Some people have also been pointing out how the lyrics are contradicting.
The chorus part goes:
Ne~ Kimi wa mou tomodachi janai (Hey, you're not my friend anymore)
Tomodachi yori daiji na hito (You're now a person who's more important to me than a friend)
Itsumade mo soba ni ite ne My friend (Please stay by my side forever, my friend)
Comments on this:
"That's contradicting."
"They probably just made these lyrics without thinking it over too much."
"Tomodachi janai, but my friend!? wtf"
"Maybe Gouriki thinks of that person as more than a friend, but that person doesn't think any more of her so they can never be more than friends."
(Related post HERE)
- 2: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:30:44.18 ID:F40zmov90
- 炎上商法大成功やがなTheir negative publicity turned into a success, huh
- 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:32:06.80 ID:HrVALMHs0
- 笑いすぎて腹がいたい。。動画スゲぇwwwwwwMy tummy hurts so bad from laughing...
Amazing video LOLOLOL - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:32:26.67 ID:s7ZOmfhHO
- めごっちイイネGood going Megocchi
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:33:06.97 ID:jGgsveat0
- 衝撃的だった!ただただ衝撃的wThat was shocking!
That's all I can say, shocking LOL - 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:33:18.07 ID:ZGkqJHgm0
- 剛力は口パクじゃないからまだましとか思ってた時期が僕にも(ryThere was a time when I thought that Gouriki's much more decent than the others since she doesn't lipsync
- 12: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】(1+0:5) 2013/07/08(月) 12:33:51.78 ID:NJOmyMvAO
- どっかの党から選挙出たら?Why doesn't she just join some political party now and run for public office?
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:34:08.33 ID:I+vybgMV0
- これが炎上商法かSo this is how you do negative publicity
- 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:34:23.31 ID:ZGkqJHgm0
- もう紅白確定だなこれはwLooks like she has cemented her spot at the Kouhaku festival this year LOL - 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:35:15.19 ID:LzDJS2+x0
- あまちゃんの最終週は日本一のアイドルになったアキちゃん役を剛力がやるらしいねI heard that Gouriki will be playing the role of Aki-chan in the final week of Amachan as Japan's No. 1 idol
- 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:35:41.15 ID:05GEnni80
- 一応視聴してみたが、想像以上に酷かったI actually tried listening to it, and it was much more horrible than what I had imagined
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:35:59.45 ID:u0phOZM5P
- ボイストレーニングぐらいしようよ・・・Let's at least do some voice training now, shall we...
- 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:35:59.98 ID:EbV/3Bxn0
- 歌い始めて5秒でいたたまれなくなって消したんだけど、かわいそすぎだろwI felt uncomfortable after the first 5 seconds from when she started singing so I turned it off, but I feel sorry for her LOL
- 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:38:17.36 ID:tXkuXQgX0
- >>241分すぎから持ち直すからちゃんと聴いてやれShe recovers after the 1 minute mark so just give it a listen
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:36:54.62 ID:T9h6gMNT0
- 口パクな上にダンスも微妙なAKBは論外だが剛力もももクロもあんな酷い歌声晒すなら口パクのがまだマシだってその分パフォーマンスに力入れればいいやんAKB who lip-sync and dance terribly are out of the question,
but I actually think that Gouriki and MomoClo should just opt for lip-syncing too instead of embarrassing themselves with that terrible singing. They should then put in more effort in their performances. - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:37:06.78 ID:F40zmov90
- このAKBの空気感見てみいこれが生歌の威力や!Just look how AKB have been reduced to thin air by her.
Lo and behold, this is the power of live singing! - 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:38:37.65 ID:05GEnni80
- 事務所によるイジメのような気がしてきたI get the feeling that this is her agency's way of bullying her
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:39:51.50 ID:3buczMxQ0
- はじめから音痴すぎる自分に爆笑するのを我慢してるのが分かるねYou can totally tell that she's trying to stop herself from laughing at her tone-deaf self - 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:40:13.38 ID:F40zmov90
- ももクロの大事故嵐の大事故SMAP中居の安定的事故つんくの大事故そして剛力の大事故どれもこれも生歌事故が結果的に大成功に結び付いてると思うんだわ生歌の方がいいわやっぱりMomoClo's huge accident
Arashi's huge accident
Nakai of SMAP's consistent accidents
Tsunku's huge accident
And now, Gouriki's huge accident.
Something tells me that these live singing accidents eventually lead to huge success, so it just means that live singing is much, much better. - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:40:20.15 ID:0u0n8n0z0
- 配信ランキングは操作し放題で参考にならんなBut these online download rankings can easily be manipulated, this has no credibility
- 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:41:16.63 ID:4IicgDL0O
- Mステの動画見て、ちょっと剛力に好感持てた武井咲よりか全然可愛いわなI actually liked Gouriki a bit more after seeing that Music Station video.
She actually looks much cuter than Emi Takei. - 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:42:51.22 ID:kdUXo6iy0
- 史上初のレコ大&新人賞W受賞及び紅白初出場にしてオオトリ確定おめでとうございますCongratulations Gouriki on being the first ever to win the Japan Record Award and the Best Newcomer Award.
Congratulations too, as it seems like she'll be at the Kouhaku Festival, and singing the last number at that. - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:45:04.07 ID:aWjSxd6jO
- ファンでもあの歌じゃ買う気にもならんのに誰が買うんだろwオリコン捏造と自社買いだけはやめてほしいI don't think that even her fans would think about buying her song. Who would then? LOL
I just hope they stop with these Oricon charts manipulation and her own agency buying her records. - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:46:26.44 ID:6yVtRkeKP
- めごっちは平成の美空ひばりMegocchi is the Hibari Misora of the Heisei period - 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:47:12.15 ID:obMbDbRVP
- 音痴なのはまあええけど、この楽曲のセンスひどすぎだろ80年代のセンスやないかwI can forgive that she's tone-deaf, but the one who made this song has terrible sense.
It feels like something from the 80s - 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:47:22.28 ID:Wv/AW0v50
- 世界よ、これが邦楽だHello world, this is Japanese Music
- 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:49:02.08 ID:yHsgqiho0
- この歌は何の賞をとるです?So what awards will this song get?
- 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:50:11.83 ID:snZhZ2Yk0
- >>77ゴールドグラブ賞だろThe Golden Glove
- 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:57:53.55 ID:cSH/OmO4i
- >>77カーオブザイヤーCar of the year
- 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:49:37.63 ID:OdQwKjSZ0
- 人気あるなーShe's really popular
- 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:50:29.26 ID:d907nFkN0
- ダンスはキレキレなのになあBut her dancing is really snappy - 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:54:55.36 ID:SXy5nLtWI
- どうせ大ヒット間違いなしだからクォリティが低いんだな?They probably intentionally lowered the quality since they knew that it'd be a huge hit anyway, right?
- 96: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:55:22.74 ID:Ls7BqZti0
- 武井さき、完璧にオワタEmi Takei's completely finished
- 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:55:43.23 ID:R2qMmx/iO
- なんで途中から急に普通の歌声になったのか不思議だなあーメゴッチ歌唱レッスンを頑張った成果が出たね!It's really a mystery why the singing normalized midway through the performance.
Megocchi's singing lessons must have paid off! - 106: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:57:24.22 ID:wQCUQuU00
- 少しはPerfumeを見習えって話だAll I'm saying is at least follow Perfume's example - 115: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 12:59:46.67 ID:npNp1KWH0
- 生歌がインパクトになって好感を呼んだな口パクだったらこうはならなかったI think her live singing left a positive impact on people. This probably wouldn't have happened if she lip-synced.
- 121: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 13:00:46.29 ID:8Bk2k/npO
- これは大反響になるわw事務所も狙ってるだろ羞恥プレーThis will become a sensation LOL
This was probably what her agency has been aiming for.
A "put her to shame" style of promotion. - 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 13:01:03.03 ID:fYWKyK03P
- 事務所の生贄か何かなのかなんか可哀想になってきたShe must be the human sacrifice of her agency.
I suddenly feel sorry for her. - 128: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 13:01:45.71 ID:hQwEHZ/nP
- 1位キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!なんだかんだ1位総取りのめごっちwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww1st place kita━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! kita━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! kita━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!
Megocchi just places 1st in everything, huh wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - 129: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 13:01:57.30 ID:qVmIHVxmO
- 俺はMステ見て逆にファンになったから、アンチの嫉妬が気持ちいいねアンチがいくら頑張っても、ごり押しは止まんないよ(笑)I actually became a fan of hers after that Music Station incident, and the jealousy of you haters feel oh-so-good.
No matter how much the haters do their best, the bulldozing will never stop (LOL) - 139: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 13:05:17.59 ID:UKjhZc8z0
- 剛力さんはそのうちノーベル賞も受賞するからこんなの通過点に過ぎんGouriki-san will eventually win the Nobel Prize, this is just one of the many roadbumps for her
- 148: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 13:06:57.46 ID:SJ2TcqEfO
- 友達より大事故な人Tomodachi yori Daijiko na hito (Daijiko = huge accident)
- 155: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 13:08:15.34 ID:F/BN4Z5G0
- 生歌でやろうとした意気は評価する途中から明らかに口パクに変わってはいたがI commend her spirit for trying to sing live.
It was obvious that she lip-synced midway through, though. - 206: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 13:21:02.64 ID:Yuu6OqeJ0
- ももクロと板野微妙だなと思って見てたけど剛力のせいで空気になったI watched Music Station and felt that MomoClo and Itano didn't live up to expectations, but I realized that they were reduced to thin air because of the impact that Gouriki left.
- 217: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 13:23:48.42 ID:6yVtRkeKP
- 今週から各音楽番組にめごっち引っ張りだこになりそうで楽しみIt seems like Megocchi will be in demand in all these music programs this week, how exciting
- 228: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 13:26:18.96 ID:me3m3JZr0
- 今きいとるけどすげえわw声量がまずないし緊張で声が震えてもうどうしようもないwI'm listening to it now. Wow LOL. She's got no vocal volume whatsoever, and her voice is just trembling due to her nervousness. It's a mess! LOL
- 234: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/08(月) 13:28:39.74 ID:OdQwKjSZ0
- なぜ僕たちはゴーリキーに夢中なのかWhy, oh why are we all so crazy about Gouriki
Original Thread
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