between them, then they can always split up. I don't think anyone cares anymore.
- 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:05:42.67 ID:out6jJphO
- よく復帰とか考えられるね普通の一般人なら、これだけ全国に知られたら恥ずかしくて外歩けないぜ芸能人の神経って異常なんだなI can't believe she can even think of coming back. A normal person will feel so embarrassed and won't even be able go out after the news has been spread nationwide. These celebrities really have quite the nerve.
- 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:06:16.21 ID:OlPKPJ4l0
- 不倫だったが真剣交際に持っていくつもりかSo is she now planning to carry on with the affair and make it into a serious relationship?
- 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:08:15.30 ID:lsKIBIdJ0
- 今、梅田を捨てたら、損だと思ったんだね。結婚してから真実の愛を見つけたとかって、同情を買う作戦かも。She probably thought that it would be her loss if she cut ties with Umeda now. She can play her cards by saying she"found her true love after she got married".
- 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:12:46.88 ID:lJIY9Mfg0
- もう河本とかと同じで出ても不快にしか見えんだろShe's already similar to Koumoto, they're both just unpleasant to see - 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:12:50.97 ID:8VjGu0tl0
- 相手の男が、まともな男ならまだしも、中村よりもさらにヒモだからな誰も同情せんだろ。But this man whom she had an affair with is a bigger "himo" (a man who lives off his wife's earnings) than Nakamura. No one will sympathize with them.
http://ニュース - 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:13:19.13 ID:axn9Bl/G0
- まぁ、こういう女性は1日として男を我慢できないんでしょ。I think a woman like this can't let a day pass by without a man
- 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:16:41.66 ID:WQcVLdF20
- 梅ちゃんは生けるバイブとして持ち歩いてるだけです"I'm just bringing Ume-chan along as my personal vibrator"
- 100: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:20:17.61 ID:3IohLdzd0
- TV復帰しても需要はないから速攻消滅の運命I feel that she'll disappear immediately after coming back since no one needs her on TV anymore
- 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:25:39.14 ID:rqFZQcjwP
- 同伴ワロタw矢口はバカなのか、普通自重するだろ完全なビッチやなThey're living together LOL
Is Yaguchi a fool? One would normally be prudent about stuff like this.
She's totally a bitch.
- 121: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:31:12.91 ID:kACR04AU0
- これだけ逃げまわってたって事は報道されてる事は全部事実で言い訳のしようがないって事なんだろうなwRunning away like this just means that everything reported about her is true, and that there's no point in making excuses LOL
- 138: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:42:06.72 ID:+bHwZF5bP
- しかし復帰するつもりならはやくでてきたほうがいいだろ山路とか塩谷みたいに恋愛不祥事は1回表に出て謝罪しておもちゃにされればとりあえず世間は水に流すっぽいからさ。事務所はどーしてんだろ。逃げ回るにしてもさすがに事務所やマネージャーとは連絡とってるでしょ。But if she does intend to come back, she should come out of hiding, the sooner the better. It seems that if you just come out in public, apologize, and let the media play around with you for a bit, the people will just let it pass under the bridge, just like Yamaji and Shioya's illicit affairs.
I wonder what her agency is doing. She may be running around, but I think she still keeps in touch with her agency and her manager. - 154: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 12:56:16.32 ID:wDZ8krTxO
- >梅田は他人の妻を寝取った反省がないのか『マスコミ、うぜぇ!』と、矢口と梅田を>追い続ける週刊誌などに陰で悪態をついてます」梅田テメーは人生を舐めてるのか?永久に干されろやボケ。>Umeda doesn't seem to be remorseful about sleeping with someone else's wife, and has been saying, "Damn, the media sure is irritating!".
Umeda are you taking life lightly? I hope you don't get any more jobs your entire life, you jerk. - 164: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 13:03:47.64 ID:ZxK/qUh50
- 梅田ってやつも大概だなThis Umeda fellow isn't exactly what you can call good, as well
- 181: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 13:13:01.53 ID:yBzxcbveO
- 都内自宅で…びっくりしたわAt her own home in Tokyo...
That's surprising. - 182: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 13:13:20.48 ID:+5MRJm630
- 矢口ー早く対処しろー事務所が違約金のせいでいろいろ削減しまくってるんだぞーYaguchi, hurry up and deal with this---
Your agency seems to be cutting costs on a lot of things because of the contract penalties that you have incurred. - 189: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/07(日) 13:18:02.80 ID:9/LOJhai0
- クローゼット梅田か芸人に転向したんだっけCloset Umeda.
Didn't he turn into a comedian?
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